Number of People

Chapter 2079: Guizi Juan is full of gambling, you can't get out of gambling

  Chapter 2079 Guizi Juan is full of gambling, you can't get out of gambling

  Wang Chengwu has not received the news yet, but Feng Ziying has already received some news in this regard.

  The rebellious troops in the fortresses north of Suide are still increasing, and the momentum of continuing southward is still expanding.

  Of course, not all of them came for Wubao, but the pressure brought by the disaster forced people in these places to go out for food.

  If the situation worsens further, it is possible that more people in these fortresses will also go out and go south, not just limited to the current strong ones.

  This situation also means that the disaster situation in northern Shaanxi is still getting worse.

   This is also to be expected.

  The drought started to spread from the year before last, and last year it reached its extreme. Many places had no crops. As a result, the victims of last winter and this spring turned into hungry people, and the hungry people became refugees and disorderly people.

This year is another year of severe drought, and there are many lands with no summer harvest. It is very rare to have a 30% harvest in a normal year. The situation is only slightly better than last year, but it is still a year of catastrophe. With the superposition of last year's disaster and last year's disaster, there are too many people who can't make it through.

  Feng Ziying can now imagine the peasant uprising in northern Shaanxi in the late Ming Dynasty.

  The whole family has nothing to eat. Looking around, everyone is the same. They have eaten up everything they can eat, including grass roots, bark, birds, animals, and even mice. Finally, there is Guanyin soil, and they are still hungry. What should I do?

   If there is news that there is food that can be eaten somewhere, why not go?

  Why not go?

   Starving to death is death, and being killed for grabbing food is also death. Maybe the latter can still be a hungry ghost.

In contrast, the people in these fortresses are actually much better than other victims of disasters and hunger, at least they can persist until now, but also for them, if they drag on, once even the horses are eaten up, they will also die. Lost the ability to plunder food and other supplies from other places.

  So leaders who are a little bit smarter and farsighted will make decisions in advance instead of sitting still.

  Wang Chengwu already felt that Feng Ziying's point of interest was in these fortresses north of Suide.

But it's no wonder that the series of fortresses between the north of Suide and the side wall of Yulin Town are dozens of different sizes, with a population of at least 50,000 to 60,000 people, and at least nearly 10,000 soldiers can be drawn out. Among them, there must be six or seven thousand elites.

Moreover, there used to be a large number of war horses in these fortresses. When the years are good, these fortresses are also trained on horseback, and their combat effectiveness is even stronger than that of the people in these counties. After all, they are also facing Yulin Town in the north. Frontier threat.

Although the Yulin frontier army turned a blind eye due to various reasons, these fugitives are always the targets of hunting and arrest. Order to check and verify these people, all the border towns will go to war.

To be precise, these fortresses actually do not only belong to the boundary of Suide Prefecture, but should be said to be from Luguanling between Baoan and Anding to Jiahe in the north of Jiazhou, stretching for seven or eight hundred miles. However, the north of Suide occupies most of the area.

Many of these fortress people are Yulin fugitives and rebels, and there are even some Mongols who fled in. They are skilled in bowing and horses, and they brought in a lot of horses. Although they are not good horses, these animals are very important The mobility of the army is self-evident.

"That's why the grass people got up and came to Wubao first when they got the news. In fact, the grass people's original plan was to follow Boyan village, Baitang village and Yaotianqi to pick up some leftovers to eat, but who would have thought Yao Tianqi is too ambitious, trying to force Gu Xiuzhong and I to take Wubao City together before the people from Boyan Village and Baitang Village arrive,..."

  Feng Ziying pondered, and did not speak for a while.

  The people in Boyanzhai and Baitangzhai continued to expand as they went south, and more and more people joined them, making them look stronger and stronger.

   In fact, this is also a choice in desperation. When they raise the chaotic flag, they actually have no choice.

People come to vote, if you don't accept it, it means that you are a different kind, and you will naturally become the target of hostility from other rebellious troops. Similarly, they also have to consider that once they want to attack the city and break the stronghold, they will really have to meet with such a small force. It is a question of whether the resistance of the defenders is enough to consume.

   And these chaotic troops with low discipline and low combat effectiveness can naturally become the best consumables, and they are used openly, otherwise why accept them?

However, it seems to have grown stronger, but the side effects will not be small. Just like Wang Chengwu's rebellious army annexed the subordinates of Yaotianqi, it is also indigestion. It is impossible to integrate into one body in the short term. People and horses also have to face this problem.

  So Feng Ziying was not too worried before, but now the people from Boyanzhai and Baitangzhai have captured Yihe City, and stopped in Yihe City to reorganize the army, which made Feng Ziying feel dangerous.

  Yihe City is sixty miles east of Suide City, and it is also very close to Wubao, which is about seventy miles.

This place was established by Liu Changzuo, the magistrate of Yanzhou in the former Song Dynasty. In view of the severe defense situation at that time, Baozhai Fengsui was set up here seven hundred miles west to Dejingzhai, Baoan County. Later, the Jin Dynasty took control of this place and changed its name to Hezhai. Now it has become a post. city.

The geographical location here is moderate, sixty miles west of Suide, eighty miles northwest of Mizhi, one hundred and twenty miles north of Jiazhou, and only eighty miles east of Wubao. Now the people of Suide and Mizhi The strong officers and soldiers were already terrified. If they were allowed to defend the city, they might be able to use it barely. If they were to go out of the city to fight in the field, it would simply kill them, and it was absolutely impossible.

Reorganizing the army here can not only attract a steady stream of rebellious troops from Suide, Mizhi, and Jiazhou to vote, but once they feel that they have enough strength, they can quickly move eastward and reach Wubao City within two days. To attack, if you really need 10,000 to 20,000 rebellious troops, you can really consume Wubao City with human lives.

"My lord, I would like to ask you one more question. The city of Yihe is not big, and the Suide, Mizhi officers and even the Yulin army who are farther away can come south at any time. If the people from Boyan village and Baitang village stay there, Where can we keep silent for a long time without being afraid of being ensnared? They are stationed there, can they still produce food there?"

   This is something that Wang Chengwu cannot understand.

All of them were dizzy with hunger, and came straight to Wubao. If they stayed for one more day, they would consume one more day of food. The current population of Boyan Village and Baitang Village is at least five thousand, and the daily food consumption is It would cost more than fifty shi, not counting the consumption of the horses. If it dragged on for three to five days, it would cost two to three hundred shi for food.

  Feng Ziying smiled wryly.

  There are 2,000 shi of corn stored in Yihe Yicheng, which were originally transported to the front line of Longzhoubao to supply the defenders of the ten pass castles in Yulin Town, and are temporarily stored in Yihe Yicheng.

  Who would have thought that just a few dozen miles under the nose of Suide City, it would be conquered by the rebellious army that suddenly moved south, and it would become the spoils of war for these rebellious army all at once.

  The people in Boyan Village and Baitang Village are now spreading the news, making the surrounding areas aware of the news, and the entire Suide, Mizhi and Jiazhou rebels swarmed in.

Now it is no longer a question of thousands of rebellious troops. The total number of rebellious troops of all kinds has exceeded 12,000, and it is still increasing. In the first battle, Wubao City was defeated.

   There are also many people who can see the conspiracy here, but no one can refuse. When you can't even fill your stomach, do you still care whether others use you or not?

  The reason why you can be used is because you still have value to use. If you have no value to use, even if you rush to the door to be used, people will reject you.

  But the question Wang Chengwu asked is also reasonable. Yihe Post City may be attacked by the government army at any time, but it is regrettable that the Yulin Army has not yet planned to go south.

Even if He Shixian in Yulinwei received his distress letter and immediately made a decision and arranged for troops to go south, it would take at least seven days before he could reach Suide, and this may be the fastest speed, involving the mobilization of the army to arrange logistics supplies, etc. Wait, maybe ten days is more likely.

The people of Suide and Mizhi, who are close at hand, lack enough courage to face more than 10,000 rebellious troops. It is not entirely a lack of courage, but a wise decision. If they really want to go out of the city to fight this In the first battle, facing the rebellious army composed of fugitives and rebels from Yulin, they are more likely to fail.

"Chengwu, there is corn in Yihe Post City, which is enough for these rebels to eat for ten days and a half a month, but they won't stay there for that long, that is, they will come east within three to five days. You are only given three days to reorganize the army, and the next battle will determine the fate of you and everyone under your command, so I want to hear how you plan to fight this battle."

  Feng Ziying sat firmly behind the desk, leaning on the back of the chair, her gaze fell on Wang Chengwu's face.

This is a warrior who is not lacking in bravery and knows how to advance and retreat, but it is not enough to win this battle. More than 10,000 rebels are really going south. This is not something he can deal with with two or three thousand people. He hopes that the other party will make a move. Use your brain, especially if the other party is so familiar with the situation of these fortresses in the north of Suide, then there must be room for maneuver.

  The appearance of this person was a surprise to me. Without this guy, Feng Ziying would have considered whether to give up Wubao temporarily to avoid the limelight.

Wang Chengwu took a deep breath. In fact, he was thinking about this issue after he learned of the threat brought by the chaotic army in Baitang Village in Boyan Village. If he was not sure, he would not dare to come to see this nobleman, but he It is also clear that even if he has some ideas, the risk is extremely high and the probability of failure is greater, but he still has to fight again.

  (end of this chapter)

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