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Chapter 2205: Guizijuan repeatedly jumps horizontally, picking fruits

  Chapter 2205 Guizi Juan repeatedly jumps horizontally, picking fruits

   While the situation in Shaanxi is becoming more and more stable, the situation in Shanxi is not optimistic.

  After the rebel army fleeing eastward entered southern Shanxi, they quickly merged with the rebel army that entered earlier, and immediately reversed the decline of being suppressed and beaten by Shanxi before, and began a massive counterattack.

  First, they fought back in Jishan for a while. The two armies fought in Jishan for ten days.

Mang Zhangfei and Xing Honglang joined forces with the octopus dragon Xu Cong'er who entered Jinan in the early stage, Zhang Cunhou, the big breakout general, and Zijin Liang Wang Taipu, the largest rebellious army in southern Jinan, and stormed Jiangzhou. On the second day of February, the dragon raised its head, and Wang Taipu officially The alliance was held under the city of Jiangzhou, and then the siege of Jiangzhou was launched. It took only three days to enter the city and regain Jiangzhou.

   This Shanxi town army had no escape, so they simply surrendered the rebel army, which suddenly made this rebel army very powerful.

  Affected by the First World War in Jiangzhou, the rebellion in Quwo and Jiangxian County, which had already subsided, revived, and quickly spread to Wenxi and Yicheng, and the situation in southern Shanxi suddenly reversed.

At this time, Qiu Zixiong's army had just completed the reorganization of the Baijiu'er Department in Hejin, and before it had time to make a move, Zijinliang Wang Taipu had already integrated the Mang Zhangfei Department and Xing Honglang Department to seize Jiangzhou, becoming the largest in southern Shanxi. The forces of the rebellious army stand side by side with Qiu Zixiong's.

Because there are quite a few local rebellious troops in Shanxi, the Zijinliang King Taipu's rebellious army is even more powerful, especially after recapturing Jiangzhou, they successively captured Wenxi, Quwo, Jiangxian, Xiaxian and Yicheng. , the power expanded extremely fast.

Even Qiu Zixiong didn't expect that Zijinliang's gang of rebels didn't have much momentum before, how could they suddenly be reborn after Mang Zhangfei and Xing Honglang's troops joined, and Shanxi Town's gang of frontier troops also suddenly changed It was too much to fight, and he was defeated by the rebel army in two or three hits, and even surrendered to the rebel army, which was a bit troublesome.

"Zijin Liang?" Feng Ziying put away the letter and couldn't help shaking her head, "It's a good name, Jiahai Zijinliang, Qingtian Baiyuzhu, they are all earth-shattering figures, but I didn't know that Jun Yu was appointed as Lu'an's military guard. It is a disaster or a blessing to be a Taoist military officer."

  Wang Wenyan smiled and said: "Didn't your lord always look forward to Lian lord being appointed as the Lu'an military preparation officer? Why are you worried now?"

In mid-January, Lian Guoshi had just been appointed as Lu'an military preparation officer. In this way, he was promoted, and the next step was to serve as the magistrate of Xi'an Prefecture.

"Hmph, Qiu Zixiong sent a letter saying that he got in touch with Zijinliang Wang Taipu, but the other party flatly rejected the suggestion of joining forces with him, and they should go their own way, and instead asked them to fight north, and Zijinliang wanted to fight east. It seems that It is intentional to develop to Lu'an Mansion and Zezhou, so Qiu Zixiong sent a letter to inform him, asking how to deal with it."

Feng Ziying shook her head: "If Zijin Liang really crossed the Wuling Mountains and went eastward into Zezhou and Lu'an, then I don't know if the guards of Luzhou Wei and Zezhou and the local people can resist it? If they resist If I can't stop losing battles, didn't I hurt Junyu?"

"It's not that bad for the time being. Although Zijinliang's power is expanding rapidly, his foundation is not solid. He still needs time to digest the chaos that keeps pouring in from all over Jiangzhou. It may not be so early to march east. Now The point is that after Shanxi Town lost this battle, only one remained to guard Linfen, unable to go south at all. Even if Qiu Zixiong didn't go, Bai Jiu'er's department would definitely not agree. How can I explain this to the people below? It’s also painstaking.”

  Wang Wenyan's analysis is very pertinent and pragmatic.

  Practicing state affairs If you want to be quickly promoted to the fourth-rank magistrate of Xi'an, even if there are people in the court, you must show decent achievements. In Shanxi, the most convenient way is military exploits.

  That's why Feng Ziying's idea was to concurrently serve as a military preparation officer, and that was the idea.

   Until now, I have encountered such a problem.

   On the one hand, Zijin Liang is too powerful. If the soldiers who have crossed Wuling Mountain and Lu'an Bingdao are lost, it will be self-defeating.

  On the other hand, if Zijin Liang doesn’t go east, but stays in Pingyang Mansion, then he will have no chance to make meritorious service in practicing state affairs, and it will also delay major events.

  The situation in southern Shanxi is not good. Feng Ziying’s Tongguan guards in Puzhou should have an explanation for how to deal with it.

At present, part of the Guyuan Army is guarding Tongguan instead of the Tongguan guards. In addition, Modron's Xi'an guards, the Yueshan Battalion, the Assault Battalion, and the Destroyer Battalion are all stationed along the line of the Yellow River and the Weihe River. In theory, they can cross the river and advance. But Feng Ziying has no such intention, at least the conditions are not yet ripe.

   "In classical Chinese, Tongguan Guards are still in Puzhou, how do you think you should deal with it?" Feng Ziying asked.

"This is indeed a problem. If you take the initiative to attack, there are not enough people, and the teachers are unknown. The money from the salt class has been transferred. You can't say that you want to take back Yanchi?" Wang Wenyan also joked, relaxed, "still Even Mr. Ma’s Guyuan Army stationed in Tongguan is not justified, should they be transferred back, or what should we do?”

"I asked you, but you asked me instead." Feng Ziying also smiled, "It's just that I'm not in my position and I don't seek my own government. I'm the governor of Shaanxi, so I can't take care of Shanxi's affairs, right? "

"In my opinion, my lord should settle down and do what you have in hand. Don't worry about Shanxi's affairs for the time being. Qiu Zixiong's affairs should be handled by him." Wang Wenyan thought for a while, "I don't care about that." Some people worry about what if the people from Zijinliang feint their guns, or if they feel that Lu’an’s trek through the mountains is not easy, so they simply enter Henan along the banks of the Yellow River?”

Feng Ziying rubbed his temples. This possibility is very high. He also thought of it. The Taihang Mountain stretches all the way to Wangwu Mountain. Not impossible.

"It's time to remind Henan, but who knows how effective it will be?" Feng Ziying sighed. This is where the center of Beijing is not as good as being in a place. If you remind others, if they don't listen or talk, they may not lead you. However, it is completely different to be able to directly instruct people in the imperial court.

This is the only way to go. Feng Ziying also knows that the Yueshan Camp, the Tufeng Camp, the Destroying Camp and the Guyuan Army are all placed in the east. This is clearly worried about the situation in Shanxi and Henan. respect.

   Don’t prepare in this way. Once the court really feels that things are out of control, they will have to send troops from Shaanxi to support them. This will send troops from the west, and the time will be too late, which will delay the opportunity of the war.

"So I think it's better to follow the current deployment. If you get closer, you can always come faster. But it's not to let them idle, but to let them step up their training. If something happens, they have to go to battle. If Puzhou encounters We also need support for the rebellious army, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not enough, and it also depends on whether Qiu Zixiong can find a chance to collide with Zijin Liang."

  The two of them just said this without saying a word. After all, whether it is Shanxi or Henan, it is not their own responsibility. It is the ultimate if they can make some preparations. The most fundamental thing is to do their own work well.


   "Let's fight." Feng Tang sighed, and threw the letter on the desk.

   The staff still hesitated, "My lord, if Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu want to stick to it, this battle may not be easy to fight. The Huaiyang soldiers on Chen Jixian's side are worrying about their combat effectiveness. I'm afraid this battle..."

"Is it okay not to fight?" Feng Tang said indifferently: "Chen Jixian took the initiative to send a letter asking for a joint attack on Xuzhou. He must have also sent a letter to the imperial court. Why do we not fight this battle? Just because the Huaiyang Army is unbearable. Strike? Will the imperial court listen to this reason?"

  The staff was speechless.

  That's right, since Chen Jixian dared to write a letter, he must have arranged everything and completely turned to the court.

   After defeating Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu, Xuzhou was handed over to the Northwest Army. The Huaiyang Army gained fame and took the opportunity to cross the river to capture Jiangnan. What about the Northwest Army?

   Go to the Jiangbei places like Fengyang, Luzhou, Anqing, Chuzhou, and Hezhou.

  The end is a good idea.

   But the imperial court will definitely agree to let Chen Jixian's Huaiyang Army take advantage of the situation to expand its strength to contain itself?

  Sun Chengzong's Northern Front Army is all going north. Without anyone to contain the Northwest Army, I am afraid that the court will become more and more worried about himself?

  Feng Tang had already expected in his heart that it was normal to remove the governors of the three sides, but this brought about the control of the Northwest Army.

   No matter how loyal Liu Dongyang and Liu Baichuan are to themselves, how long can they be loyal to themselves who have lost their authority and moral blessing? It couldn't be easier for the imperial court to bribe them.

   At this time, he has no reason to refuse the battle to regain Xuzhou, and he has to fight beautifully.

You must know that in the eyes of the imperial court, this is the joint attack of the Northwest Army and the Huaiyang Army on Xuzhou, and Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu are already bereaved dogs. They fled from Jinan and Dongchang to Jining and Yanzhou, and then fled from Jining and Yanzhou to Xuzhou. Lost ground, now being pinched again, isn't it easy to capture?

   But is this battle so easy to fight? Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu's main force was not damaged, and their vitality was not damaged. If they really had to rely on Xuzhou to resist, even if they could win this battle, the Northwest Army would be seriously injured.

  As for Chen Jixian, Feng Tang didn't have any hope at all, and he didn't want to pay attention to this fool.

Of course, he also has to admit that this wall grass is still somewhat capable, repeatedly jumping sideways, the waiting time finally waited until the present good opportunity, the current Jiangnan is like a ripe fruit tree, let people pick it .

  (end of this chapter)

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