Number of People

Chapter 2122: Guizi scrolls are made every step of the way, with hands and hands

  Chapter 2122 Guizi scroll step by step, exert strength with hands

  After returning to Wubao from Mizhi, Feng Ziying quickly threw herself into intensive work.

Wubao is very important, especially the communication between Yulinyu and Qikoudu, so that the communication between Shanxi and Shanxi can flow smoothly through this channel. The upper part of Laoniu Bay in the north is mainly for the connection between Yulin Town and Shanxi Town communication.

  The area of ​​Longmen and Hejin in the south has been threatened and controlled by the rebel army, and has become a channel for the rebel army on both sides of Qin and Jin.

  Feng Ziying feels that if Shanxi quickly takes countermeasures, the situation in the entire south of Shanxi and the east of Xi'an Prefecture will deteriorate further.

  Theoretically, Shaanxi is also responsible, but who let himself do it? It is not easy to manage the Yan'an Mansion in an orderly manner.

  I am not a god, and I don't have the ability to turn beans into soldiers and turn stones into gold, so I can suppress the chaos in Shaanxi in one go.

  The task deadline set by the imperial court is one and a half years, that is, by the end of next year at the latest, the situation in Shaanxi must be brought under control, while the goal Feng Ziying set for herself is the summer harvest next year, which is completed half a year earlier than the imperial court deadline.

  It’s only been a month now, and Feng Ziying feels that she can make a point of being able to open up the situation in the northern part of Yan’an Mansion.

Feng Ziying, who was sent by Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie, sent them back, and he also sent letters to both of them, asking them to take immediate measures to solve the problem of the rebellion in the east of Xi'an Prefecture, and authorize them to use the entire Xi'an and Hanzhong The guards of the four prefectures of Fengxiang, Fengxiang and Gongchang solved the problem, and the Shaanxi Metropolitan Division fully cooperated.

This is not Feng Ziying's hypocrisy. What he asked Xie Zhenye was to fully support Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie in calming down the chaos in the eastern counties of Xi'an Prefecture. The situation in the government must be stabilized and it cannot continue to spread westward.

The Yulin Army began to divide into two groups and went south from Yinzhou Pass and Longzhou City, and began to clear Suide and the border villages in the mountainous area bordering the Yulin Army in the north of Mizhi. They were ordered to immediately count the number of people and register them. City and Mizhi County accept check-in.

  At the same time, the Shanxi merchants who had a close relationship with them and provided them with commercial and trade support were also summoned by Feng Ziying and asked them to cooperate with the government to clean up these border villages, and no longer trade with them without government approval.

  Two-pronged approach, Feng Ziying believes that these frontier villages should soon obediently come to report and accept the arrangement within a one-month deadline.

"My lord, Modron and Qiu Zixiong are asking to see you." Wu Yaoqing stepped into the door with a smile, "They wanted to see your lord last time, but I excused you by saying that your lord went to Suidemizhi. They were panic-stricken and knew that your lord would never come again. The status quo in the frontier is allowed, so I always hope to see the adults state their difficulties."

"Everyone has difficulties, but this is not a reason independent of the government's control." Feng Ziying replied, thinking for a while before saying: "I guess they also got the news that the Yulin Army is clearing out the border villages, and they can't sit still. Have they been honest for a while?"

"It's honest, I've been stationed in the vicinity of Luoliyu safely, but I have frequent exchanges with those small border villages. These small border villages also communicate at both ends, and I also secretly communicated with Datuhu Village and Poluosi Village. I hope Get the best result." Wu Yaoqing introduced: "The reorganization has already started, but I feel that Wang Chengwu's Yueshan camp is the most powerful and the most straightforward. Mr. Zheng has been full of praise, saying that Wang Chengwu's heart is the court, and his loyalty is amazing. Ka,..."

  Feng Ziying laughed, Zheng Chongjian praised Wang Chengwu so much, it seems that Wang Chengwu is really determined to be his loyal dog.

   In terms of loyalty, Wang Chengwu is much better than Jing Zhizhong and Kuang Zhengcao and his son. Those two are driven by necessity or interests.

   "Why, Boya and Yuxuan are not advancing smoothly?"

"No, but it is inevitable that there is some bargaining. Many people in these two villages are used to being lazy, and they are suddenly going to become officers and soldiers. They are subject to various restrictions, and the intensity of daily training is far greater than their original life. , so it must be difficult to adapt to, although the two Jing Zhizhong and Kuang Zhengcao are in the dominant position in the village, but this kind of border village is still like everyone who took the initiative to join the membership, and the force is not so strong,..."

Feng Ziying did not expect such a situation to exist. It seems that Jing Zhizhong and Kuang Zhengcao's control over the two villages is still not as strong as Modlun and Qiu Zixiong's control over Boyan Village and Baitang Village. Headed by Boyan Village and Baitang Village.

   "What do Boya and Yuxuan mean?" Feng Ziying murmured. Since Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu were let go, Feng Ziying didn't want to interfere too much, which would appear to be disrespectful and questionable to them.

"The two adults, Sun and Chen, are still getting used to it, but the subordinates think that food, weapons, and armor are all in our hands, enough to make them bow their heads. Now it's just the initial discomfort. When they feel hungry and uncomfortable Knowing that their relatives in the border villages still rely on our food to save their lives, they will soon be overwhelmed by the cruelty of reality."

  Wu Yaoqing's words made Feng Ziying smell Sun Chuanting, and asked with a smile, "Did Boya say that?"

"Yes, Mr. Sun is full of confidence and doesn't care about it at all. He said that the transformation of these border troops is a difficult job, and it cannot be done overnight. If you are eager for success, you will leave troubles behind. So you have to do it step by step. These people's mentality and concepts have been slowly reversed, allowing them to train and shape according to the standards of the frontier army, so as not to rework in the future and become a raw meal."

  Wu Yaoqing's words satisfied Feng Ziying, "What about Yuxuan?"

"Master Chen is slightly different. He advocates beating and adjusting the leaders inside. If those who don't listen to the call, they will be punished by military law. Those who should be rewarded, or those who are bought, will be rewarded heavily,..." the corner of Wu Yaoqing's mouth With a bit of a smile, he was obviously very interested in the two different methods of Sun Chuanting and Wu Yaoqing.

Feng Ziying was thoughtful, it was hard to say which of these two methods was better, but Sun Chuanting's progress must have been slower, but the victory lies in stability, a solid foundation, and stronger persistence, while Chen Qiyu's method has a cohesive force It is mainly concentrated on the officers, but the combat effectiveness may not necessarily be bad.

"Well, let them do it." Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "The big rabbit falcon village is named as the assault camp. Isn't he the most horses? I hope to take advantage of its assault advantage; the Boluo temple village is named Destroyer The city camp, I hope that it will be invincible when it sieges the city."

"On the pro-barracks side, Yu'erhezhai doesn't have many people, and General Feng personally operates the sword, and Yu Changhe himself is the one who is most eager to be recruited. He was overjoyed to learn that he became the adult's pro-barracks. He kept saying that I didn't have the chance to become the governor's personal soldier, but now it's fate to be the governor's personal soldier." Wu Yaoqing said cheerfully.

   "This guy is really good at talking." Feng Ziying was also in a particularly comfortable mood.

  Yu'erhe Village's combat effectiveness is not bad, but the number cannot be compared with the Four Great Villages, and it is a matter of course for them to be included in the pro-barracks.

  According to Feng Ziying's idea, the fire guns coming from Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion must first enrich the pro-military battalion and create a powerful pro-military battalion.

  Although there is only one soldier in the Qin Bing Battalion, Feng Ziying plans to form a five-sentence unit according to the scale of one sentry self-generated firecracker, one sentry Musket turtledove gun, two sentry ordinary firecrackers, and one sentry sword and shield soldier.

   This is a little unreasonable, but considering that the role of the pro-barracks is to be used as a reserve or commando, it is necessary to have weaker protection capabilities and stronger offensive capabilities.

"Of course they are happy. Being able to become the governor's personal soldiers will change the fate of the future. In comparison, the fate of Boyan Village and Baitang Village is much more tragic." Wu Yaoqing said softly: "The outsiders don't know yet How to deal with Boyan Village and Baitang Village, I only know that the adults have not promised them to surrender."

"Well, let's just meet and see. You can arrange a time for Modlun and Qiu Zixiong to come separately, and I will see you alone." Feng Ziying stroked her chin and said, "I plan to make a big profit so that Modlun and Qiu Zixiong can meet each other separately." Going aside, I am worried that time is too tight, if the situation in the eastern part of Xi'an Prefecture is uncontrollable, my idea of ​​moving the three northern Shaanxi prefectures first will affect the situation in the south."

  Wu Yaoqing frowned: "My lord, are you planning to let one of them go all the way south to Qingjian and Yanchuan, and then go to Baishui and Hancheng?"

"Almost, let Qiu Zixiong go. I feel that Qiu Zixiong should be more in control. Modlun has a treacherous mind, and this guy may not be able to obey orders." Feng Ziying thought about it: "But it's not necessarily true. Qiu Zixiong wants to escape a bit. If The situation is not good for us, and this guy may turn around faster than we thought."

"In the final analysis, we are still strong, so that people like them have no chance to opportunistically, so they can only listen to us obediently." Wu Yaoqing said with certainty: "These rebellious troops are nothing, and if they have any beliefs, they are all fake. talk."

"Hehe, Yaoqing, these people were struggling to make ends meet before. It was just an idea of ​​survival. If you use other standards, it would be too high." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "I know it well. At the same time, Fan The Wang family and the Cao family took the initiative to come to set up a line. I asked Gu Dengfeng and Qian Guisheng to contact them. Too much reliance on the Wang family is not a long-term solution, and an appropriate balance is also necessary. Since the Fan family and Cao family are optimistic about my entry into Shaanxi, we Of course I would like to give them a chance."

  Wu Yaoqing knew that Gu Dengfeng and Qian Guisheng were two pawns hiding in the dark, and they hadn't shown much in the early stage, but now it seemed that they were going to show up.

  (end of this chapter)

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