Number of People

Chapter 2059: Guizi Scroll Yuan Chunnianlang, Ziying Gu Qing

  Chapter 2059 Guizi Juan Yuan Chunnianlang, Ziying Gu Qing

  The master and servant were joking and joking, but they heard Cheng En, the little **** outside, come in and say: "Your Majesty, someone from Xianfu Palace is here."

   "Xianfu Palace?" Yuan Chun was taken aback.

Xianfu Palace is the head of the West Six Palaces, and is the residence of Concubine Long Meiyuexi. She has never had any contact with Meiyuexi, and she also knows that Meiyuexi is a scheming and powerful character, so she subconsciously does not want to be with him. When dealing with each other, they always hold an attitude of respect and distance.

   "Who is here?" Yuan Chun asked after he collected himself.

   "It's a servant, Peide." Cheng En said in a low voice, "I'm pretty familiar with him, and I've asked about it. It was the concubine Long who invited her to go to the Taiye Pond in Xiyuan to appreciate the lotus."

   "Invite me to appreciate the lotus in Taiyechi?" Yuan Chun's expression changed.

  Is this a show of favor, or a grand feast? She was a little uncertain, since she got married with Feng Ziying, she felt that she had a problem in her heart.

  After all, the daily life in the palace is very clear. I and the emperor have never had a bedside meeting. If anyone wants to harm himself, if he catches himself and let the people in the palace examine his body, he can kill himself.

  Even though I can justify myself with various reasons, it is up to others to believe it or not.

Especially when someone like Mei Yuexi has already gained the upper hand in the battle with Xu Junru, King Lu is in full swing, and her status is also rising. When she is like the first person in the palace, if she wants to deal with herself, I am afraid that she really has not yet room to struggle.

  Hesitated for a while, Yuan Chun turned his head and asked Baoqin, "Baoqin, what do you mean by Concubine Long?"

  Baoqin thought for a while, then asked Cheng En: "Cheng En, has Concubine Long recently invited others to admire the lotus or visit her Xianfu Palace?"

  Cheng En thought for a while, "Yes, Xianfu Palace invited Xianxi Concubine Zheng Guifei to visit Xianfu Palace a few days ago."

Yuanchun and his group of four concubines together, the virtuous concubine Jia Yuanchun, the virtuous concubine Zheng Zhiying, the virtuous concubine Zhou Biwu, and the virtuous concubine Wu Guxia, were all done with far-reaching intentions by Emperor Yonglong. These four concubines were more or less All because of the influence of the mother clan.

For example, the Jia family behind Yuanchun is a famous family of martial arts, and they are related to Wang Ziteng's Wang family. For example, Zheng Zhiying's Zheng family is also a veteran martial arts family in the North, but the title is not high, but Zheng Zhiying's elder brother is the commander of the North City Army and Horse Division. , whose father is also the governor of the five armies, who has a idle job in the governor's mansion.

Also, the Zhou family of the virtuous concubine Zhou Biwu is a prominent martial arts family in Zhejiang. His uncle is still the commander of Haining Guard, and his father is the commander of Panshiwei in Wenzhou; He is a prominent family of Wuxun in Huguang. His father Wu Tiande is the commander of Shizhou Guard, and his uncle Wu Tiande is the commander of Yongzhou Ningyuan Guard.

These four concubines are actually a way for Emperor Yonglong to win over the local martial arts giants, but these few families still have a certain amount of strength, but the Jia family quickly declined and collapsed, and they can only rely on their in-laws, the Feng family, to survive. .

Baoqin nodded: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Concubine Mei is very hot right now, but she has also attracted the jealousy and hatred of many people. I'm afraid she realizes it, so she must deliberately ease the relationship in the palace. Like Concubine Zheng and you They are people who have nothing to do with her, and reasoning shouldn't be her enemy, and asking you to meet should be a way to ease or even win over, and it doesn't hurt to go there."

  Yuan Chun felt a little more at ease.

What Baoqin said is true, Xu Junru is the one fighting Mei Yuexi the most, followed by Su Lingyao and Guo Qinyun, but the latter two should still be fighting and cooperating with Mei Yuexi, You have to pull King Shou off his horse first, then it is his turn to say that it is King Fu, King Li or King Gong who came to supervise the country.

  As for myself and the concubines of Zheng, Zhou, and Wu who have no heirs, they are not qualified to participate in these matters, so just watch the fun on the sidelines.

Mei Yuexi now came to win her and Concubine Zheng, maybe she has some other thoughts, her "relationship" with the Feng family, although no one would think about the relationship between herself and Feng Ziying, but Baochai and Daiyu are My own cousins ​​were all married to Feng Ziying as wives, and Yingchun also made Ziying a concubine. Everyone in the capital knew the relationship between the Feng and Jia families, so it was normal to borrow money and win over.

  Then the Zheng family probably also had this factor. Concubine Zheng's elder brother was also a commander in the Army and Horse Division.

"Then go, Baoqin, you go and reply, just say that I have accepted, ask the time and place, and if there is anyone else..." Yuan Chun thought for a while, "Cheng En, you will go later Talk to Chief Qiu."

   Baoqin hesitated for a moment, "Would you like to talk to Manager Qiu?"

"It's better to say it." Yuan Chun smiled wryly, "Concubine Lu is also very sensitive now. How can I hide my appointment with Concubine Long? If she knew, I didn't tell her in advance. I don't know how she will think about me in her heart, he has said it at this time, try not to mix it up as much as possible, and avoid misunderstanding as much as possible, everything will be discussed after he comes back."

  The word "he" kept popping up in Yuanchun's discourse, and Baoqin and Chengen knew who it was referring to, and they both knew it well.

  The two people around Yuanchun are the most trustworthy now. Needless to say, Baoqin, this Chengen has won Yuanchun's trust step by step, and it is also the main channel to deal with the chief servants in the palace.

  Cheng En nodded: "I know this, so I'll go and talk to Manager Qiu, but in my humble opinion, Manager Qiu seems to be a little wandering now, maybe he really guards the tree of Concubine Lu..."

Yuan Chun and Baoqin were startled by Cheng En's words, and Yuan Chun hurriedly asked: "Cheng En, why do you say that? Qiu Shi'an and Concubine Lu have been together for so many years, no one in the palace or outside the palace knows, how can anyone jump off the boat?" Chance?"

Cheng En shook his head, "That's what you say, but if you are convinced that Concubine Lu is a hopeless wreck, a person as smart as Director Qiu may not choose another good tree. Of course, you may not necessarily have to guard these few in the palace. body."

  Cheng En's mysterious words made Yuan Chun puzzled, "Cheng En, are you trying to play charades with me? Qiu Shi'an is the chief servant, if he doesn't rely on the palace, who else can he rely on?"

   Baoqin could hear something different in Cheng En's words, and fixed his eyes on Cheng En's face, but kept silent.

Cheng En abruptly got up and knelt down and kowtowed, making Yuan Chun confused and not understanding why, but Bao Qin sneered: "Cheng En, I didn't expect you to be able to climb another high branch, but I underestimated you, ..."

  Cheng En shook his head, "Sister Baoqin, this slave is deeply favored by your mother, how could you do something like betraying your mother..."

   Baoqin was surprised, did I make a mistake in my prediction?

   "Before Master Feng left, he once specially recruited servants to meet at Chongxuan Temple,..."

   Baoqin suddenly realized, and he was relieved, it turned out to be him!

  I thought that Cheng En was really bought by other people outside the palace, and then the empress would really be in disaster.

   "Oh? He recruited you?" Yuan Chun was inexplicably surprised, "Why did he recruit you?"

"The servant didn't know before, but the servant also knew that Mr. Feng had feelings for the empress, so naturally he would not harm the empress, so he went. Mr. Feng and the servant mentioned the matter of Director Qiu. It seems that Mr. Qiu should have climbed up. Mr. Feng is willing to serve Mr. Feng on this line. Of course, there is no need to let Director Qiu know about the secrets in the palace, but you don’t have to hide it from him if you have other matters, and you can also let him help in the planning, so as not to endanger the safety of the empress. That is,..."

   Cheng En's words made Yuan Chun surprised and delighted, but also a little appalled.

   Unexpectedly, Feng Ziying would win over Qiu Shian, making Qiu Shian willing to do things for him.

  Before, she also heard Feng Ziying implicitly mentioning that Qiu Shian was only struggling in the palace for her own benefit. She didn't quite understand what it meant at the beginning, but now she knows it. At that time, Feng Ziying probably had already taken care of Qiu Shian.

   No wonder he wasn't worried about what would happen to him at all. With Qiu Shi'an as his internal support, even if there were any accidents, Qiu Shi'an could think of a way to make things round.

Gathering his mind, Yuan Chun's vermilion lips opened lightly: "It's nothing to do with such things. Since he recruited you, he naturally has his own considerations, and he didn't ask you not to tell me. It's probably because he doesn't want me to worry about it. So I thought about it myself, since Director Qiu also has contact with him, there must have been countermeasures before, so I feel at ease."

Cheng En nodded: "Your Majesty, don't worry, this servant can tell that Lord Feng has his Majesty in his heart, otherwise there is no need to make such a big move. Chief Qiu has been in the palace for many years, how can ordinary thoughts impress him, Lord Feng must have a means, Only then will he be able to subdue Director Qiu and let him use him, so the empress doesn't have to worry too much about other things."

Cheng En's words made Yuan Chunxia's cheeks flutter. Although he knew that Cheng En knew about the secret affair, Yuan Chun was a little ashamed to open it up in person. Fortunately, Cheng En's face was calm and there was no other expression, which made Yuan Chun feel at ease. Quite a lot.

After Cheng En left, Yuan Chun couldn't help but caressed his hot cheeks, went back to the room, looked at the dimple in the bronze mirror, which was as tender as spring water, and then recalled the affection of those few days. All kinds of lingering, my own songs are flattering, tactful and joyful, fish and water are harmonious, too beautiful to behold,...

  Suddenly bewildered for a while, Yuan Chun held the silk scarf tightly with both hands, and it took him a long time to recall the haunting situation, and let out a long sigh.

I don't know if this friend has been away for many years, will he think of himself when he gets there? I heard that there are Baoqin, Miaoyu, Xiuyan, and Ping'er who followed him to the west. It would be nice to be free and accompany him to Shaanxi.

  It's a pity that this is just a dream, but thinking of him vowing that he will find a way to quietly leave the palace for two nights and two flights when he comes back, Yuan Chun's heart is burning again, and I hope that time will not be too long.

  (end of this chapter)

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