Number of People

Chapter 2245: Take a break on the Guizi scroll and arrive in Beijing

  Chapter 2245 Guizi scroll for a rest, arrives in Beijing

   When getting up from Wang Xifeng's bed, Feng Ziying couldn't help but help her waist.

  The sky is already bright, and this night's pan-chang battle can be described as sparks hitting the earth.

The love and desire that had been pent up for more than a year erupted in this night, and Wang Xifeng was also at the age of a wolf and a tiger. Although Feng Ziying was very energetic, it was still a bit overwhelming to fight against Busia Mara and Wang Xifeng continuously , especially Wang Xifeng herself is a treasure that devours the sky and the earth, if she is not subdued, she really can't even think about leaving.

Feng Ziying's action also awakened Wang Xifeng, turned over, lay on Feng Ziying's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing up so early? Huzi is with the nanny, and Hongyu and the others are watching. It will be fine. They won't be here so early."

  The lazy and glamorous style is Wang Xifeng tucking her quilt to cover her chest, but this half-covered posture is even more alluring.

  But no matter how hot-eyed Feng Ziying was, she did not dare to act rashly.

If a single spark is thrown down, there may be a fierce battle, but women can breathe a sigh of relief, but men will suffer, not to mention that I will return to Beijing soon, and there are a lot of women waiting there Myself, I was exhausted by the wild flowers outside, what should I do when I need to pay the public food?

"Well, I've almost slept well. After that point, I won't be able to sleep anymore." Feng Ziying explained absently, letting Wang Xifeng put the pillow behind her, and leaning against the head of the bed, "You want to sleep?" Just go to sleep, I'll just rely on to rest for a while."

"Don't let Baoqin and Qingwen's little hooves on the way toss you enough. By the way, I heard that Baoqin's old girl, who was born in a small opera, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She looks a bit like Lin Yatou, she is used to thinking about people, Hongyu said that the little hoof has enchanting eyebrows, but it is born with a tormenting body, you can take it easy."

  Feng Ziying frowned, "What does Hongyu know? Since when did she know the art of matching people? Besides, if that's the case, is there anyone else?"

  One sentence made Wang Xifeng's brows stand on end, turned over with a whimper, and crawled on Feng Ziying's body, "Why, think I'm old? Do you think I'm making trouble?"

Feng Ziying helplessly looked at Wang Xifeng, who was lying in front of her with fire in her eyes, staring at her viciously: "When did I say that I hated you? Real men are afraid that women are not good enough, like Hongyu. Just bow your head and beg for mercy, isn't it a disappointment? When have I been afraid of you, no matter how powerful you are, you have to lie cross-legged in front of me,..."

  These words made Wang Xifeng feel relieved a little, and the eyebrows became more provocative: "I'm really not afraid, I'd rather lie cross-legged, it's up to you, tonight..."

Feng Ziying realizes that if she wants to be brave in front of Wang Xifeng, she is really not afraid. She wished she could risk her life to fight with you. A night of fun is far from enough to quench her thirst. I guess she will have to fight fiercely tonight. .

But thinking about her age, without a man for more than a year, she is finally looking forward to her return, and it is impossible for her to stay in Tianjin Wei for too long. If she wants to have a good relationship in the future, she has to wait for an opportunity, or come to the capital, so It can be regarded as excusable, and I should be comforted.

   "Crack!", slapped Wang Xifeng's exposed buttocks hard, Feng Ziying said angrily: "The east wind is blowing, the drums are beating, and I'm going to bed, who is afraid of whom?"

It was rare to hear that Feng Ziying could say such a witty remark, but it made Wang Xifeng laugh, her flowers trembled, and the double pills on her chest rose and fell violently, "Ziying, you are Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, how can you talk about it?" This kind of doggerel is coming, won't outsiders laugh to death when they hear it?"

"Why, what's the matter with the compilation, isn't Zhang Chang not allowed to have fun in the boudoir?" Feng Ziying said carelessly: "I don't believe that when the princes of the court returned to the mansion to face their wives and concubines when they were young, they were just as old-fashioned in bed. Fangzheng, what's the point of being alive?"

   "Well, men should fight in the court battlefield and flirt in the boudoir..." Wang Xifeng's eyes were full of spring, and his eyes became brighter, and his breath was a little short, which made Feng Ziying startled.

   I have to fight again right away, I'm afraid I really can't take it anymore, anyway, I have to rest for a day, so I quickly and decisively changed the subject: "How is the situation in the cement factory?"

When talking about this, Wang Xifeng immediately became energetic, and her interest quickly shifted: "It's okay, the demand here in Tianjin Wei is still very large. Our cement factory basically accounts for more than half of the market here. In addition, we have also started to sell to Over there in Hejian Mansion, didn’t you come back from Botou? Botou Wharf is being expanded, and our cement is being used. The salt warehouse in Changlu Salt Field in Cangzhou is also being expanded, and it’s also supplied by our family, Dezhou Over there, Lin Zhixiao, Wang Xin, and the others are in contact, striving to get all the cement demand for the Dezhou Guard's battlefield, barracks, and city wall heightening,..."

   I have to say that this woman is really born with a talent for doing business. Apart from the management of the factory here, it is her strength to exploit market demand, especially to expand market share through government channels.

   It is estimated that it is necessary to use his own banner or use the resources of the Feng family, but Feng Ziying doesn't care.

"Actually, you can try it along the canal in Shandong. Dongchang Mansion and Linqing have both experienced wars. Although the losses are not large, there will definitely be some reconstruction and construction, and the advantages of cement will become more and more prominent. You should seize the opportunity to expand the market, occupy some markets first, even if the profits are thinner, you can monopolize this area in the future, and prevent latecomers from easily crowding in,..."

  Feng Ziying also dialed a few words at random, there is no need to say too much, Wang Xifeng will understand by herself.

The day time is the most relaxing and pleasant for Feng Ziying. Playing with Huzi, this two-year-old son quickly became familiar with Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying seems to be able to find the shadow of her childhood, especially the pair of eyebrows and Wang Xifeng's old crow eyebrows are completely different, on the contrary, they are exactly the same as his own slender and slanted, and his face shape is also the same as his own, only the nose and mouth have some Wang Xifeng's appearance.

The two children of Busia Mara also need to be named, at least a baby name must be given first. Feng Ziying is also thinking about it. After thinking for a long time, she got the two nicknames Su Niang and Ben Lang. Su Niang means resurrection, hope The daughter is healthy and lively, while Ben Lang implies bravery.

The naming and baby names are all very particular. Feng Ziying thought that the son born in Yingchun would also have to name herself, and the children in Miaoyu and Xiuyan's womb would have to be born one after another. You have to think about it carefully, so as not to reveal your secrets.

  Stayed in Tianjin Wei for another night before waiting for Shen Yourong to arrive.

After Feng Ziying explained her thoughts and intentions to Shen Yourong, Shen Yourong agreed with all her strength, but the real difficulties in front of her were not small. Although the Denglai Navy fleet was not small, its training strength needed to be strengthened. It is difficult to pay for the purchase of new ships and artillery, which is the biggest problem.

  The issue of money and silver is always the core and most specific issue. Feng Ziying is not a fairy, and he cannot change money.

  Haitong Yinzhuang can borrow money, but it needs to be paid back, repaying the principal and interest, all of which are indispensable.

   And once the Denglai Navy moves, it will cost 200,000 taels of silver to go up.

  The current situation of the court is impossible to tell. If Feng Ziying wants the Denglai Navy to act according to his intentions, he has to find a way for the court to pay.

However, Feng Ziying still greeted Shen Yourong and made preparations first. Phi Island, Jeju Island, and Jinzhou in southern Liaoning will all be important bases for the Denglai Navy in the future. The effect of Zhou Jurchen's counterfeiting depends on the development of the situation.

  After talking with Shen Yourong, Feng Ziying didn't delay any longer, and went straight back to Beijing.

  After entering Beijing, I didn’t even enter the house, so I first reported to the cabinet to report on the situation in Shaanxi, and I also prepared to accept new appointments by the way.

Before leaving Xi'an, Feng Ziying was still not sure what position she would take, but judging from the information received along the way, Feng Ziying was sure that it was unlikely that she would return to Ren Shuntian Mansion to be the governor, and could only go to the Ministry of War to serve as the right servant up.

Now when all parties are in a storm, Zhang Huaichang is the only minister in the Ministry of War, which is simply appalling. When I come back, I will just relieve the governor of Shaanxi and the imperial censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and officially assume the right servant of the Ministry of War. In fact, he officially assisted Zhang Huaichang to handle military affairs.

  Stepping into East Chang'an Avenue, Feng Ziying felt an extremely familiar and friendly feeling, and I came back again.

  After a year's absence, the streets are still the same, the market is still bustling with traffic, and the impact of the Jiangnan Rebellion is completely invisible.

  Feng Ziying couldn't help turning her head and asked Wang Wenyan who came to pick him up: "It seems that the impact of the interruption of water transport has been reduced to a very small level. Has there been any movement in Nanjing during this time?"

  Wang Wenyan lowered his voice and said: "I heard that people from Nanjing are in Beijing and are in secret contact with the imperial court, but the outside world doesn't know about it. Well, it seems that Renshou Palace is also making connections and exerting pressure..."

   "Press?" Feng Ziying sneered, "Do you really think he can control the overall situation?"

  Feng Ziying had a very bad impression of Emperor Yuanxi.

  To be honest, Emperor Yonglong has been conscientious for more than ten years, but after the thirty-fifth year of Yuanxi, the foundation of Dazhou has basically been tossed out in the past ten years.

  Going to the south of the Yangtze River every now and then, I would rather spend a lot of money on various useless places, but the military equipment in the north is more and more in arrears, which leads to the rebellion in Ningxia, and the delay in reforming the land in the Southwest.

It can be said that the 35th year of Yuanxi was cut off. The early stage was the peak period when all aspects of the Great Zhou reached its peak. However, it has been falling all the way since the 35th year, and it has been falling endlessly for 17 years. It was a mess, and finally all kinds of contradictions began to erupt.

  (end of this chapter)

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