Number of People

Chapter 2064: Gui Zi Juan Tian wants to eat people, and people want to eat people

  Chapter 2064 Guizi Juantian wants to eat people, and people want to eat people

  Feng Ziying was taken aback, "There are also rebels in Anding?"

"It has been there for a long time, but the scale was not large in the early stage, but now Baoan and Anding are affected by the Qingyang Mansion, but the most important reason is that there is not enough food, so there are riots, there is no way,..." Liu Dingfeng sighed, "We all know that rebellion is a matter of losing one's head, but it is better to fight for one's life than to starve to death, so there is no way to do it."

  Feng Ziying's heart sank, "Wu Bao seems to be more valuable than An Ding?"

"My lord, among the several major ferries on the Yellow River between Shanshan and Shaanxi, Qikoudu is ranked at the bottom, far inferior to Fenglingdu, Longmendu, Baodedu, Pujindu, and Longmendu, but Qikoudu and the farther south Junpu Ferry is the most convenient way to connect Yan'an Mansion, Fenzhou and Taiyuan Mansions. As Wubao County is the county seat on the other side of the river, a large amount of materials from Shanxi are transported to Wubao County Town for trading, such as corn and wheat. , donkeys, horses, and medicinal materials are all chosen to be delivered in Wubao County, although Wubao County has a small population, but there are a lot of grain and goods hoarded,..."

   No wonder, Feng Ziying understood.

  There are four prefectures and counties near the Yellow River ferry in Shaanxi, from north to south, Fugu, Jiazhou, Wubao, and Hancheng.

  The location of Fugu is too far to the north, and it is mainly used for military needs and transfers between Shanxi Town and Yulin Town. There is no suitable ferry around Jiazhou, and the nearest one is in Luoliyu, eighty miles to the south.

  Zhikou Ferry is only ten miles down the Yellow River, and the opposite bank is Qikou Ferry. In fact, it is closer to Wubao County.

   To the north of Wubao is the Luoyuyu Ferry, and on the other side is the Qikou Ferry, so the only county town near this week is Wubao County, which naturally forms a material distribution center for transit.

  The southernmost Hancheng is even further away, and it all belongs to Xi'an Prefecture. It is connected with Shanxi through Longmendu and Hejindu.

In other words, in the eastern part of Yan'an Prefecture, the connection between Fugu and Baodedu is too far to the north, and the distance is too far to meet the needs of the eastern section of the Yulin Army. Qikou Ferry connects with each other, and Wubao County in the middle becomes a hub.

  Grain and all kinds of supplies gathered here, attracting a large number of merchants, and naturally became fat in the eyes of the rebellious army.

   "It seems that these rebels are determined to win Wubao County." Feng Ziying sighed.

  I still misjudged it, and thought that Wubao County was not so attractive, but now it seems that there is such a large amount of food and supplies in the city, and the rebel army is unwilling to give up no matter what.

   It's no wonder that the rebels from Jiazhou, Suide, and Qingjian all swarmed in, they all looked at the food and supplies in Wubao County.

"Judging from the current situation, it is difficult to make these people give up. Their eyes are red now, and they will go wherever there is food. If there is no food, these mobs of them may explode and collapse at any time." Liu Dingfeng is very sure to answer.

"Then let them not succeed." Feng Ziying's attitude became more and more determined: "Let them occupy Wubao County, it will definitely strengthen their fighting will and confidence, and they may have to go east to Shanxi. It’s not ready to deal with it yet.”

  Li Guibao and Liu Dingfeng were both a little surprised. What does it matter to them that the situation in Shanxi has deteriorated? Does the governor of Shaanxi still have to take care of Shanxi's affairs?

"Do you think I'm meddling in my own business? Someone else might wish that all these rebels would go to Shanxi, which would save some effort." Feng Ziying shook her head: "It's not that simple. I see, the same is not impressive, but it lacks some fire starters. Once these Shaanxi rebels come over, they will stir up the flames of war here. ,..."

"More importantly, if there is chaos here in Shanxi, it is very likely to go back to Shaanxi. From Shanxi to return to Shaanxi, it will be much easier to cross the river, and there will be many more boats." Feng Ziying revealed the answer, " At that time, the Xi'an Mansion in the south will probably bear the brunt of the damage."

The prefectures and counties of Hancheng, Heyang, Chengcheng, Tongzhou, and Chaoyi in the east of Xi'an Prefecture are all close to the Yellow River. Once the rebel army sweeps through Shanxi and rolls back from Shanxi to Shanxi, it is very likely that it will spread to the east of Xi'an Prefecture along the The Guanzhong Plain along the Weihe River will really shake the foundation of the country.

  The scope of activities of the rebel army is mainly in Yan'an, Qingyang and Pingliang, all of which are remote and impoverished areas. If the Guanzhong Plain is no longer safe, the situation in Shaanxi will be difficult to control. Feng Ziying cannot let this happen.

  Li Guibao and Liu Dingfeng both understood and stopped questioning. This kind of perspective is beyond their imagination. As court officials, they must have a higher level of consideration.

   "What does your lord mean..." Li Guibao asked hesitantly. He was still a little worried that this would be too risky, but Feng Ziying's firm attitude made him in a dilemma.

   "Cross the river as soon as possible. Let's cover up our identities, try to enter Wubao City, find Xia Zhiling of Nazhi County, and then discuss other things."

  Feng Ziying felt that Xia Zhiling's name sounded familiar. She probably had a quick look at the situation of officials in Shaanxi Province before leaving Beijing.

   But a county magistrate is too inconspicuous, and Wubao County is a small county that is not well known, so he has only heard of this name, and he doesn't know how capable this person is.

   Now it seems that under the situation of siege by the rebel army, it should be quite good to be able to organize government servants and people to defend the city.

   "How to enter the city?" Liu Dingfeng was puzzled: "After entering the city, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out. It's too dangerous. It's better to cross the river first and worry about it later."

Feng Ziying is naturally aware of Liu Dingfeng's worries, and he can understand them, but now Wubao County is in danger, and it may be captured within a day or two, and the situation will be out of control by then, so he must intervene in advance and find a way Make every effort to turn the tide and avoid the situation where Wubao County falls.

"Okay, then let's cross the river first, and fix the peak. When do you think the two groups of people from Boyanzhai and Baiyun Mountain will reach Wubao County?" This situation is very important. To arrive, once gathered, the situation is more complicated.

"The road to Boyan Village is quite far away, about two hundred miles away, and it will take at least five or six days to get there, and the besieging army here is also worried that the people from Boyan Village and Baitang Village are coming, I'm afraid They will make noise and take the lead, so they are also eager to take down Wubao before the people in Boyan Village and Baitang Village. In addition, the people in Baiyun Mountain are not in harmony with each other, so it is nothing to worry about. The small ones can also get in the way..."

   Liu Dingfeng's words were interrupted by Feng Ziying, "It's not to obstruct, but to let them work for me. I will come forward at that time..."

   "My lord?" Li Guibao was in a hurry.

   "Don't worry, I will not come out as the governor, but as the governor's staff. No one in this area will recognize me. I will come out as Wang Wenyan, which must be enough." Feng Ziying has a plan in mind.

   When Feng Ziying and his party arrived at Qikoudu, it was already the afternoon of the second day.

   It can be seen that Qikoudu is still very lively.

  This place is actually equivalent to a large market town.

Various buildings extend along the ferry in a semi-arc shape, forming several streets. Shops, restaurants, tea shops, **** shops, grain shops, and oil mills are lined up along the road. People come and go, bustling, donkey carts, and horse teams. , Cattle and sheep, with a bit of vitality in the chaos.

  People with accents from Henan, Beizhi, and Huguang can be found everywhere, and Mongolians are not uncommon. There is even a Temple of the God of Wealth and a Temple of Guandi near the river bank at the ferry.

   There are two kinds of ferries on the ferry, one is a sheepskin raft, and the other is a wooden ferry.

Sheepskin rafts are simple and dangerous. They can only hold more than ten people at a time, and the small ones can only hold five or six people, but they are cheap. The wooden ferry boat is much larger. It can ferry fifty or sixty people at a time, and it can also carry a lot of goods. , so it is more popular with business travelers.

  Feng Ziying changed into ordinary business clothes early on, and together with Third Sister You, she also decorated her complexion a little, so she already looked like a businessman on the go.

   "Dingfeng, find a boat to cross the river." Without hesitation, after walking around Qikoudu, Feng Ziying made a decision.

Feng Ziying on Wang Wenyan's side had already arranged to be notified when he was in Datong, and it was probably time to arrive at Wubao, but he didn't expect Wubao to be besieged by the rebels at the beginning, so he had to wait until he crossed the river to find a way to contact her. up.

There are obviously more business travelers coming from Shaanxi on the ferry than here, and now there are very few going from Shanxi to Shaanxi. Many business travelers on Qikou Ferry are just waiting and watching, obviously they all get After receiving the news, a decision will be made depending on the situation of the war at Wubao.

Feng Ziying and his group used to be very distracted. At this time, not many people dared to go there, unless there was an urgent matter or someone with connections there, Feng Ziying and his group looked more like they were there. of.

The boat swayed westward along the river bank. Years of drought had reduced the amount of water in the Yellow River. It is reasonable to say that there should be rain this season, but at least it has been half rain since Feng Ziying and his party went south through Datong. There was no shadow.

"The sun is warm and the night is cold, and the East China Sea is also dry. I already knew that this year's harvest will not be good, but I never thought that God would do it like this." The wrinkled boatman glanced at the West Bank absently, and couldn't help but sigh, "This I don't know when the end of the year will come to an end, a few guest officials, it seems that you are not from the Yan'an Mansion, so if you want to go there at this time, you are not afraid of accidents?"

   "The old man also knows that there is no peace there?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

"It's all a bunch of bitter people who want to be full. These days, the gods want to eat people, and the old men also want to eat people. What should you do with mud legs? You must be a full ghost." The boatman's eyes were a little more confused. .

  (end of this chapter)

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