Number of People

Chapter 2182: Hit the Guizi scroll hard, hit again

  Chapter 2182 Guizi scroll heavy hit, hit again

  The next thing seems to be a matter of course.

Ma Jinbao, the deputy general of Guyuan Town, entered the city from Andingmen. Although the defenders of Anchengmen also belonged to the Xi'an Youwei Division, Feng Ziying had already bribed this division. The Xi'an guards who fled back to the barracks in a hurry were all surrounded in the camp, and mercilessly ordered all the soldiers of the Xi'an guards to disarm and abandon their armor, otherwise they would be wiped out with rebellion.

  Liu Yuanpei, who had nowhere to go, finally took the initiative to express his willingness to disarm and abandon his armor and accept reorganization. So far, the "rebellion" of Xi'an defenders has completely ended.

   "My lord, Master Lu is here." Wang Wenyan hurried over from the outside, "It seems that I can't sit still."

"Oh? I can't sit still anymore, it's still early." Feng Ziying took a sip of tea leisurely, "Isn't it so impatient? Anyway, he has been called a lonely character in Xi'an for so many years. , even if I am merciless, the imperial court will give him some face, why is he in such a hurry."

Wang Wenyan sneered, "My lord, it's different. If all the four guards in Xi'an are cleared out according to your opinion, and the people from the procuratorate are clenching their teeth, maybe the bosses of the procuratorate in the capital city will be ready to move. Even Ye Xiang may not be able to suppress it."

The procuratorate made such a big noise in the city of Xi'an. Although it was Feng Ziying's full support, it was impossible for Xiong Jianqiu and Chang Xuande not to report to the Metropolitan Procuratorate. However, it was the big bosses in the Metropolitan Procuratorate who decided their fate, Zhang Jingqiu, Qiao Yingjia, Zou Yuanbiao, Zuo Guangdou, Yang He and others.

If you can bring down a second-rank Zuo Buzheng envoy, it will definitely be an honor worth taking a risk for the members of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and it will definitely be written into the future reputation of these big bosses in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. historical.

The censors' pursuit of fame is more important than anything else. Even if they have connections in the township party, superiors and subordinates, it is difficult for them to give in easily. When they overthrew Shaanxi governor Yunguang, the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were all Biting Yunguang crazily like taking an aphrodisiac, and finally pulled Yunguang off the horse, and now a second-grade Lu Chuan appeared, which undoubtedly made these censors smell blood.

  If Lu Chuan cannot be overthrown, the censors may restrain themselves a little bit, but if Lu Chuan reveals his flaws that may be completely overthrown, it is hard to say how these censors will act.

So at this time, Lu Chuan was a little restless, which is also reasonable. After all, without Feng Ziying's connivance, the censors of the procuratorate would not be so rampant, especially in the four guards of Xi'an, they might all be disarmed by the Guyuan Army In the case of being escorted out of the city, it is even more difficult to predict which direction the future will develop.

  The negotiation between Lu Chuan and Feng Ziying lasted for half an hour, but the results were lackluster.

   It is impossible for Lu Chuan to give in on his own initiative at this time, that would only make his opponent gain ground.

  The purpose of his visit was very simple. He wanted to find out what Feng Ziying was up to and what he was going to do. In other words, he wanted to find a compromise with Feng Ziying and keep his business in Shaanxi for so many years.

Whether it is in the officialdom or in the business, there are too many interests involved. It was only at this time that Lu Chuan realized that he was powerless in many areas, unable to take care of him, and there were flaws almost everywhere, and he might be caught by Feng Ziying ruthlessly at any time. beat.

There was no post of governor before, and he could cover the sky with one hand. Even Sun Yijie could hardly shake his control, but when Feng Ziying came, not only did he control the capital at once, Xie Zhenye, a weakling, almost bowed to him. Some operations in northern Shaanxi hit his vital point at once, especially when the Yan'an Mansion turned to the opponent, allowing the opponent to gain a firm foothold all at once.

It was only at this time that Lu Chuan discovered that Feng Ziying was old-fashioned and had not entered Xi'an for a long time. Instead, he stayed and took root in Yan'an, and used various means to beat, win over and even buy these officials. Being too contemptuous, Pan Ruzhen, Xu Junyang, Wu Degui, and Yuan Wanquan all turned to each other one after another. It can be said that they lost control of Yan'an Mansion almost instantly.

The changes in Yan'an Mansion also directly affected Qingyang Mansion and Pingliang Mansion. These two mansions are also places that I don't value very much. Except for the magistrate, Tongzhi, etc., among the people like the county magistrates and prefectures below, those who are really close to me In other words, there are not many people who belong to them.

This kind of wind direction even affected the Xi'an Mansion. Although Xu Liangyan was still calm, Lu Chuan knew that this fellow had never really served him. , I am afraid that the door will be changed.

   Walking out of the governor's office, Lu Chuan sighed in his heart. He still underestimated this guy, or he didn't underestimate him, so what? In fact, when the imperial court rejected him as the governor and Feng Ziying became the governor, this ending was doomed.

  The only thing that surprised me was that Feng Ziying actually broke the game from Yan'an, where the situation was worst, and he really succeeded.

  At first, I thought it would be the Yulin army, and I had already prepared for it. As long as He Shixian dared to send out an army to help Feng Ziying to quell the chaos, I would make people clamor in the court.

But I didn't expect that He Shixian didn't even send troops at all. Feng Ziying relied on his little soldiers and a group of people to buy a gang of rebels, which opened up the situation, and swept Yan'an Mansion with a sweeping force, even With Qingyang and Pingliang included, it's no wonder that the attitudes of people in Qingyang and Pingliang began to favor Feng Ziying.

   It's just that the matter has come to this, so what can I say?

Lu Chuan can imagine that Sun Yijie has been watching the confrontation or negotiation between himself and Feng Ziying, as long as he shows his weakness, he will jump out and step on him, but it is difficult for him to resolve the difficulties in front of him now. Bureau.

   How about a step back?

  Of course I am willing, but will Feng Ziying stop there?

   Also, what about the "step back"?

   One big step or one small step? Feng Ziying will definitely not agree to a small step. He wants to control the dominance of the entire Shaanxi, and it is difficult to satisfy his appetite by taking a small step.

   Can it be a big step? The big step in his mind may not be the same as the big step in his mind, and his big step may exceed his bottom line.

   You can't give in so easily. Once the other party realizes your weakness, they will only speak harder, and maybe they will completely devour your hard-earned savings over the past few years. This is unacceptable.

  Lu Chuan's empty-handed departure was within Feng Ziying's expectation. After all, he was also a local snake who had entrenched Shaanxi for several years. How could he bow his head and surrender so easily? Didn't he still count on Fang Congzhe, the second assistant in the court, to put pressure on himself?

Feng Ziying also didn't want Lu Chuan to bow his head just like that. He still needed the censors of the procuratorate to show more courageous fighting spirit to attack Lu Chuan. Many twists and turns.

   "Qian Dingjun still refuses to explain?" Feng Ziying asked Wang Wenyan.

"It's not that easy. Qian Dingjun is Lu Chuan's best friend, and fourth-rank officials insist on denying him, and the censors have no good way." Wang Wenyan shook his head, "Lu Chuan should know this, That's why he's so calm now, if Qian Dingjun's mouth is opened, he may really come to the door to beg for mercy."

  Qian Dingjun was a councilor of the chief envoy and had a close relationship with Lu Chuan. The censors followed the line and dug out the moth.

He colluded with several officials in the Xi'an Prefecture, involved in privately leaving the army and transferring to Chang'an and Xianning counties, and made more than 100,000 taels of profit from it. People swallowed it.

  The reason why the people in Xi'an Mansion cooperate with this guy is because they know that Lu Chuan is standing behind him.

"Well, I know it's not that easy." Feng Ziying murmured, "If Lu Chuan hadn't chosen someone with a tight mouth and tough bones to carry such a big matter, then Lu Chuan should have been planted long ago. Within reason."

   "My lord, you can actually choose another breakthrough." Wang Wenyan smiled lightly.

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying glanced at Wang Wenyan.

"In Xi'an Mansion four years ago, the case of privately reforming yellow books and encroaching on unowned land, I checked the file of this case, and it was very chaotic. Seven households in Xuejiazhuang were wiped out by bandits. Such a big case was annihilated silently. In the pile of old papers, Chang'an County shied away and said that it was handed over to Xi'an Prefecture. Xu Liangyan said that the case had already been concluded when he came. Four of the nine bandits died in the pursuit, and the remaining five were sentenced to three. Wen Zhan, the whereabouts of the two of them are unknown, and there is nothing more to say afterwards."

  Wang Wenyan said eloquently, "This case was handled by Cui Wenshan, the former co-prefect of the Xi'an Prefecture, and Yue Shanbao, the pusher. These two people, Cui Wenshan, have retired and returned to their hometown in Zhejiang, and Yue Shanbao is now the general judge..."

  Feng Ziying looked solemn, "What does this have to do with the case of privately changing the yellow book and encroaching on unowned land?"

"There is a lot of connection, because these seven families were wiped out by bandits, two of them are considered high-class, and the others are also considered wealthy. There are more than 500 acres of fertile land by the Weihe River. The land of the family killed by the thieves should be inherited by their relatives, but when it fell into the hands of these relatives, there were only more than 200 mu of land, and 300 mu of land was changed to the yellow book, and then fell into the hands of others. Someone discovered the clues during the monopoly process, and checked the bottom file of the government archives, and then it was turned out,..."

  Feng Ziying suddenly recalled, "Isn't this bandit's extermination of the family and the private reform of the yellow book a dragon?"

   "Yes, I have investigated such cases in the past ten years, and found that there are cases in Chang'an, Xianning, Jingyang, Gaoling, and Weinan,..."

  Feng Ziying gasped, this was too vicious, if the officials and bandits colluded, the bandits would get rich, and the officials would get the land, which would make people shudder.

  (end of this chapter)

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