Number of People

Chapter 2215: Guizi Scroll is hard to control, making mistakes again and again

  Chapter 2215 Guizi scroll is hard to control, making mistakes again and again

   This series of rhetorical questions made Yuan Chun feel a little annoyed, his face was flushed and his eyes were wet, but he didn't know how to answer Baoqin's words.

  And she also knew that what Baoqin said was true, these problems were unavoidable, and they would have to face them sooner or later.

"Baoqin, I know what you said so much, but what should I do then?" Yuan Chun's silver teeth almost bit his lips, looking at Baoqin bitterly: "Don't you really want me to be here?" I'm going to die in this palace forever? I just want to live the life of an ordinary person, is it so difficult?"

   "Your Majesty, the servant girl is also thinking of her mother, so she is so straightforward." Baoqin knelt down, "If the servant girl only wants to make the mother happy, and says something nice but useless, then the servant girl is disloyal."

  Yuan Chun's eyes turned red, and she helped Baoqin up. Of course, she knew that holding Qin was for her own good, but it was hard for her to accept such blatant words to provoke something that she had always wanted to avoid.

   "I know you mean well, but who told me to take the wrong first step?" Yuan Chun sighed quietly.

   It was a mistake to enter the palace to become a female historian, and it was even more wrong to be coaxed by the family to become a concubine. The family members have their own thoughts, why have they ever thought about themselves?

  Even parents are only concerned about paving the way for Baoyu's future future, so how can they care about their own lives?

  Feng Ziying said this lightly. She didn't like to hear it before, but the more she went on, she felt that these words were profound and true.

"Your Majesty, you are all wrong, but now you have to think about it more clearly. Since you have followed Uncle Feng, Uncle Feng should take care of your life in the future. He has guaranteed the ticket when you leave the palace, but what about later? Hide and hide like that." The empress is definitely not willing to live in hiding, but when she sees her former sisters and relatives but hides it, and even feels guilty and dare not face it, then the empress will feel more pain in her heart, and it is not a long-term solution."

  Holding the piano's mind is much more delicate than Yuan Chun's, and he is also sincerely planning for Yuan Chun.

"But you also said that you don't know the same thing in your heart. Ziying is also busy with his own court affairs now, so it is impossible to spend too much time on it..." Yuan Chun wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a sweat towel, trying to calm his emotions. .

"Uncle Feng is busy now, but if he returns to the capital, he may not be able to. Moreover, he has to face these things. The servant girl said just now that Miss He Bao and Miss Lin always have to face them. The second girl is a concubine. It's nothing, but Miss Bao and Miss Lin are the housewives, so you have to ask for their understanding." Baoqin sorted out her thoughts.

"How is that possible?" Yuan Chun said with some embarrassment and shame: "Although Baochai and Daiyu and I haven't been together for a long time, they are also arrogant women. How can they accept this kind of thing? And I reason It can be regarded as their elder sister, but now she has such an affair with Ziying, but still wants them to accept it, this is too difficult for others, and it is also a shameful scandal,..."

Baoqin gritted his teeth and said: "Then this is not caused by you, or by the old lady and the old ancestors? Let you enter the palace and sacrifice your ten years of youth, that's all, but you must be a concubine, but the emperor You have long been pure-minded, self-cultivated, and not close to women. Don’t the masters, wives, and ancestors know that once you become a concubine, you will be a widow for the rest of your life? Moreover, you are a widow that even relatives and friends rarely see. Why spend the rest of your life in this cold courtyard in this palace?"

  Yuan Chun opened his mouth wide in surprise, watching hysterically holding the piano.

"Let's not talk about Miss Bao and Miss Lin, but even the second girl who is called Er Mutou can get a good result. Now she even gave birth to a son. Although the third girl and the fourth girl are criminals, but With Uncle Feng coming forward to help, it is definitely impossible to go into exile or be reduced to the Jiaofang Division in the future, so there is something to look forward to, but what about you, Madam?"

Baoqin's eyes were already full of tears, "Why did you spend your whole life for the Jia family, but you ended up with such a result in the end? Everyone knows that if you didn't enter the palace at the beginning, you wouldn't be able to take care of Miss Bao and Miss Lin at all." The main house, even the daughter of the Shen family should be inferior to you, you should be the eldest wife! You should be the eldest wife of Uncle Feng who will enter the cabinet to worship the prime minister in the future, and the son born should inherit it. Everything in the Feng family, but everything was ruined by the ancestors and the old lady!"

  Yuanchun realized at this time how much Baoqin felt wronged for him. He didn't think too much about these thoughts, but Baoqin had already thought through them.

Yuan Chun, who was a little dazed for a while, fell into deep thought. She really didn't seriously think about the cause and effect of this. She was just complaining about her own life, but now it seems that it is not entirely her own life, but that she has been forced by her family from beginning to end. It's a pit.

   What is the purpose of entering the palace as a female historian? Isn't it just that Uncle Wang Ziteng was able to please the Supreme Emperor and the Concubine at that time, and he could put an eye and ear next to the Supreme Emperor to inquire about the news in the palace at any time?

  At that time, the emperor had not ascended the throne, and the concubine was able to speak in front of the emperor, and she could get all kinds of news immediately.

After entering the palace as a concubine, it was still supported by his uncle Wang Ziteng. There are some thoughts of the ancestors and the old lady in it. Baoyu, who does not like studying and cannot become an official, has a much wider choice. Enter the Imperial College, Entering the Zongren's Mansion and getting a job in Zhan Shi's Mansion have great opportunities.

  No one has thought about all this for themselves, or even thought of it, and they all feel that it is reasonable and worthwhile to pay sacrifices and prices for the Jia family. Who would consider their own feelings?

The thick grievances and resentments seemed to start to pile up slowly at this time, Yuan Chun was a little confused, painful, hesitant, and even if he lost something, his heart was empty, as if the person he valued and cherished the most, turned out to be for himself I don't care, so what's the point of what I did for them?

  Yuanchun didn't know how to face all this for a while, yes, what Baoqin said was right, it was indeed caused by the influence of his family to a large extent, but was he not responsible?

  Didn’t the uncles, masters, wives, and even the ancestors ask for their own opinions?

  What I said at the beginning, I would like to listen to the arrangement of the family, so the arrangement was made in the family, why is it all the family's sin now?

   But then again, in that situation, can I say that I don't want to enter the palace as a concubine?

  Don’t you know the thoughts and expectations of the uncle, the expectations of the master, wife and ancestors?

   Didn’t you still think it was a matter of course?

Seeing that Yuan Chun's face was changing, Bao Qin also knew that her words were too lethal, and she was stunned. It turned out that all the reasons that should have been taken for granted in her thinking were overturned, and she did not get a reciprocal return for what she had paid. , more of being used, this feeling is very uncomfortable.

  But Baoqin also knows that it is not suitable for her to continue talking, it will only be counterproductive, it is time for the empress to think about it.

It took a long time for Yuanchun to sigh quietly: "Baoqin, what you said seems to make sense, but can this be the reason why I have an affair with Ziying but don't shy away from Baochai and Daiyu? Me, but can I use this as an excuse to hurt Baochai and Daiyu?"

   "Then what do you think the empress should do? The matter between you and Uncle Feng is already like this. Even though they don't know it, it has already happened. Empress, you also need to think about it for yourself in the future." Baoqin didn't think so.

   "No, I need to think about it, think about it carefully." Yuan Chun waved his hands wearily, "Maybe I really can't think of a solution, but can Ziying really have the best of both worlds?"

   Yuan Chun was asking this question, and Bao Qin was also thinking, maybe Feng Ziying would have a better solution?

  Feng Ziying has thought about this question, of course she has thought about it, but she has only thought about it roughly. Many times she still holds the thought that there must be a way to the front of the mountain by car.

  Before, he never thought that he would come to this step with Jia Yuanchun, just like sleeping with Guo Qinyun, he came to that step inadvertently, Feng Ziying didn't even feel nervous or afraid, which surprised him.

  But if you do it, you do it. Feng Ziying never regrets, and what should be faced will be faced, just like what happened in Yuanchun.

   It seems difficult to leave the palace, but with Emperor Yonglong unconscious, a childless concubine like Yuan Chun will be dimmed all of a sudden, and will soon be forgotten.

The palace is also a very realistic place. With the "emergence" of several prison countries, having no heirs means that they are not qualified to enter the harem. Then the future result will definitely stay in the cold palace. Who cares about these broken branches and leaves? ?

Under such circumstances, it is not impossible to use a method of deceiving the sky and crossing the sea, and Li Daitao is dead. The Shangsanqin Army and Long Jinwei are the key here. Checking the clues, Yuan Chun has to take care of these things if he is going to leave the palace.

  Feng Ziying hasn’t thought about how to operate it yet, but she also has a general idea. In the final analysis, it will fall on some specific people who will operate it. This is the most important thing, and there can be no mistakes.

  Receiving the news from Zhou Peisheng, Feng Ziying also shook her head and smiled wryly. This is really going to someone else's bed. If you sleep with someone else, you have to pay off the debt.

  He could also see that Zhou Peisheng was actually leaning toward him, but he couldn't hold back Guo Qinyun, so he had to bring a letter.

  But it would be too boring for me to write a few letters to help King Gong raise the flag. Do I really think I have nothing to do now?

  Shaking his head, Feng Ziying threw the letter aside. The situation in Shaanxi has finally stabilized, and a myriad of affairs are still waiting for him. How can he have the leisure to worry about these trivial matters.

  (end of this chapter)

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