Number of People

Chapter 2240: The wind and rain of the Guizi scroll returned to Beijing quietly

  Chapter 2240 Guizi scroll returns to Beijing quietly

  Watching the man bid farewell to a group of officials, get on the horse, and leave with a whip, the women hiding aside have mixed feelings in their hearts.

  Shi Xiangyun and Qin Keqing have many thoughts.

Although Feng Ziying made an oath, and they also believed that Feng Ziying would not forget them, the distance between them was thousands of miles away, and it would take several months to exchange letters. Moreover, Feng Ziying would definitely be entrusted with important tasks after returning this time, and she was too busy. He can't let go, and he may even go to the south of the Yangtze River again. How much energy can he have to think about his own affairs under such circumstances?

   Besides, after returning to Beijing, there will be more women around him. Men love the new and dislike the old. No matter how much love and friendship are, they may be eroded in this kind of friendship. When will they be able to think of them who are lonely in the northwest?

  For the women of the Shuimu family, the feeling here is even more complicated.

   Before leaving, Feng Ziying still met with them.

   This side is tormenting for them, but they cannot see it.

  Although there was Qin Keqing speaking in it, it would be difficult to feel at ease without a personal promise for this kind of thing, or a few words in person.

  Feng Ziying didn't talk to them too much, perhaps because everyone felt embarrassed and ashamed, so she only made a simple promise that she would try her best to help them realize their wishes, but this may take time.

  Although I felt that Feng Ziying's words were too thin, but the other party came to meet him specially, and said more pertinent words, the girls still felt a lot more at ease.

   But that's all. Feng Ziying can only say this, no matter how much, Feng Ziying can't promise.

   "Let's go."

  Shi Xiangyun glanced at Qin Keqing, then at the women of the Shuimu family, and sighed, "Is it worth it for them? Will they regret it?"

   "I would rather regret it than miss it, it's that simple." Qin Keqing said frankly: "Now they have no right to choose and dare not miss it, so they can only do this. When it comes to survival, what confidence do they have to be stubborn and arrogant?"

  Shi Xiangyun was also speechless. She didn't ask what Qin Keqing and the Shuimu family had done, but she knew they must have done something. As for the specific behavior, she didn't want to ask, and didn't want to know.

   "Did Brother Feng promise them?"

   "It depends on how you understand this promise. I will definitely say that I will try my best to help them, but do you think this is a promise? If it is, then I will give it. If it is too empty and unreal, then I will not give it."

  Qin Keqing feels that she is becoming more and more comfortable with this kind of ambiguous and slippery language now, and she speaks it all in one way, so that the listener can neither find any mistakes, nor hear any specific content.

"I hope Brother Feng can come up with a good solution after she goes back. Once she leaves, I feel more and more that we are alone here, and we may be swallowed up by these hostile people around us at any time." Shi Xiangyun said worriedly. In my heart, "I feel like we live in a wolf's den, surrounded by wolves, who will tear us to pieces at any time."

Qin Keqing was amused by Shi Xiangyun's description, "Girl Yun, there must be danger, but we haven't reached that point yet. Feng Ziying greeted us for us. He is flourishing now, and the local officials in Shaanxi will give us a little bit of sympathy." , it won’t be too difficult for us, but we also need to be careful and vigilant, and it’s inevitable that some people will have evil thoughts in their hearts. Many times we can only pretend to be arrogant and procrastinate for a while,..."

Shi Xiangyun lowered his head and was silent for a while before he glanced at the women from the Shuimu family a few steps away: "King, I'm not very worried about the two of us. Brother Feng agreed to us. I believe in my affairs." He will solve it quickly. Your situation is different, but for Brother Feng, there is more room for maneuvering. Brother Feng will use various methods to use your life experience to the extreme. It depends on how the court treats it. Maybe It's not necessarily a bad thing,…"

Qin Keqing's heart moved, and when she looked at Shi Xiangyun, she still underestimated this seemingly bold and unintentional girl. After all, she came from a high-ranking official family, so she still had a little awareness of this, and unexpectedly realized that her own background had both advantages and disadvantages, so she See how to avoid disadvantages.

"I'm worried about the Shuimu family and the others..." Shi Xiangyun hesitated to speak. She really didn't want to touch on what happened between the girls and Brother Feng, so she could only vaguely say, "Even if Brother Feng wants to Help them, but to what extent and when can they be helped, that is the key, maybe two or three years? Can they survive here for two or three years?"

"So what?" Qin Keqing felt the kindness in Shi Xiangyun's heart, and sighed in her heart, no wonder this girl is very popular in Rongguo Mansion, as long as she has been friends with her for a long time, she can feel this kindness, "Perhaps after you go back, It is their greatest luck to be able to enjoy the pillow breeze by Uncle's side more often and make him think of them."

"No, I mean, I have a feeling that maybe you can help them better than me in the future, not entirely because of Brother Feng..." Shi Xiangyun's bright eyes flashed, "There must be some changes after you go back. If you have a chance, I think you can help them."

Seeing Shi Xiangyun staring at him unrelentingly, if he refused to agree, he was afraid that he would be angry, so Qin Keqing could only agree, but as Shi Xiangyun had predicted, after he went back, his fate would be different. What big change?


  Leaving the group of farewells behind, Feng Ziying rode his horse and raised his whip to catch up with the cavalry and headed east.

  Baoqin and the others left a few days earlier, because they all had to travel by car along the Weihe River eastward to Henan, across Henan, until Jining took a boat to Beijing, following the route that Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan took before.

  Feng Ziying is the same. The situation in Shanxi is very chaotic now, changing three times a day, and all kinds of news are contradictory.

  On the first day of leaving, Feng Ziying received news from Puzhou and Datong respectively.

  The news from Puzhou said that there were riots by Bailian believers in Yangcheng and Gaoping.

  Yangcheng is a county in the west of Zezhou, adjacent to Pingyang Prefecture across Jiaoshan; Gaoping is in the north of Zezhou, bordering on Lu’an Prefecture.

  The information is not very accurate. The scale of the White Lotus Sect's uprising, how the local government and guards responded, and the results are not clear. It is only said that on the third and fifth day of September, members of the White Lotus Sect in Yangcheng and Gaoping raised incidents one after another.

The influence of the White Lotus Sect in Shanxi is also rampant, especially in the eastern and southern regions near Henan and Beizhi. , as well as counties such as Liaozhou and Qinzhou in the south, Licheng and Pingshun in Lu'an Prefecture, the White Lotus Sect is very active.

   I just didn't expect that Yangcheng and Gaoping in Zezhou would break out first.

   This may have a lot to do with the chaos in Pingyang Mansion.

Although I don't know the situation in Zezhou, Feng Ziying reckons that the situation may not be too serious now, but if this is just the beginning, then there will definitely be more such small explosions in the future. There is no reason for Zezhou to appear. After it's over, Lu'an and Taiyuan will be safe, and what he's most worried about is that this is a manipulation move by the entire White Lotus Sect, which means that Beizhi, Shandong, and Henan may all erupt one after another, and then think of Datong. The news that came was even more worrying.

  The news from Datong came from the Duan family.

  The Sumao Department of the Tumet people moved frequently, and a large group of cavalry moved south.

  At the same time, Fengzhou Han people centered on Dabansheng (now Hohhot) also began to gather. This is actually the core area of ​​Fengzhou Bailian. If the prediction is correct, Fengzhou Bailian should be preparing for the war.

Unlike the Su Nang Department, which is dominated by cavalry, the Fengzhou Bailian in Bansheng is a mixture of infantry and cavalry. After so many years of living in the grasslands, the Han people can both ride horses and fight on foot. This is why Feng Ziying is most worried. It is not easy for the Mongolian cavalry to break through the side wall, and there is little room for choice, and even if they dismount and attack the city, they will pay a high price and be delayed in time, gaining buffer time for the surrounding troops.

   But Toyoshu White Lotus is different.

Over the years, many Han Chinese have successively left the fortress from Datong, Shanxi, Xuanfu, and even the four towns on the three sides. Many of them are fugitives who committed crimes in the frontier army or owed debts. All the side walls run towards Dabansheng.

  Because the border is the territory of the Mongols, if you don’t look for Baotuan, you will definitely be oppressed by the Mongols and cannot survive. Therefore, Dabansheng, a town dominated by Han people, naturally becomes the place of hope for all Han people who go out of the border.

The area around Dabansheng for hundreds of miles all the way to Yunchuan (Shanyucheng), which is where Feng’s family got its name Yunchuanbo, is now a residential area dominated by Han people, and there are no less than ten people living in various places. Wan Han people.

  Many of them have lived here for decades, and they have mixed with the Mongols. The Han people are Huhua, and the Mongols are Sinicized. The mutual influence is very common.

  In a sense, although Toyosu Bailian exists on the territory of the Tumed people, as its strength continues to grow, it actually means that the Tumed people have listened to the tune and not listened to the announcement.

Especially now that the Tumet people are divided internally, and the orthodox dispute between Bu Shitu and Su Nang because of the title of King Shunyi has caused a lot of grievances and grievances, and the power of Fengzhou Bailian is even stronger. Stand out special.

However, Feng Ziying knew that although Bu Shitu had an advantage over Su Nang, Daban rose to the east, and Bu Shitu's sphere of influence was in the west. In fact, Fengzhou Bailian came from within Su Nang's sphere of influence and had a relationship with Su Nang More closely, the combination of the two has actually overwhelmed Bu Shitu, who occupies the title of king of Shunyi.

  The situation reflected this time also proves that among the Tumet people, it is the Sunang tribe that is about to move, while the Bushitu tribe that occupies the Dongtao area in the west and is adjacent to the three sides and four towns, there is actually not much movement.

   The first is to ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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