Number of People

Chapter 2062: Guizi Juan calmly responds and faces it bravely

  Chapter 2062 Guizi Juan coping calmly and facing it bravely

   "Dingfeng, I am the governor of Shaanxi and the Minister of the Ministry of War. If this is all on the bank of the Yellow River, but I watch Wubao County being captured by a gang of mobs, and the common people and gentry become prey, I will be incompetent and dereliction of duty!"

  Feng Ziying's eyes were bright, her voice was sonorous and forceful, her hands were on the table, and her body leaned forward slightly.

"If you look at the map, it will be clear. Wubao is just on the waist between the central and northern parts of Yan'an Mansion. It is the throat of Shanxi from the east. As far as I know, Anding, Mizhi, The drought in Suide and even Jiazhou is particularly severe, worse than those in Luochuan and Yichuan in the south. The reason why it is still a spark and has not yet turned into a prairie fire is because the army of Yulin Town is in the Weiwu Fort-Yuhe Fort- The front line of Gaojiabao is staring at them. These chaotic troops are not stupid. Many of their leaders are actually fugitives and routs. There are also many soldiers of the local guards. They know that once they get together, they may attract the attack of the frontier army. ,..."

  Feng Ziying's words silenced Liu Dingfeng.

  He has been traveling between Shaanxi, Henan and Shanxi for a long time. He has been a dart for more than ten years, and he can't remember how many times he has been to Shaanxi. He is very familiar with the situation in Shaanxi, and he is naturally no stranger to Wubao.

  Wubao County is inconspicuous, but its location is somewhat unique. It is located in the middle of the northeast of Yan'an Prefecture, on the edge of the Yellow River, on the west bank of Qikoudu, and across the river is Linxian County and Yongning Prefecture in Shanxi.

"But my lord, we are only a few people. Even if we enter Wubao, it won't help, unless we can recruit the Yulin army, but there will be too little time." Li Guibao knows this kind of topic, although Liu Dingfeng is familiar with the situation, But it's hard to speak, I can only speak by myself.

   It will be at least ten days before the Yulin army is recruited to go south. According to Liu Dingfeng, Wubao will definitely be destroyed within three to five days. How meaningful is the Yulin army coming?

   "The situation may not be as bad as we imagined. Dingfeng, since you can enter and leave the county and come across the river, it means that you are in Wubao and crossing at Qikou. There must be some relationship?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

Liu Dingfeng glanced helplessly at Li Guibao, it seemed that he was really right, many things cannot be hidden from the other party, so he could only nod his head and said: "The villain travels a lot between Henan and Shanxi, and the door is in Shaanxi. There are also some businesses on the side, so they can be regarded as some contacts and acquaintances, so they can sneak out of Wubao County."

   "Hehe, that is to say, I'm really trapped in Wubao County after taking ten thousand steps back. As long as I don't reveal my real identity, you can get me out, right?" Feng Ziying asked again.

  Li Guibao frowned, "My lord, this risk is too great, we can't guarantee this kind of thing, if we make a mistake, we can't afford it."

"There is no risk in what I do? I have encountered so many attacks and assassinations on the way to Shaanxi. Isn't this a risk?" Feng Ziying asked: "Since I am here, it means that I am mentally prepared to take these risks. Wu There is no room for loss in Bao County. Only by keeping Wubao County can the Suide, Mizhi, and Jiazhou lines not be connected together, and even give these chaotic situations a possibility to enter Shanxi from the east, so I have to take this risk. .”

Seeing that Feng Ziying had made up his mind, Li Guibao was helpless. They were subordinates and could only give advice and advice, but once Feng Ziying made up his mind, they could only obey, and then try their best to prepare and take precautions to ensure safety. .

  Feng Ziying made up his mind, Li Guibao stopped trying to persuade him, so Liu Dingfeng naturally changed the topic to the situation in Wubao County.

If you want to keep the safety of Wubao County, you must make a detailed analysis of the situation of both the enemy and the enemy, so that you know yourself and the enemy, choose the weaknesses of the opponent, and use your own advantages to put the opponent at a disadvantage as much as possible. And then achieve the goal.

"Talk about the current situation inside and outside Wubao County. I believe that since you have gone to Wubao ahead of time and have some connections there, you should have a good grasp of this." Feng Ziying stared at Liu Dingfeng for a while. Every word is authentic.

  Liu Dingfeng pondered for a while, as if he was thinking about how to deal with such a difficult problem, exaggerate to scare the other party away, or introduce the truth and let the other party make a decision?

After thinking about it again and again, Liu Dingfeng finally sighed secretly. He could only tell the truth. As the uncle said, the other party is determined and will not change easily after making a decision. Moreover, it is said that the other party has arranged for people to enter Shaanxi early on. Maybe he is not as deep as himself, but sooner or later he has to know about these situations. If he exaggerates, it will destroy the cooperation between the two sides.

  Having figured this out, Liu Dingfeng no longer struggled with it, and spoke eloquently.

"At present, the city is also divided into two larger forces, one is Xia Zhiling, the county magistrate, who leads three classes of yamen servants, about 50 people, and more than 300 people; The local gentry and servants headed by He Boju are strong and strong, about five hundred people." Liu Dingfeng hesitated for a moment, and then said: "There are also gentry and merchants living in the city, they also have some guards, servants and clansmen, But Wubao County is too small, and the strength of this group of people is weak, I made a preliminary estimate, and the total is only about a hundred people, so they are not included, and they seem to be connected with the rebel army outside the city."

  Feng Ziying smiled, and glanced at Li Guibao beside him, "Guibao, it seems that Dingfeng is not unprepared, so detailed investigation, isn't it because I also consider that I may have to use these forces to resist?"

   Both Li Guibao and Liu Dingfeng smiled awkwardly. Indeed, they also considered that Feng Ziying would take risks. These situations must be grasped in advance to prepare for them.

   It’s just that they think it’s too risky and don’t agree with it, but Feng Ziying has made a decision, and they can only risk their lives to accompany the gentleman.

   "Dingfeng, what about your people?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Since you have done all these, you don't have any countermeasures, do you?"

Liu Dingfeng gritted his teeth, "After receiving the arrangement from my uncle, we did make some preparations. In addition to the four of us who arrived in Wubao County in advance, we also invited some fellows from all corners of the country in Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Henan's neighboring counties. But things started in a hurry, and this is a matter of licking blood and blood, and many people may not be willing to come, it is estimated that there are about thirty or forty people around Wubao County within two or three days,..."

  Feng Ziying sighed in her heart, this is the appeal of a big sect.

  Send a hero post, knowing that this is a journey of swords, fires, seas and tigers, but it is not easy to gather thirty or fifty people.

  The influence of Shaolin in this northern region is self-evident, and of course this is also due to the cooperation between Shaolin and the government.

   These rivers and lakes sects are more happy to see a stable court situation. They are born to hate these rioters who disrupt the situation. They belong to vested interests and are born to be collaborators with the court and government.

Wubao County is very small, and the total number of people in the city is only four to five thousand people. It is because of the business travel between Qikou, Ferry, Shanshan and Shanxi in the south that makes this small county lively, but even so, it is only a few thousand people. None of the guards were stationed.

   "Very well, the Shaolin faction supports me, and I must keep it in mind." Feng Ziying nodded, "What about the situation of these disorderly troops outside the city?"

"There are probably three groups of rebellious troops gathered outside the city. One is the group that was bribed by the small people. Two brothers, the Digger and the Mountain Scorpion, have seven or eight hundred people, most of whom are from the Qinghegou area in the west of the county; there is another group. The group is led by Yaotianqi, mainly from Fenghuangling, Suide. The number of people is about 1,500, and it is still increasing. This group has the largest force and the strongest combat effectiveness. The prestige of Wubao County is very high, and the local people are also very supportive. As early as the year before last, they gathered in Fenghuangling and Bochuling in the east of Suide Prefecture,..."

   "Fifteen hundred people?" Feng Ziying frowned. If they were divided into several small units, it would be easy to deal with, but such a monopoly force with a very high prestige leader would be troublesome.

   "Well, I estimate that the number of voters for them is still increasing in the past few days, and maybe there are about 2,000 people now." Liu Dingfeng's face is not very good-looking, and he obviously realizes that this force is the most difficult.

   "Is there another share?" Feng Ziying calmed down and continued to ask.

"There is also a team of Huatiaojianhu people, about 1,200 people. They come from Caowu Mountain in Qingjian. They crossed the Wuding River because of the chaos with Qingjian and failed. Waving the Heavenly Flag invites you to attack Wubao County." Liu Dingfeng is very fond of it.

Feng Ziying did some calculations silently, and there are already close to four thousand troops. If you don't count the fighting power of these rebellious troops compared with the fighting power of the officers and soldiers in the city, just looking at the number of people, the rebellious army already has the strength to break through Wubao County, especially in these The rebellious army still has internal support in the city, and many gentry may also have the intention of seeking peace and compromise, so it is easier to be broken.

Earth-burrowing tiger, jumping gorge tiger, and shaking the sky flag, these names are indeed in line with the titles of the grass-headed kings in the late Ming Dynasty in the previous life, but if you calculate the timeline, there should be a difference of about 30 years from the uprising at the end of the Ming Dynasty That's right.

  But this era is already different from the previous life at the end of the Ming Dynasty. This is the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the timeline has already been messed up. Although many people and forces still exist, great changes have taken place in itself.

"That is to say, among the three groups of troops, apart from Wubao's local drilling tiger, the rest are from neighboring counties? Suide, Qingjian..." Feng Ziying rubbed her chin and asked, "Are there other rebels here? Are there activities in the area? I remember you mentioned that there are rebels gathering here?"

  (end of this chapter)

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