Number of People

Chapter 2061: Guizi Juan is the first difficulty in the west, and it is difficult to face it

  Chapter 2061 The Guizi Juan is the first difficulty in the West, and it is difficult to face it

  Although Li Guibao is only the leader of Feng Ziying's guards, he has been in the arena for many years after all, and he has some understanding of these things.

  The rebellious army is actually a semi-military organization formed by the gathering of the rebellious people, mixed with deserters and rout soldiers with certain military skills, and then gradually formed through time and combat training.

If these rebellious troops say that they are to be compared with the elite frontier troops, they are not worth mentioning, but against the local guard troops, they are not much worse, or even stronger. After all, the quality of the guard troops in Da Zhou is really ashamed mention.

These chaotic armies were able to unite, originally for survival, but when the power swelled and some ambitious people mixed in, they gradually transformed into a group fighting for interests and ambitions. The people who led the actions of this group had already It is no longer the ordinary rioters who are trying to make ends meet.

   "That is to say, once several parties reach an agreement on dividing up the people and property in the city, they will join forces to attack, and Wubao County is difficult to defend?" Li Guibao asked thoughtfully.

"Well, it shouldn't be able to defend." The visitor said with certainty: "The garrison of Wubao County is only five or six hundred people, and the number of civilians is about two or three hundred. The rest are servants and servants of the gentry and landlords who fled into the city This type of personnel may be able to make do with a small-scale battle, but once it is like a large-scale attack, most of them will not be able to resist."

Li Guibao knew that he was a capable man who was regarded as his nephew. He came from a military household in Hongnongwei. Very capable manpower.

  I called him here in an emergency this time because he had been in the three provinces of Henan, Shanxi, and Shaanxi for many times.

   "Dingfeng, when do you expect them to start attacking Wubao County, what will happen if they take Wubao County?" Li Guibao rubbed his rough jaw and asked in thought.

"Uncle, it's hard to say. Now Shaanxi is in a mess. Any character who emerges from the wild can be the king and hegemony. If you pull three or five hundred rioters, you dare to say that you are a prince all the way. It's a bit like the end of the Sui Dynasty. The stance of eighteen anti-kings, but there are too many such anti-kings in Shaanxi now, I guess there are thirty or fifty families,..."

   Liu Dingfeng smiled wryly as he said, "The king of grass in troubled times, everyone has appeared, and the big characters can't be recognized, and everyone feels that they are going to be the founding general of the country, which is unimaginable."

  The atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed, Li Guibao also laughed, and asked casually: "Dingfeng, how many have you been in contact with?"

"Two or three, we still have some contacts in Shaanxi. We have to deal with those people from the rivers, lakes and green forests. Many of these people have been involved in it, and many of them have become leaders, so we can pull Let me introduce you to someone I have a relationship with, and I have met, hehe,..." Liu Dingfeng's mustache was moving, "If this group of people can become famous, then the sky will really kill me."

Li Guibao finally thought about it, and said: "Dingfeng, I will take you to meet Mr. Feng later, he may ask more detailed questions, and he may also ask about some of our door's arrangements in Shaanxi. And secret, you don't have to hide anything, truthfully speaking,..."

   "Tell me the truth?" Liu Dingfeng raised his thick eyebrows in surprise, "Uncle, is it appropriate? Some are secrets that cannot be passed on from outside our sect. Mr. Feng is representing the government. If you find out,..."

Li Guibao shook his head, "Master Feng is not simple, he is no stranger to Jianghu. My boss, Mr. Wu, used to deal with Jianghu sects in the Department of Salt Envoy of Lianghuai Capital in Nanzhili. Yes, Master Feng came out under Yue Zhang's command. He knows everything about Jianghu and green forests. If you can't hide it, it's better to say it openly. I think Master Feng won't care about it. He once said that courts and rivers are originally In one body, what Jianghu sect has to do is to assist the imperial court to maintain the social order of the entire Great Zhou, and Jianghu is only a part of it, I think it is very reasonable,..."

   Seeing that his uncle had such a high opinion of Governor Feng, Liu Dingfeng pondered for a moment before slowly nodding, "Since uncle said so, I have nothing to say, but..."

   "Don't worry, I'll take care of that side of the door." Li Guibao knew what Liu Dingfeng was worried about, so he patted his chest generously.

  After listening to the introduction of Liu Dingfeng brought by Li Guibao, Feng Ziying realized that although he had tried his best to think about the situation in Shaanxi as bad as possible, he still underestimated how quickly the situation would deteriorate.

  The rebel army is even attacking Wubao. Once Wubao is lost, it means that Qikoudu may be controlled by the rebel army and become a dangerous place that threatens Shanxi. The rebel army can cross east and enter Shanxi.

This is not like the Laoniuwan Ferry further north, where there are frontier fortresses on both sides, and the two towns of Yulin and Shanxi stand side by side, and the rebel army cannot fight at all. Even the land of Lin County is also an unusual place.

  There are no guards stationed, and the organization of the people is not good. Once the rebel army really finds enough ferry boat owners, it will really put a knife in the waist of Shanxi.

  Feng Ziying had reminded Yang Yuan before, but Yang Yuan was the commander-in-chief of Datong, and this was already the southwest corner of Taiyuan Mansion.

Although Shanxi Town’s jurisdiction includes this place in theory, in fact more troops are concentrated in Mengjiayu-Xingxian County-Kelan Prefecture (Zhenxiwei)-Ninghuasuo-Lubanzhai-Xinkouzhai -Dingxiang-The area north of Yuzaoguan, across the territory of Shanxi south of this line, the number of garrisons decreased sharply, and most of them were guard troops, with almost no frontier troops.

Most of Chai Guozhu's Shanxi Town was lost by Su Shengdu. It can be said that the loss was heavy. It was not easy to rebuild, so the main army was transferred to the north, and the south was even less. Many places have empty names, but in fact they are empty.

"Thank you Dingfeng for the news. It seems that once I, the governor of Shaanxi, step into the land of Shaanxi, I will fall into the quagmire. Although Wubao County is only a small town, it is in Yulin Town. Eyes off, from Yuhebao, after Suijin Town is Mizhi, from Mizhi to Suide and Wubao is about the same distance, which is tens of miles, but the army in Yulin Town is indifferent?"

  Feng Ziying's words were not about Liu Dingfeng, but purely a feeling.

He doesn't know the relationship between Yan'an Mansion and Yulin Town, but now it seems that the relationship between the two parties should be very bad, otherwise Yan'an Mansion will ask Yulin Town for help, and He Shixian will take care of his face and send troops to help sweep it up some.

   But now it seems that although Jiazhou, Mizhi and Suide have not yet encountered the threat of being lost, since even Wubao is like this, how long can Suide and Mizhi hold on?

  If Suide and Mizhi are lost, and the thieves in Fuzhou, Luochuan, and Yichuan in the south are even more rampant, will Fushi City, where the Yan'an Prefecture is located, survive?

  If Yan'an Mansion is lost, the situation will be very difficult, so Yan'an Mansion cannot afford to lose.

Feng Ziying felt a little heavy. If Wubao fell, he would not even have a chance to cross the river, so he would be forced to stay here in Shanxi. But the longer he stayed, the situation in Shaanxi would become more chaotic and worse. Take the opportunity.

"My lord, the Yulin army has actually played some role. At least Suide, Mizhi and Jiazhou are still in the hands of the imperial court. Although there are still rebellious troops in the countryside, they have not dared to attack Suide and Mizhi. This is the opportunity." Li Guibao interjected.

"Hehe, it must be a bit harsh and mean to say that they have no effect at all, but their behavior has made the situation of the counties under the jurisdiction of Yan'an Prefecture very bad. The south is fine, but the north is condescending, and it is If the key place relying on the Yulin Army is cut off, then Yan'an Mansion will be in danger, and Yan'an Mansion is the backbone of Shaanxi, if it is cut off, then we will be in trouble."

  Feng Ziying also knew that the Yulin Army would definitely be used in the future, but he couldn't just rely on it, otherwise there would be trouble again.

He was also a little impatient for a while, now he must cross the river as soon as possible, otherwise Qikoudu will be controlled by the rebels, and he and his party can only continue southward, pass Mengmendu, cross the Qinjin Grand Canyon, and then arrive at Longmendu , and cross the river from there.

Longmendu is indeed easy, but it is too far to the south. Crossing the river is already the boundary of Xi'an Prefecture. The counties of Luochuan, Yichuan, and Yijun in the north should all be controlled by the rebel army. If you want to go north, you still need to cross In the area controlled by the rebellious army, not to mention the wasted time, the danger has not been alleviated.

   "What does your lord mean..." Both Li Guibao and Liu Dingfeng heard the implication of Feng Ziying's words, and they were a little shocked.

  A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, is this one really not afraid of death?

   "Cross the river immediately. If Wubao County is captured, it's fine. If it hasn't been captured, we have to find a way to try to protect Wubao County first." Feng Ziying said every word.

Liu Dingfeng was taken aback, "My lord, how is this possible? The strength of the rebel army is at least 3,000 people, and there are ants gathering around the rebel army. It is impossible for Wubao to survive. It is only a matter of time before it is captured. And how can the adults put themselves in danger? Once something happens, the government and the public will definitely be shaken, and the consequences will be disastrous,..."

   I have to say that Liu Dingfeng is not bad at eloquence, and he seems to be quite capable in doing things. Feng Ziying has a heart for talents.

  (end of this chapter)

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