Number of People

Chapter 2081: Guizi scroll wins over self-strengthening, raises bandit self-respect

  Chapter 2081 Guizi scroll wins over self-strengthening, raises bandit self-respect

"My lord, I still don't understand what we are going to do next." Wang Chenghu was more straightforward than his brother, and he didn't have so much scheming. To follow to the end, there is only such a chance in a lifetime, everyone is willing to risk their lives, but the people in Boyan Village and Baitang Village are too powerful, and we are far behind in every aspect. People from Yu'erhe Village pulled them over, but unexpectedly they were also persuaded, but the relationship between Datuhu Village and Poluo Temple Village is not bad with Boyan Village and Baitang Village,..."

Liu Dingfeng knew what Wang Chenghu was worried about, and smiled: "Your Excellency, you have already made up your mind. The people in Yuerhe Village dare not challenge the people in Boyan Village and Baitang Village. The people in Boyan Village and Baitang Village are closely related, it looks like we have no chance, but this is a superficial phenomenon, people from Datuhu Village and Poluo Temple Village stay in Bochuling, according to common sense, is this not suspicious?"

  Wang Chenghu was taken aback for a moment, then thought about it for a while, and realized: "My lord, you mean that the people in Datuhu Village and Poluo Temple Village are at odds with the people in Boyan Village and Baitang Village?"

"It's hard to say whether there was a quarrel between face and heart in the past, but at least now the two people have developed a rift, or it is difficult to get together." Liu Dingfeng said leisurely: "It was not such a close relationship in the first place. It's almost like echoing each other from afar, and supporting and providing information to each other when the Yulin army came to suppress them. Now the number of people in Baitang village in Boyan village has suddenly expanded to several times or even ten times. Can the people in Sizhai have a balance in their minds? How do they count in the past, do they listen to Boyan Village and Baitang Village, or stay outside? There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the people, who will command whom in the future?"

What Liu Dingfeng said made Wang Chenghu feel enlightened, but then he shook his head again: "My lord, the situation of the people in these frontier fortresses is somewhat different from that of the rebellious army in the south. I'm afraid it won't work if people from Datuhu Village and Poluo Temple Village go to beat the people from Boyan Village and Baitang Village."

"I haven't tried it, how do I know it won't work?" Liu Dingfeng seemed confident, "People always have weaknesses, and they also have their own ideas in these fortresses. Are they going to bump around like headless chickens in such a muddle? They have a vision, and they will be moved."

  Liu Dingfeng's judgment was correct. At this time, Datuhu Village and Poluo Temple Village were in a dilemma.

They came from the northwest of Suide a few hundred miles away. They originally hoped to take advantage of the strong forces of Datujiazhai and Poluosizhai to take the initiative, so that they could get a share of the next step in attacking Wubao County, but they never did. The time to come has passed.

  Yangtian Banner was annexed, but Boyan Village and Baitang Village took the opportunity to meet the "heroes" in Yihe Post City, took the opportunity to integrate various rebellious armies, and became the "Leaders".

   This situation suddenly became a little embarrassing for Datu Falcon Village and Poluo Temple Village.

  Continue to go south. The initiative has been controlled by Boyan Village and Baitang Village. If you go, you will inevitably be controlled by others. Don’t go. The two parties have already agreed, and the relationship is already relatively close.

   And if you don’t go, where can you go? Could it be that you follow others to pick up leftovers and eat leftovers? With so many people, will there be leftovers for you to eat?

  So when they heard that someone came to the door, and it was Wang Chengwu's emissary, they were also surprised, but there was a bit of secret joy inside.

  In any case, as long as there is a more suitable path, they will not refuse, at least they can choose.


   "Chen Jixian went south to Yangzhou?" Feng Tang asked without raising his head while reading his son's letter.

"Well, the troops are finally dispatched. This fellow has been dawdling, and his subordinates have given a lot of hints and reminders, but they are still hesitant. He is afraid that the two sides will not please him, but he doesn't look at the current situation to allow him to look forward and backward. Is the queen of wolves afraid of tigers?" The staff shook their heads again and again, "Fortunately, I was smart for a while, and the speed of dispatching troops was very fast. Now Huai'an Mansion has been controlled, and Shanyang City has been captured without bloodshed. As of the latest news, the forward has arrived Baoying, it is estimated that they are almost heading towards Gaoyou Prefecture now."

"Hey, with the advantage of canal transportation, it is indeed overwhelming. Don't say that Chen Jixian is dawdling. At least he has done enough preparations in the early stage, and almost wiped out all kinds of ships in the Xuhuai area. In fact, Shanyang is already there. It was controlled by his people, but on the surface it was still under the control of Nanjing, and I was wondering where we would get enough ships after we took over Xuzhou?"

  Feng Tang is still satisfied with Chen Jixian's actions.

  Slow is a bit slow, but they did it meticulously enough.

  Especially the infiltration of Huai'an Prefecture can be described as a success, from the magistrate to the magistrates of various counties to the local powerful gentry, the subtle influence of more than one year can be described as a natural success.

  So when it comes to the real action, it will be thunderous, and it will be a matter of course.

   It can be seen that this guy has been preparing for Huai'an and Yangzhou for a long time. It is not because of his own reminder that he came up with this idea. His support is just to push the boat along the way.

   But what they said is correct. He was originally the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town. Huai'an and Yangzhou were originally under his jurisdiction, and Xuzhou was just an addition.

  Although Xuzhou is geographically important, how can it compare with Huai'an and Yangzhou? Especially Yangzhou.

As the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town, he certainly has the right to decide where to move the town, and moving the town to Yangzhou is also a matter of course, especially in this year, Nanjing basically cut off the supply of food and salaries to Huaiyang Town, he can only rely on himself up.

  So even the Nanjing side only dared to criticize a few words without pain, even if they scolded too much and angered the other party, what should they do if they really marched south from Yangzhou to Jinling?

"My lord, there is no need to worry. As long as Jining and Xuzhou are eliminated, the entire north line of the canal will basically be connected. Ships from places such as the capital and Hejian will continue to go south. Chen Jixian certainly plundered many ships, but they are more important than others. The ships on the entire canal are just a drop in the ocean, nothing to worry about, and the subordinates believe that Chen Jixian will not be so unwise. He won Yangzhou and Huai'an. Do you know?"

  The staff saw this situation very clearly. Chen Jixian took this step, and then he couldn't take it back. Yangzhou is definitely not the end point. Even if he wants to stop, his side will force him to go on.

For our own side, the most urgent thing is to solve the Datong Army and Xuanfu Army entrenched on the line from Dongping Prefecture to Jining as soon as possible, but Feng Tang also realized the seriousness of the situation. The front line of Jining Prefecture has finally begun to desperately.

If they lost here, and the attitude of Chen Jixian in the south is erratic, they are not sure whether their fate will be buried here, so they fought very tenaciously, far better than the previous few battles in the north of Shandong, let Feng Tang All feel tricky.

   "Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu won't be caught without a fight. If they were a little negligent in the early stage, they are going to fight for their lives now." Feng Tang put away the letter from his son.

  The letter implicitly mentions some confidential matters that outsiders cannot understand, but only he can understand.

Once Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu are dealt with, the position of governor of the three sides will be removed, that's all, but the Northwest Army may also be dismantled, so he will try his best to push Chen Jixian to go south to the Huaihe River Yang, even Jiangnan, only in this way can the Northwest Army need to exist.

   But Chen Jixian's going south does not mean that the crisis is completely resolved. The Northwest Army regained Shandong. What's the next step?

  Chen Jixian will definitely not be able to stand up to his own Northwest Army. As long as he goes south, regaining Jiangnan is not a problem. After solving Chen Jixian and regaining Jiangnan, he will still face the same problem.

  The imperial court will not tolerate such an army entrenched in the Central Plains or Jiangnan. Whoever is the chief assistant or the emperor will not agree.

  Can you back down? Not to mention the difficulty of working so hard to build such an army, even if I want to retreat, I am afraid that the generals under my hand will not agree, otherwise it will fall apart and lead to a big mutiny , This is what Feng Tang doesn't want to see again.

He also asked his son, who has always been intelligent, this question. His son’s answer is that there is no solution. There are contradictions between civil servants and warriors. Dynasty, but this comparison is not appropriate, but that's probably what it means.

  Ziying seems to have a big mind, and Feng Tang can feel his son's inner ambition, which makes him feel excited and relieved, but also worried and fearful.

This kind of contradictory mentality has always haunted him, making him sometimes want to take a step back, become a rich man, and live the rest of his life in peace with his children and grandchildren. Sometimes he feels that even his son has such lofty ambitions, and he himself The current conditions are not bad, why can't we create a better foundation for our son?

Obviously, the staff couldn't guess what Feng Tang was thinking now, and he was still immersed in his own thoughts: "As long as Yuncheng and Juye are taken down, Sun Shaozu in Dongping Prefecture will not be able to stay, and can only retreat back to Jining and Yanzhou. Now Our scouts have found that the activities of troops from Zou County, Teng County to Hanzhuang have increased significantly, which shows that Niu Jizong's army in Yanzhou has also shown signs of going south. I guess Chen Jixian probably has contact with Niu Jizong. Give it to Niu Jizong."

  Feng Tang stroked his beard, this was expected, but he had no intention of interfering. If he really wanted to completely annihilate Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu in Shandong, his Northwest Army might also be disabled, so what good would it do?

  The word "raising the enemy's self-respect" cannot be mentioned, but Feng Tang understands this truth.

  (end of this chapter)

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