Number of People

Chapter 2239: Guizi Juan bid farewell to Lishan, the road ahead is long

  Chapter 2239 Guizi Juan bid farewell to Lishan, the road ahead is long

  September 15th, Feng Ziying, Li Tengfang, Pan Ruzhen, Lian Guoshi, Geng Ruqi, Zheng Chongjian, Wu Degui, Xia Zhiling, Xu Junyang and others left and returned to Beijing together with Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu.

   Before leaving, it is inevitable to meet with Shi Xiangyun, Qin Keqing and others, and even the four daughters of the Shuimu family have to "say goodbye".

   It’s a simple farewell, but a promise must be made, but Feng Ziying can’t give too detailed or affirmative promise, because he hasn’t figured out how to solve this problem until now.

   Maybe there is no way, but it is necessary to find opportunities based on changes in the situation between North Korea and China.

   But even so, the women of the Shuimu family were satisfied.

As Qin Keqing said, if this man really swears and promises to satisfy their wishes, it means that this man is not sincere, and it must be perfunctory. It is precisely because this man refuses to make a clear promise, but tells that he needs to find an opportunity according to the situation. It shows that this man really put his mind into it, realized the difficulty of the question, and answered it in this way only if he took it seriously.

Shi Xiangyun and Qin Keqing have to stay in Xi'an, but Feng Ziying is sure to solve Shi Xiangyun's problem as soon as possible after returning, and Qin Keqing's side is the most uncertain, maybe the easiest, maybe the most difficult, everything depends on Prince Yizhong What kind of conditions can Concubine Heying and the court finally reach, and what will be the final result.

"A long seat of thousands of miles, there will be a farewell. Brother Junyu, Brother Chucai, Brother Dazhang, you guys shoulder important responsibilities. We have already said what should be said before. The current situation may not be optimistic. The chaos in southern Jin It spreads from east to west. If my prediction is correct, there will be accidents in Shanxi Town and Datong Town. The situation in Shanxi that has finally calmed down may still be turbulent. Can you stabilize the situation? I am afraid that you are the mainstay. Just now Degui and I , Junyang, and Xia Zhiling also spoke specifically, and they were all vigilant."

Feng Zi has a strong focus on English. Since he is going to leave, he has to say everything clearly: "The key to the stability of Shaanxi is food, and the key to food lies in two points. One is the Guanzhong Plain. Junyu and Dazhang are shouldering important responsibilities; the other is The promotion of potatoes and sweet potatoes, if this is done well, can resolve a great risk. I know the people in Shaanxi, they are very patient, as long as they can fill their stomachs, no, let alone filling them, as long as they can survive, even half If they are half-starved, they will not go desperate to rebel, so if the harvest of corn and wheat fails, they must use potatoes and sweet potatoes to make up for it. Facts have proved that potatoes and sweet potatoes can bear this burden. Brother Chucai, Yan'an Mansion is the first to bear the brunt, and it is also the biggest risk point , so the promotion of potatoes and sweet potatoes should not have any mistakes, not only to ensure the stability of Yan'an Prefecture, but also to take into account the pressure from Qingyang,..."

Seeing Feng Ziying's serious words, the hearts of the three were a little heavy. Feng Ziying did not speak lightly. Once he spoke, he must have someone to rely on. The Feng family has a deep foundation in Shanshan and Shanxi, and has a wide range of contacts. The sources of information in all aspects are even better than those of the imperial court. The side has to come quickly and accurately, so in many cases they can often get some news before the court report.

   "If the food problem is solved, then Shaanxi will not be in chaos, but if the situation in Shanxi deteriorates, I guess the imperial court will have to take Shaanxi's idea..."

  As soon as these words came out, Lian Guoshi, Geng Ruqi, and Zheng Chongjian all frowned. Shaanxi is already in such a difficult situation, and you still want to make an idea of ​​Shaanxi?

   "Ziying, when you say that Datong and Shanxi Town are going to have an accident, do you mean that the Tumed and Chahar people are going to invade the border?" Chen Qiyu stood behind Feng Ziying, and couldn't help it.

  He is from Baode Prefecture, not far from Biantouguan. Although he is regarded as the second line, in fact, once the Mongols break in, Baode Prefecture will bear the brunt.

"If it's just the Mongols, it's easy to say, but Fengzhou Bailian is said to be involved, and they are also connected with the White Lotus Sect in the interior of Shanxi, and even the White Lotus Sect in Beizhi, so this is the biggest one. Once the hidden dangers break out, I am worried that Shanxi Town and Datong Town will be attacked by enemies inside and outside, and big things will happen." Feng Ziying said with a heavy voice, "But this is just some pessimistic analysis of my own. Maybe the situation is not as bad as I imagined, but everything You can only assume the worst, otherwise you will end up in trouble."

"The Ministry of War should be aware of these situations, right?" Sun Chuanting may have to stay in the Ministry of War after returning to Beijing after his political observation period expires, so he is also very concerned. In addition, he was originally a member of Zhenwuwei in Daizhou, and he is far away from Ningwuguan and Datong. The sides are not far away, and the same can be regarded as the front line.

   "Maybe I know a little bit, but I'm afraid they may not pay enough attention to it. Fortunately, it is said that the Northern Front Army Corps will mobilize part of it to the west. I don't know the specific situation, but I am afraid that something will happen in Liaodong, so it will be difficult everywhere." Feng Ziying shook her head endlessly.

   "If troubles are really going to happen everywhere, let alone the imperial court is really likely to play Shanxi's idea." Lian Guoshi has been in Shanxi for so long, and he knows the situation of Shanxi's military and political affairs.

If, as Feng Ziying feared, Shanxi Town and Datong Town can't take care of themselves, the chaos in southern Shanxi will spread to the whole province, and in that case, only the northern front army can't be transferred in case something happens in Liaodong, and Shaanxi won't be allowed to support it. , Who else can I find?

  Especially Feng Ziying still has the Tongguan Guards stationed in Puzhou. Isn’t this an excuse for the imperial court to mobilize the Shaanxi Guards?

  Since you, Feng Ziying, have been in Shaanxi for more than a year, you have not only quelled the civil unrest, but also recruited Zhao'an to create several guards, so you don't need to go to Shanxi, when will you wait?

   "So, several guards have to keep an eye on them, but I have already told Xie Zhenye not to interfere too much. Anyway, he won't work for long, and he knows what to do."

Feng Ziying did not deny the news that Xie Zhenye was going to be transferred in front of the three of them. If Xie Zhenye hadn't been so submissive and obedient during his stay here, Feng Ziying would have pulled him down a long time ago. If he wants to leave now, this person can't If I stay in Shaanxi again, I must arrange for a safe person to come to Shaanxi.

   "Ziying, the situation in the south of the Yangtze River seems a bit strange. What is Chen Jixian's intention? He hasn't left Nanjing for a long time. Is he planning to become a feudal town?" The question Geng Ruqi asked was also very confusing to many people.

"I'm afraid that even the ministers in the cabinet are still a little confused about this issue." Feng Ziying spread her hands, "Maybe it's because I don't have enough troops, or maybe I'm worried that Chen Jixian will be pushed too hard so that he will fall to Nanjing completely, or maybe it's just I'm worried that the imperial court can't afford to destroy Jiangnan. In short, the imperial court's attitude towards the Huaiyang Army is too weak. Of course, it may be difficult for us to think so much when we are not in the position. We are all aware of the difficulties of the imperial court. Forced to do so."

  Feng Ziying's answer made several people silent.

This situation of being forced to compromise is the most embarrassing and unacceptable. Seeing the recovery of Shandong, the Northwest Army drove Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu to the riverside, but Chen Jixian had a problem again, as if he was neutral. Worse than a stab in the back.

   "Chen Jixian's problem is not easy to solve. Does that mean that the imperial court has other ideas about Nanjing?" Sun Chuanting asked more sharply.

"Anything is possible. The Ministry of Households is now asking for loans everywhere. If this continues, it will first drag down the court's finances. By the way, the three sides and the four towns will be in arrears for another half a year. If this continues, there will be another crisis of the Ningxia Rebellion The seeds have been sown." Feng Ziying smiled helplessly: "The reconstruction of Xuanfu Town is at a standstill, the replacement of firearms in Liaodong and Jizhen is extremely slow, and the rebellion of the Yang family and the Anshe family in Bozhou, Sichuan is like a seesaw, which consumes a lot of money. Well, if I go back this time, if I stay in the Ministry of War, I have to think about how to prevent us from being led by these people all the time. There is no clear strategy at all, and it is all temporary and perfunctory. Who's okay?"

  In the final analysis, it is still a word, no money.

Jiangnan was out of control, the water transportation was cut off, and taxes were not paid. If the imperial court hadn't relied on the previous Shibo Department to make a fortune, it would have continued to set off a series of cases such as the "Jingtong Cang Case" and "Jiangnan Conspiracy Case" to search officials Wu Xun can't support the present at all. Although Yuguan and Dagu have continuous shipping, they can continuously import grain and other materials from Jiangnan and even Guangdong and Guangxi, but the imports have to be paid for. Without money, Jiangnan and Guangdong and Guangxi will immediately lose money I can break it for you.

Even so, the imperial court couldn't bear it until the first half of the year, and had to borrow eight million taels of silver from Haitong Yinzhuang. It is estimated that it can only be delayed until next spring. Jiangnan took it back to support the court's expenses. Once something happened to the north, it would really collapse.

   It is precisely because of this dangerous situation that the cabinet will borrow money like crazy on the one hand, and would rather negotiate a compromise with Prince Yizhong on the other hand to stabilize the situation.

Changing another person to be the emperor will definitely have an impact on the interests of the scholars, but it is nothing more than rotten meat in the pot. The internal interests of the scholars in Jiangnan, Beidi and Huguang are distributed, and they compete for interests with the imperial power externally. More importantly, it is necessary to ensure that The safety of the northern line of defense and the stability of the interior cannot allow the outsiders or the Bailian Sect to take advantage of the opportunity. This is the bottom line.

  It is absolutely unacceptable for scholars to allow foreigners to rule the Central Plains, such as in the Liao, Jin and Mongolian Yuan Dynasties, or to smash the entire court center into pieces like the Yellow Turban Uprising in the late Han Dynasty.

  So on the basis of this bottom line, any conditions can be discussed.

What Feng Ziying said before leaving made everyone feel heavy. The situation in Shaanxi has stabilized, but this is just a corner. There are too many internal and external troubles in the imperial court. Fortunately, Feng Ziying is going to Beijing now. He can think of so much. Afterwards, countermeasures were naturally needed. Unknowingly, the group had subconsciously pinned their hopes on this young man who was only in his early twenties.

  (end of this chapter)

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