Number of People

Chapter 2183: Guizi scroll dark thorn, double tube

  Chapter 2183 Guizi scroll dark thorn, double tube

   "They are all in Xi'an Prefecture?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice.

"Almost all of them are in Xi'an Prefecture, and only the fertile land along the river in the Guanzhong Plain can attract the covetousness of these people." Wang Wenyan nodded, "This kind of cases have occurred in several counties in the past ten years, and all It happened after three or five years, and it wasn't too abrupt, and almost all the people we chose were single-family with few relatives or relatively distant relationships. Only the case of Xuejiazhuang was more complicated with a slightly larger number of people. .”

"Such cases should be involved by the Procuratorate, right?" Feng Ziying thought for a while, and then asked directly: "The prefecture and county level must not be able to cover people's door, and the Xi'an government may not be able to suppress it. Didn't the Inspector Li turn a blind eye to it?"

"The Inspectorate also intervened, but it was only in the past two years that the Inspectorate intervened. A few years ago, the Inspectorate was transferred. The specific situation is unknown, but as far as I know, the Inspectorate did not intervene much back then. Even interfering is a little bit, and there is not much result. Like Xuejiazhuang, a few people have been arrested, but it is still a bit of a formality. I checked the case file, and there are still many doubts, so I talked with the person who changed the yellow book privately. When the case is connected, it is a bit intriguing."

  Feng Ziying frowned, "Wen Yan, you won't miss this case by accident, will you?"

"The clues given by Lieutenant Long Jin, they also feel that there is something strange, but they are not under their jurisdiction, and they have a bad relationship with the inspector and Xi'an government here, so this matter has been held in their hands. Until we come over."

   "Then what do you think this case has to do with Lu Chuan?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"Cui Wenshan was single-handedly promoted by Lu Chuan. In the past ten years, the relationship between the two has been inseparable. Last year, Cui Wenshan became an official, and Yue Shanbao was the same. This is considered to be Lu Chuan's party, so Xu Liangyan and Lu Chuan's face-to-face discord is also because of this. The reason is that Lu Chuan wanted to evade him, and although Lu Chuan tried his best to win him over, Xu Liangyan never really fell for Lu Chuan." Wang Wenyan explained: "If you open a breakthrough from this case, you can kill two birds with one stone."

   "Move Cui Wenshan first?" Feng Ziying nodded.

"Yes, Cui Wenshan has resigned from office, and I know that although he is an acquaintance, he is good at making money. He has been involved in many cases of champerty lawsuits, and..." Wang Wenyan paused, Feng Ziying immediately sensed something, and asked with a frown Said: "What's the matter, classical Chinese, is there anything else to say?"

"Well, there is another case involving Jia Wang, the wife of Jia Lian in the Rongguo Mansion. Of course, Jia Lian and Jia Wang have reconciled now. This case is a case of wounding and death eight years ago. From this, they managed to collect two thousand taels of silver from the victim, and Cui Wenshan and Yue Shanbao reckoned that they also got several hundred taels of silver from it, and finally settled the matter."

  Wang Wenyan knew that Feng Ziying had a close relationship with Jia Lian, and even knew that Feng Ziying seemed to have an ambiguous relationship with the Jia Wang family, so it was inevitable that he would hear some gossip when working in the mansion.

But this kind of rich family will inevitably have these stories. Wang Wenyan of the Jia Wang family has also met twice. He is indeed a flirtatious beauty. It's nothing to say, but if it is to be involved, it will inevitably be traced to the Jia Wang family. In the end, the Jia Wang family used the relationship between the Jia Wang family to take the lawsuit for personal gain and pervert the law. Of course, the focus is on Cui Wenshan, but that Jia Wang's family must also suffer.

  Feng Ziying really didn't expect that such things would involve Wang Xifeng. No wonder Wang Xifeng wanted to tell herself that their Jia family and Wang family still had some contacts in Shaanxi, and they turned out to be Cui Wenshan and Yue Shanbao.

  This is a good time. If you investigate all at once, you will have to involve Wang Xifeng in the end. If you really want to get out, Wang Xifeng will be her own concubine, and even the matter of giving birth to a son will be turned upside down?

Seeing Feng Ziying's strange expression, Wang Wenyan guessed that he was right. It seemed that the Jia Wang family really had an affair with Feng Ziying, but Wang Wenyan didn't think it was a big deal. Don't dare to slander, if you really want to slander, it will be an extra crime!

   I'm afraid that the adults still miss the pillow love of the couple Bai Rien for a day, then it will be troublesome.

   "My lord,..." Wang Wenyan asked tentatively, "But you think it's difficult to deal with because of Jia Lian?"

   "Uh, it's a little bit. Jia Lian is worthy of my brother. Although I have reconciled with Jia Wang's family, after all, I was also called Jia Wang's sister-in-law. Such things..." Feng Ziying scratched her head subconsciously.

"It doesn't matter. This case can be put aside first and dealt with later. There are many cases of Cui Wenshan bending the law for personal gain. Naturally, no one dared to overturn the case when he was not gone. But now that he is gone, Xu Liangyan is also fanning the flames intentionally or unintentionally. The situation in the province has also changed since your lord came here, so naturally the main troublemaker took advantage of the situation to make trouble." Wang Wenyan said with a smile: "As far as I know, two cases have already been handed over to the Inspectorate for re-examination."

   "Oh, Sun Yijie is also holding Lu Chuan's handle and waiting to make a big move." Feng Ziying also laughed, "It's just that this may not be able to overthrow Lu Chuan."

"It's hard to say whether it can be overthrown, but it must be Lu Chuan's weakness, so I think we can start with Cui Wenshan." Wang Wenyan suggested: "The supervisor asked the Procuratorate and the Procuratorate to go to Zhejiang to investigate Cui Wenshan secretly. I believe Cui Wenshan This sudden investigation must be a blow to the head, and it will receive miraculous results, as long as Cui Wenshan makes a move, Yue Shanbao will not be able to escape, Xi'an Mansion can also undergo a major reshuffle, and it will be difficult for Lu Chuan to escape."

   "It's just that it takes a lot of time to come and go." Feng Ziying sighed, "I'm afraid I won't be able to get down in two or three months."

"Hey, this kind of thing, the speed of the soldiers is so important, the censor of the procuratorate and the people who are the procuratorate are definitely gearing up to do a big job, a fifth-rank official, and a pusher and judge also need to be involved It is estimated that many officials will be involved when they come in, and this is all political achievement." Wang Wenyan shook his head, "Believe it or not, as long as we speak, they will be able to set off tomorrow, and they will be able to reach Zhejiang in less than a month. You can call back and forth in a month."

Feng Ziying also couldn't help laughing, the interest of the people in the procuratorate was aroused by him, and the people in the procuratorate were already jealous. Now that they have the opportunity, how can they not go all out, anyway, Lu Chuan's side I'm still competing with myself, don't worry, two months can just be a buffer, and when the news comes back, I can start it immediately.

   "Alright, I'll go talk to Sun Yijie and Xiong Jianqiu right now, I believe they will be very interested." Feng Ziying hesitated, "But the Jia Wang family..."

  Wang Wenyan was a little surprised, why did his boss become affectionate? It's just Lushui couple, is it true that your lord really intends to protect her? Even if you want to protect it, you can't be so coy, right?

"Oh, don't worry, my lord. This case can be put on the back burner. Just say hello to the procuratorate. First investigate the two cases that have been told by the sufferer. It is enough to take down Cui Wenshan and Yue Shanbao." Wang Wenyan Observe words and expressions, and understand authentically.

   "Well, these things still need to be settled after all, but we can first distinguish between priorities and then deal with them." Feng Ziying nodded in satisfaction.

This Wang Xifeng was really making trouble for herself, and even said that she wanted to help her solicit contacts, bah, he poked such a big hole when he came here, and he had to implicate her in it, so that he had to wipe her ass, if It's not because of Huzi's face that he really wants to let go.

  But when it comes to Wang Xifeng, I really miss this mother and daughter a little bit, thinking about Wang Xifeng's body, of course, he is his own son anyway, even though he was born illegitimately.

As expected, after learning of the situation and collecting relevant case files, the censor of the procuratorate and the people from the procuratorate immediately set off secretly to Zhejiang at night, trying to resolve this matter within the year Into an iron case.

  Break through Cui Wenshan and Yue Shanbao, then Lu Chuan will definitely not be able to stabilize anymore, and then he will be able to handle things with ease, and Sun Yijie and Xu Liangyan should understand who is in charge of Shaanxi.

Here they follow the path of the Procuratorate and the Procuratorate. Feng Ziying also knows that relying on this alone is not enough to establish her prestige. If she wants to gain a firm foothold in Shaanxi and control the situation, she has to make a fuss about the military. .

Modren kept going around between Qingyang and Pingliang prefectures, and had already broken through many counties. The Kuang family and his son were biting hard, and the entire Qingyang and Pingliang prefectures were disturbed. Letters flooded in like snowflakes, imploring the governor's yamen to sweep the assault battalion quickly to wipe out Modren's rebellious army, and to restore peace to Qingyang and Pingliang prefectures.

The situation in the south of Yan'an Mansion was similar. Qiu Zixiong's actions were more aggressive than Modlun's. He went south from Yanchang and went straight to Yichuan. One of the largest rebellious troops in Yichuan, the little red wolf died in the fire, and the rest of the small rebellious troops in the surrounding area also joined Qiu Zixiong. Qiu Zixiong became the most powerful rebellious army in Shaanxi. The three chaotic armies active in the east of Xi'an Mansion did not give way.

  However, Qiu Zixiong did not continue to go south, but turned west and entered Luochuan territory.

  After the rebel army in Luochuan realized that Qiu Zixiong's group had entered their territory, they were quite nervous, and quickly united, and issued a warning to Qiu Zixiong, asking him to stop outside Luochuan.

  Qiu Zixiong ignored it, and still made great strides into the territory of Luochuan, and attacked the city all the way, advancing to the territory of the central county, and confronted the two most powerful rebel armies in the three counties of Luochuan, Yijun, and central.

  (end of this chapter)

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