Number of People

Chapter 2063: Guizi scrolls are full of wars and dangers

  Chapter 2063 Guizi scrolls are full of wars and dangers

  Liu Dingfeng took a deep breath, then nodded: "There are still, and there are quite a few."

  Feng Ziying didn't change her face, and said with a smile: "Let's talk, it's about this time, I'm mentally prepared."

"There is also a rebellious army going south. They were originally bandits from the Baiyun Mountain in the south of Jiazhou. They are divided into three small groups. One is the Baiyun Mountain bandits, and the other is the bandits from Hengling in the house next to the south of Baiyun Mountain. There was one group of horse thieves in Tanjiaping and Aihaoping near the border of Wubao County. Later, the three forces joined forces to attack Jiazhou and failed three months ago. They fled back to the mountains and finally merged. The news from the county town came south again."

  Hearing Liu Dingfeng speak so carefully about this rebellious army, Feng Ziying was also a little surprised. She glanced at the other party and said slowly: "This is a bandit, not a rebellious army?"

   "It turned out to be bandits, but after the uprising, a large number of rioters joined in, so the number of their troops quickly expanded from less than 2,000 after the failed attack on Jiazhou to about 3,000." Liu Dingfeng explained.

   "Dingfeng, there are many internal forces and complex relationships in this chaotic army, but you understand it so deeply and in detail. Is there some special reason?" Feng Ziying asked curiously.

Seeing that Liu Dingfeng couldn't hide it, he smiled wryly, "I have a distant cousin from Jiazhou who also has some martial arts skills. Who would have thought that he would not learn to be a thief. I only found out after I went to Shaanxi this time. A few days ago I got in touch with him, and he is now a small leader of this rebellious army, belonging to the Tanjiaping and Aihaoping branches."

   Li Guibao obviously didn't know about this, and a strange look appeared on his face, but it wasn't a big deal. No one wants to expose their ugliness in such a scandal.

  Feng Ziying doesn't care about this, what he cares about is that Liu Dingfeng contacted his cousin, which means there is still a story in it.

   "Dingfeng, it seems that your cousin should have revealed something to you." Feng Ziying said with a smile, "I believe you will bring me some good news."

"Well, my lord has learned." Liu Dingfeng nodded and said: "My incompetent cousin also said that when they first fought in Jiazhou, their branch was reluctant to go, but because the leader at that time was invited by the other two He had no strength to go, so he could only follow, but he was defeated in the first battle, and was chased away by the Yulin Township, so he fled back to the mountains. As a result, the leader was injured and died shortly after returning to the mountain. Now the new leader is not very good. I am willing to follow the other two teams, but because many rioters join in because they want to fight the government to distribute food, if they refuse to fight Wubao, I am afraid that many people will abandon them immediately, and this team has no There is plenty of food to fill our stomachs, so we are at a loss what to do, we can only follow,..."

  This is the opportunity, Feng Ziying thought to herself, they were not in the same way, they just followed each other in a hurry, if there were other opportunities, they would naturally part ways, or even stabbed in the back.

   "Well, I see, can your cousin speak in this one?" Feng Ziying asked patiently.

   "It's probably someone who the thief chief trusts more." Liu Dingfeng said with a wry smile.

  He also knew that as soon as the news came out, he would definitely be unable to avoid all kinds of subsequent activities, but it was also an opportunity for his cousin to get rid of the thief.

   "Who are the main source of their team?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice.

  He has to think more about it. Although he can act in a hurry, he can also turn his face and deny it, but he doesn't want to easily damage his image and reputation, so he has to ask clearly.

Liu Dingfeng hesitated for a moment, "Mostly they are landless refugees near the Yellow River in Wubao in the south of Jiazhou, and some are landless refugees who came from Linxian County, Shanxi two years ago. In addition, there is a group of horse thieves engaged in looting in Mizhi. Begging for food to survive, so I don’t have much opinion, and most of them still follow the opinions of these people.”

   "How many people does your cousin belong to in the entire army?" Feng Ziying asked in detail.

"Because the other two troops attacked Jiazhou most fiercely, they suffered the most losses, but theirs suffered less losses. So now theirs has about 1,300 or 400 people out of 3,000 people. There are about 1,600 or 700 people in the two departments together, but the number may increase."

  Feng Ziying knew it well. If this part could be subdued, then this rebellious army would be nothing to worry about, and it could even be used for itself, but it is too early to say this.

   "Then there are other rebel troops marching towards Wubao?" Feng Ziying was also a little surprised, why are they all so interested in Wubao County?

"There is also a rebel army that also came from Suide. It is the combination of Boyan Village and Baitang Village in the north of the state..." Liu Dingfeng's face became a little serious at this time, "Although this army is not large in number, , there are only seven or eight hundred people, but there are quite a lot of horses among them, and most of them are mixed with soldiers from the Yulin Border Army, their combat effectiveness is not bad,..."

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, and he already knew about Boyan Village and Baitang Village.

  Dad once told him that there are many villages in Yan'an Prefecture outside the jurisdiction of Yulin Town. They are close to the fort and side wall of Yulin Town, and they are also one of the important sources of frontier soldiers.

   Later, due to the downsizing of the imperial court, it was difficult to support them, and these villages that were originally attached to the frontier army were gradually dismantled.

  It can be abolished and abolished, but these people still have to live, so they all gather in these stockades to make a living in reclamation, in fact, they have changed from military settlements to civilian settlements.

  However, the people in the frontier area were originally fierce, and the food and payment of the frontier army was difficult, so many fugitives were not pursued, and some soldiers were even deliberately allowed to flee to reduce the pressure on food and payment.

  Most of these fugitive soldiers belonged to the people in the vicinity, and most of them made a living in the vicinity after fleeing. Therefore, many villages gradually emerged along the south side of the side wall in Yulin Town.

Boyan Village, Baitang Village, Liushu Village, Dongcun Village, Gushan Village, Shuangshan Village, Yuerhe Village, Tumen Village, Mahe Village, Big Rabbit Falcon Village, Xiangshui Village, and Poluo Temple Village, except for some It was originally there, and part of it grew slowly in this way.

"What is the situation of the villages in the north of Suide Prefecture now? Are they all turned into rebels like Boyan Village and Baitang Village?" Feng Ziying was a little worried. If this is the case, the situation will be quite serious, and the Yulin Army may not be able to draw How many people have come to the south to assist in the suppression of the rebel army.

Fortunately, Liu Dingfeng shook his head: "As far as we know, only the two villages of Boyan Village and Baitang Village are short of food, and the Yulin Army in the north cannot provide them with enough food. Go south to eat, but they dare not touch it in Suide Prefecture, so they can only come to Wubao,..."

After hesitating for a while, Liu Dingfeng said: "The people in these two villages are actually not very willing to go south, but due to the livelihood, the other villages are still getting by, but if this situation continues, I think at most If they can persist for a month, they can't wait until October, and these villages will gradually follow the path of Boyan Village and Baitang Village, because it is impossible for the Yulin Army to support these villages with their own food, and a little relief will not solve the problem at all. ..."

   After all, it is still a food problem. Feng Ziying is very clear that these villages are actually a buffer area between Yulin Town and Yan'an Prefecture, and they belong to the state of "three neglects".

Most of the people in these villages were relatives of Yulin Army soldiers at the beginning, but after seven or eighty years, these people multiplied day by day, and their relationship with the Yulin Army is far from being as close as it was at the beginning. Some fugitives also fled to these villages to make a living, so Yulin Town also has an ambivalent attitude towards these villages.

  The same is true for Yan'an Mansion, they are all in an attitude of turning a blind eye.

Feng Ziying is also aware of the complexity of the problem. If it is just an ordinary disorderly army, of course it is not easy to solve, but there is always a way. But if the villages on this front line are reduced to a disorderly army because they have no food to survive, then the situation will be serious. .

   There are as many as a dozen villages on this line, and each village has hundreds to thousands of people, similar to large villages and towns in the interior. The line of Suide Prefecture alone may have more than 10,000 people.

  These frontier folks are tough, and they practice martial arts, archery and riding. Many of them are fugitives, and there are many healthy horses raised in the stockade.

If they want to become a rebellious army, their combat effectiveness will not be comparable to those of the rebellious army who are struggling for food, and there are fugitives among them who organize and lead, so they are very clear about the defensive and offensive routines of the frontier army and local towns. Once confronted, it is not easy to wipe out.

   "Is the shortage of food in these border villages also very serious?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"There has been a severe drought for three years in a row. To be honest, the situation in these border villages is much better than in many places. However, they also have a lot of strong laborers and consume a lot of money. Originally, they could still get some relief from the army, but the Northwest Army moved eastward. Afterwards, the imperial court severely withheld the food and salaries of the remaining three sides and four towns, saying that it was to support the fighting in Shandong, so it was too late for the Yulin army to protect themselves, and it was impossible to give these villages any more relief, so it was delayed until It’s pretty good now, Boyan Village and Baitang Village are the furthest away from Dali and Xiaolishui, and it hasn’t rained since last year, so it’s difficult to irrigate, and the corn harvest is almost complete, so they are the first to run out of food,…”

  Feng Ziying waved her hand, indicating that she knew the situation, "Then why are they all coming to Wubao? Suide dare not fight, Mizhi dare not go, and Anding is not far away."

  Liu Dingfeng smiled wryly, "How many grains are there in An Ding? Isn't it also the same that riots are everywhere, and the crisis is at stake?"

  (end of this chapter)

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