Number of People

Chapter 2214: Guizi scroll lonely fragrance is hard to be proud, long-term husband and wife

  Chapter 2214 Kuizijuan is lonely and hard to be proud, a long-term couple

"Is the Supreme Emperor seriously ill?" Yuan Chun picked up a green incense ball leisurely and contentedly, put it in front of her nose and sniffed it. She likes peony very much, and this kind of green peony is also her favorite kind. Which company sent the incense balls, they look better than Yao Huang Wei Zi, let them send more, I see how charming Qingshan is, I think Qingshan should be like this when seeing me, Jiaxuan's words are very close to my heart."

   Baoqin didn't answer, she knew that the empress didn't intend for him to answer, but just a question and answer for herself.

"The Supreme Emperor is in his eighties. Besides, he is in good health and age. If everyone still regards him as the backbone, it would be a bit rash." Yuan Chun raised his head, and the green incense ball in his hand trembled slightly. , wobbly, "I'm afraid Mei Yuexi is a little scared again."

   "Mr. Dai has gone back to Renshou Palace again. Madam, do you need to go and say hello?" Baoqin carefully reminded: "It seems that all the empresses have gone,..."

"What am I going to do?" Yuan Chun shook his head lightly, "People may not be willing to see me. Those who go are those who have princes, and they all have some thoughts. Unless the concubine calls, I will not go to Renshou Palace , why should it be in the way of people's eyes. They didn't go either, did they?"

   Baoqin understood who Yuan Chun was referring to by "they", and nodded: "I didn't go, Concubine Shu came here to ask."

   "Oh? She's cautious." Yuan Chun didn't care. Concubine Zheng seemed to have noticed some changes in the direction of the wind during this time, and she came to her side more, and her intentional gesture of ingratiating became more obvious.

  Perhaps because they sensed that the situation in the palace was getting worse and worse. These childless concubines no longer had much sense of existence.

   The group of them who entered the palace, Zhou, Wu, Zheng, Jia, and the four virtuous and virtuous concubines, did not have a good relationship at first, especially the second concubine Zhou and Wu, who were even more indifferent to Yuanchun because of their family background.

But as time went by, the status of Xu, Su, Mei, and Guo, the four noble concubines with sons, has risen day by day, and they have completely distanced themselves from these latecomers, and they have not even paid attention to them at all. Gradually realized that a few of them are just a head decoration, used to decorate the front of the door.

  The emperor had a very distant attitude towards them, and he was not lucky at all. He even met them once in a while, and when they met, he just said a few words and dismissed them.

After a few years of this kind of life, everyone's heart is cold, especially after the emperor fell into a coma after Tienwang Mountain, let alone the self-pity of Gu Ying, the girls slowly eased the original deadlock and began Get moving.

  It's just that there's no point in walking around in this situation, and from time to time Su Mei and Guo have to stir up trouble and stir up trouble, which makes them still a little suspicious, and the relationship can't be very close.

Yuan Chun was also caught between those few people. He was worn a lot of small shoes, suffered a lot of grievances, and was beaten by Feng Ziying, and then he slowly withdrew, maintaining a detached posture, and the days were quiet and nourished. .

Of course, the biggest change here is that she has an affair with Feng Ziying, Chongxuan sees the darkness of the spring breeze, and becomes a real woman. Only then does Yuan Chun understand the true meaning of being a woman, but Feng Ziying is embarrassed and leaves in a hurry. She who has just tasted the marrow and tasted it is extremely resentful and wronged.

   "I heard that the ministers of the court and the cabinet have all gone to Renshou Palace one after another. It must be that the Supreme Emperor is really seriously ill." Baoqin said again.

"No matter how seriously ill we are, it has nothing to do with us. It's not our turn to go. If we really need to go, the concubine will say hello. Going at this time will only cause trouble. Do you think Xu Junru and Mei Yuexi are easy to get along with? If we go to them, maybe we will have to make use of the problem to make some troubles."

  Yuanchun now prefers less things than more things. He doesn't want to get involved in the affairs of the palace at all, and hopes that Feng Ziying will come back as soon as possible to fulfill his promise.

Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi, and Guo Qinyun used to try to win her over in a pretentious manner, but seeing that she lacked interest and did not make any progress, and Feng Ziying had already left Beijing, her name was gradually heard less and less in Beijing. It gradually faded away.

"Your Majesty thinks clearly, so let's not provoke right and wrong, and live with peace of mind." Baoqin said softly: "But I'm afraid that something will happen to the Supreme Emperor, and there will be turmoil in the palace again. Maybe Concubine Quan and the others will have another Come to find out the truth, and make the empress uneasy."

"Didn't Ziying also say that? People live in the world, how can we avoid these mundane things? It is even more impossible for us to be in such a place in the palace. We can only use soldiers to cover up the water." Yuan Chun smiled sweetly, " I don't want to stay here at all in my whole life, hey, I just look forward to..."

  The words did not go on, but the blush on the cheeks, coupled with the look of anticipation in the phoenix eyes, made everyone sigh while holding the piano.

How can Feng Ziying, He De, let the empress miss you so much, break the empress body without saying anything, pat her buttocks and leave, leave a few empty words, let the empress haunt her dreams, if she is really responsible in the future After marrying the empress, she was the first one to not let him go, even if she was willing to cut him to pieces, she would pull him off the horse.

"Your Majesty, don't be so worried. Uncle Feng is doing well in Shaanxi. Didn't the newspapers say that the situation in Shaanxi is gradually calming down? Uncle Feng is highly regarded by everyone, and everyone in the court says that he is as light as he is, and as powerful as a broken bamboo..." hugged Qin picked up a few comments from "Today's News" to describe it.

"Well, I'm not worried about this. He has always been the best at fighting. Didn't the Yongping Mansion beat the Mongols to pieces? If not, the imperial court would not be able to use him to go to Shaanxi." There will be some embarrassment to hide it, "I'm worried that the imperial court should think that he is capable, and if he wants to completely cure Shaanxi, or let him go to Shanxi to continue working, it will be self-defeating. I heard that Shanxi is now It's not peaceful anymore."

  Baoqin was taken aback, "Your Majesty is worried about this? I think this is not a bad thing. If the court relies so much on Uncle Feng, Uncle Feng will be more important in the future."

Yuan Chun glanced at this loyal girl, but he didn't want to reveal his thoughts too much, and said very tactfully: "That's what I said, but he is so young, and it seems like he can't leave him in the court. Isn't he going to be the target of public criticism again? They In that subject, and even in the first few subjects, there are not many who have been promoted as quickly as him, I think it is more appropriate to return to Beijing to stabilize."

"Go back to Beijing and be safe?" Baoqin pursed her lips and smiled: "Although this servant is dull, I know that after returning to Beijing, Uncle Feng can only be the servant of the Seven Departments or the governor of Shuntian, or the deputy imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Well, can it be called Wen Yiwen? This servant thinks it should be called Xuan Yixuan."

   Baoqin's words amused Yuan Chun, but he had to admit that what Baoqin said was reasonable.

   Zheng Sanpin in his early twenties, what kind of job can he do when he returns to Beijing, Shuntian Fu Yin? Seven servants? Which one can keep a low profile again?

   "Your Majesty misses Uncle Feng?" Baoqin glanced at Yuan Chun and asked boldly.

   "Presumptuous!" Yuan Chun scolded softly, but then gave Qin a blank look: "Ask knowingly."

Baoqin laughed again, "The slave girl is right, so the empress hopes that Uncle Feng will come back sooner and not go out again? But has the empress ever thought about it, if Uncle Feng comes back, she will really think of a way to get the empress out of the palace, Can the empress stay in the capital city forever? I'm afraid the risk is too great. If someone like Long Jinwei finds out, wouldn't it be a catastrophe? That's why the servant thinks that even if Uncle Feng wants to come back, it's best to be able to It’s best to stay in Beijing for a while, and then release it outside, after three to five years, everyone will forget about it, maybe it’s a good time to come back.”

  Yuan Chun was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Bao Qin to be so thoughtful for her, she hesitated for a while before saying: "I don't know how Ziying plans to get me out? Can't it be okay to stay in Beijing?"

"It's not impossible to stay in Beijing, but what kind of life does the empress want to live? The people in Uncle Feng's house, Miss Bao, Miss Lin, and the second girl are all sisters of the empress, and they are very familiar with the empress. If you stay in Beijing, you will show your flaws sooner or later, unless..."

  Holding the piano made Yuan Chun feel cold, but the last sentence gave Yuan Chun hope, "Unless what?"

"Unless Uncle Feng can let Miss Bao, Miss Lin, and Miss Er know about the affairs between him and Niangniang, or if it is tacit understanding, everyone will communicate as usual..." There are too many uncertainties hidden in Baoqin's words. She is not even half sure that she can do this, and she can only imagine that Feng Ziying has the ability to change the world to make everyone accept this, "But even so, it is still necessary to prevent the people below from noticing, which is also a problem."

  Yuan Chun put his hands on his forehead, looked at Baoqin, and said with some bitterness: "Damn girl, are you saying this to anger me on purpose? How could you do this? Even if Ziying is an emperor, it is impossible..."

Baoqin pursed her lips, with a smile on her eyes, "The servant girl just proposed this kind of idea, whether it can be done or not is up to Mr. Feng to figure out for himself. They all say that Mr. Feng is omnipotent. If Mr. Feng can really do this Has the problem been solved? Just like going out of the palace, the empress has thought about how Uncle Feng can let the empress leave the palace quietly and safely? Anyway, the servants have not come up with any good ideas until now, but Uncle Feng is very sure. OK."

Yuan Chun threw down the green peony in his hand to hug the qin, walked a few steps angrily, and then stopped: "What you just said is just a fairy tale. If the matter between me and Ziying makes Baochai and Daiyu and the second girl know, how can I go to see them?"

"But the empress wants to be a long-term husband and wife with Uncle Feng, so how can she hide it from the person next to him?" Baoqin insisted, "Maybe you can fool the past for a year or so, but after a long time, you will never be able to hide it." Possibly, even the maids in the mansion can detect a thing or two, and what if the empress is pregnant and gives birth to a child, so what? Can it be concealed?"

  (end of this chapter)

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