Number of People

Chapter 2194: The battle of attacking the heart of the Kui character scroll is the first

  Chapter 2194 The heart-attacking battle of the Guizi scroll is the first

   "Brother, younger brother is about to give an explanation on this issue."

For this elder brother, Abai doesn't have much affection. He is neither as friendly as his second brother Daishan, nor as smart and wise as the old eighth emperor Taiji. He always feels that he should be the natural heir of his father Khan. Everyone should listen to him and act according to his wishes, but Abai didn't want to offend the other party either.

"Hmph, I'd like to see how you explain it. When you first came up, you said a lot of words about fear of danger and death. Natu and you learned nothing from the Han people, but learned to be greedy for life and fear of death?" Chu Ying snorted coldly. With a sound, he curled his lips.

Netu turned a deaf ear to Chu Ying's humiliating words, and Abai pretended not to hear, and continued on his own: "My son knows what his father Khan thinks, how dare he neglect this matter? From these four From the perspective of the former, my son feels that the situation may change after a few months and develop in a direction that is beneficial to us. Under the government’s suppression, we must prepare to launch a round of resistance next year, and Fengzhou Bailian is also preparing to cooperate with their Bailian sect to take military action, which is probably more reliable than the demands of the Chahar and Tumet people.”

Nurhachi nodded slightly, then shook his head again: "The Fengzhou Bailian is nothing to worry about, without the help of the Chahar people, but I am a little regretful. Besides, Abai, how powerful do you think this Bailian sect is in the Central Plains of Han? We are just hearsay about the white lotus of the Han land, but the rebellion of such foolish men and women may not succeed, right?"

"Father Khan, we can't say for sure what the power of the Bailian sect in Han is, but judging from the situation of Bailian in Fengzhou, their influence in Han is at least deep-rooted. Once there is an incident, especially in the hinterland of Gyeonggi It must be something that can help us." Abai thought for a while before saying.

  Nurhachi nodded and said nothing more.

"The second point is the issue of the great Zhou court's pacification of the army in Shandong. At present, Sun Chengzong's northern army has returned north. I heard that it will be stationed in the east of Jizhen to the west of Liaoning..." After saying this, everyone frowned. If the Zhou army is stationed on this line, it will pose a greater threat to our own side. Once a war is launched in Liaodong, this army can reinforce Liaodong at any time.

"This situation is indeed not optimistic, but it is said that Feng Tang's Northwest Army is going to attack Xuzhou. If this army attacks Xuzhou, it will basically be unable to make a move." Abai glanced at Nurhachi, "I am afraid this is the only one good news."

   "Hmph, Sun Chengzong's army stationed in the west of Liaoning is enough to offset everything, Abai, I didn't see any news to be happy about waiting half a year as you said." Nurhachi said with a sullen face.

"Father Khan, this is indeed the case, but the third point is something to be happy about, that is, the rebellion in southern Shanxi has become more and more powerful. It is said that it has attracted the attention of the Zhou court and is planning to let Sun Chengzong's army go west to Shanxi to pacify it." There may be chaos, and the Datong army may also be dispatched to the south, but the news is still uncertain, the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty is still hesitating, maybe it is just worried about our side,..."

  The news of Abai finally moved Nurhachi, "There is a lot of chaos in Shanxi, and the Great Zhou court wants Sun Chengzong to quell the chaos?"

"It's just rumors that Sun Chengzong's army is still in the area of ​​Ji Town, and they haven't taken any action." Abai shook his head, "This news was obtained by my son through some channels, but it's not clear how true it is. Easy to say."

   "Can it be said that the Bailian sect of the Han Dynasty also contributed to the troubles in Shanxi?" Nurhachi looked at Abai and Natu.

Abai and Netu glanced at each other, and then Netu hesitated and said: "Khan, the Bailian sect in Handi has no contact with us. If we want to contact us, we must go through Fengzhou Bailian to make a bridge, and it may not be possible. ..."

"Whether it works or not, we have to give it a try. If we can transfer Sun Chengzong's army away, then our chances of winning in Liaodong will be much greater." Nurhachi slammed the handrail with his palm and stood up. We need to do our best to handle affairs. If we can choose the right time to let the Bailian sect of Handi and Fengzhou Bailian rise together, and by the way, mobilize Sun Chengzong's army, then even if we can't take Liaodong, we can at least take Anlezhou. He Tielingwei's threat to us has been completely resolved, and if the opportunity is good, it may not be impossible to win Shenyang."

   "I'll do it after my son returns." Abai quickly responded.

"Well, Abai, you have done a good job in this matter, and it is not easy to find out about these situations." Nurhachi sighed, "This big week is too big, and it weighs us Jurchens out of breath. How about now?" It's easy to take advantage of the civil turmoil in the big week, and we have some opportunities, if we don't seize it, I'm afraid I won't be able to rest in peace after I die."

"Father Khan, just transferred Sun Chengzong's army away. We still have to face the army of Liaodong Town, and now the army of Liaodong Town is changing weapons on a large scale. ..." Seeing that Nurhachi was determined, Daishan felt a little worried.

  He is aware of the situation in Liaodong Town, especially after going to Han, he has a deeper understanding of the situation in Han.

Although Liaodong Town is isolated, Da Zhou's reinforcement troops can only come through the narrow road of Liaoxi Corridor, but now the situation has changed, Da Zhou can transport troops and supplies by sea, and this disadvantage has been reduced to the lowest level at once. However, the threat to one's own side is countless times greater.

"Daishan, your worry is not unreasonable, but can we give up fighting because of this danger?" Nurha Chiyu glanced at his second son. This Daishan is good at everything, but he is too cautious and considers every detail. , so that I frightened myself many times, "The situation in Dazhou is not like this every day or two. Didn't we succeed in attacking Fushun Pass last year? Of course, Yongfang has made a lot of contributions here. Yongfang , what is the internal situation in Liaodong Town now?"

"It is well known that Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Liaojiao are at odds. It turns out that Feng Tang was able to balance all parties, but now Cao Wenzhao can't convince people like Zhao Liaojiao and Liu Ting Junjun. In addition, like the Zu brothers The others are also a faction of their own. They are Li Chengliang's direct descendants, and they are not the same as Zhao Lengjiao, Liu Ting, and Jun Song. After Cao Wenzhao came, they did not move closer to Cao Wenzhao and kept watching, so Liaodong In fact, there are many problems within the town. As long as you choose the attack point, you will be able to choose a weak point to attack, making it difficult for them to form a joint force,..."

  Li Yongfang has been standing on the edge. He knows that he is not qualified to participate in the core discussions of Jianzhou Jurchen, so he can only passively wait for Nurhachi to ask.

  However, he is too familiar with the interior of Liaodong Town. Since he defected to Jianzhou Jurchen, he has never stopped contacting and wooing his former colleagues in Liaodong Town.

  Although most people categorically rejected their solicitation, some people still accepted their contact, and this contact has not been broken.

Da Khan also generously gave out a lot of gold and silver so that he could unreservedly win over and bribe these middle- and lower-level officers, hoping that when the two sides fought again one day, even one or two of them would be able to stand on his side. On the one hand, it is enough to change the situation of the battle at a critical moment.

   "Yongfang, if we want to go to war this time, how many people can you contact that I can use?" Nurhachi looked at Li Yongfang with a very calm and natural expression, "If not for the time being, is there any other way to use them?"

"Big Khan, I still have contact with three or five people who are middle- and lower-level military officers. Once these people are moved, it will be easy to break through, so we have to choose the right time and place." Li Yongfang said boldly .

"Yongfang, from now on, step up your efforts to contact your original friends and acquaintances. As long as it can be used by me, there is no limit to gold and silver. As long as you think it's worth it, everything is worth it." Nurhachi has great trust in Li Yongfang and It is admitted that the First Battle of Fushun Pass won tens of thousands of people for Jianzhou Jurchen, which suddenly expanded the construction and production capacity of Jianzhou Jurchen several times. Now it should be the most suitable outlet.

   "Don't worry, Khan, I will do my best to deal with this matter." Li Yongfang fully agreed.

Clearing his throat, Nurhachi turned his eyes around the hall, and then he slowly opened his mouth and said: "Now is the best time to take away the royal luck from Da Zhou, we Jianzhou Jurchen cannot lose this opportunity Whether it is a big fight or a small battle, all in all we want to achieve decent results, but the Han people have already begun to retreat. They are constantly fighting among themselves and have their own ghosts. Let’s further accumulate strength, and when the time comes for the real battle, we must use all our strength and strive to win in one fell swoop!”

  After coming out of the hall, Abai heaved a sigh of relief, and only then did he realize that his back was drenched with sweat.

Even he himself can't explain why he believed that man's words. Now he is full of doubts about his father Khan's words. Dazhou is so big, and its population and supplies are hundreds of times that of the Jurchens. How could we fight like this? Pass?

Also, once the Han people sail directly to the west of Liaoning and the south of Liaoning, this mode of transportation can greatly change the constraints of Liaodong Town and pose the most realistic threat to the Jurchens, but for the Jurchens, it is actually unsolvable .

   Shaking his head, Abai wanted to get rid of the image of that man from his mind, but he couldn't get it out of his mind. When the time comes, maybe he can really do something?

   Abai subconsciously turned his head and glanced to the south.

   The first update asks for votes!



  (end of this chapter)

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