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Chapter 2082: Guizi scrolls have their own thoughts, sparks start a prairie fire

  Chapter 2082 Guizi scrolls have their own thoughts, sparks start a prairie fire

"Chen Jixian is not a fool. How could he obediently give us Xuzhou? How could he easily withdraw from Xuzhou without creating obstacles and troubles for us?" Feng Tang knew in his heart, "I'm afraid that before he left Huai'an, Niu Jizong had already The Xuanfu army quietly entered Xuzhou, and I never expected to take Xuzhou peacefully."

   "Then what's your plan?" The aide gritted his teeth and said, "Just let these two perform oboe in front of us?"

"It doesn't matter. Follow our rhythm. Our Northwest Army's soldiers are hard-won. When it's time to go to battle, you must be unambiguous, but when it's time to preserve your strength, you must also preserve your strength. Let Liu Baichuan fight from Shuibaozhai to Yuncheng. Launch an attack, and within three days I will see the flag of the Northwest Army planted on top of Yuncheng." Feng Tang said lightly: "Since Niu Jizong's thoughts are all on Xuzhou, shouldn't Dongping Prefecture be handed over to me? Is it time for Yanzhou and Jining to withdraw? "

Feng Tang actually didn't intend to take the entire Shandong in such a hurry, but Sun Chengzong played too smoothly in the north, Sun Shaozu retreated steadily, and You Shilu also launched a fierce attack in the Gaotang and Yucheng areas. After a fierce battle, Sun Shaozu finally couldn't resist, and fled all the way south, not even caring about Jinan. You Shilu immediately took advantage of the situation and took Jinan again, and even the Ministry of War took the initiative to ask You Shilu for credit.

  The victory of Jinan is a big event, which means that the situation in Shandong has finally come back, and it also means that the Southern Army has officially withdrawn from the central area of ​​Shandong, and can only maintain its existence in the south.

  He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji also did not neglect, and attacked along the canal in two directions. Dongchang Fucheng, Boping, Chiping, Yanggu, Shouzhang, Dong'e, and Pingyin counties were all captured by the two of them one after another.

However, in the Anshan Lake area, He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji encountered a fierce counterattack by the Xuanfu army. The two sides fought fiercely on the front line of Anshan Lake. He Huchen had to slow down his offensive, so that the situation gradually reached a stalemate.

  Sun Chengzong fought so fiercely on the northern line, Feng Tang knew that if he continued to consume so much, he would definitely be unable to justify it, and the Ministry of War was also suspicious, so he could only step up the offensive.

He first ordered Liu Baichuan to launch a siege operation in Chaocheng, Guancheng, Fanxian, and Puzhou in the south of Dongchang Mansion, but Niu Jizong saw Feng Tang's purpose and voluntarily withdrew from Puzhou, making Feng Tang's siege attack in vain. However, the recovery of the four states and counties is enough to explain to the court.

Coupled with the successive conquests of Caozhou, Caoxian, Dingtao, Chengwu, and Shanxian counties, the outflanking offensive against the Xuanfu army became more obvious. Niu Jizong held firm on the lines of Yutai, Yuncheng, Juye, and Jinxiang. Even at the expense of the cavalry, they started a tug-of-war with the cavalry of the Northwest Army on this line, and both sides suffered great losses.

   Now that Chen Jixian has finally gone south, and Niu Jizong has found a new foothold, I am afraid that his will to stick to Dongping Prefecture and Jining will not be so firm.

  A last stand and having a way out are two concepts. Feng Tang's goal is to win Dongping Prefecture before He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji. In this way, he and Sun Chengzong will basically be evenly divided in the strategy of going to Shandong.

  While Feng Tang was thinking about the letter sent by his son from Yongning Prefecture, the imperial court cabinet was also discussing the news from Feng Ziying, who had officially entered Shaanxi.

"The situation is very bad." Qi Yongtai's face was ugly, the letter in his hand turned around, and then returned to him, shaking, and his tone was a little helpless: "It's worse than we imagined, Ziying entered Wu It is said that there are still many rebellious troops marching towards Wubao, from Suide, Mizhi, and Jiazhou. Qingjian County in the south is estimated to have fallen, but so far Yan'an Prefecture and Xi'an are both The news was not reported to the court,..."

  Ye Xianggao stroked his forehead. There was no good news during this time, and he was going out in the direction of Shandong.

  Although Sun Chengzong played very smoothly, it was all expected.

Both Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu lost their will to fight, and gradually retreated southward. The northern part of Shandong was basically recovered. Feng Tang launched an offensive in Yanzhou and Dongchang Prefecture in the southwestern part of Shandong. However, in order to ensure the safety of the canal in the southeastern part of Shandong, Niu Jizong also fought hard Tenacious, so not much progress.

However, everyone agrees that the situation in Shandong will not have a major turning point. With the recovery of Dongchang Mansion and Jinan Mansion, it means that Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu have lost the ability to regain the initiative in the Shandong battlefield, and the court will not allow them Go back to Jinan and Dongchang, these are the two most elite prefectures in Shandong.

  Ye Xianggao even wondered if Feng Tang seemed to be a little tired. Is it so difficult to take down Jining? Or is Niu Jizong really fighting for his life?

"Gaojuxian, how could it be possible to grasp the changes in the situation in northern Shaanxi? Besides sitting in the city of Xi'an and arguing, what else did they do?" Li Sancai sneered, "Baishui and Chengcheng are in chaos, and even Hancheng is in danger." If it is lost, I don’t know how Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie can still sit still? Do we really have to wait for Xi’an Prefecture to fall before we take measures? Ziying is still in Wubao and has been blocked, maybe before she waits When he went to Xi'an Mansion, Xi'an City was lost, and that would really be a joke."

  He didn't like Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie. He suggested that they should be replaced a long time ago, but he failed to get enough support in the cabinet.

  He is also happy to see Feng Ziying go to Shaanxi. If Feng Ziying really has the ability to control the situation in Shaanxi, it will be good. If he can't control it, the situation will be even worse.

"No, the Baishui and Chengcheng rebels are not that capable." Fang Congzhe calmed down. He knew where Li Sancai's anger came from, but it was not feasible to immediately replace Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie. It will completely collapse the situation in Shaanxi. This is the unanimous opinion of the cabinet. Even Li Sancai is just talking out of anger, and the only person he wants to replace is Lu Chuan.

  Although the situation in northern Shaanxi is dangerous, at least the situation in Xi'an, Hanzhong, and Fengxiang in the south is still controllable.

  As for the rebellious troops in Baishui and Chengcheng, they were only active in the area next to the Yellow River, and did not cross the line of Tongguan and Yaozhou. However, Puzhou has indeed been affected recently, and attention must be paid to it.

   "Hehe, Prime Minister Fang, if the rebel army takes control of Puzhou, Tongguan and Yaozhou will not be able to keep it. How can I keep Xi'an at that time?" Li Sancai continued to sneer.

  Li Sancai was full of resentment towards him in charge of military affairs.

Firstly, he is not good at military affairs, and secondly, everyone knows that military affairs are of great importance. It is not something that he, a cabinet minister, can specialize in military affairs. Moreover, Zhang Huaichang, who has been the censor of Zuodu for many years, has transferred The important minister of the Ministry of War has a lot of influence in the court. As a cabinet minister in charge of military affairs, he really can't be suppressed, but in his position, he has to plan his own affairs. Li Sancai is not the kind of person who dawdles, so This cabinet bachelor has always been very angry.

  His hometown is Lintong, Shaanxi, but he just lives in the capital city, so he has always been concerned about the situation in his hometown.

Seeing that the situation in Shaanxi is getting more and more serious day by day, the army is everywhere, but the local officials in Shaanxi are still busy with internal strife. The solution came, which led to procrastination in local government affairs. As a result, the rebellious army has become more and more prosperous, and it has spread to the whole of Shaanxi.

  Feng Ziying finally got Feng Ziying to take office, but as soon as he stepped into Shaanxi, he was confronted with a rebellious army sweeping Yan'an Mansion, making him in a dilemma. Looking at Qi Yongtai's anxious face, Li Sancai felt a sense of joy for no reason.

   Serve it right, do you really think that his disciple Feng Ziying has the ability to change the world?

   I was lucky enough to win a battle in Yongping Mansion and drive away the Neikalkha people who didn't pay much attention. I feel that I am capable and omnipotent? Now something bad happened.

   "The situation in Xi'an Prefecture has not reached that point yet. The three northern prefectures are in danger." Qi Yongtai can be regarded as the one who knows the most about military affairs among the group of people, but to be honest, it is also very limited.

  There are currently five cabinet ministers in the DPRK and China. Li Tingji has been seriously ill during this period and has submitted his resignation letter.

The remaining four people, Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe are both proficient in financial affairs, and have dabbled in the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Households. It still comes from Feng Ziying's opinions. Li Sancai was born as a local official. He is very familiar with the affairs of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs, especially as the Governor of Water Transport, but he is also very unfamiliar with military affairs.

   But his statement that Shaanxi is dangerous in the three northern prefectures is unanimously recognized by everyone.

  The three prefectures of Yan'an, Qingyang, and Pingliang have always been barren, with strong folk customs, bandits and horse bandits emerge in endlessly, and social security has always been unstable.

  As the Northwest Army moved eastward into the Central Plains, the only available soldiers in the three borders and four towns were in Yulin, but the frontier troops in Yulin Town did not dare to move lightly.

There are various signs that Su Nang Taiji, who is in power in the east of the Tumet people, should have been wooed by the Chahar people. The military pressure on the two towns is also increasing, and the imperial court even hopes that Yulin Town will reinforce Shanxi Town when necessary, so Yulin Town will run out of available soldiers.

"What I'm most worried about is that the chaos in the three mansions in the north will continue to spread and develop, affecting Fengxiang Mansion and Gongchang Mansion, especially Fengxiang Mansion, then Xi'an is really in danger." Qi Yongtai continued: "Everyone, look at the map. You can know that now the three northern mansions have surrounded Xi'an mansion in an arc, if Fengxiang mansion is also in chaos, then Xi'an mansion will hardly be spared."

  (end of this chapter)

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