Number of People

Chapter 2244: There are women in the guizi scroll, and the prospect is in the front

  Chapter 2244 There are women in the Kuizi scroll, and the outlook is ahead

  Feng Ziying couldn't answer for a while.

When the father was in Liaodong, this method of cooperating with each other was very effective, but after the father left, Cao Wenzhao was not very familiar with Liaodong, and Zhao led a group of Liaodong local warriors and Cao Wenzhao Not harmonious, so it is even more impossible to help him.

   Another key factor is that Li Yongfang's surrender was a stab in Liaodong's waist, which went straight to the heart.

  Li Yongfang is well aware of the internal situation of Liaodong Town, and now he is helping Nurhachi to win over and buy off the officers and men in Liaodong Town. Perhaps Li Yongfang may not be able to succeed in the high-level generals, but it is hard to say for the middle and low-level officers.

The current situation is that the subject and the guest have changed positions. With the help of Li Yongfang, Nurhachi began to dig up the corner of Liaodong Town in turn, and Nurhachi was far more willing than the court. It is too exaggerated for the court.

  But for Nurhachi, even if the three to fifty thousand taels of silver can play a role in the war and let the Jianzhou Jurchen win, it is all worth it.

   Now Busia Mara came to question herself instead. The situation in Liaodong Town is getting more and more difficult, but she can't find a suitable countermeasure to break the situation, and she is always in a passive situation.

"Busia Mara, your suggestion is very good, but it is not easy to implement in practice. Chu Ying is the eldest son of Nurhachi. If it is not a last resort, he cannot join us." Feng Ziying thought for a while before explaining: "Shu Erhachi Qi also has some basic conditions, but Chu Ying is different, it is very difficult."

"Difficult? I can't see it." Busia Mara obviously disagrees with Feng Ziying's point of view, "Shuerhaqi is not only Nurhachi's mother and compatriot, but has always been Nurhachi's right-hand man, but because he threatened Nurhachi's status , isn’t it the same as being deprived of power? Jianzhou Jurchen learned from you Han people faster than anyone else. Li Chengliang instilled in them all kinds of Han people’s ideas of fighting for power and profit, so that they are also intriguing internally. Chu Ying, Dai Shan and Huang Taiji The reason for the disagreement is not because of Chu Ying's strong personality and bad temper, which has faintly threatened Nurhachi's control over Jianzhou Jurchen, Daishan and Huang Taiji, An Feiyanggu, He Heli and Fei Yingdong. Didn’t Chu Ying attack them in groups because of Nurhachi’s instruction?”

  Feng Ziying glanced at Busia Mara in surprise, "Busia Mara, aren't you giving birth this year? How do you know so thoroughly about the internal situation of Jianzhou Jurchen?"

"It's about the life and death of our Yehe tribe. How dare we neglect it? We are different from you. You lost Liaodong, you still have Liaoxi, you still have Ji Town to defend, and you have the great Central Plains. The people can only serve as slaves to armored men, so how dare we not do our best to investigate? Unfortunately, Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Lijiao may be good at fighting, but they are far behind... your father in this respect, And now that Nurhachi has Li Yongfang, Liaodong Town is very dangerous."

  Seeing that Busia Mara paused when she mentioned her father, she chuckled, "What father? Shouldn't you be called father-in-law?"

  Bushiya Mara choked, and gave Feng Ziying a blank look, "I have no name or distinction with you, and the child will have my surname in the future,..."

"Whether you have a place with me or not doesn't depend on me, but on whether you are willing or not." Feng Ziying said leisurely, "I know you are independent and don't like to be restrained. You and Wang Xifeng get along so well and you can see it. If I really want you to go back with me, then the backyard may not be fair to you, you are depressed all day long, and I don't want to, it's better to let you be free outside."

"As for the children in the future, there are so many women in my back house, and there are many kind-hearted people. It is no problem to let them take care of the older ones for you. You can also rest assured that no one will dare to embarrass them. You can go back to visit at any time, and you can even take it with you for a while before giving it to them. All in all, these are not problems,..."

Feng Ziying's words also touched Busia Mara's heart. Although she and him are only a dewy couple, but the man is so informed and expressive, and has already arranged for him in an orderly manner, and it also fits his own wishes. Well intentioned.

Busia Mara's beautiful eyes were looking forward, her cheeks were flushed, and her body was a little hot. How could Feng Ziying not understand, she pushed her plump buttocks and slender thighs forward, but this time it was just a gentle breeze and a drizzle. , moisten things silently.

  The place where love is strong, is where there is no sound.

After a long time, the two entangled and snuggled together again, "Ziying, I'm telling the truth. With the current situation in Liaodong Town, something will happen sooner or later. Nurhachi has been plotting for a long time. I heard that Sanbeile Abai has been in your Han area all the time. The activity should be to collect information and contact all parties. Collecting information is nothing. It turns out that the Jianzhou Jurchen has always been like this, but the contact with all parties must be paid attention to. The Jurchen ministries, the Mongolian ministries, you Nanjing, and the White Lotus Sect, And those Shanshan rebels, even the Koreans and Japanese, if they are all drawn into a front by him, and they all feel that they can take a bite of fat from your big Zhou, then you can figure out what the result will be."

Feng Ziying gently moved her fingers together and slowly twitched and picked again, causing Busia Mara to complain coquettishly. She patted the back of her hand, and then returned to caressing her plump buttocks, but her thoughts were not messed up, "The court knows all these things , I know better, but can we stop Nurhachi from contacting all parties? We can’t. The best countermeasure is to strengthen ourselves and see the tricks. These internal and external troubles have always existed, and we can only deal with them one by one. .”

"I'm afraid you don't have that much time." Busia Mara worried, "Nurhachi is ambitious and resourceful, and he also has a large group of loyal sons and subordinates. Contradictions abound, and I'm worried..."

"What are you worried about? With me here, I've made plans for Nurhachi, and I can't tolerate him. The toad wants to eat swan meat, wishful thinking!" Feng Ziying hugged Busia Mara's body tighter, " Don't worry, I have countermeasures. This time, I should have stayed in Shaanxi for the first half of the year to complete my merits and virtues. However, considering that I am not in the center, it is inconvenient to operate many things, so I hurried back. Both parties are conspiring against each other, but as long as I come back, they will be a dream after all!"

  Busia Mara likes the confident and heroic spirit of men the most.

This man is eight or nine years younger than himself, and he is also young and handsome in the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but his influence and voice are unmatched by others. All the heroes admire him very much, and based on this alone, it is worthwhile for me to follow him.

"It's good that you know it in your heart." Busia Mara was so rare and gentle, her cheek was pressed against Feng Ziying's shoulder, "I have always been empty in my heart since you didn't come back. Now that you are back, it means that you have returned to the capital. If I want to see you, I can go to Beijing to be with you in one day, and my heart will be at ease, and I can sleep more peacefully at night."

  Feng Ziying was also a little moved, and at the same time felt pressured. So many women regarded themselves as their reliance. Once something happened to her, their fate would be unpredictable. Based on this alone, she would walk on with her head held high.

   "Oh, it's not enough, Busia Mara, take it easy, you've only been in this body for a few months, and he just came back, the days to come are long..."

  When they appeared outside the window with a bit of pungent and teasing voice, Feng Ziying and Busia Mara, who were embracing each other in a deep sleep, woke up and spat at the same time.

  Looking at the time, this sleep lasted for more than an hour, and the sleep was extraordinarily sound and sound. It was also rare for the two of them to cuddle up to each other and talk so much in such a long time, and then returned to the same situation for more than a year.

Busia Mara ignored her, got out of bed naked, put on Feng Ziying's clothes first, and then dressed herself, saying: "You go, or if you don't, her sour smell can blow off the roof of the house." gone."

Feng Ziying looked back at Busia Mara who was tying up her bust. The round and plump two peaks faced each other, wrapped in the red bust, full of bumps and protrusions, confusing people's minds, and couldn't help saying: "You are tied up. , what should I do if I want to breastfeed my child?"

"There is a wet nurse. I only feed in the morning and evening on weekdays, and I am a wet nurse for the rest of the time." Busia Mara fastened her bust, weighed it tightly, and felt relieved. It’s not practical, it’s going to be ups and downs after a little activity, it’s not very convenient,…”

  Feng Ziying shook her head. It was up to her to decide. Anyway, there was a nanny, so it was not a worry. "When do you plan to wean the child?"

"Well, one year old, I don't pay much attention to it. I heard that you Han people are all one year old here, but we don't have to be sure. It's better to be early, and later is better." Busia Mara said They are not very pampered to their children like other women, maybe because Yehe tribe raises them extensively, but the children are very strong, so they are not willing to follow the habits of the Han people.

"Sister Feng's cub is too pampered, you have to talk about it, or the man's parents have grown up lacking in masculinity..." As if thinking of something, Busia Mara shook her head again: "Anyway, I If the two children can't be raised like her, they won't be able to grow up in the future."

Busia Mara's reminder made Feng Ziying very happy. There must be rules in raising children. At least Busia Mara's concept is stronger than Wang Xifeng's. I have to talk to Wang Xifeng carefully, don't Afterwards, when it is determined, it will not be possible to teach it back, and it is impossible for me to have so much energy to ask questions.

   First update, ask for votes!



  (end of this chapter)

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