Number of People

Chapter 2078: Guizi scrolls are sincerely convinced, bowing their heads and ears

  Chapter 2078 Guizi Juan is sincerely convinced, and bows to his ears

  The small courtyard is not big, but the pressure on Wang Chengwu is not small.

  It was very quiet inside and outside, and no one could be seen, but Wang Chengwu subconsciously felt that the people inside had an unprecedented momentum, which was purely an intuitive feeling.

"My lord, Mr. Wang is here." Helian De's title of "Master Wang" made Wang Chengwu's whole body feel hot, as if he had eaten the ginseng fruit of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan. It suddenly stretched out, and there was no discomfort anywhere, and the next step to step out actually felt a little buoyant.

  Am I an adult too? Really?

  Wang Chengwu couldn't help biting the tip of his tongue, wanting to use the tingling sensation to wake himself up. He was about to see a nobleman. If he said something wrong, it would be a sin he would never regret for the rest of his life.

   "Oh, here it is, let him come in." Qinglang Chunhe's voice came out, and Wang Chengwu was a little surprised by the youthfulness of this voice, and he was a little unspeakably excited, and finally wanted to "obtain Tianyan".

Bowing his head and crossing his arms, Wang Chengwu took a deep breath and stepped in. The door was open, like a study room. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the books and paper signs placed on the desk. Wang Chengwu didn't dare to neglect, and knelt on one knee "Caomin Wang Chengwu has met your lord."

   "Get up, there is no need to be so polite, a man has gold under his knees, and a warrior who has won a battle deserves this courtesy. Sit down."

  Feng Ziying is also looking at this unknown figure in history, maybe there is no such person at all, but in this time and space, he jumped out, but these are not important.

  Wang Chengwu learned the sayings in the opera, looked at the nose and nose, watched the heart, his eyes drooped, he got up and stood still but didn't move.

  Feng Ziying is a little funny, this Wang Ermazi's enthusiasm for being an official is really extraordinary, this is the best, with such motivation, I am not afraid that he will not work hard in the war.

   "Sit down." Feng Ziying said again.

  Helian De gave Wang Chengwu a hint, "My lord, if my lord told you to sit down, you should sit down and talk."

  Received Helian De's reminder, Wang Chengwu sat down with his hands and feet stiff, with his hands on his knees, half of his buttocks reclined, ready to stand up and answer at any time.

   Heliande felt embarrassed when he saw it, but then he thought about it, didn't he do the same when he saw Master Feng before? Not to mention Wang Chengwu, the leader of the rebellious army who came from a rough background.

   "Don't be so cautious, I came to you to have a good talk with you." Feng Ziying appeared very serene, and her tone was gentle and indifferent, which gradually calmed Wang Chengwu's uneasy heart.

"Returning to my lord, the grassroots were ignorant before, but thanks to Lord Helian's reminder, they repented. This time, with the guidance of the lord, I can make a little contribution, and the grassroots are also grateful." Wang Chengwu's polite words are also in the tent. After training for a long time, I stuttered, but I finally got it clear.

"People are not sages, who can do nothing? It is not too late for General Wang to turn back when he lost his way." Feng Ziying said with a smile: "The current crisis in Wubao County has not been completely reversed, and it still faces the risk of subsequent attacks from foreign enemies from the north. , This is also the purpose of my recruitment of General Wang, I wonder what General Wang thinks about this?"

  Wang Chengwu already knew about the two rebel teams coming to Wubao County from the north. They used to be Austrian aid, but now they have become the biggest threat, directly threatening his future destiny.

Liu Dingfeng also told him about the origins of Boyan Village and Baitang Village, and he also knew very well that the people under his command must be incompetent in terms of combat effectiveness. Those main forces are mainly Yulin escapees and rebels. The soldiers and horses in the surrounding fortresses are comparable, but this battle is unavoidable.

Wang Chengwu didn't intend to avoid it either. If he was cowardly at this time, his prestige in front of Lord Long Jinwei would be lost, and his impression would also drop sharply. He might even become more and more marginalized like Gu Xiuzhong now. This is absolutely intolerable to Wang Chengwu of.

"Before Boyan Village and Baitang Village set off from Suide, there were less than 1,000 people. Among them, cavalry accounted for more than 70%, and the rest were mainly mounted infantry. If such an army with strong mobility and strict military discipline, we can fight in the field Even if we have one or two times more troops than him, we may still fail, because our troops are far less trained than the other party."

  Wang Chengwu was very frank and stated his own weakness without hesitation.

  Feng Ziying showed no expression, but nodded slightly, signaling for the other party to continue.

"But Mr. Liu also told me before that they absorbed a large number of small groups of rebels and disaster victims who joined them along the way. After passing Suide, it is said that the number increased to nearly 2,000. Now they have captured Yihe City?" Wang Chengwu said. Slowly calmed down, and his gaze became hot, "It is said that they stopped in Yihe City to organize the army after they learned that we had wiped out the Waking Sky Banner?"

  Feng Ziying didn't expect the other party to know the news. He hasn't asked Liu Dingfeng and Helian De to tell the other party the news. This guy is probably timid, but it doesn't look like this.

   "Your Excellency, don't be suspicious, this is the news that the Caomin family has inquired about." Seeing Feng Ziying's suspicion, Wang Chengwu hurriedly said: "My subordinate also has some friends in Suide, and they have been communicating with each other..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying became interested, smiled and nodded, "It seems that I saw the right person, you continue to talk."

"To tell you the truth, my lord, back then the grass people were mad and brought a group of people from Qingcaowu to attack Wubao City. In fact, they got the news from Suide that the people from Boyan Village and Baitang Village were not good enough. After going down, I fought several times with the surrounding fortresses because of the food problem, and each other won and lost. Now I am gathering together, preparing to go south to find a way out. Suide and Jiazhou dare not go. Mi Zhitai is in power, and he may get it at any time The Yulin army has reinforced, so the most likely thing is to come to Wubao to beg for food,..."

   "Your line is also from those border forts in the north of Suide and the border area of ​​Yulin Town?" Feng Ziying asked very carefully, "I don't see that you have a wide range of contacts."

  He didn't expect that Wang Chengwu, who was born as a rascal in Qingjian, would have contacts with Suide.

You must know that it is normal for people in this era to stay at home and never leave the county for a lifetime, and the information collected from the early stage shows that this guy first ran to Yanchuan with his troops. The one who fled back to Qingjian after losing Bian, logically speaking, should have contacts with Nan Bian'er, why did he get in touch with Suide again?

"My lord, Caomin was not sensible when he was young, so he liked to make friends and wander around. At the age of fourteen, he went out with others, sold illegal salt, worked as a postman, and worked as a boatman. He even went to Huichengzi and Baichengzi to sell sheepskins. ,..."

Wang Chengwu glanced awkwardly at the overly young man sitting above him, seeing that the other person looked curious, and there was no other abnormality, and his heart became more at ease. Liushu village, Yu'erhe village, Tumen village, Mahe village, Datuful village, and Poluosi village have all dealt with each other, and private salt has also been sold to these places..."

"No wonder." Feng Ziying felt that she still had a superficial grasp of Wang Chengwu's information. These situations were quite important, but she didn't know anything about them before. It’s a big problem, but it doesn’t seem to be there yet, “So you are very familiar with these forts, Boyan Village and Baitang Village are also very familiar?”

   But I don’t blame Liu Dingfeng and the others. They didn’t eat this bowl of rice in the first place. They were summoned temporarily by Li Guibao and the others before. It is very rare to be able to grasp so many situations in such a short time.

Besides, if Wang Chengwu didn't say anything about Wang Chengwu's situation before, or those old brothers who followed him didn't spread it to the outside world, I'm afraid few people would know that he once sold illegal salt in Suide and went over the side wall to the Mongols. side.

Baichengzi and Huichengzi are the territory of the Tumote people, just outside the border wall of Yulin Township in the Hetao area, but that side is now mainly controlled by Su Nang Taiji. The Bu Shi Tu deal with more.

"I've also been to Boyan Village and Baitang Village, but I'm not familiar with them. Among these fortresses, the Caomin are familiar with Datuful Village and Poluosi Village. They are a little to the west, and they are next to Boyan Village and Boluosi Village to the east. Of those in Baitang village, only Yu'erhe village is familiar with them, but Yu'erhe village has always been at odds with Boyan village and Baitang village, and they are old enemies." Wang Chengwu said honestly: "The grass people's news came from Yu'erhe village. .”

   "Yu'erhe Village is not small, right? I have an impression." Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice, "Why didn't they go south? Could it be that they are still able to live? Aren't they all hit by disasters?"

"It's not passable. Boyan Village and Baitang Village should be the two most powerful among the dozen or so villages in the north of Suide. The number of miscellaneous people in the two villages exceeds 3,000, and as far as I know, there are still some people. Hundreds of Mongols who ran over from Hetao also joined them, so the number of old and weak women and children is quite large. The total number of people in the two fortresses can be seven to eight thousand, but they can be called elites who can go out and fight. There will not be more than a thousand people, so this time we can gather eight or nine hundred people to go south."

  Wang Chengwu patiently explained that he would certainly not hide anything from this noble man.

"For example, Yu'erhe Village is much smaller, with a population of less than 2,500, and only two or three hundred elites who can gather to fight. If we fight in the surrounding area, there may be a little more than one or two hundred people, but it will take hundreds of people to go south. If they want to go south, they don’t have enough troops. If they are attacked by the army or other villages on the road, it will be very dangerous. So they were still looking for people who are willing to work together. The other villages in the south, but until now the grass people have not received any other news."

  (end of this chapter)

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