Number of People

Chapter 2242: Guizijuan's troubles in North Korea, Jianzhou took action

  Chapter 2242 Guizijuan Korean troubles, Jianzhou shot

  Baoqin and the others are back, but how could Qingwen's coquettish look that was about to ooze out from the sharp-eyed Baoqin?

  Although her expression on the surface remained unchanged, her eyes on Qingwen were much colder.

  On the other hand, Third Sister You covered her mouth and giggled non-stop, knowing that Feng Ziying would suffer again tonight.

  Qingwen is not afraid.

This is not considered cheating, from Kaifeng mansion, almost every night is accompanied by Baoqin, third sister You and her are not related, even though she is just a girl in the house, she is also the girl in the house , the third room is not here, your second room will eat up and wipe it clean, it is too much, even if you steal it, so what?

I have already offended Erfang, and I don't need to look at anyone's face after I return to Beijing. I just need to take good care of my grandma. If it's really a hit today, and I'm pregnant with a boy and a girl, then Qingwen thinks Everything is worth it.

  Feng Ziying also saw this situation, but he turned a blind eye to it. The matter of the Houwei was naturally resolved by the Houwei himself. It would be unsightly for him to interfere.

  He was thinking about how to resolve the embarrassment in front of him, but he saw Wu Yaoqing flashing in the cabin.

  Wang Wenyan returned to Beijing early, leaving Wu Yaoqing behind.

  The reason for returning to Beijing early is to plan ahead and prepare for Feng Ziying's entry to Beijing earlier. I can't collect relevant intelligence after entering Beijing, which is too passive.

  Wu Yaoqing followed Feng Ziying, not only to undertake the responsibility of information communication, but also to shoulder the task of arranging his bodyguard.

   "Yaoqing, what's the matter?"

   "Uh, I have something to report." Wu Yaoqing nodded, holding a piece of letter paper in his hand.

  Feng Ziying hummed, and went straight in, followed by Wu Yaoqing, like Baoqin and Qingwen, who knew there was something serious to do, so they all restrained their expressions and kept silent.

  Entered the middle section of the cabin, which is usually used by Feng Ziying to read and rest, which is equivalent to a mobile study, and it is also here to deal with affairs.

"The people in Chahar have changed, and the Jianzhou Jurchen in Liaodong is also mobilizing troops. It is said that the scale is quite large." Wu Yaoqing lowered his voice. 5,000 soldiers will be dispatched, and North Korea is still hesitating and has not yet officially responded.”

  Feng Ziying frowned, Nurhachi even forced the North Koreans to send troops?

Although after the loss of the Six Forts of Kuandian, Jianzhou Jurchen gradually replaced Dazhou as the protector of North Korea and pointed fingers at North Korea, but North Korea is still a country with a complete regime, army and local government system, and the power of Jianzhou Jurchen threatens North Korea. Yes, even North Korea can be beaten, but it is a joke to say that North Korea can be wiped out at once.

Jianzhou Jurchen usually ask North Korea for food and wife. This happened when Feng Tang was still in Liaodong. Although Dazhou repeatedly warned North Korea not to allow it to provide food and manpower for Jianzhou Jurchen, people had to do so under the eaves. Bow your head, North Korea is very realistic. It still quietly provides food and grass for the Jianzhou Jurchen masters, but it often discounts the amount proposed by the Jianzhou Jurchen.

  But it is the first time I have heard that North Korea is now required to cooperate with sending troops. This is a bad sign.

  If even North Korea dared to send troops to cooperate with Jianzhou Jurchen to attack the Great Zhou, then Liaodong Town would have been weakened to a considerable extent in Nurhachi's mind, which meant that the possibility of Jianzhou Jurchen launching an attack on Liaodong would be even greater.

   "Could it be that the imperial court didn't take any action and allowed Nurhachi to threaten and blackmail North Korea. What's the attitude of North Korea? Did they send envoys to the capital?" Feng Ziying calmed down.

"North Korea has sent envoys to the capital, mainly to explain North Korea's own difficulties and ask Da Zhou for forgiveness." Wu Yaoqing also looked serious, "But it seems that the North Koreans will continue to satisfy Jianzhou Jurchen at a discount as before. request, but the discount is also sending troops, and this temperament is completely different."

"North Korea must not be allowed to send troops, not even a single soldier!" Feng Ziying clapped her hands fiercely, her expression cold, "No matter what method is used, we must resolutely stop North Korea's abnormal movements, otherwise others will follow suit. Then it's out of control!"

  Although North Korea is nothing in the eyes of Dazhou, it is a farming country similar to Dazhou, and it is complementary to Jianzhou Juzheng.

  Once the Jianzhou Jurchen is pulled onto the boat, its effect on the Jianzhou Jurchen will become greater and greater.

  Especially the delivery of food and teachers can greatly free the Jurchens from the situation of labor and food shortages, enabling them to launch attacks on Dazhou without distractions.

  And if Nurhachi is more generous and gives some spoils to North Korea after the victory, and at the same time makes North Korea feel the weakness of Dazhou, then with North Korea's current mentality, it is absolutely possible to become the minions of Jianzhou Jurchen.

   "My lord, what can we do now?" Wu Yaoqing also found it difficult.

Feng Ziying paced around in the cabin twice, and then said in a deep voice: "Let Shen Yourong's Denglai Navy fleet dispatch to Seoul for a round, first to control Phi Island and its surrounding islands, and if possible, Request to borrow Jeju Island!"

  Wu Yaoqing was taken aback, "Phi Dao's subordinates know that they are stationed in Phi Dao near Tieshan, which can deter North Korea, but asking to borrow Jeju Island is a bit different. North Korea will think that we are bullying and provoking."

"If they can't feel pain and coercion, they will continue to provide food and masters to the Jianzhou Jurchen! Look, it has developed to the point where the Jianzhou Jurchen wants them to send troops, but they actually It is unreasonable to come to the court to ask for understanding! This is the result of indulgence! So now we can only retaliate with an eye. If only evil spirits can make them bow their heads and obey their orders, then we will not hesitate to do so. The Jurchen's knife is sharp , our firecrackers are as capable of devouring everything as cannon."

  Feng Ziying's gritted teeth surprised Wu Yaoqing.

   He has rarely seen Feng Ziying so angry. He has been in Shaanxi for more than a year. Although he has experienced a lot, Feng Ziying has always maintained a graceful and easy-going attitude, but today because of this matter, Feng Ziying is so furious.

   "Your Excellency, you mean that asking for Jeju Island is just a gesture, and forcing North Korea to refuse Jianzhou Jurchen is the purpose?" Wu Yaoqing understood.

"Not necessarily. Jeju Island is also an important base to deter Japan and develop Eizo and Kuwu in the future. If it can be borrowed or occupied, it will be of great significance." Feng Ziying shook her head, "But the imperial court is still unable to do that. One step, what we have to do now is to force North Korea and Jianzhou Jurchen to draw a clear line step by step. Perhaps the next step is to borrow Phi Island, and our navy can go deep along the Yalu River and stab Nurhachi in the back from Yizhou. Don’t think that they can sit back and relax after winning the Six Forts of Kuandian, sooner or later we will take back the Six Forts of Kuandian!”

  Feng Ziying’s words sounded like a minister of the Ministry of War, and Wu Yaoqing’s heart was surging when he heard it. It’s interesting to follow such a boss. It’s what men do when they open up territories.

   It's a pity that the imperial court is still trapped in internal and external troubles. If the matter in Nanjing can be resolved as soon as possible and concentrate on dealing with the Mongols and Jurchens, then it will be worth fighting hard.

"Forget it, it's useless to say these things now. If you want to mobilize Shen Yourong and Denglai Navy to go to North Korea to demonstrate, you have to report to Mr. Zhang and the cabinet after returning to Beijing, but if you don't do this, North Korea will definitely not be stopped, so this You must beat North Korea with a stick." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Write this matter down, and the first thing to do after returning to Beijing is to deal with it."

  Wu Yaoqing nodded, "There is also news that Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army has crossed the Yangtze River in Zongyang and entered the territory of Anqing Mansion. There are about 30,000 troops."

  Feng Ziying thought for a while, "Wang Ziteng expected Xiong Tingbi to be unable to march into Jiangxi now, so bold,..."

"There are more than 80,000 people in the Denglai Army, 30,000 people are divided into 50,000 people, and Xiong Tingbi's Jingxiang Town has a total of more than 60,000 people, and the reorganized guard army in Sichuan does not exceed 100,000. People, the Anshe family in Sichuan and Guizhou is still fighting stubbornly, and I guess the war in Sichuan and Guizhou may not end before the end of this year." Wu Yaoqing frowned, "It's not that Xiong Tingbi is the most knowledgeable among civil servants What? Why did he and Sun Chengzong, who are known as the twin jades in the late Yuanxi Dynasty, fight so entangled in the battle to quell Sichuan?"

Feng Ziying glared at Wu Yaoqing, "Brother Feibai still has some skills. He, Brother Zhisheng, and Brother Li Qing are rare soldiers among civil servants, but the geography and climate of Sichuan and Guizhou are different from those of Jiangnan in the north. People may not be as good as Brother Fei Bai, we all stand up and talk without pain in our backs, but if we really want to go, we need to be more patient, if someone urges us, there will be troubles if we don’t know what to do. "

  Wu Yaoqing didn't seem to believe it, "If my lord goes, I believe that my subordinates will succeed in no time and win the flag,..."

"Okay, don't flatter me. I know myself. There are wars in Sichuan, and the mountains and rivers are dangerous. I'm not sure. Yang Wenruo's father, Yang He, has been away for so long, and his nose is bruised and his face is swollen. Didn't he come back in despair?" Feng Ziying smiled and shook her head, "Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army has entered Anqing, and my father's side is in a tight spot. Wang Ziteng still has a way of training troops, but..."

Feng Ziying didn't go on, he really couldn't say whether his father was fighting tacit understanding with Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu, but it's a pity that Nanzhili was too far away when crossing Henan, and it was not easy to contact, and there were some words It's not easy to say it in the letter, so let it go.

   But after entering Beijing, Feng Ziying felt that he could figure out a general idea after comprehensive intelligence and information from various sources.

   The third update is delivered, please ask for another 500 votes! Lao Rui will continue to work hard!



  (end of this chapter)

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