Number of People

Chapter 2241: Returning to Beijing from Guizi Juan

  Chapter 2241 The Journey Back to Beijing

  The various changes outside and inside the side wall, and the feeling of echoing each other, is what Feng Ziying is most worried about.

  He is afraid to go to Shanxi now. Firstly, the journey to Henan is indeed smoother, and secondly, it is indeed easier to take a boat when he comes to Jining. He can also observe the changes along the canal after experiencing the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River.

  The recovery of Shandong was the most important event in the eleventh year of Yonglong. It meant that the entire line north of Xuzhou was under the control of the imperial court. As long as Chen Jixian did not interfere, the canal transportation north of the Yangtze River would be unimpeded.

   But Chen Jixian’s identity is still unknown now. In fact, it’s not that his identity is unknown. It’s more about seeking greater benefits in the game between the court and Prince Yizhong. Feng Ziying even wonders if her father is also involved.

  Looking at the stalemate in the battle with Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu, Feng Ziying felt uncomfortable.

   Sometimes Feng Ziying herself is worried, what should she do if she returns to Beijing and faces conflicting interests between the court and the Feng family?

Undoubtedly, the old man wanted to keep the military power in his hands, but the imperial court could not tolerate this kind of situation where the warriors held the military power for a long time. As long as the situation was stable, the warriors would definitely be deprived of power. Entrusting them with important tasks is the method that the court has always used.

But now Chen Jixian seems to want to break this situation, and his father may also secretly support it, and even Wang Ziteng and the others gradually intend to evolve into a status similar to that of a warlord in a feudal town, and they may all be involved in the game between Prince Yizhong and the court in the future Come.

   This is also the reason why this case is the most difficult for the court. The foreign enemies intend to take a bite, while the internal worries hope to gain the maximum benefit for themselves in the game with the court, and this even includes their own father.

He will definitely find ways to fight for and protect the interests of the Feng family, but if facing foreign enemies and internal troubles that may subvert the entire system, and may even cause an unmanageable situation, Feng Ziying feels that he still needs to think about the overall situation and not make it to the end. It's a big joke to be a prisoner instead of being a power minister.

   It's just that Feng Ziying couldn't see clearly this kind of intricate situation for a while, which is why he was eager to return to Beijing earlier.

  Not in the center, the intelligence and information in all aspects are extremely slow and vague, making it difficult for him to make timely judgments.

  Feng Ziying and her party met Baoqin and her party in Kaifeng.

  From Kaifeng, you can walk along the south bank of the Yellow River to Xuzhou and board a boat northward to return to Beijing. You can also cross the river from Yifeng or Kaocheng, pass through Caoxian, Chengwu, and Jinxiang, and board a boat northward at Dushan Lake or Jining.

  Finally, the group chose to cross the river from Yucheng, pass through Shanxian County and Yutai, and board the boat near Guting Town.

   Along the way, Feng Ziying also carefully checked the situation along the route.

   It should be said that the traces left by the war have almost been annihilated. This shows from another perspective that the battle between Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu and his father and Sun Chengzong in Shandong did not affect the local people too much, which is rare.

  In other words, both sides still consider Shandong as a part of themselves, instead of burning, killing and looting wildly like the invasion of foreign enemies or the riots in Shaanxi and the White Lotus Sect. Regardless of whether they ignore it, this should be the greatest blessing.

Boarding the boat from Guting Town, all the way to Linqing was very smooth. I can't see the impact of the interruption of the water transport for more than a year, but it can also be seen that more boats still travel to and from the canal in Shandong Between Huai'an and Xuzhou, the number of ships below Huai'an is much smaller.

Feng Ziying also asked some ship owners, and the information he got was that all ships traveling from the Yangtze River to Huai'an in Yangzhou needed a special approval from the Huaiyang Army before they could go north. The court displayed his control over the canal.

  When you come to Linqing, you will inevitably have to go back to the old house. People like Baoqin Qingwen have never been there. Baoqin even went to Feng's Ancestral Hall to rectify her name.

It should be said that from the north to Shanxi, from Shanxi to Shaanxi, and then from Henan to Beijing via Shandong, the entire northern provinces, Feng Ziying walked around for more than a year, although the provinces except Shaanxi were all on horseback. Viewing the flowers is like passing by, but you can still see and touch some of the lowest-level situations. It should be said that the situation in Shandong is the best, followed by Beizhi, Henan again, and Shanshan is the worst.

However, Shaanxi has experienced more than a year of rectification, and the situation will gradually improve. Now it seems that the worst thing is Shanxi, a place that everyone regards as relatively affluent. If this chaotic situation cannot be controlled, Beizhi and The several prefectures in Henan north of the Yellow River will inevitably be impacted and affected.

  I lived in the old house in Linqing for one night, and it was considered a homecoming.

  Many local gentry came to visit, and Feng Ziying was overwhelmed, so he got on the boat early the next morning and left early.

   After passing Linqing and returning north, the journey is even more relaxed.

  Qingwen's rapid panting, accompanied by the gentle river wind outside the window and the darkening sky and river view, made Feng Ziying extremely comfortable.

  From outside the back cabin, Yu Chuan'er scolded in a low voice bitterly: "You shameless little hoof!"

  Qingwen was very shy, but she didn't dare to speak back. Who made herself so ashamed in her current situation?

   During the boat trip and overnight stay, the accompanying master was covered by Baoqin.

Obviously, the pregnancy of Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu stimulated Baoqin too much. Thinking of returning to Beijing, she would face competition from Shen Yixiu, Baochai, Daiyu, and even the restored women of Yingchun. Waiting for someone, Baoqin became even more anxious, so she refused to let go of any chance along the way.

  For someone like Qingwen who has been on this journey, she hasn't been able to touch anything.

  When I took the boat from Guting Town, I booked three boats, and there were hundreds of people in the group and the accompanying guards, so the three boats were one big and two small, and they were almost full.

  Botou is the most famous town between Dongguang and Nanpi, and it is very lively. Baoqin and the others were rarely interested, so they went ashore with Miss You and the others to play and shop.

At this time, it is the ripening season for pears and jujubes in Botou. Merchants who come and go here transport pears and jujubes on board, and then go south and north to supply the capital and Linqing, Dongchangfu and Jining along the canal. , Xuzhou and even Yangzhou.

   "Master, this servant is dead, please spare this servant." Qingwen panted softly, prostrated herself on the side of the cabin near the window, her hands tightly propped on the window frame.

Both sides of the beige had already been inserted by Feng Ziying's hands, just in time to play with the powder under the apron, and the back of the beanie was also lifted up, the trousers fell between the ankles, a pair of jade feet tightened, accompanied by the fiery collision One drop.

  Through the slanted window lattice, you can faintly see the dots of light that are still on on the pier, and the couple who are tightly attached to each other are even more infatuated.

   "It's still early." Feng Ziying is not willing to let go, such a rare scenery, Baoqin and the others also went ashore and entered the city, leaving only herself and Qingwen, as for Yu Chuan'er, you can ignore it.

"No, I really can't do this slave girl. Why don't you go and take Yu Chuan'er away? I just see her sarcastic remarks all day long. The slave girl has had enough of her, and I don't know that she is so refreshing. Girl, why did it become like this?" Qingwen turned her head while panting, her starry eyes were drunk, "I always refuse to accept her, and I'm going to go back now, and I'm willing to give her away for more than a year. Putting it aside, there is also the old official who is also charming, imitating the appearance of Miss Lin Xi Shi holding her heart all day long, and now they have returned to Beijing, but they have not fulfilled their wishes, isn't it going to be a joke?"

  Feng Ziying didn't make a sound, just cared about having fun.

  Seeing that the lover behind her was silent and only focused on venting her anger on herself, Qingwen didn't say much, and could only persevere,...

  As her lover picked her up and put her on the bed, and changed her position to hold onto her feet, Qingwen was both happy and satisfied, and also had some expectations and fears,...

   After a long while, accompanied by Qingwen's mournful cry like a swan shot by an arrow, the sound on the bed slowly fell silent, and the two of them curled up together, and the sound of breathing gradually calmed down.

   "Master, it's almost time. Miss Qin and the others are about to come back. If you see the servants like this, the good mood of buying pears and dates will be lost."

"They go to buy white pears and golden silk jujubes, and I harvest duck pears and jujubes from you, don't you?" Feng Ziying weighed Qingwen's buttocks, then pinched her chest, "this pear and jujube It is much more precious than Baoqin and the others bought,..."

  Being amused by Feng Ziying's nasty words, he winked like silk, but on the surface he wanted to spit: "I'm not afraid of insulting Xiao Feng's reputation by saying these obscene words,..."

   "What's dirty talk?" Feng Ziying eloquently said, "Pink **** half-hidden suspicion Qingxue, red lips sipping cherries, are these poems also dirty words?"

Unable to argue with her lover, Qingwen could only give Feng Ziying a blank look, pursed her lips and struggled to get up: "This servant is really going to get up, Grandma Qin will go crazy if she knows, it's been a year, it's all gone It's time to go back, and this slave girl doesn't want to make trouble with her, it's so boring."

  Qingwen's words were also soft but hard, expressing her attitude.

  Although Feng Ziying didn't like Baoqin's sour and jealous temperament, this was also the privilege of being a concubine.

  Even girls like Qingwen and Ping'er can't say sour words, so it's too boring to be this woman, so he won't deliberately caress anyone.

  It doesn’t matter if you are a concubine or a housekeeper, you have to be able to bear the pressure from the main wife and concubine. As long as it is not too much, this is a normal situation for a wealthy family.

  The Feng family is already very fair. With Feng Ziying's protection, these maids have a good life. No wonder they are willing to come to the Feng family to be maids.

  Even the Datong girls who were brought from Datong to Shaanxi and then brought back to Beijing from Shaanxi by Yang Yuan, and Aunt Mizhi who was sent by Pan Ruzhen when he was in Yan'an Mansion, all felt that living in Feng's family was really happy.

   The second one will be delivered, ask for a double-guaranteed monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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