Number of People

Chapter 2060: The Guizi scroll quietly went south, and the enemy's situation across the river

  Chapter 2060 Guizi scroll quietly goes south, across the river the enemy

  Feng Ziying left Datong City in the evening while it was still dark.

   Thanked the guests behind closed doors for three consecutive days, claiming to be recuperating due to illness, and then met the guests once again at noon, and then quietly left the city with four guards and Third Sister You.

Feng Ziying only told Baoqin, Miaoyu, Xiuyan, Ping'er, Qingwen, and Yuchuan'er that she was leaving early, and told them not to disclose it for the time being, and come back tomorrow or the day after everyone realizes it. announced.

  At the same time, he also left a letter to Yang Yuan, Cui Chengxiu and his uncles, expressing his reasons and apologies for leaving without saying goodbye.

  There is a reason for the incident, and there is no way to do it because of helplessness, and everyone can understand it.

  From Datong to the south, Feng Ziying and his party went straight to Huairen, and then transferred to Yingzhou in Huairen, and then went to Shanyin from Yingzhou.

   This is not a normal way to go south, but in order to avoid being detected by interested people, this slight detour can have a certain effect.

  From Yingzhou, take Dashikou, cross the inner city wall, then go to Fanzhi, from Fanzhi to Daizhou.

  Daizhou is where Zhenwuwei is located and Sun Chuanting's hometown. Zheng Chongjian, Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu are waiting for Feng Ziying and his party in Daizhou.

  The Sun family was originally from Henan, and their descendants joined the army in the pre-Ming Dynasty. Later, Xu Daizhou gradually became a prominent family in Daizhou.

  His grandfather, father, and uncle were all born in Juren and served as officials, but his father returned home after serving as an official for a short time.

We met in Daizhou and talked again. Feng Ziying did not go south with Zheng Chongjian and the three of them. Instead, he went to Taiyuan first, and then turned west in Taiyuan, and went to Qingyuan, Jiaocheng, Wenshui, Fenzhou, and Yongning Prefectures to prepare for the westward journey. into Shaanxi.

I have to say that this abrupt southward change of lanes made the whole road quieter, and I don’t know whether it was because I got rid of those people and made them lose track of me, or because I didn’t intend to continue Hands-on, all in all, there were basically no problems along the way, and they went straight to Yongning Prefecture.

   "My lord, further west is Qikoudu." Li Guibao said in a deep voice, "Although Yongning Prefecture seems to be closer, it is the border of Lin County."

  Wu Yaoqing did not follow Feng Ziying to the west, because everyone knew that he was Feng Ziying's chief security officer. Once he disappeared, everyone would know that Feng Ziying was definitely gone, so letting Wu Yaoqing stay in Datong Mansion for two days to show off could also confuse outsiders.

  The four escorts were led by Li Guibao, which made Li Guibao feel a lot of pressure.

  If there is any mistake, then the Shaolin lineage will be sad in the future.

For this reason, Li Guibao also notified several good players in Shanxi early on, and rushed to stay in Wubao County on the other side of Qikou Ferry early on. After entering Shaanxi, it is impossible to turn to the government for help once something is out of control like in Shanxi. No one can tell what happened on the other side of the river, not even whether Wubao County is still controlled by the government.

   "Gui Bao, the person you arranged has arrived in Wubao, right?" Feng Ziying didn't dare to be careless when she got here.

  Crossing the river is Shaanxi, and it is also the area where the rebellious army is active. Now the information received by all parties has lost contact due to time reasons and I left Datong and went south, so I can't be sure.

"It should be here. I greeted them at that time and asked them to stay at Wubao for two days first, make a stop in front of them, familiarize themselves with the situation, and then come over and meet in the city of Yongning Prefecture. If there is no accident , They will send people over in two days." Li Guibao is also very cautious, "They left two people to watch over Wubao to prevent the situation from changing, and the people here can be regarded as guiding us."

   "Well, you are very considerate, we will rest here in Yongning City for two days." Feng Ziying was also a little tired: "I will leave the rest to you."

  From Datong to the south, it is almost non-stop all the way south.

   This is much faster than taking a horse-drawn carriage, not to mention the journey day and night, but there is almost no pause in the middle, and it took only five days to arrive here, which can be described as non-stop.

  Now the whole body is sore, thanks to a little martial arts foundation, ordinary people can't stand this kind of running around, and have already lay down.

   "Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will guarantee your absolute safety." Li Guibao cupped his hands, "Then your lord and Aunt You are resting, and your subordinates will make arrangements."

  By the time Li Guibao and the others retreated to make arrangements, Third Sister You had already brought in hot water, undressed Feng Ziying and washed her first, and then came in with a basin of water to wipe herself.

  It is impossible to be too particular when you are away from home. Feng Ziying and Third Sister You haven't washed much in the past few days.

Seeing Third Sister You unscrupulously take off her clothes in front of her, even took off her breasts, stood naked in front of her and began to wipe her body, Feng Ziying also felt a little angry for a while, her mouth was dry .

  After coming out of Datong, although Feng Ziying and Third Sister You slept in the same room, they fell asleep and had no energy to think about other things.

  The road was bumpy, and all thoughts were thrown out of the sky. Even if the beauty was in his arms, Feng Ziying turned into Liu Xiahui.

Third Sister You is not so enthusiastic about sexual matters between men and women, far less than her elder sister, Second Sister You. In fact, Second Sister You also wants to conceive a man and a half woman, and her sexual affairs are also common, but like Yingchun and Miaoyu in Very interested in this.

The third sister You's body is too in line with the aesthetics of modern people. She has the blood of a bearded woman from the Western Regions. Her plump and round buttocks and firm and plump **** constitute the two most attractive beauty, plus a well-proportioned lower abdomen. The waist, slender and healthy thighs, and round and soft shoulders all show their feminine charm.

   and Second Sister You must be, Third Sister You is not as tall as her sister, but long-term exercise has the charm full of vitality, which is even more heart-pounding.

Third Sister You didn't expect that Feng Ziying's anger could be aroused by wiping her body with her back to her husband at will. She thought that she and Feng Ziying were old couples, and she didn't care much about it after everything had been done, but Unexpectedly, in a specific place and time period, Feng Ziying's sexuality could also be exalted.

Huanhao's lingering murmurs and groans filled the room. Naturally, it is difficult to completely soundproof an inn like this, and Feng Ziying couldn't care less. At this moment, he felt as if he was going to burn himself with lust. Fortunately, Third Sister You was with him. Otherwise, this is really exciting, is it really necessary to recruit a brothel fan to vent?

Li Guibao could hear these voices from the outside, of course he knew that Third Sister You was both a concubine and a bodyguard, he could only say that it's good to be young, after running around for a few days, he was relieved, and he still had such great interest to have fun Well, I have to say that Master Feng's reputation as a suave and suave person lives up to his name.

  After several lingering times, Feng Ziying slowly calmed down from the excitement, and lay on the Kang with her arms around Third Sister You.

   Third Sister You wanted to get up to clean up, but she was pulled by Feng Ziying reluctantly, so she could only let the other party have her way. It was rare to be so gentle, and it was also a pleasure.

   "What's the matter today?" Third Sister You was also curious, "Could it be that you have been abstinent for a few days in Datong?"

   "It's been a few days since we left Datong, why don't Master Xing pamper you once?" Feng Ziying smiled, but her hands were still moving on Third Sister You's smooth body.

"Of course a concubine is what I want, but Baoqin and Miaoyu are still in Datong. I'm afraid it will take a month or two before I arrive in Shaanxi. It will be hard for me then." Third Sister You glanced at Feng Ziying, "The concubine has a mission, but she can't serve the master like at home."

   "Well, our trip to Shaanxi will not be peaceful. Even if we arrive in Xi'an, there will be constant disturbances."

Feng Ziying had already prepared for this kind of mental preparation. When he arrived in Shaanxi, he wanted to fight. He would fight with Shaanxi officials, the rebellious army, and the gentry. In a real chaos, in his opinion, the rebellious army might be the easiest solution. To resolve the Shaanxi issue well, I am afraid that officials and gentry are the most difficult to deal with.

  Of course, the main problem in the early stage is the rebellious army. We must first suppress the momentum of the rebellious army before we can talk about other things. This depends on the support of the Yulin Army.

  Feng Ziying planned to cross the river from Qikou, and then went to Suide and Mizhi to learn about the situation, and met with He Shixian in Mizhi to discuss the issue of the Yulin army going south.

   Unless the momentum of the rebellious army is suppressed through a single battle, the rebellion in northern Shaanxi will be uncontrollable.

  As for the rebellion in the south of Yan'an Prefecture, the Yulin Army may not be able to catch it, and it depends on the situation.

   Just as Feng Ziying fell asleep with her arms around Third Sister You, Li Guibao's men also crossed the river from Wubao and entered Yongning Prefecture.

   "How's the situation?" Li Guibao asked directly when he saw the two of them.

"Wu Fort has been besieged by the rebel army, but it has not yet been captured. The main reason is that the rebel army is not in harmony. We escaped from the city only by buying one of them." Wubao County, but under the command of the county magistrate, the people in the county can still defend, but if things go on like this, as long as the three rebellious armies realize that they can't attack the county if they don't work together, they will reach a compromise,..."

   "Three Rebellious Army?" Li Guibao pondered, "How many people are there?"

The visitor hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head: "I'm not sure, there are about seven or eight hundred people in the Nanbian'er Digging Tigers. We just bought their two-headed mountain climbing scorpion, found a middleman, and spent fifty taels They bought a way out with money, and they still behaved according to the rules, and we didn’t say that money kills people, so we can come here.”

   "Fifty taels?" Li Guibao couldn't help but smacked his lips. It seemed that the rebellious army was also interested in money, and there was a middleman, "The middleman is from the city?"

"Well, it should be that they set up eyeliners in the city, and some wealthy households in the city are also in contact, but I'm afraid they can't buy a life for a few dozen taels of silver." We couldn’t discuss it well, mainly because we couldn’t reach an agreement on how to distribute money and property after entering the city.”

  (end of this chapter)

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