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Chapter 2195: Guizi Juan is in labor, private

  Chapter 2195 Guizi Juan is in labor, private

  Ms. Da Duan clasped her hands tightly, paced back and forth outside the house, stretched her head to look at the door, and sighed again.

"Brother Keng told her to go out more often when she was fine, saying that it would be good for the pelvis to open up. In the past six months, I have watched the second girl go out for a walk when she is fine, but it doesn't seem to have any effect? Not too small, not as good as that girl Siqi, but also as good as Yixiu, why is it so difficult?"

"Sister, what about this first baby? How could it be so easy? Didn't you go through all kinds of difficulties when you gave birth to Brother Keng?" Xiao Duan held her sister's hand and comforted her, "Don't worry, Mrs. Ge She is the best stable woman in our capital city. She has handled 800 children if not 1,000. What kind of battle has she never seen? Didn’t she also say that the fetal position is very upright, and the natural birth is no problem? Isn’t it that the first child is a little more troublesome? ?”

  There is a thick cotton curtain in the room, and the earth dragon has already been on fire, making the room warm enough, and the maids who come and go are tiptoeing, fearing that they will offend the wife at this time.

The Daduan family usually just chanted scriptures and Buddha, and ignored ordinary affairs for a long time. Even the Xiaoduan family has now gradually handed over the affairs of the mansion to Yuanyang and the other houses, but she absolutely cannot let go of matters related to the incense of the Feng family. of.

As long as Brother Keng has no male heirs, she will have no peace of mind for a day, and the Feng family has few heirs. It is very normal for children to die young these days. If Brother Keng does not have three or five sons under his knees, it will be difficult for her as a mother rest assured.

  Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, and Lin Daiyu who were standing aside were all silent, listening to the soft groans from Yingchun in the room from time to time, intermittently, but the rough voice of the chess girl was clear and sweet.

  Second Sister You, on the other hand, stood aside enviously, talking to Yuanyang, Jin Chuaner, and Xiangling, and frowned occasionally.

  Li Wan, Tanchun, and Xichun came early, and the three sisters were standing on the other side and whispering.

   This is a big deal for the Feng family, and it is also a big deal for the Jia family.

  If Yingchun can give birth to a male heir, he will be the eldest son of the Feng family. Although he is the eldest son of a concubine, it is no small matter for a thriving wealthy family like the Feng family.

  Even though he can't compare with the eldest son, the status of the eldest son is enough to make Yingchun's position in the Feng family stable.

As if feeling that the pressure was too much, Da Duan glanced at Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu, and suddenly lowered his voice, "I heard that the Jia Wang family and Brother Keng of the Jia family are also unclear, do you know?" ?”

Xiao Duan was taken aback, and subconsciously glanced at Xue Baochai, calming down: "Well, why did my sister ask this? Brother Keng has passed his twenties and knows what he is doing. After these things, are there still fewer big families? Why should my sister worry about such things?"

   "No, I heard that there seems to be a child next to the Jia Wang family. It is not the daughter she gave birth to in the Jia family, but a boy who is only over one year old..."

  Xiao Duan's heart skipped a beat, why did my sister know about this? It seems that there is really no wall that is not leaky in this world.

   "Well, there is such a thing. I heard it mentioned by the servants in the mansion, but I don't care too much about the things outside." Xiao Duan whispered.

"Brother Keng, don't worry. You are not afraid that your body will be too much to get involved with this kind of woman? I have met that woman once, and I know that she is a bone-destroying master. Look at her **** and buttocks, and her body. The way you walk, you know that if a man falls in love with her, he will definitely die on her belly..." Da Duan said bitterly: "Who is not easy to seduce, but dare to seduce us to the Feng family..."

   "What does my sister mean by saying this at this time? Now Brother Keng is in Shaanxi, but this woman has always been on the side of Gyeonggi. Are you afraid that she will go to Shaanxi to harm Brother Keng?" Xiao Duan asked.

"No, I have inquired about it. It is said that the Jia Wang family reconciled with Jia Erlang the year before last. It seems that he hooked up with Brother Keng at that time. Bah, he climbed into Brother Keng's bed. , the child is only over one year old, um, if it was really born by this woman, do you think it might be Brother Keng's offspring?"

  The Daduan family is still somewhat sensitive to the reasoning and judgment ability of their own male heirs, and it seems that they can calculate the time. It seems a bit similar.

Xiao Duan's expected, what she doubted, I am sure her sister will also guess, she thought for a while and said: "Sister, it's hard to say, but if it's really Brother Keng's kind, then Brother Keng must know about it. Brother Keng won't be confused when it comes to things,..."

   "Then why didn't Brother Keng tell us?" Da Duan was angry.

"Sister, Brother Keng is already a man in the house, so why would he speak to us so easily when encountering such a thing?" Xiao Duan laughed, "Having Tong Niang means that everyone in the house can have children, why bother?" Get an outsider to make the house unhappy? Unless there are so many women in our Feng's house who can't give birth to a son, this child will definitely not be able to enter our house. I guess Brother Keng thinks so too, so he didn't Tell us."

Da Duan pondered for a while, "That's the reason, Tong Niang is more than one year old, Yixiu's body has recovered a long time ago, and she can get pregnant again, Baochai's body is also good, it's a pity that Keng Brother went to Shaanxi again,..."

"That girl Daiyu is actually doing well now. Although she has lost a little weight, I think she has been insisting on kicking the shuttlecock, skipping rope, and throwing pots. Brother Keng said that this can help reduce the chance of dystocia when the first child is born." Xiaoduan Shi said something for Daiyu, she knew that her sister had been worried that Daiyu's body would be difficult to give birth.

"Well, but it's useless to say these things now, it still depends on Baoqin, Miaoyu and Xiuyan in Shaanxi. In theory, Miaoyu's body should be fertile, and Xiuyan is not bad. I just hope that when Brother Keng comes back, they can bring me two grandchildren." Da Duan said with anticipation.

"My sister will definitely get what she wants." The little Duan family comforted the big Duan family, "When you come back, Yixiu, Baochai and Daiyu should bloom and bear fruit. If the son of Jia Wang's family is also Keng brother's Kind of, at least it shows that Brother Keng can give birth, as long as the opportunity comes, it will naturally come to fruition."

"Well, Wanqin, you said it's not a long-term solution for our Feng family's seed to wander outside in such an unknown way?" When I felt that the boy next to Wang Xifeng was probably Feng Ziying's child , Da Duan's mind became more active.

  It's a boy anyway, and it's more than a year old. I heard that it looks like a tiger, but I haven't seen my grandmother yet. This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable.

Besides, it doesn't matter if it's born in an outside room or an illegitimate child, as long as it's the offspring of the Feng family, it's very precious. You must know that the Feng family doesn't have a male heir yet, even if Yingchun gave birth to a male heir, That's only two, it's still too thin for the incense of the third house of the Feng family.

"Sister, I know how you feel, but now I'm afraid it's not the right time. If you really want to take a look, it's fine. If you want him to recognize his ancestors, he will be in a lot of trouble. Then King Jia Shi is a divorced woman, and she and Baochai are aunts and sisters. If we talk about it, Yingchun and Daiyu used to call her sister-in-law. If this is revealed, I'm afraid the house will be disturbed..."

"In addition, the Jia Wang family has no worries now, and I'm afraid it's the only one to rely on. If you want to take the child from her, I'm afraid she will go all out and tear her face. Anyway, she will die anyway. It doesn't matter about reputation, our Feng family has to lose face, and if it affects brother Keng's reputation, then the loss outweighs the gain, it's not worth it,..."

"Besides, it's not like our family can't have a baby. Isn't Yingchun going to give birth right away, maybe Brother Keng can bring two of them when he comes back. Why should there be an extra problem at this time." Xiao Duan knew what her sister was thinking, Patiently persuaded: "If it is true that our Feng family will only have this single seedling male heir in the future, then it will be a different matter. We must take this child back no matter what. At that time, it will be good to tear your face or damage your reputation. , then I can’t take care of it, but now, it’s not that far.”

  Hearing his sister's persuasion, Da Duan's desire to take the child back immediately stopped temporarily, but his desire for the grandson became stronger and stronger.

She had already made up her mind that even if Yingchun gave birth to a male heir, the grandson of Jia Wang's family must not be left outside. She just said that the time is not ripe now. When the time is right, Brother Keng will also come back from Shaanxi. That is of course to bring the child back.

   "By the way, Wanqin, you said we all know, so can Yixiu, Baochai, and Daiyu know?" Da Duan looked worriedly at the direction of the three women as if remembering something.

Xiao Duan was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he said: "I'm afraid they don't know yet, how did my sister know? I also found out about it from Xiao Hong accidentally, and I sent someone to inquire about it, but even if It's okay if you know it, they are also girls from a rich family, so they naturally understand the rules of this rich family, Jia Wang's family will never enter Feng's family, even if it is a temporary charm, they climbed into Brother Keng's bed , so what? It's just a dewy couple,..."

   "The matter about the child..." Da Duan asked hesitantly.

"It was said to the outside world that when Jia Wang's went to Jiangnan, he met someone who couldn't afford it and adopted him. The outside world didn't know about it." Xiao Duan said with a wry smile: "I guess they don't know about such things, and they don't know about it. Don’t necessarily think about it that way.”

  Da Duan sighed, and stopped talking about it, it was the only way to do it, the big family is like this, not stupid, not deaf, not an uncle, who is not like this?

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  (end of this chapter)

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