Number of People

Chapter 2253: Guizi Juan Yuanmeng Revisited, Jialan's Future

  Chapter 2253 Guizi Juan Yuanmeng Revisited, Jialan's Future

  Mandarin duck, Ping'er, and Jin Chuan'er all showed understanding expressions on their faces, and it was understandable for Grandma Zhu to come in such a hurry.

Brother Lang is also 14 years old, so he could go to the county exam last year to be a scholar, but he was nailed to death as a family member of a prisoner, so he was not qualified to take the exam, and Jia Huan was the same. Taking part in the Juren examination, and based on Jia Huan's hard work in studying and his performance in the academy, everyone felt that Jia Huan had no problem in the Juren examination, but it was hard to say even in the Jinshi examination.

   But deprived of qualifications, it is still unknown when they will have a chance. This is probably the most painful and tormenting thing for the three sons of Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong.

  Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the three girls, "Here?"

  Li Wan smiled gracefully, holding a sweat towel, "Ziying, maybe you haven't been here for a long time, why don't you go to Tubi Villa on the mountain for a walk..."

  Li Wan knew that the three daughters were Feng Ziying's caring maids. In a sense, they were even more caring than some concubines. Although it was obviously out of line to ask Feng Ziying to go for a walk on the mountain, she didn't care about it anymore.

The prisoner's family members had some gossip with Feng Ziying at first. Whether it's a good reputation or a good name, she now ignores it. The matter of Brother Lang is the most important thing, and what she can rely on now is Feng Ziying, the former lover.

The reason why she was her former lover is that Li Wan is not sure what Feng Ziying's attitude towards her is now. More than a year is enough to change a lot. Now she has heard that Miaoyu and Xiuyan are pregnant, and Tanchun and Xichun are both pregnant. While actively seeking to marry into the Feng family, will Feng Ziying alienate herself, keep a distance from herself, and refuse to get involved?

Li Wan knew that Feng Ziying would be very busy during the period when she came back, and she didn't have the energy to ask about other things. After three days of rest, she would definitely have to stay at home with her three-bedroom wife, daughter and son who had been away for more than a year, and there was no chance for outsiders. , but once the vacation is over, Feng Ziying will definitely have no time to attend to the official affairs of the DPRK and China.

It can be said that if there are no surprise soldiers, I will not be able to get close to Feng Ziying, so today I found out that Feng Ziying came to Rongning Street to see the progress of the reconstruction, so I hurried over to stop Feng Ziying before she returned home , Speak clearly and get things done.

  Feng Ziying glanced at Tubi Mountain Villa above, and shook her head, "There is no need to go to Tubi Mountain Villa,..."

   Li Wan's heart turned cold, is this man really planning to draw a line with himself?

   There was a feeling of desolation in my heart. Is this the reality of the man, who refuses to even turn his head when he lifts his pants?

   "It's better to go there,..." Feng Ziying pointed to the northeast, "The mountains and rocks over there are very beautiful, and I haven't gone there today, so I will take a look by the way..."

  Li Wan's face turned red, and the sadness in his heart disappeared without a trace. The place Feng Ziying pointed to was the place where he had the first wild acacia that day. Unexpectedly, he still remembered it firmly. Could it be that today...

  Even Na Suyun was the one who experienced it first-hand, and was terrified. Could it be that Uncle Feng and Grandma are going to that place to relive their old dreams again? But Yuanyang and the others are still there.

"Yuanyang, Ping'er, Jin Chuan'er, you three are watching over here, my sister-in-law and I will walk around and talk about things by the way." Feng Ziying nodded to Yuanyang very indifferently, and then signaled to Li Wan: " Sister-in-law, let's go."

The three mandarin ducks didn't understand the whole story, but they felt that Li Wan and Suyun seemed to have strange expressions, and thought it was Li Wan who came to find Feng Ziying in such a hurry and reckless, and felt a little embarrassed, never thought about this And so much trickery.

No matter how much Li Wan misses Feng Ziying, he still can't accept going to relive Yuanmeng under such circumstances, but if he wants to refuse at this time, he will be even more suspicious by Yuanyang and others, and even see the clues, so he also He could only stroke his temples pretending to be calm, and frowned: "Isn't it too far over there? You have to go around again."

"It's not far, it's just right. I also thought that the weather is very good today. I walked for a walk while talking. I haven't seen my sister-in-law and Lang Geer for more than a year. I miss it. My sister-in-law took good care of Lang Geer for more than a year." Tell me about your performance, so I can think about how to arrange it in the next step." Feng Ziying smiled more and more happily.

   Having said all this, Li Wan could only grit his teeth, nodded his head, and signaled Suyun to follow.

In case Feng Ziying really wants to do that "unruly thing", it is best to have someone on the lookout. Otherwise, if she is really caught by Yuanyang Ping'er and the others, or by the craftsmen in this garden, then she really has nothing to do. Can't live anymore.

   Greeted Yuanyang and the others, Feng Ziying walked side by side for Li Wan, all the way west, along the road behind the Grand View Garden to Hengwuyuan.

This road is indeed a bit biased. When you come down from Dazhu Mountain, you usually don’t go this way, but go to the Aujingxi Pavilion. People like Daoxiang Village and Ouxiangxie don’t come here. To go to the slightly remote Hengwu Garden, if you want to go to Nuanxiangwu and Ouxiangxie, you need to cross this mountain road, but if you go to the gate of Grand View Garden, you can also go east along the Aojingxi Pavilion and Changcui Temple. side past.

  Walking around Hengwuyuan, Li Wan slowed down, her face flushed, and even Suyun, who was behind her, faltered a little.

   Going further up is the Baishi hill, and there is a trail below it. You don't need to go up the mountain, but if you can't go up the mountain, what's the point?

   "Ziying,..." Li Wan stopped at the foot of the mountain, bit his lip and looked at Feng Ziying, "Why don't we just talk here, okay?"

  Feng Ziying shook her head, with a gentle expression on her face, "It's all here, if you don't go up to see the scenery, it's better not to come, let's go, Suyun, you are here, put the cloak in your hand on Grandma Ni."

  Suyun's heart trembled, she didn't dare to say anything, she didn't care whether her grandma agreed or not, so she hurriedly put on the cloak for Li Wan.

  Li Wan was in a dilemma, glaring at Suyun who didn't look at her at all, biting his lip, clutching the sweat towel in both hands, he didn't know what to do for a while.

  Feng Ziying didn't give her much chance to hesitate, she went straight forward, took Li Wan's hand, and swaggered up the mountain.

  As soon as he stepped into the narrow mountain road, the deep and quiet atmosphere seemed to calm Li Wan's mind a lot. He let Feng Ziying hold his hand and followed him passively, but his steps became a lot lighter as he staggered.

  Feng Ziying glanced at the embroidered shoes under Li Wan's feet, recalling the trembling bare feet when she was holding them upside down in her hands, she couldn't help herself for a while.

   Seemingly aware of Feng Ziying's scorching gaze, Li Wan quickly retracted his feet and hid his toes in the pleated horse-face skirt, fearing that the other party would notice something, but the fiery heart became more and more sensitive.

Feeling that the slender hands held by her were slightly moist, it was obvious that the woman was a little nervous. Feng Ziying couldn't help turning her head and comfortingly said: "Miss Wan, what are you worried about? There is no one here, the craftsmen are all in the relatives' villa and Ning On Xixuan's side, there are only the two of us here, if someone comes over there, and Suyun is watching over there, don't you even worry about Suyun?"

A sentence of Miss Wan immediately broke Li Wan's defenses, his body softened, and he almost slipped, and saw that the woman's complexion was flushed, her fragrant shoulders trembled slightly, and her eye circles were red. She seemed both excited and excited. A little sad, Feng Ziying didn't bother to think about it, so she simply stepped forward and crossed the woman's knee, and passed the other hand under her armpit, hugged her easily, and went straight to the mountain.

  ...Liu Guang is easy to throw people away, making cherries red and plantains green.

  Li Wan had completely forgotten where she was, and only felt that her body was being turned over and over by the other party's hands. When all the dust settled, she realized that she was naked in the other party's arms, confused and hesitant.

   "Sister Wan, actually you don't have to come to me, I know what to do. Brother Lang is my disciple after all, and you and I still have this bad relationship, how can I ignore it?"

Feng Ziying's fingers are still moving on Li Wan's smooth body. This woman is really well cared for. She is almost thirty years old. Her skin is as smooth as a girl's. There is no wrinkle on the corners of her eyes and her forehead. The disaster of breaking the family.

  Compared with Wang Xifeng, Li Wan is fresh and timeless, with orchids in the valley, while Wang Xifeng is in full swing, with thorny roses, but they have one thing in common, that is, they can make people fascinated and unable to put it down.

   "But now..."

"I know that the imperial court has the rules and face of the imperial court. The Jia family is rebellious, Jia Jing, Jia Zheng are officials in the puppet court in Nanjing, and your father even wrote an article for Prince Yizhong in the Ministry of Rites of the puppet court. In other words, your father is probably more hated by the court than Uncle Zheng Shi."

Li Shouzhong is now the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Rites of the Puppet Dynasty. He specializes in writing some articles attacking the court. He even wrote the essays on the war. It can be said that he is a celebrity in the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty. Of course, this kind of celebrity has no other abilities. pen.

  Scared by what Feng Ziying said, Li Wan sat up all of a sudden, not noticing that he was naked, and asked in horror: "Then my father will not...? What about Brother Lan?"

"Fortunately, you are married, so although you are involved, you can still argue, but that's something for later, and I can't talk about it now." Feng Ziying picked up the cloak and put it on Li Wan, Only then did Li Wan realize that he was naked, and shrank back into Feng Ziying's arms in embarrassment.

"Jia Lan's matter, since the current subject has been missed, we have to wait for the next one. Fortunately, he is not too old, and Brother Huan missed it too?" Feng Ziying continued: "I guess the matter in Jiangnan will be resolved." Now, it's almost time to get back on track, maybe there will be an Enke?"

  (end of this chapter)

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