Number of People

Chapter 2053: Guizi Juan invites helpers, bring your own dry food

  Chapter 2053 Guizi Juan invites helpers, bring your own dry food

   "Oh, what should I say?" Fan Yundeng actually thought of something, and asked with a smile.

"You and I are well aware of the current situation in Shaanxi." Cao Zhengxiu said calmly, "Even if Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan has a thousand skills, it is nothing more than relying on his father's connections as the governor of the three sides and Yulin's commander-in-chief. There is definitely nothing in it, but when it comes to the specific place, I am afraid that he will have no contacts. This Shaanxi is the world of Lu and Sun, hehe, of course, now we have to add the grass-headed kings from all walks of life..."

  Fan Yundeng curled his lips contemptuously, "These grassroots, really think they can do something? As soon as the frontier army arrived, they fell apart. It's just that He Shixian refuses to send troops now."

"Old Fan, I'm afraid it's not that simple. You have the impression of the old calendar." Cao Zhengxiu said seriously: "Now there are Caotou Kings everywhere in Yan'an, Qingyang, and Pingliang, Shaanxi, but this Caotou King and Caotou King There are still differences, there are still a few that are quite powerful, and more importantly, even if He Shixian sends troops to save Feng Xiuzhuan's face, I guess at most he can help clean up the counties in the north of Yan'an Mansion. , if you want him to send troops too far south, I guess he won't agree."

   "Why?" Fan Yundeng was surprised: "Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan has been given the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, and has the power to mobilize border towns."

"That's right, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan has this power, but what about the Mongolians outside the border wall? Unless Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan can settle Bu Shitu and Su Nang first, the first task of Yulin Town will always be to prevent Mongols." Cao Zhengxiu sneered and said, "Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan has the power to mobilize the Yulin army, but as the general soldier of Yulin, it is impossible to listen to you. It is good to send some troops to you. The governor is not the governor. Xiaofeng Xiuzhuan Not his father either!"

  Fan Yundeng is silent, there is indeed a difference between them.

  It is true that the governor has the right to deploy troops with the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, but the governor is mainly civil affairs and supplemented by military affairs.

In theory, the Yulin General Soldier has the right to refuse orders issued by the governor of Shaanxi that he thinks are beyond the authority or damage the border security. Directly deprive him of his rights and let his deputy take over, or even directly use military law.

  Of course, if you do this kind of thing of beheading the general on the spot, the governor may also suffer backlash. Generally, no one would be so violent.

   This is the difference between the governor and the governor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

   "It is reasonable to say that the Tumed people have been very peaceful in the past few years, so they won't be making trouble at this time." Fan Yundeng said quietly and authentically after a long time.

"Hehe, it's hard to say. The Chahar people and the Ordos people have changed, and there must be something wrong with Fengzhou Bailian. Bu Shitu may be easy to say, but where is Su Nang? He has always valued Bu Shitu to the court. If you don't want to give him a title, you will be worried about it, and you may be a moth."

  Cao Zhengxiu is obviously more familiar with the situation on the grassland than Fan Yundeng, and also better understands the inside story of the Tumed people.

   "As long as there is such a possibility, He Shixian would not dare to risk the displeasure of the world and transfer the main force of the Yulin Army to the south, and it would be a great face to give 8,000 troops to deal with Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan." Cao Zhengxiu continued.

   "Then there are still troops available in Ningxia and Guyuan towns in Gansu." Fan Yundeng felt a little unconfident when he said these words.

   "Hehe, are there any soldiers available in these three towns? If these troops are really going to come east, they might join forces with these chaotic troops and become a bigger disaster."

  Cao Zhengxiu is not optimistic about the troops in these three towns at all.

After Feng Tang took away the elite main forces of the entire Northwest Army in three sides and four towns, the rest of the three towns in Guyuan, Ningxia and Gansu were basically rotten fish and rotten shrimps. The only thing left was Yulin Town to suppress the Northwest. It is more likely that these people will directly join the chaos and rebel if the fish and shrimps are used to quell the chaos.

  Fan Yundeng was a little annoyed, "According to what you say, the situation in Shaanxi is hopeless?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan dared to come, he must have something to rely on. Maybe he can make an agreement between Su Nang and Bu Shitu, or He Shixian dared to take risks and allocated 20,000 troops to support Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan. Or maybe the three towns of Guyuan, Ningxia, and Gansu can still gather some decent people to use for Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, and it is not even ruled out that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan can recruit a bunch of rebels? We can only guess from the conventional. But how exactly, only the parties concerned can decide.”

  Cao Zhengxiu's words are reasonable and reasonable. The land in the northwest is in such a state of chaos that any situation is possible. Feng Ziying came to the west with such a powerful horse and golden knife, how dare he do this if he has no reliance?

   "Old Cao, where do you think our opportunities are?" This was the question that both of them were most concerned about, and Fan Yundeng got straight to the point.

"Everything has changed. Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan came to Shaanxi from the west. He definitely wanted to make some contributions so that he could go back to the court and get promoted in the future. But he wanted to open up the situation in Shaanxi and fight the two old foxes Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie. It is far from enough to rely on the support of the army alone. Maybe his elders such as Qi Ge and Qiao Yushi will help contact some officials in Shaanxi official circles, but I think that there are not many people who can be used for them immediately. It is one of them; in addition, it is said that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan came to inspect Shaanxi, and the government gave him very little relief money. Although the exact amount is not known, it is estimated to be no more than 300,000. Hehe, Lao Fan, the huge Shaanxi, three hundred thousand taels What can silver do? This is the second."

   "Is there any more?" Fan Yundeng was very interested in Cao Zhengxiu's analysis.

"The gentry in Shaanxi are harsh. Even if the civil disturbances lead to such a situation, how many people do you think are willing to help and appease the victims? They are all stingy and miserly. It is no wonder that the rioters are merciless to them. Now Xiao Feng compiled Yes, I reckon that most of them want to pluck hair from them, but with the support of Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan wants to do this, it is hard to compare, this is the third." Cao Zhengxiu laughed, " I think that in such a situation, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan can probably think of a general idea, and this is our chance."

   "Old Cao, you are very scheming." Fan Yundeng had to admire that Cao Zhengxiu was the real tycoon, who knew much more deeply than these Shanxi people.

"Hehe, we are also from the Cao family of Taigu. Although we have been here in Shaanxi for decades, we are still excluded by these Shaanxi people. Now we have finally waited for this opportunity, so we should take it seriously, old Fan. This opportunity is an opportunity for our Fan and Cao family to turn around." Cao Zhengxiu said in a word: "I guess Xiao Feng's compilation is probably to enter Shanxi on Qingqi, and he is playing tricks."

   "Oh?" Fan Yundeng was surprised, "You mean he has left?"

"That's not necessarily the case. He will definitely pretend to be sick for two days, or even 'sick' to see the guests, let everyone know that he is really sick, and then leave quietly. It would be a pity if we can't see him today. Maybe he will really leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Cao Zhengxiu said firmly.

   I have to say that Cao Zhengxiu's guess was very accurate. Feng Ziying was indeed pretending to be sick, but he did not refuse to see the guest.

  The arrival of Zheng Chongjian, Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu made Feng Ziying very happy.

  The three of them were ordered by the Ministry of War to go to Shanxi to rectify the guard army in order to prepare for possible civil unrest in Shaanxi, and also to provide soldiers for the reconstruction of the frontier army in Shanxi and Datong.

They successively reorganized the army in Zhenxiwei in Kelanzhou, Luzhouwei in Changzhi, and Ningshanwei in Zezhou. However, in view of the rapid deterioration of the situation in Shaanxi, the Ministry of War sent the two to Puzhou to rectify the local guards. , asking them to quickly form a backup army.

   This actually shows that the Ministry of War has realized that the chaos in Shaanxi may spread to Shanxi, especially the risk in the direction of Tongguan is rapidly increasing.

Before Feng Ziying left Beijing, he also specifically approached Zhang Huaichang, and talked about the difficulties he might face after arriving in Shaanxi. Army, it will be very difficult to rely solely on the Yulin Army to calm the situation, so I hope the Ministry of War will provide support and rectify the guards of the Shaanxi Capital Division in order to cooperate with the troops of the four towns to wipe out the rebellious army.

Zhang Huaichang couldn't make too many promises on money and equipment, and finally agreed with Feng Ziying to bring the three Zheng Chongjian and a group of officials and military officers led by them to Shaanxi to help Feng Ziying train troops in Shaanxi. He also agreed that Feng Ziying could act cheaply and It can be regarded as reducing the pressure on Yulin Town.

  Feng Ziying also hosted a banquet in the mansion for Zheng Chongjian and his party.

"Dazhang, Boya, Yuxuan, I'm in dire straits right now. Even going to Shaanxi is extremely difficult. Maybe before I reach Xi'an, someone cut off my head. If you come to help me, you can save my life." It's gone." Feng Ziying raised his wine glass and said cheerfully through the wine: "I am now empty-handed, with no money, no food, no one, and no equipment. The imperial court gave me a title and asked me to solve the chaos in Shaanxi. It's forcing me into a tiger's mouth."

  There are only four people in the flower hall, and the atmosphere seems very relaxed.

   Zheng Chongjian is considered an old military veteran among the cadres. He has been hanging around in the Ministry of War since he observed politics, and he went to Ningxia with Feng Ziying to suppress the rebellion, so he should speak more casually.

   "Okay, Ziying, I know you are giving us a chance to make meritorious service, don't make the situation so bad, you are not afraid to scare us away, no one will help you do the dirty work?"

Zheng Chongjian traveled thousands of miles with Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu in the past few months. He was so tired that he lost a lot of weight. Feng Ziying summoned Datong with a letter.

   Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, if there is no such a chaotic and dangerous situation in Shaanxi, where would it be their turn for a few fledgling juniors to do things and make meritorious deeds?

  (end of this chapter)

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