Number of People

Chapter 2206: The one in the double hair of the decane scroll, double happiness

  Chapter 2206 In the double release of the decane scroll, double happiness

   "My lord, isn't it rumored that the Northwest Army will send some troops to Shanxi to quell the chaos?" The staff was still a little unwilling, "Why is there no movement from the court?"

"Hmph, this group of people treats the feet for foot pains, and treats the head for headaches. Before the situation in southern Shanxi was dangerous, they wanted to attack us. Later, Shanxi Town won a few battles near Linfen, and felt that the situation had improved and there was no need for it. , so we won’t be mobilized, do you think you should take Xuzhou back first?”

  Feng Tang said indifferently: "That's good, save this thing from running in both directions, and making us turn around halfway, that would be useless."

"Shanxi Town put down the chaos in southern Shanxi so easily? My subordinates remember that Shanxi Town only sent more than 10,000 people to the south? The rebel army is so unstoppable?" At a loss, in a mess? Anyway, there are still four towns..."

"Hmph, how many can be fought in the four towns, except Yulin town?" Feng Tang said in a low tone, "Besides, if Ziying hadn't gone, how could Xie Zhenye have been able to mobilize the troops of the four towns? Ziying wrote to say that Ma Jinbao The performance is good, but there are only 10,000 people in Guyuan Town, and the rest is really empty, and Yulin Town cannot be moved, so once the main force of the Shaanxi rebel army crosses the river and enters southern Shanxi, Shanxi will be in chaos."

"No matter how chaotic it is, it will still be defeated by Shanxi Town, but it's a pity that we can't go." The aides are not without regret, "It seems that Shanshan is about to be pacified, and Brother Keng may use this to return to Jinggao gone."

"I hope, but Ziying sent a letter saying that the situation in southern Shanxi may be repeated. He is not very optimistic, but this has nothing to do with us. Let's fight our Xuzhou." Feng Tang waved his hand, "Go and arrange the arrangement Let's make a plan, since we want to fight, we have to carefully consider how to fight, and we have to come up with a comprehensive plan."

  The staff went down, but Feng Tang sat down, and he needed to make a plan for the future.

There is no doubt that the imperial court is a little suspicious of himself, or it is purely worried about the warriors, and he is currently the leader of the warrior group. When the older generation of warrior leaders represented by Li Chengliang and Ma Gui ends, the People including Wang Ziteng, Niu Jizong, himself, and Chen Jixian have come forward.

  In the current situation, both Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong have been beaten into the side of conspiracy. In the future, as long as Jiangnan is pacified, these two families will naturally be wiped out, and only myself and Chen Jixian will be left.

  My situation is different from that of Chen Jixian.

  Ziying took the civil service route, theoretically speaking, she would never go back and eat the food of a warrior. This is why the imperial court is still polite to her, although she is a little worried about her.

  According to their thinking, they must use up their own functions, but they must not let themselves grow to the point where they can't lose their tails.

  It is very likely that when Jiangnan is certain, he will send himself back to Liaodong, and assume the post of governor of Jiliao in vain. After a few years, he will be about the same age and his body is getting old.

   According to common sense, this does not seem to be an unacceptable result, but Feng Tang has to think for the Feng family.

  The Feng family has only a few heirs, Ziying is the only one, and now there is finally good news, the second room has given birth to a concubine son, at least the Feng family has a next generation to inherit.

But civil servants never talk about inheritance, if they can't read books, then the next generation will be considered to be in decline, and Wu Xun's Feng family's three households have titles, so they should inherit it, but inheritance belongs to inheritance, if he can't be in the army If you continue to maintain your influence, it will be difficult for your grandchildren to get better opportunities.

  Looking at the Jia family now is the most typical example.

Thinking about how powerful Jia Yuan and Jia Yan brothers were at the beginning, they followed Taizu to conquer the world and made great contributions to the dragon, but after the two brothers passed away, the two brothers Jia Daishan and Jia Daihua failed to gain a firm foothold in the army. Wealth and honor are like an attic on the sand, quickly collapsing.

  When it comes to the generation of Jia Jing, Jia She, and Jia Zheng, Jia Jing is pretty good. At most, he made a wrong bet, but his idea is correct, and Jia She and Jia Zheng are purely lukewarm.

  And there are so many children in the huge Jia family, but none of them is serving in the army.

   There is certainly a reason for the unworthy children, but it is not because of the long-term planning of the family leader. At this level, there is no way to recover, and you can only let others handle it. Any reason can uproot you.

  If there are still ten or eight of the Jia family’s children who are general soldiers, generals, and guerrillas in the army, can the imperial court easily move the Jia family like this? Look at the Li family and the Ma family. Although Li Chengliang and Ma Gui have both come down, their children still work in border towns such as Liaodong, Jizhen, and Datong, and even many of them work in the inland guards. He is a famous and dignified family in the frontier.

  Li Chengliang did not become an official until he was eighty years old, and he himself is only in his early fifties this year. He is in good health. Not to mention working until eighty, at least another twenty years will be fine, right?

  If some of my grandchildren fail to study well, can't they go to the army to inherit their family business?

  Now there is a concubine son, and Ziying has so many wives and concubines, a dozen or so children can be expected in the future, and it is certainly impossible for all of these children to be able to read books, so the best place to go is in the army.

Feng Tang has always hoped that the Feng family can become a borderland martial arts family like the Li family and the Ma family. It can't be like the Jia family without three generations. No, he hoped that Ziying's descendants could carry forward the Feng family.

I can also work hard in the army for 20 years to lay a good foundation for my grandchildren, including supporting the children of the Duan family who already have some positions, so that they can also grow up in the past 20 years, and when Ziying's children When you grow up, you can get the support of these uncles.

  Ziying may not agree with her own idea, but Feng Tang thinks it doesn't matter, Ziying has his own way, and I am just paving another way for him.

  The road to civil service is not smooth sailing, although Ziying seems to be very popular now, but who can say that he will always be able to go smoothly?

  No one can tell the ups and downs of the court, even if he enters the cabinet and becomes a cabinet minister, he may also become the target of public criticism and leave the stage sadly.

  So Feng Tang believes that he can go this way. Of course, he must communicate and cooperate with Ziying to take this path. On the premise of not affecting Ziying's own career path, he can also do it first.


Seeing Xiuyan's preoccupied appearance, Feng Ziying turned over, pulled Xiuyan's shoulder, and asked: "What's the matter, you seem to be a little restless these two days, you are not feeling well, you are still at home. Is something wrong?"

  Xing Xiuyan was taken aback, and subconsciously shook her head: "No, no,..."

"So it must have happened. Is it okay to be so surprised?" Feng Ziying laughed, took Xiuyan into her arms, leaned on the pillow, and subconsciously burrowed her fingers into Xiuyan's arms In the middle of the movement, Xing Xiuyan shivered and curled up, as if trying to avoid Feng Ziying's clutches.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised, Xiuyan was very cooperative in the past, what happened today?

   Seeing Feng Ziying's puzzled face, Xiuyan pursed her lips in a daze, and frowned: "Master, I seem to be a little..."

"Well, do you really feel unwell? Why don't you invite a doctor to take a look..." Feng Ziying is still very concerned about the women's health. There are no antibiotics these days, and any disease needs to be treated early. To drag out a big problem.

"No, it's my concubine's Tiangui who hasn't come this month, and it's five or six days late." Xiuyan finally said it, with a look of nervousness and anticipation, "Concubine Tiangui is very punctual. One more day, there has never been such a difference of so many days,..."

  Feng Ziying's eyes lit up, but her hand moved towards Xiuyan's lower abdomen, "Could it be..."

"I don't know about the concubine, and it seems that sister Miaoyu is also the same. She was only a few days away from the servant girl. Basically, her Tiangui ended, and the concubine Tiangui followed. But her Tiangui never came, but her Tiangui Sometimes it will be a few days late, but like this time it was ten days late, and it never happened..."

  Xing Xiuyan's words startled Feng Ziying, don't have nothing, if you have it, you have it? Are you so good?

During this period of time, I haven’t eaten any big nourishing things. I have always eaten things like deer **** and wolfberry, and the exercises taught by Master Zhang have not been put aside. It’s been almost a year, and there is no movement. Why? All of a sudden you have both? Is it possible?

Seeing Feng Ziying's shocked face, Xiuyan hurriedly said again: "Master, it's hard to talk about this kind of thing. I just don't dare to say it because I feel unsafe. The same is true for sister Miaoyu. I'm afraid that there will be an uproar, but the result will be people. Disappointed, so..., just..."

   "Hey, what are you waiting for? Tomorrow morning, invite a doctor to come and make a good diagnosis. If you really kill two birds with one stone, it will be a great joy." Feng Ziying also became a little excited.

Yingchun gave birth to a son, and finally managed to stabilize the hearts of his father, mother, and others, but now he has seduced the hearts of other women, so it is a woman like Xiuyan who is dignified and elegant in the bed. They have become much more enthusiastic, and I am still thinking that I have worked very hard for the past few months, why I haven't seen any movement yet, I didn't expect that when there is movement, it will be a big movement.

"Master, please don't make it public, just in case..." Xiuyan still has some concerns, don't expect too much, but the result is even more disappointing, then it will become a joke in the house, and may even be pointed out secretly poke.

   "What's the point? I'll carry it for you. Even if you don't have it, it's okay. You have to have it sooner or later!" Feng Ziying embraced it.

  (end of this chapter)

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