Number of People

Chapter 2121: Gui character scroll grass wild dragon snake, with great ambitions

  Chapter 2121 Gui character scroll grass wild dragon snake, with great ambitions

"No one expected that the situation would suddenly turn like this!" The young woman in a red silk dress still looked into the distance, but her tone was full of disappointment and regret, "We are just one step too late. This Jing Zhizhong and Kuang Zhengcao How could you change your mind?"

"If it wasn't for Datu's Falcon Village and Poluo Temple Village with knives in the back, maybe Boyan Village and Baitang Village would not have failed!" The woman clenched her fists tightly with both hands, her face full of anger, "I can only hate that big liar Kuang Tiangeng is still here!" I swore in front of me that they would never surrender to the government, and we must unite to bring down the entire northern Shaanxi,..."

The young woman laughed, glanced at her innocent sister-in-law, and said indifferently: "I just listen to the words, Mr. Kuang is not the master of the big rabbit falcon village. Although his father is old, he can If the power is not given to him, even if he has the heart, he may not be able to do it."

"But his father also kept saying that only by uniting together can we avoid being defeated by the government, not only our border villages, but also the rebels in other places." The woman gritted her silver teeth and swung her powder fist fiercely. "It's despicable to turn against the water and join the enemy while the words are still in your ears."

  My sister-in-law's righteous indignation did not affect the young woman's state of mind. Ever since she heard the news, she had been thinking about how to deal with it.

Among the more than ten border villages along the road from Suide to Mizhi, except for the four major villages of Boyan Village, Baitang Village, Datuhu Village and Poluosi Village, the dozen or so border villages born are all small and medium border villages. Yu'erhe village and Longquan village where he is located are the representatives.

  There are still some differences between Dazhai and small and medium border villages.

Dazhai has a large population, so there are more issues to consider. Even I can understand that the elderly, weak, women and children in a Dazhai can easily cost two to three thousand. These are living people. They have to eat and wear, and winter and spring are the most difficult. If they can't make it through, they can only go out of the village to die, which also forces these big villages to compromise more easily when facing survival crises.

  The situation of small and medium border villages is more complicated, and there are various situations.

  Like Yuer Hezhai, Yu Changhe was originally an officer in the Yulin Army. He came out due to illness and has inextricable connections with the Yulin Army. It is unrealistic to let them attack the government. Recruiting security is their greatest wish.

Another example is the nearby Xili Village (Village), which is a border village dominated by Tumote people. At first, there were a group of Tumote horse bandits, only forty or fifty people, but since ten years ago, people from the side wall More and more Tumet herdsmen came from the north, and some Han horse thieves also joined in. The number quickly exceeded 500,000, and now it is close to 1,000.

There is also the Sanzu Village (Village) in the west, which was built by a fugitive postman who escaped from prison in Suide Prefecture. Although the postman died later, he absorbed more and more landless farmers and fugitive soldiers around him, and quickly became a village. Second only to the four big villages, it is the first of the small and medium border villages, with a population of more than 1,500 people.

  Of course, the main sources of people in the frontier villages are refugees and disaster victims. This point is the same in any frontier village, but the leaders in the dominant position have different backgrounds and different thoughts.

For example, Yu Changhe of Yu'erhe Village originally hoped to have the opportunity to re-enter the frontier army and be recruited; for example, Modlun and Qiu Zixiong of Boyan Village and Baitang Village were ambitious and divided; Hansai of the village, the elite under his command are Tumet horse bandits and Han horse bandits, and he doesn't have much other thoughts, just thinking about looting around; With the town and Gansu town becoming weaker and weaker, they dominated the northern part of Yan'an Prefecture and even dared to attack the Yulin Army.

  However, these were all the ideas of these frontier villages before. With the successive years of severe drought, the ideas of all the leaders of the frontier villages gradually converged to one, to survive.

  If you survive by yourself, the people in the village can survive. This is the most basic idea.

However, the food stored in the village is becoming increasingly empty, and anyone who sees it will feel panicked. That's why Boyan Village, Baitang Village and other border villages went south to capture Yiheyi City first, and then went straight to Wubao City. The city wall of Wubao City is low and it is close to the ferry crossing in the east of the river. Was it thought of as a food and material distribution center?

   Fighting Suide, Mizhi, Jiazhou, and Anding, as long as they can get food, no one is hesitant to fight, but the key is whether it is worthwhile to fight these cities?

Suide, Mizhi, and Jiazhou are not easy to fight. The city walls are much taller than Wubao, and there are also a lot of guards and civilians. It is too close to Yulin Town. No one is sure whether the Yulin Army will suddenly come out. one knife.

  All the border villages and even the rebels in various places are now focusing on this problem, that is to seize food, to seize more food, otherwise in this winter and next spring, there will be no food to eat, and there will only be a dead end.

  As for the ideas, ambitions and desires of each family, they can only be put aside for the time being.

  There is another problem that has been entangled with these border fortresses and other rebels.

  Even if these counties are captured, will the food captured be enough?

  If it is not enough to eat, what should we do next?

  Continue to fight all the way, go west, or go east and south?

   To hit Xi'an, or to cross the river?

   What if there is enough to eat? Continue to live day by day?

   It is impossible for the government to stop here. Now the government army has gone east to pacify Jiangnan because of the Northwest Army, but after fighting Jiangnan, it will definitely move west again. So what should we do?

  If you hope that the imperial court will not be able to conquer the south of the Yangtze River, then of course it is good. If the world is in chaos, then everyone will show their talents, but this kind of hope seems a bit slim to Zhubianzhai, except for himself.

The news from Beijing still hopes that the situation in Shaanxi can continue to drag the court, and it is best to join forces with Shanxi to drive the entire situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi. Town and Shanxi, Datong two towns can not escape.

Now the situation between Beizhi and Shandong is not yet mature. According to the meaning of the middle and upper echelons of the teaching, it will be delayed. After the Northwest Army and Sun Chengzong's northern army have all gone south to the south of the Yangtze River, Beizhi and Shandong are the most suitable The timing of the incident, and at that time Fengzhou Bailian was also able to take advantage of the Mongols' bandits to attack the pass, so that the internal and external cooperation would surely overthrow the imperial court completely.

   Hong Yingzhen took a deep breath, but she still made some mistakes.

In fact, when the news came from central Beijing, I specifically reminded myself that the governor surnamed Feng had frequently attacked believers in Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion, and in Yongping Mansion even forced the leader to leave for shelter. He also used all the power of the government to eliminate the congregants among the refugees and work-for-relief, and later even spread to the Jizhen army.

After arriving in Shuntian Mansion as the Fucheng, you colluded with Long Jinwei and the court's criminal department to investigate the sect's secrets everywhere, intending to wipe out the foundation of the sect in Beijing. Fortunately, the young master and the others were vigilant enough to not be caught by him The handle, I didn't expect that this guy wanted to inspect Shaanxi again, and extended his claws to Shaanxi again.

  Hong Yingzhen also heard that during the teaching, he actually stabbed this guy on his way to Shaanxi, and he was the same guy as himself, but he still missed.

But even so, Hong Yingzhen didn't care too much. Being able to use government means to deal with the congregation does not mean that there will be much trouble in Shaanxi, especially after hearing that the other party is just a boy in his early twenties. She didn't care about her background even more.

  If his father Feng Tanglai, Hong Yingzhen would definitely take it seriously, but the tiger father has too many dogs, what can a guy who was born as a scholar help?

  Who would have thought that this fellow would actually make a feint in Datong, cross the river directly from Qikou, and still cause such a big disturbance in Wubao, abruptly breaking up a climax that was so hard to set off in the northern part of Yan'an Prefecture.

  It was only at this time that Hong Yingzhen really regretted it. If she knew that she should have followed Modren and Qiu Zixiong straight away, she couldn't let this Feng guy actually buy Kuang Zhengcao and Jing Zhizhong to make a counterattack.

The reason why Hong Yingzhen did not lead the army south, but stayed on the border, was to take advantage of the momentum of Modlun and Qiu Zixiong who took down Wubao in one fell swoop, and took advantage of the momentum to stir up the surrounding villages together, and took advantage of the momentum to win Suide .

  All these plans have been laid out, and once Wubao's side successfully sieges the city and triumphantly returns, their own side will launch an offensive and take down Suide, and the situation in northern Shaanxi will open.

  Who would have thought that the siege of Wubao would be defeated, the surrounding villages would be a little embarrassed, and the internal staff in Suide City would also have a somewhat ambiguous attitude, and this battle could not be fought any longer.

  Thinking of this, Hong Yingzhen couldn't help but sigh, it's a waste of time.

The interior of Suide City took a lot of thought to be laid down, just waiting for this fatal blow, as long as Suide City is taken down, it will be connected with Wubao, and Mizhi and Jiazhou will be isolated in the northeast corner, and An Ding and Baoan can contact Qingyang and Pingliang rebels to take it in one fell swoop.

  The Yulin Army is restrained by the Mongols and Fengzhou Bailian, so the entire northern Shaanxi area, except for the area next to the Yulin Army, can almost fall into its own hands.

Now how to do?

Hong Yingzhen was lost in thought, it was unrealistic to beat Suide, and the information from Mizhi City, Yulin Commander He Shixian also went to Mizhi City, he should have met with that surnamed Feng, what will they do next? do what?

   Attack the border village?

  In the south, Modron and Qiu Zixiong seemed to have retreated to the area of ​​Yuliyu, and there was no sound, and Jing Zhizhong and Kuang Zhengcao did not take advantage of the victory to pursue Modron and the others. The whole situation was in such a strange stalemate.

   There are rumors that Modlun and Qiu Zixiong seem to be surrendering to the army in order to be recruited. There is such a possibility, but Hong Yingzhen does not believe that Modlun and Qiu Zixiong are so ambitious that they will admit defeat in just one battle?

  (end of this chapter)

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