Number of People

Chapter 2238: Guizi Juan is about to leave, but I want to return to Beijing

  Chapter 2238 Guizi Juan is about to leave, but wants to return to Beijing

  It was early September when the imperial court’s official document on Feng Ziying’s appointment and dismissal arrived in Xi’an, while Zhao Nanxing’s appointment and dismissal document was half a month earlier.

   Li Tengfang took over as Zuo Buzheng, which means that within a month, Feng Ziying and Zhao Nanxing will hand over all the work in their hands to Li Tengfang.

   Zhao Nanxing's side is cool and unrestrained, he is used to throwing his hands away as a shopkeeper, and he just clapped his hands and left, but not Feng Ziying's side.

  The governor’s yamen basically assumed a considerable part of the duties and affairs of the Chief Political Officer before, and now they must be returned to the Chief Political Officer. Li Tengfang is the only one who has not yet arrived.

   Fortunately, Pan Ruzhen got started very quickly. Although he was only a councilor, he had been the magistrate of Yan'an Prefecture for many years and was very familiar with the affairs below, so he quickly became Li Tengfang's right-hand man.

There are a few tasks that deserve Feng Ziying's attention and attention. One is the autumn grain issue after the summer harvest. The effectiveness of the promotion of potato and sweet potato planting will determine whether the situation in Shaanxi can be further improved on a stable basis this winter and next spring. The importance of this point Li Teng Fang, Feng Ziying and even Pan Ruzhen all understood.

  Second is the issue of industrial and commercial development. The entry of Shanxi merchants has achieved some results in Xi'an Prefecture. Hancheng and Baishui coal and iron resources have begun to be developed. In addition, the cement industry has also begun to land in Xi'an, Fengxiang, and Hanzhong. Although it is still too early to see many clues. , but this has a beginning after all. With such a large market in Shaanxi Province, Feng Ziying firmly believes that as long as it is well managed, it will be clear in a year or two, especially when it is still backed by the market demand of several border towns in three borders and four towns. .

   The third is the continued rectification of the Shaanxi Capital Guards. The Xi'an Guards, the Tufeng Camp, the Yueshan Camp, and the Destroyed City Camp, which already had a certain foundation in the guard system, were highly valued by Feng Ziying. This army will play a big role in the future.

  Fourth is the further purge of officialdom in Shaanxi, but this is a long process, and it is impossible for Feng Ziying to intervene deeply later, so he can only use his strength to exert his strength.

   The closer she was to leaving, Feng Ziying felt restless.

  The Qin Keqing and Shuimu families are silent, and even Shi Xiangyun seldom comes to the mansion, which makes Feng Ziying wonder if Shi Xiangyun knows something.

  But in this situation, Feng Ziying was a little bit frustrated.

   When she returned to Fuchu, after the drinking was over, she slowly recalled the bits and pieces, and Feng Ziying really felt that she didn't seem to have fallen into the trap completely, at least at that time, she was so happy and intoxicated.

  Muliu's flattery, Shui Zhen's refusal to greet, Mu Tan and Shui Tang's immaturity can't be criticized, all of which can arouse infinite reverie.

Feng Ziying was even a little surprised to find that she seemed to be a bit of a Cao thief, and she still couldn't forget the feeling of that day, and sometimes even tasted the seemingly different taste when holding Baoqin and Qingwen , This has really become a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than stealing.

  Of course Feng Ziying couldn’t control herself because she was not really thinking about it, and she had to try it again, but this matter was on her mind, and she always remembered that she couldn’t let it go.

  He didn't know whether Qin Keqing would come to him after procrastinating like this, and even he could figure out some of Qin Keqing's thoughts, that is, he believed that he seemed to be unable to let go. Was this a high or low opinion of him?

This is more like a wrestling game of wills to see who is more stable, but the difference in status between the two parties is not on the same level at all. This seems to be a kind of moral and moral bondage, forcing Feng Ziying to Responding is the only way, which makes Feng Ziying very depressed and angry.

  It has been so many years since I came to this world through time travel, I think I have no plans, and I have never been tricked by others. This is the first time that I have been kidnapped by morality like this time.

  The point is that this is still such a strange way to kidnap herself. Even Feng Ziying herself can't figure out whether it is because she has made a lot of money, or if others think it is worth it.

But Feng Ziying knew that she had to settle the matter when she left Shaanxi. She really couldn’t do such a thing by lifting her pants and denying it. It is impossible to deny the matter, and Qin Keqing seems to have settled down to her own mentality and style.

  September 15th is the time for Feng Ziying to leave. According to the document requirements from the Ministry of Officials, the handover will be completed and returned to Beijing within ten days.

"It seems that if I don't come to you, do you really plan to ignore it? Or do you think I can't do that kind of thing, so high on my moral and moral bottom line?" Feng Ziying raised Qin Keqing's chin frivolously, Squeezing the soft face, "Although this is not my disgrace, but the feeling of being designed by others is still not very pleasant, but Qing, tell me, what do you want?"

"It has nothing to do with me. I just provided them with an opportunity. They think it is worth taking the risk. Otherwise, once my uncle leaves, they will have no chance and will only become the playthings of the local rich and powerful in Xi'an. I believe that my uncle will also take the risk." If you can understand this truth,…”

  Qin Keqing bit her cherry lips, her brows were like water, and there was even a bit of affection in her eyes, which made Feng Ziying even more creepy. Is this woman's mentality a little abnormal?

   "I promised to make all the greetings that should be said before I leave. According to the inspector's office, they will not embarrass them,..."

Qin Keqing stretched out her hand to hold Feng Ziying's hand that was about to be withdrawn, and her tone became more gentle, "Uncle, are you deceiving yourself? Uncle knows better than anyone that people leave tea to cool down. If you are gone, can you still meddle in the affairs of Xi'an?" A lifetime? It will gradually fade away in three to five months, and it will completely disappear in memory after two or three years. With an uncle who is busy with important affairs in the court after returning to Beijing, how can he still remember who he greeted and took care of two or three years ago? A group of miserable people who don’t have much contact with each other?”

  Feng Ziying was speechless, Qin Keqing was right, how could he spend too much time on a group of people who didn't have much contact with each other?

   Saying hello is considered to be the best of friendship. As for two or three years later, I have long forgotten it.

   "So you're going to use this method to make me interact with them?" Feng Ziying smiled, but instead grabbed Qin Keqing's wrist, "Don't you think this way of intersection is too outrageous?"

"To them, it doesn't matter whether they are out of line, because without your protection, they will become the playthings of those wicked people sooner or later, and even the officials in the prison secretary will get involved and abuse them. It's not out of line, if uncle can help them, it can be regarded as a lucky opportunity for them, for them, it will be a good thing for them to be taken care of by uncle in the future."

  Qin Keqing's words seemed so relaxed and natural, as if all this was taken for granted, without any discomfort.

For women, unless they are really determined to seek death, then the other things are really not too difficult, because they can predict what their future destiny will become after losing Feng Ziying's care, so there is nothing worth it What do you care about?

   I have to say that what Qin Keqing said was the truth. Her body was broken and she lost her virginity. It sounds appalling and unacceptable, but isn’t this the ending they must face after Feng Ziying leaves Shaanxi? It seems acceptable to fetter Feng Ziying in this way.

  Even if it was a misjudgment and Feng Ziying was ruthless, it would have happened sooner or later. What is there to hesitate about?

  At least Qin Keqing's judgment is quite accurate, Feng Ziying is not yet able to do this.

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying could only pinch Qin Keqing's delicate dimple, sighed, sat back down, and said lazily: "Tell me, what do they want? Don't mention any unrealistic demands. If I can't do it, I won't try, it's pointless."

"They are also from officials and eunuchs, how can they not know how to measure?" Qin Keqing can finally breathe a sigh of relief at this time, "What they want is to return to the capital. After all, that is the place they are most familiar with. Xi'an is very important to them. Talk about the wild world, no relatives, and say a word of impoliteness, if you go back to the capital, you can find a more suitable family even if you are working as a slave or a handmaiden, right?"

  Feng Ziying frowned, Qin Keqing said simply, is it so easy to return to Beijing?

   A group of criminal women were sent into exile themselves. According to the law of the Great Zhou, they should stay in the place of exile for the rest of their lives. There is no reason or basis for them to return to Beijing.

Even if the world is pardoned, it may not fall on them. If you take a step back and pardon the crime, then if there is no special reason, you will not be able to return to Beijing. What's more, it is difficult for the men from the Shuimu family to be pardoned. What can Jing do?

"But Qing, you should understand that their identities are different from you, girl Yun, and you can predict the outcome of the Shuimu family. Get rid of the crime, so you have created a problem for me."

Feng Ziying was very calm, "At least now I can't bring them back to the capital, because there is no reason or basis, and I can't help them if I want to. Who can I turn to? Dali Temple? Metropolitan Procuratorate, Long Jinwei, or the Ministry of Punishment? I can only find Dali Temple, but Dali Temple will definitely ask, since a group of convict women have been sent to exile, why should they return to Beijing?..."

  Qin Keqing also understands this point, "They don't have the extravagant hope that they will be able to return to Beijing immediately, they just hope that Uncle, you can remember that they are still here, and if you have the opportunity, help them..."

   "Keep, where do you think the opportunity is?" Feng Ziying asked back.

  Qin Keqing sighed, "I don't know, that's why they are willing to pin their hopes on you, or bet on you. If you can't do it, who else can?"

  (end of this chapter)

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