Number of People

Chapter 2196: A stone in the Guizi scroll stirs up thousands of waves, with a different mind

  Chapter 2196 Guizi scroll, a stone stirs up thousands of waves, different thoughts

   Yingchun was finally born.

  Finally, the big and small Duan were overjoyed, and gave birth to a son, and the weight was not light.

  Everyone is smiling and in a happy mood, but it’s hard to say whether there are other complicated emotions involved.

  Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, and Lin Daiyu took turns to go in and have a look. Looking at Yingchun, who was pale and tired but extremely excited and joyful, the girls congratulated and cheered silently.

   Must strive like Yingchun, and give birth to a son, so that the position of this big woman can be stabilized in Feng's family.

  Siqi was more excited than having a son, his face was flushed, and he almost flew up after running.

   This is indeed a big event to be proud of, and the shadow of the Grand Master's previous exile has also been swept away.

Tanchun, Xichun and Li Wan also went to congratulate her. After all, Yingchun belongs to Jia's family, and the birth of a son means that Ermu, who used to be the least favored in Jia's family, has suddenly become second only to Shen Yixiu in Feng's family. , Xue Baochai, and Lin Daiyu have increased in height, even Xue Baoqin and Miaoyu are incomparable, why do you have no son by your side?

  The news that the Feng family finally had a male heir quickly spread in the capital city. People who could make connections came to congratulate them one after another. Even Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia sent their family members to send congratulatory gifts.

   It is reasonable to say that a concubine is not worth it, but the situation of the Feng family is too special, and they have no heirs until now. It is rare to have the hope of continuing the incense, so it is naturally different.

  After the baby was born, the Feng family sent people to send letters to Xuzhou and Shaanxi immediately, so that both Feng Tang and Feng Ziying knew that the Feng family had a son.

   "Second sister is really lucky." Daiyu returned to her room, and just had time to say something when she heard the voice of snow geese outside the door: "Third girl is here."

   Daiyu hurriedly got up and greeted her, "Hey, I asked you to come here just now, but you said you wanted to go back, how did you realize it this time?"

"The eldest sister-in-law is going to go shopping in the street, and the fourth girl is going to the sister of the Shen family. I thought it might be better to sit here for a while and gossip." Tanchun walked in, and the servant and Cui Mo followed behind.

   "It turns out that I came here because I had nowhere to go. It was a waste of my good intentions to invite you, but you have to handle it." Daiyu raised her mouth, complaining, but she had already clung to Tanchun's arm affectionately.

   Both Zijuan and Shushu Cuimo laughed.

Now Tanchun in this mansion is relatively close to Daiyu and Baochai, but although he also walks very frequently with Baochai, he has never let go of Daiyu's side. It should be more lively, but now that Baoqin is gone, Yingchun is inconvenient, and Baochai is alone, so Baochai and Daiyu often get together, which is more lively than before.

"How did I make it right? I thought that the fourth girl would go back alone and be deserted, but who would have thought that she would have an appointment with the sister of the Shen family long ago, and her sister-in-law would also go to the street, leaving me alone I don't want to go back either, so I just came to your place to enjoy the autumn breeze, and I just want to disturb a meal in the evening." Tanchun said with a smile.

"That's good, I'll have dinner here, so you don't have to go back at night, sleep with me, maybe we haven't been together for a long time." Daiyu was even happier when she heard that, "Zicuckoo, go over there and invite me Please, Sister Bao, it’s okay for her to be alone at home. The second sister will definitely have a good sleep today, and she can’t help. Why don’t you come here? The three of us haven’t talked together for a long time. It happened to be in bed and talk at night."

Tanchun was slightly surprised. She thought that Baochai and Daiyu might not be so close after they each married into the Feng family, but now it seems that this is not the case. Daiyu and Baochai seem to have gotten closer after Brother Feng left, thinking that Xue Baoqin also left together, Tanchun seems to have realized something.

"That couldn't be better. I'm still thinking about eating and resting with you, but not going to Sister Bao's. Will Sister Bao be upset? Now that she comes here together, then the three of us will be really happy." You can talk about it happily." Tanchun sighed quietly, "Speaking of it, this kind of situation only happened in Rongguo Mansion. In a flash, things are different, and you are all married..."

Daiyu's heart moved slightly, she took a look at Tanchun, took the other's hand, and winked, signaling Zijuan and Shushu Cuimo to go out, Zijuan immediately understood, and called Shishu Cuimo and the others to go out. Only Daiyu and Tanchun were left behind.

  Tanchun seemed to realize that Daiyu was avoiding the maids and wanted to say something to him, so her face turned red all of a sudden, and she wanted to get up, but was pulled to sit down by Daiyu.

"Tan girl, there are only you and me here today. You understand my temperament, and I can guess a little bit about your thoughts. Today we will be honest with each other. How about being transparent?" The corner of Daiyu's mouth was smiling, looking at the shy Tanchundao, she rarely saw this girl with such an expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tan Chun forced himself to say, "What can I say, I'm still a family member of a prisoner, what can I think, the only hope is that the master can come back safely, and the court will not punish him Sin, the master was forced to go to Nanjing, and it is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to be rebellious."

   Daiyu pursed her lips and looked at Tanchun, with a smile that was not a smile, "Why are you still unwilling to reveal your heart in front of me?"

   Tanchun's face became more and more rosy, biting his lip and just shaking his head, but didn't make a sound.

"Okay, you and my sister have known each other for so many years, don't you know my temperament, or I don't know yours?" Daiyu sighed, "You are not young anymore, you are only a little younger than me Hey, God knows how long the Jia family's case will be dragged on? It is said that the imperial army will pacify Jiangnan at the latest by the middle of next year, but it doesn't seem to be certain, but even if Jiangnan is pacified, there will be no case for uncle and the others. So it's over so easily, what do you do?"

Tanchun is silent, she will be eighteen after the Chinese New Year, she is considered an older youth in this era, this is all second, the key is that there are too many people involved in the Jiangnan conspiracy case, it will be tried one by one, who knows when it will be delayed ?

   In addition, even if the trial can be passed quickly, can the Jia family be exonerated?

Jia Amnesty has been exiled to Shaanxi, but it is said that the treason case is still pending, but the trial and judgment of his case of adultery with foreign enemies in Ping'an Prefecture has not been concluded, so the follow-up may be more serious , It will have to wait until Jia Zheng, Jia Jing and other members of the Jia family come together for trial and judgment.

Tanchun finally opened his mouth, but his face has slowly returned to normal, only a little more sad: "I understand my sister's kindness, but what can I do now? As long as the master and their case are not settled within a day, we will This family has always been a pending criminal. Under such circumstances, even Brother Feng is powerless to change anything. Moreover, even if the imperial court has resolved the Jiangnan issue, it will take time for the treason case to be pronounced. If it is really judged that we all have to be exiled like Yun girl and the elder, then what should we do?"

   Tanchun’s words stopped Daiyu from asking, yes, what should I do if Dali Temple really sentenced me to exile? Could it be that Brother Feng should take a criminal woman as his concubine?

  This is impossible, this is a violation of the law of the court, and if it is not done well, the official title will be deprived.

  Another possibility is to be sold into Jiaofang Division.

This result is actually not too unacceptable, because compared to being exiled to a remote and bitter cold place, at least your life can be saved in Jiaofangsi. If you meet a benefactor who likes you, you will spend a lot of money If the price redeems you as a concubine, that would be the best ending.

Shi Xiangyun was exiled in Shaanxi, and Daiyu and the others knew that with Feng Ziying in Shaanxi, they must take care of them to some extent, but Daiyu and the others had no idea what would happen, except to write to Feng Ziying. method.

  But they also heard that the outcome of the exile would not be very good. Many family members of prisoners went to the border areas, that is, they died in foreign lands within three to five years.

  I am used to being pampered and pampered, but when the environment changes suddenly, I have to suffer and suffer. How many weak women can afford it? Therefore, death from illness and exhaustion is the most common result.

So being assigned to Jiaofang Secretary is actually not the worst ending for many people. Isn’t that the case with Miaoyu’s mother, who was favored by Lin Ruhai, and then Miaoyu was born, but Miaoyu’s mother’s personality It's weird, after giving birth to Miaoyu, she still refuses to join the Lin family as a concubine, preferring to be a layman in a temple.

But if she was assigned to the Jiaofang Division, the woman's reputation would be ruined for the rest of her life. Even if she could come out after being amnesty, the women who had been in the Jiaofang Division, except for merchants, might not pay much attention. A concubine is quite proud, but it is unacceptable for a wealthy family.

  This is why Lin Ruhai redeemed Miaoyu's mother at the beginning, but did not accept Miaoyu's mother as a concubine for a long time, just because of her reputation.

  That is to say, there may be two fates before Tanchun and Xichun. One is to be exiled, and then they are criminal women.

One is to enter the Jiaofang Division, which is not considered a criminal woman. Enrolling in the Jiaofang Division is equivalent to becoming a slave. Whoever pays money to redeem him, then this person belongs to the money giver, and it is fine to take a concubine. Whether you are a maidservant, you are free to do so.

  And even if it is taken as a concubine, it is also the most humble concubine room, which belongs to the humble concubine.

   It can be said that neither of these two roads is a good one.

  The former needs to wait, even if it is amnesty, this kind of criminal woman status is considered unlucky in the eyes of many people, many people are taboo, it is almost impossible to have any good marriage, and being a concubine is the best result.

  As soon as the latter enters the Jiaofang Division, his reputation and identity will be fixed, and he will never be able to lift his head, just like actors like Rulingguan and Baoguan who were born in theaters, they will never turn over once they enter the theater.

   Looking for 200 monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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