Number of People

Chapter 2126: Guizi scrolls are bustling with each other, and all parties appear on the stage

  Chapter 2126 Guizi scrolls are crowded, and all parties appear

The aides obviously considered going deeper, "My lord, I'm afraid it's impossible for the Yulin Army to give him so many people, right? When Feng Ziying was a co-prefect in Yongping Mansion, he used the formation of Minzhuang to fight against the Mongolian invasion army, and he also won a lot of money." Complete victory, and this time he summoned the commander of the capital and his acquaintance, Master Xie, could it be that he wants to use the capital's guard as a structure to form a guard to deal with the rebels?"

The middle-aged Confucian student is Lu Chuan, the Secretary of the Chengxuan Political Commissioner of Shaanxi Province. Although he sent his staff to meet Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying seemed to be a bit understated. It made Lu Chuan not very happy to observe it.

  In Lu Chuan's view, even if Feng Ziying is a strong dragon crossing the river, if he does not have the support of himself, a local snake, he will not be able to open up the situation in Shaanxi, even if Sun Yijie supports him.

   I never thought that Feng Ziying would not come to Xi'an at all, but settled in Yan'an, and stayed for a month. It seemed that in Yan'an, he was a little bit reluctant to leave. How can there be such a governor? !

  The situation in Shaanxi is in such a mess, and Lu Chuan knows it well. There are many reasons for this, and even in a sense, it is because of his own laissez-faire.

Sun Yijie was fighting with himself. He wanted to take advantage of this chaos to drive Sun Yijie out of Shaanxi, or completely overwhelm him, but he didn't expect that Sun Yijie was cunning, and later he became a tacit understanding and refused to face himself. Conflict, so that I can't find a suitable opportunity for a while.

  I didn't expect the severe drought to be so severe, and the local response was so weak, which led to chaos and swarms everywhere, and I couldn't control the situation later.

  Sometimes Lu Chuan wondered if he was self-defeating, and instead trapped himself, otherwise, why would the court suddenly send a governor, and directly cut off the possibility of himself being the governor.

That's fine, but Feng Ziying's role as governor is a little awkward. A boy in his early twenties who has just been a fourth-rank official can also serve as governor. Lu Chuan feels that this is the imperial court humiliating himself and dissatisfied with himself. an attitude.

And this Feng Ziying actually slapped her face as soon as she came here. Instead of coming to Xi'an, she stayed in Yan'an and seemed to be enjoying herself. She didn't even sit or stand in Xi'an, and she didn't even know. What should be done.

  The staff who were sent to the staff were sent back indifferently, without any clear instructions, as if a little bit as if he didn't exist, which made Lu Chuan very upset.

  The problem is that in Yan'an, I am still a bit out of reach, and it is even inconvenient to do anything. Then Pan Ruzhen is not one of my own, so it is very embarrassing for me to be unable to get up or down.

"Forget it, if he wants to make troubles, let him do it. He is the governor, and he is the biggest. Don't dig a hole for yourself and fall into it. You have to come to us to cover him up in desperation." Lu Chuan sneered He said, "I always feel that I have done something before, so I can go anywhere in the world. He will understand that Shaanxi is not so easy to manage."

"Hehe, the little horse thinks the road is narrow at the beginning, and the young eagle hates the sky when it first dances. The governor is too young, and he thinks that it is very easy to do in Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion. He probably thinks that coming to Shaanxi is similar, but he seems to have forgotten. In Gyeonggi, he can rely on teachers such as Qige Lao, Guan Shangshu and Qiao Yushi, but the sky is high in Shaanxi, the emperor is far away, the drought has lasted for many years, and the people are in chaos. If he can bring millions of corn, wheat or money, he may still win. There was a lot of cheers, but you can't do it with your bare hands."

It seemed that Dong Weng was not in a good mood, and the staff could only follow the other party's tone, but in the end they changed the subject: "But this Governor Feng has also been to the Northwest to suppress the rebellion. We are no strangers to the Northwest, why are we so naive? Do you really think that recruiting a bunch of frontier troops can sweep the world and clean up the north and the south?"

The staff's last words made Lu Chuan also fall into deep thought. Feng Ziying is not a young child, and he is no stranger to the Northwest, and Datong is not far from Shaanxi. Not to mention there is another dad.

"The imperial court still gave him 300,000 taels of silver, but I thought it was a drop in the bucket, and there was nothing urgent." Lu Chuan pondered for a while, "Our news in northern Shaanxi is still too closed, Pan Ruzhen That guy is unreliable, and the news he sent back is all irrelevant, I wonder if this guy hugged Feng Ziying's thick leg."

"Then what your lord means is..." the staff thought for a while, "We still need to send more people over there. Besides, there are quite a few gentry in Yan'an Mansion who still have some knowledge. You might as well learn about the situation through them. I don't believe that Governor Feng can get around For these people, there is a shortage of food in northern Shaanxi, and they can’t last for two days just relying on the warehouses in the prefectures and counties, and they have to find these gentry to raise money, and then there will be a good show.”

  Lu Chuan nodded slightly, this is a difficult problem that no one can solve.

  Shaanxi is short of food, and it is lacking everywhere, and the food is in the hands of the gentry and grain merchants. No matter who comes forward to yell, these gentry will only make a small gesture, which can be regarded as a bit of face for the local officials.

  No one knows how long this drought will last, and the price of food will only get higher and higher. It is predicted that the price of food will increase by at least 30% until at least this winter and next spring.

  As long as you stock up on food, you will only make a profit without losing money, and you will make a lot of money, and the possibility of large-scale transportation of food from outside is very small.

  Shanxi and Henan are suffering from drought themselves, transporting grain from Huguang, the transportation cost alone can drive up the price of grain.

Lu Chuan was also trying to figure out what Feng Ziying would do if he wanted to open up the situation, but he always felt that it was hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and he couldn't solve this problem anyway without food in his hands. He felt in his heart that if there was chaos in northern Shaanxi, he would let him go. There is no way to provide relief, and more than half of the population of more than one million in the three prefectures of northern Shaanxi will die, and no one will do anything.

   As for how to die, starving to death is too ugly, and the reputation is not good, so it is better to let the chaos and let them fight and kill each other, and the government is enough to guard the county and the pass.

  The best way is to introduce these rioters into Shanxi and Henan, and let them swarm to the neighboring provinces to make troubles. That way everyone will be happy, but this can only be hidden in the stomach, and cannot be said.

  What he can do now is to guard the Tongguan-Pucheng-Tongzhou-Tongguan line to ensure that the rebellious army does not enter Xi'an westward, and there is really nothing else he can do.

  Feng Ziying felt that he was capable, so let him do it. Anyway, he is the governor, and I should listen to him now, and I can’t blame myself if something goes wrong.

  Before, Lu Chuan felt that Feng Ziying's entry into Shaanxi was a big threat to him, but now it seems that it is a good thing for him to toss in northern Shaanxi, at least to reduce the pressure on Xi'an.

  He didn't believe that Feng Ziying could do anything in northern Shaanxi. There was no food, no money, or even money. How could these more than one million hungry people be appeased?

Feng Ziying, who is far away in Wubao, can actually guess what Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie are thinking now. In northern Shaanxi, under the severe drought, the surrounding areas are also food-deficient. How to solve the survival problem of the starving people? There is food with merchants, but if they are to hand over the food, it is tantamount to killing them. No government dares to cut the foundation.

  But for Feng Ziying, this is simple. Everything is done by the bandits. He is following up the bandits to restore the situation. The local gentry and businessmen should thank themselves.


"What's the matter?" Ye Xianggao slammed the letter in his hand on the table, his face full of confusion and anger, "Surrender and rebel, these rebellious troops in the border village are so rebellious? The court gave Are you not satisfied with such a good condition?"

Fang Congzhe, Li Sancai, and Zhang Huaichang were all silent. After waiting for a while, Zhang Huaichang said slowly: "I'm afraid it's still a food problem. There are tens of thousands of family members behind these border villages. Just take care of these people. Relatives, friends, old family members have no way of living, and they must still be unable to appease them."

  Everyone understands this problem, but there is no solution.

   "Didn't Feng Keng ask for food from the local gentry?" Ye Xianggao's tone also softened.

   "It must have been recruited, but..." Zhang Huaichang shook his head.

  The effect will definitely not be good. Who will hand over all the food when the price of food is soaring?

   "What about Ziying's countermeasure?" Ye Xianggao softened his tone.

   "Well..." Li Sancai also smiled wryly, "It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice, and she has done everything she can. As long as Ziying can control the situation, I don't think there is any need to stick to tricks."

   "How is the situation in Pingyang Mansion?" Ye Xianggao looked at Li Sancai again.

When they heard of Pingyang Mansion, everyone frowned again. Li Sancai took a deep breath and said slowly: "It's very bad. The Shaanxi rebels keep moving eastward to Hedong, but Chai Guozhu in Shanxi Town and Yang Yuan in Datong Town moved slowly. , the reason is sufficient, food and supplies must be prepared before daring to go south, otherwise the frontier army will mutiny and turn into a disorderly army, then it will really be a disaster again."

   "What's the current situation?" Ye Xianggao became impatient, "Daofu, I just want to be honest."

"The three counties of Ronghe, Wanquan, and Wenxi were all impacted, and the victims of the disaster and the hungry flooded up. Puzhou, Jiezhou, and Linjin also followed suit. Small groups of rebellious troops rose up, and all places appealed to Taiyuan for emergency. The governor of Shanxi Both the envoy and the procuratorial envoy have urgently reported to Beijing, requesting to deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Before Li Sancai finished speaking, Ye Xianggao was already angry, "Where are the guards in various places? Really, they are all decorations. The Shaanxi Dusi is a decoration, and the Shanxi Dusi is also a decoration? I remember that the Ministry of War arranged for people and allocated a sum of money." Is Qian Yin going to Shanxi to train soldiers? Where are the soldiers?"

  Zhang Huaichang had to come forward to help relieve the pain, "Shanxi Township lost too much. The Ministry of War has trained some soldiers in Shanxi, but Shanxi Township has given priority to replenishing them, so..."

  (end of this chapter)

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