Number of People

Chapter 2125: Gui character volume fuzi, dark hand

  Chapter 2125 Guizi Juan Fuzi, Dark Hand

"Hehe, a chaste woman praised by the whole family, filial to her parents-in-law, raising a posthumous child, is well-known in the local area, but in the end she turned into a prodigal who seduces a wealthy family, and finally became pregnant. Do you think this is possible? Is it reasonable? His parents-in-law filed a complaint, but one was accused of being a lunatic, and the other simply disappeared, and the county government couldn't find anyone. I wondered what the **** the county government was raising a lot of people for."

Feng Ziying laughed dumbfounded, "Zhao Yuansheng, the magistrate of Qingjian County, is from Qingyang Prefecture, but he is a rare donated official in Yan'an Prefecture. surprise,…"

Qiu Zixiong also found it difficult to answer. Yan'an Mansion was originally a place of bitter cold, and there were not many Jinshi who came to become officials. For example, most of the local magistrates came from Juren. It can be said that it is quite rare to be an official, and to donate an official to serve as a magistrate of a county.

This case was also very noisy at the beginning, and some local people said that they would help the widow Jiao Er to sue Xi'an, but it turned out that the person was robbed and killed by robbers on the road, and the younger brother of the widow Jiao Er, who fell He and the other committed robbery and were sent directly to Liaodong.

  In the end, the case changed from a heated uproar to a silent one, and it disappeared over time.

   Seeing that Qiu Zixiong was having a hard time answering, Feng Ziying didn't care. He didn't expect the other party to answer.

The tyrannical and evil gentry of this era are vicious and vicious in their style, and their methods are despicable and dirty, which can exceed the bottom line of modern people. Power is the truth is equally applicable to them. Compared with them, those who are stronger and more fierce than them, they can be as docile as sheep, but To deal with the weaker than them, it is really omnipotent.

So to deal with these tyrants, Feng Ziying will not have any psychological burden by any means. In fact, it can be said that this kind of country gentry, which one does not have a few lives of those poor people on his hands, he is really not worthy of being called a powerful and evil gentry. name it.

"Okay, Zixiong, I don't want to explain anything to you. For me, for us, what we have to do is a goal. I want to get enough money and food, otherwise this situation will be difficult to control. Given my official status, all I can get out is a stack of complaints..." Feng Ziying paced around the hall with her hands behind her back, "Who can do the best for me, I will not hesitate to take the lawsuits." His name is written larger,..."

  Qiu Zixiong couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

  Although he was born in a frontier village, it doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about Da Zhou's officialdom.

He also knew that Feng Ziying was dissatisfied with Modren's hesitant attitude. In Qiu Zixiong's view, since he had already boarded the ship, he had to look forward and backward at this time. , he won't do it.

  Now that you have firmly hugged this thick leg, you must hold it to the end with all your heart.

   Isn't it the pioneer of raising the bandits to be king? It doesn't matter whether you become a bandit or a thief by yourself, the other party promises that he and his sons will give an explanation in the end, and that's enough.

  As for whether the other party that Modren was worried about would repent and use his own people as scapegoats, Qiu Zixiong admitted that there was such a possibility.

  But now that we have come to this point, can you back down because of this?


  Any other options?


  Since this is the case, what are you talking about? It’s better to do it with all your heart, and maybe you can make a good impression.

This father is the governor of the three sides, and also the governor of Jiliao. Like an emperor, if he can solve problems for him and make great contributions, doesn't he need a group of people who do dirty work for him and do evil things?

  Anyway, Qiu Zixiong is also a person who has read several "Twenty-One Histories". Which of the dignitaries and dignitaries of the past dynasties didn't play some dark tricks? He, Qiu Zixiong, was willing to work his life regardless of the consequences, but he didn't believe that Feng Ziying would look down on him.

   "My lord, Zixiong has no other person himself, so he will only obey orders to kill people. As long as your lord orders, Zixiong will dare to go there." Qiu Zixiong blushed and thrust his chest fiercely.

"Very well, since you want to be a warrior, then don't think about it so much. It's not your turn to think about it. Just do your part! The Shangguan ordered you to do it. If I, Feng Ziying I don't have any worries about this. I still have a lot of people under my command. Some things can be hidden for a while, and some people can be hidden, but it is absolutely impossible to hide everything from everyone for a lifetime. Zixiong, don't you think? If I Talking nonsense, or reneging on promises, who will work hard for me in the future? Governor of Shaanxi is not my ultimate goal, I hope my brothers can follow me to go higher and further!"

Feng Ziying's words are very suitable for Qiu Zixiong's appetite. They are impassioned and loud, and the implication is also very clear. Let everyone follow him, let everyone understand what kind of person he is, and follow him for the rest of his life. , what you say will be better than Jibu Zhinuo, a thousand gold is not easy.

  Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing were outside, listening to the conversation between Feng Ziying and Qiu Zixiong.

  The two exchanged glances with each other, both of them smiled and said nothing.

Qiu Zixiong, who is going south, plays a more important role than the northern line Modren, because Feng Ziying will focus on the three prefectures in northern Shaanxi in the short term, and the three prefectures of Yan'an, Qingyang and Pingliang will be completely pacified. Leading troops to the south, then Qiu Zixiong needs to grasp the scale during this period.

It can't be fought too hard, so that it will be difficult for all the money, food and materials to gather in Feng Ziying's hands, and it will be obtained by these "rebellious troops", but it can't be too slow, so that once other rebellious troops grow up, Qiu Zixiong's "rebellious army" will be defeated. "It will be difficult to gain the dominance of the chaos army, so this measure is very difficult to grasp.

  Feng Ziying's goal for Qiu Zixiong is to focus on activities in the three counties of Qingjian, Yanchuan, and Yanchang. It is possible to go south to Ganquan and Fuzhou appropriately, but it is not suitable to go deep into the territory of Xi'an Prefecture.

Because the rebellious troops in Baishui, Chengcheng, and Hancheng counties in the eastern part of Xi'an Prefecture are already very powerful, and they are integrated with the rebellious forces on the Pingyang side of Hedong. Merger, then it is best to wait until the three northern mansions are sorted out before going south according to the opportunity, so that Feng Ziying can solve the scourge of Xi'an Mansion.

And the activities in Qingjian, Yanchuan, Yanchang, Ganquan, and Yanzhou counties must be carried out according to the opportunity. Where to fight, who to fight, and how to fight, we must grasp the timing, choose the target, and obey Feng Ziying's big plan .

  This requires that Qiu Zixiong's film should be strictly prohibited, and Qiu Zixiong must have a strong control over the people in this film to do so, so Feng Ziying also has to help Qiu Zixiong "help".

Information, supplies, weapons and armor, these are all Feng Ziying wants to prepare for Qiu Zixiong, and even set up a banner for Qiu Zixiong, so that he can go south "smoothly", so as to **** the rebels with Zuoguai Wang Zuogui and Miao Renmei leadership.

  Since you want to be the "boss" of the rebel army and the "flag" of the rebel army, then no matter how you look at it, you must show that you are different, otherwise how can you convince the public?

  After the conversation, the next step is the contact between Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing and Qiu Zixiong.

For weapons and armor, some old armor, knives and guns, Feng Ziying has already obtained part of it from He Shixian, and can quickly replenish it to Qiu Zixiong, and even give Qiu Zixiong dozens of firecrackers and related gunpowder pellets. Rebels have different trait advantages than other rebels.

There is also personnel. Feng Ziying also instructed Qiu Zixiong to recruit those hesitant or dissatisfied frontier soldiers and rebels. Feng Ziying did not want such unstable personnel to join the assault camp and the city-destroying camp. It's better to let them fight to death and exhaust them.


"Oh, Feng Ziying is still in Yan'an Mansion?" Behind the spacious desk, the middle-aged Confucian scholar with a slightly blue complexion put down the problem in his hands, took the handkerchief handed over by the maid next to him, wiped his hands, and snorted softly. "The governor's office is about to form a spider's web, but he just refuses to go south. What is he going to do? Do he want to move the governor's office to Fushi City?"

"My lord, it may be that I think it's not safe to go south. I heard that several groups of rebellious troops who originally planned to recruit security and surrender turned back. One went west, and the other went south. This time, the road to the south was almost cut off. Ah." The aide smiled, "I thought that the governor really had some skills, and he could defeat tens of thousands of rebels and recruit them all at once, but I didn't expect that he was playing a trick to slow down the troops."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar shook his head, "It's hard to say now. It's normal for these rebellious troops to surrender and rebel, and rebellion and surrender again. How can there be few ambitious people among tens of thousands of people who are not satisfied with the conditions offered? , or it cannot be fulfilled, and if someone from below instigates it, maybe after drinking a meal, the drunkenness will come up, and they will change their minds again, who can say clearly?"

"But it doesn't mean that the Bianzhai rebellious army is very capable of fighting. Why can't they attack even Wubao City? Also, it is said that the Bianzhai rebellious army is also fighting among themselves. The side is too messy, Master Pan is really hard for him."

"Hmph, Pan Ruzhen is weak-tempered. Being the magistrate is too reluctant. If I can't find a suitable replacement, I would have suggested a change of person to the court." The middle-aged Confucian scholar shook his head: "I don't understand now, What exactly is Feng Ziying planning to do in Yan'an Mansion, does the Yulin Army really dare to send him 10,000 to 20,000 people south?"

  (end of this chapter)

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