Number of People

Chapter 2216: Guizijuan enters the state and strives to make progress

  Chapter 2216 Kuizi Juan enters the state and strives to make progress

  When Lian visited the mansion on state affairs, Feng Ziying greeted him personally at the door, which surprised the new officials in the governor's yamen.

The only ones who could get Feng Ziying to greet them in person at the door were probably only the chief envoy and the two chief envoys in their memory. It is not easy for the adults to greet them in person.

  But seeing the two of them arm in arm, talking and laughing happily, everyone understood that this was probably the governor's best friend.

  Practicing state affairs, I really didn't expect that Feng Ziying really tossed me to Shaanxi.

  He is from Henan, and after all the calculations, he wants to avoid his nationality. If he does not want to go to the south and stay in the north, except for the northern provinces, Shandong, and Shanxi, there is only Shaanxi.

However, he has just arrived in Shanxi, and the situation has not yet opened up. It can be said that he has just cut in and is still in the familiarization stage. It may affect the chaos in southern Shanxi.

He obeyed, but then the situation changed. The Jinnan rebel army did not cross the Wuling Mountains to invade Lu'an and Zezhou. The army is ready, but the rebellious army didn't come, and it feels a little bit empty.

  Feng Ziying's arrangement of practicing state affairs in this way is also clearly targeted. Of course, it is not only beneficial to the court, but also beneficial to his own promotion and development, but he didn't put much effort into it, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

To do the job well in any position, there are many things in the army, and the situation of the Shanxi capital is not much better than that of Shaanxi, especially in the face of Shanxi Town and Datong Town taking turns to deploy elite guards to supplement The frontier army, in fact, the frontier guard under the Shanxi Dusi already has a superficial appearance and is empty, and he has a lot to do.

  However, the change came very quickly. The document from the Ministry of Officials to transfer him as the magistrate of Xi’an came in May, and Feng Ziying’s letters came almost one after another, urging him to be urgent and let him take up the post as soon as possible.

   Moreover, because of the special period, the Ministry of Officials specifically informed that they could temporarily not go to Beijing to report on their duties and go directly to Xi'an Mansion to take up the post.

   This is also an exception.

  Practicing state affairs was also in desperation, so he could only pack up and salute before coming to Xi'an to take up his post.

   Fortunately, his family members are still in his hometown in Henan, and there were only two concubines in Taiyuan, so it was not too troublesome. Let the concubines come over later, and he went directly to Xi'an alone.

"Ziying, is that an exaggeration? Just let me go back to the capital to report to the Ministry of Officials, can't you?" Lian Guoshi and Feng Ziying asked with a smile as they walked, "I've come all the way. , I feel that the situation in Shaanxi has basically calmed down, and I have a good impression of Xi'an City, why are you in such a hurry?"

"That's all appearance, and there are a lot of problems inside. It's already May, and if the summer harvest is over, the people's belly problems can't be solved. Don't they have to sit on wax this winter and next spring? You and I, two troubled brothers, have to ask for hot pot again. The ants on the bed are restless."

  Feng Ziying’s arrival to Lian’s state affairs can be said to be the rain after a long drought.

  Among so many students at present, the only one who is really reliable and can come in handy is Lian Guoshi.

   It doesn’t matter if someone like Zheng Chongjian, Wu Wei, He Fengsheng, and Fan Jingwen all have to practice for a while, Fang Youdu and Wang Yingxiong who haven’t worked in the local area are far behind.

   "The drought in Shaanxi is also very serious this year?"

  As soon as it comes to business, practice state affairs and get serious.

He came to Shaanxi to do business, not simply to be an official. Feng Ziying tried his best to push him to the position of magistrate of Xi'an, which shows the importance of Xi'an. The Guanzhong Plain is the heartland of Shaanxi. If the harvest here fails again, it will have a great impact on the entire province of Shaanxi. .

"The situation in the Guanzhong Plain is a little better. After all, there is still Weishui River. Other prefectures are not optimistic, but overall they are slightly better than last year. But Junyu, you have to know that Shaanxi has been tossing too hard in the past few years. The Shangren’s family has no money left, and if it is delayed, it will really collapse completely, so no matter how you survive this year, the harvest in summer and autumn will determine whether Shaanxi can smoothly transition to a normal year, and the Guanzhong Plain is the key. Are you in Xi’an? , Dazhang went to Fengxiang, and brother Chucai is in Yan'an, so I feel at ease."

  Feng Ziying is open and honest about practicing state affairs. He needs to practice state affairs, Zheng Chongjian and Geng Ruqi to support several important areas in Shaanxi for him.

"Ziying, it seems that you have high expectations for Shaanxi." Lian Guoshi also smiled, "I walked along the Weihe River and saw that the situation is okay, but according to your tone, it seems that you are not satisfied. It is said that there is no need to go to Shanxi.”

"It's still the same sentence, the essence of Shaanxi is in the Guanzhong Plain, but it is unrealistic to rely on the Guanzhong Plain to support the entire Shaanxi. It has to bear the main force." Feng Ziying introduced: "Fengxiang, Yan'an, Hanzhong are also To hold the situation up."

"Ziying, I know you are trying your best to promote the cultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes. Places such as Yan'an and Fengxiang can be promoted, but the Guanzhong Plain may still be more suitable for millet and wheat?" Lian Guoshi asked: "Of course, some corners and hilly areas are still Potatoes and sweet potatoes can be grown, but the best plains still need corn and wheat to do the heavy lifting."

"Junyu, how to plan and operate these is the prefect's authority. I will not intervene. I just tell you the yield per mu of potatoes and sweet potatoes. These two crops will have higher yields in areas with better soil quality. It's higher than expected, so how to make trade-offs is up to you to figure out." Feng Ziying smiled, "Of course, a major shortcoming of potatoes and sweet potatoes is that the storage time is too short, which cannot be avoided."

   The two entered Feng Ziying's study while talking, instead of the flower hall that ordinary visitors choose, which also shows the particularity of the relationship between the two.

First was Feng Ziying's introduction, then Lian asked questions about state affairs, Feng Ziying answered, and finally Feng Ziying gave Lian state affairs suggestions and requests, and hoped that Xi'an Prefecture could achieve what kind of ideal state, especially mentioning the construction of Hancheng and Huayin. Iron Workshop, to strengthen the development of mining and iron smelting in Xi'an.

"Ziying, the resources here in Xi'an must not be comparable to those in Yongping, right?" Lian Guoshi also felt the great changes brought about by the development of the iron smelting industry in Yongping, but the iron industry in Shaanxi Mineral resources are definitely not comparable to that of Yongping.

"It's a bit worse, but there are rich coal resources here, and the transportation between Hancheng and Huayin is also passable. We produce and sell our own products, mainly supplying local Shaanxi. This requirement is not high." Feng Ziying also knows what to worry about when practicing state affairs. , I was afraid that I would set my goal too high, so I got vaccinated first.

"Well, if people from the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce are willing to participate, we can offer better conditions. How about the Cao and Fan families you mentioned?" As long as the operation of Xi'an Prefecture is beneficial to the people's livelihood, I fully support it."

"Specifically, you can go to the two levels of your prefecture and county to discuss in detail. You don't have to be too harsh on them. After all, businessmen are only looking for profits, and they are absolutely unwilling to do business at a low cost. Therefore, it is best to reach an agreement that everyone can accept and agree with." Seeing the interest agreement, I contacted the Cao and Fan families and felt that they are still prepared for long-term operation, so I think the conditions will be satisfactory.”

There is nothing to hide between Feng Ziying and Lian Guo. Shanshan merchants are the main force of merchants in the North, and they have always supported the scholars in the North, so they have a tacit understanding in cooperation, but after all, they are government and merchants. Personal interests may not be consistent, and mutual entanglement and disputes are inevitable.

  Feng Ziying and Lian Guo are talking about getting through this year, and the key factor is food.

  In addition, how to digest so many possible refugees, hungry and disaster victims, Shanshan merchants must contribute money and effort, so how to make up for their losses is to sell minerals and build iron smelting bases, which stimulate the economy and digest the population.

"Junyu, you are here, get familiar with each state and county as soon as possible, choose key states and counties as pilots, and try to share the pressure for the province. There is a branch of Haitong Yinzhuang in Xi'an Prefecture. If you need it, you can also borrow money, but It's all purely commercial behavior, and the principal and interest are to be transferred,..."

  Feng Ziying didn't talk nonsense with Lian on state affairs: "Xu Liangyan handed over to you, and it involves some issues related to relevant officials. You should also think about it carefully. State and county officials are the key,..."

  Before doing things, always use people. Without reliable and capable people, doing anything is useless.

"Ziying, I'm new here, and I don't know much about the officials in the mansion, and it seems that the procuratorate has just made a move on the officials of the Xi'an mansion. I heard that many of them have been taken down?" Although he just came, he was practicing state affairs on the road I heard that the former co-prefects and Tuiguan bent the law for personal gain and involved a lot of people. Many officials in the Xi'an government's torture room and household house were imprisoned. Now that he is here to take over this mess, he must solve this problem.

"The situation of the state and county magistrates, I will let Wenyan introduce it to you at that time, but how to use it, you have to figure it out slowly. I can't help the people in your government office. You can sort it out by yourself. Time is running out, you have to speed up, you can't ask too much, you brought your staff here? Let them get started as soon as possible."

  According to the usual practice, he already has his own aides for state affairs, and now he needs a group of aides to be the head of the Xi'an Mansion, and local officials alone cannot help him integrate quickly.

   "The other family members are not here, do you want me to arrange some Mizhi aunts for you?" After talking about the business, Feng Ziying joked about state affairs again, "Mizhi aunts are famous far and wide, and you will never miss it."

Lian Guoshi also laughed, "Okay, my two concubines will be here soon, so don't bother you to think about it for me, but yourself, don't get carried away when you come to Shaanxi, and it's rare to have business with your younger brothers and sisters after you go back." Woolen cloth."

  (end of this chapter)

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