Number of People

Chapter 2184: Great joy on the scroll of gui characters, Linmen

  Chapter 2184 Guizi Juan is overjoyed, coming to the door

"They plan to form an alliance with Qiu Zixiong?" Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, pacing back and forth in the hall with a smug face, "We're starting to negotiate terms? This is a good thing, it seems that our preset plan is finally coming to an end It's starting to get going."

"Join if you can't win. The Lamp Buddha Zhao Si'er and the Pantian King Liu Kezhuang are really outstanding people who know current affairs." Wang Wenyan also smiled and congratulated Feng Ziying, "They were frightened by Qiu Zixiong's fierce offensive in Yichuan. The little red wolf is the strongest rebellious army in Yichuan. It only lasted for three days before being defeated by Qiu Zixiong's left and right punches. It was a rebellious army with nearly tens of thousands of people. Not afraid?"

"This gang of thieves is still inferior to those people in the east of Xi'an Mansion. Look at them, they started to go east to Pingyang early on to make a way out. Now they continue to attack in Huazhou, Pucheng, and they are approaching Weinan and Yaozhou. They are in the ascendant. Look at these people, they are content with the status quo, they close the door and say they are lonely, and then they start eating meat and fighting for money. With such virtue, do you still want to make things happen?" Feng Ziying sneered, "Now that there are more The powerful fierce man appeared, and I was afraid that I would follow in the footsteps of the little red wolf, as if relying on alliances to maintain my own status, and continue to enjoy the good life, it is a good idea."

   "What does your lord mean...?" Wang Wenyan felt that Feng Ziying didn't agree with it.

"Hehe, of course I support it. Zhao Si'er and Liu Kezhuang are nothing to worry about. These shallow-skinned characters can't make a difference, and the news from Yaoqing also said that there are many people under Zhao Sier and Liu Kezhuang who treat them both. Are people dissatisfied? Thinking that if you start to enjoy yourself now, but ignore the changes in the surrounding situation, you will only be wiped out, and the people below can see clearly, but they don’t understand.”

  Feng Ziying was full of disdain.

"But what is Zhao Si'er busy with now? He married Widow Zhang, took concubines wantonly, and was born as a monk. He really couldn't stand the temptation after a long time? What about Liu Kezhuang? I heard that the gold and silver from the First World War he One person has to share 30%, the leader below will divide it into 40%, and only 30% will be in the hands of the soldiers below. With this virtue, it is a good thing for Qiu Zixiong to form an alliance with them, but he must be the leader and take the lead By the way, we can also recruit Zhao Si'er and Liu Kezhuang's subordinates, find a chance to annex them, and completely annex them both!"

  By the last few sentences, Feng Ziying's words were already full of confidence, and Wang Wenyan was also speechless. There is no alliance yet, and the goal is to completely annex the two films. My lord, you are really cruel and merciless.

   "Classical Chinese, what do you think?"

   "Your Excellency is wise." Wang Wenyan complimented, "But this will annex the second part, will it be too big to lose?"

"Well, the tail can't be lost. This word is used well. On the one hand, will Qiu Zixiong's ambition expand and become uncontrollable? On the other hand, if Zhao Si'er and Liu Kezhuang are really merged, it will be regarded as streamlining and eliminating some. I'm afraid it won't be less than 20,000 people, with such a huge 'rebellious army', food supply is a big problem, but if not, how can we compete with the rebellious troops in Chengcheng, Heyang and Hancheng?"

Feng Ziying pondered: "I'm not worried that Qiu Zixiong is out of control. This guy is very smart. He knows very well that if he wants to fight against the imperial court with these rebellious troops, he still can't do it. In addition, don't we have backup plans? I guess This guy can also guess that we have someone under him, see through it without telling it, pretend not to know, this guy is smarter than we imagined."

   "Then what are you worried about, my lord?" Wang Wenyan was slightly puzzled.

"I'm thinking about how to get along with the rebellious army in the east of Xi'an Prefecture after going south to the east of Xi'an Prefecture if the integration is completed? Will it be annexed in the same way? I'm afraid these rebellious troops in the east of Xi'an Prefecture will not be easily fooled again, and Their combat effectiveness and cohesion are far superior to those of Zhao Si'er and Liu Kezhuang, no matter how bad they are, they can still flee eastward into Shanxi."

Feng Ziying's worries were not without reason. Now the rebel army that crossed the Yellow River east has established a firm foothold in Pingyang Prefecture and began to attack the city and seize territory in Pingyang Prefecture. Gathering here, the whole situation deteriorated sharply.

"But if you want to forcibly attack to annihilate the annexation, the fighting power of these chaotic troops is different from that of Zhao Si'er, and Qiu Zixiong may not have the upper hand." Wang Wenyan speculated: "We don't have much time to delay it, it's really not good manage."

"We have to take one step at a time. Let Qiu Zixiong completely solve the problems in these counties south of Yan'an Prefecture. Maybe the situation will change by then." Feng Ziying sighed: "But no matter what the situation is, Facing us are getting more and more favorable, and it is worth clarifying tonight."

  Feng Ziying returned to the back house feeling a little drunk.

   It stands to reason that he shouldn't drink in the former mansion, and tonight it was agreed to consummate the house with Xing Xiuyan, so he should go to Xing Xiu's smoking room to have a cup of wine.

   It was just that I was in a good mood, so I had a few drinks with Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing.

  The small courtyard where Xiuyan lives has been hung with two exquisite red lanterns, and the light halo is covered by the gauze paste, adding a bit of festive atmosphere.

  Xiuyan's courtyard is the smallest among several courtyards, but it is exquisite. It used to be the residence of one of his concubines when Yun Guang lived here.

   There was some controversy about whether or not to live in the back house where Yunguang lived, but Feng Ziying made the final decision and decided to live here.

   Entering through the round door, there were two maids waiting. Seeing Feng Ziying coming in, they were all overjoyed, and hurried up to greet her.

   "Where is Xiuyan?"

   "Aunt and grandma are already waiting for you in the house." A maidservant with an obedient eyebrow whispered.

  Feng Ziying has an impression of this girl, and she can be regarded as a well-known little character in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions".

  Chui'er has always been Xiuyan's personal maid. In the book, she once passed handkerchiefs between Xiaohong and Jia Yun, and later stole Xiuyan's bracelet.

However, in this life, Jia Yun has already married the daughter of a down-and-out rich family in Beijing, and has two concubines. The slight affection for Lin Hongyu was blown away by the wind before it had time to develop, and Lin Hongyu probably also He never considered having anything to do with this Second Master Yun.

  Because Feng Ziying was deeply impressed by the performance of this little girl in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", she has never liked this little girl very much, and she once asked Xiuyan, wondering whether she should be sent out.

However, Xiuyan seems to have a fairly good impression of this girl, she is obedient, sensible, and obedient, so there is no such meaning. Feng Ziying thought about it, times have changed, maybe this girl has been slapped by her butterfly wings and everything has changed. , Can I still look at people from the perspective of others?

   Moreover, in the book, she is just a little girl with bad conduct, and how much trouble she can make, so she cares about it, but it is a bit pretentious.

  So he didn't intervene in such trivial matters, but just reminded Xiuyan to be stricter with his servants, but Xiuyan was a little confused, so he had to respond first.

  Feng Ziying nodded and went straight in.

In the main room, red candles hung high, on the Babu bed covered with red silk, Xiuyan covered her face with a red cloth, sitting upright on the bed, she heard Feng Ziying's footsteps, Xiuyan was a little nervous, because she couldn't see anyone, and she couldn't see her. It was so easy to lift the cover to hide my face, so I had to ask in a low voice, "Sister?"

  Feng Ziying was a little amused, and nodded softly: "It's for my husband."

  After hearing Feng Ziying's answer, Xiuyan breathed a sigh of relief. Although she knew that this would happen, and she had been in the house for so long, and it was only consummated after delaying, she must have some expectations in her heart.

Especially when she saw Miaoyu's radiant and dewy appearance the next day after her husband rested in Miaoyu's room, she was also very curious, and sometimes she couldn't help but ask jokingly, Miaoyu was also He hesitated and mumbled nothing, only said that after consummating the house, he would understand what it was like.

Today is finally a consummation of merit and virtue, Xiuyan is nervous and looking forward to it, and I have heard some people who have been here before mention that this first experience will definitely be painful, but after it is over, the bitterness will be the end of it, and in the anxiety, it finally came this moment.

  Picking off the red satin covering her face, a beautiful dimple that was blown to pieces under the candlelight was displayed in front of Feng Ziying.

It should be said that Xiuyan's appearance is not the most beautiful among her own women. Baochai, Baoqin, Daiyu and Miaoyu are all better than her, even slightly inferior to Qingwen Xiangling and Jin Chuan'er, but she and The same as Shen Yixiu, they are all the most attractive type, that is, the more you look at it, the more attractive it is, the one that suits me well.

With a faint scent, Feng Ziying quietly raised the jade dimple, and Xiuyan's shy and timid fiery eyes mixed with expectation made Feng Ziying's heart flutter, "Sister Xiuyan, we came to Shaanxi with twists and turns, ups and downs. , if all goes well, the house should have been consummated a long time ago, maybe you could have conceived in your womb, but it has been delayed until now. It is a pity for my husband, but the good things are no longer busy, and today I finally paid off. I wish."

Xiuyan heard Feng Ziying's emotions, and she was also very shy, and her voice was like a gnat: "This concubine has been looking forward to this day for a long time. The husband's official business is the most important thing, and the concubine should support it. Just as the minister said, today's concubine I am also overjoyed, my long-cherished wish has been fulfilled,..."

  Xiuyan's voice trembled slightly when she spoke the last two sentences, obviously she was extremely shy and joyful.

At this moment Feng Ziying was really a little drunk. Sitting by the bed, Zhuier had already brought a pot of wine with interest, and poured two glasses. Let's hold each other for a drink, and after drinking the cup of wine, we can be considered as a real husband and wife.

  Waving her hand to signal for Zhuoer to step back, Feng Ziying hugged the opponent's soft waist and placed her on her lap with Xiuyan's exclamation. A pair of magic palms had already been forced into the opponent's skirt, wandering,...

  (end of this chapter)

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