Number of People

Chapter 2254: Guizi scroll is open-minded mandarin duck, transparent life

  Chapter 2254 Guizi scroll is open-minded mandarin ducks, transparent life

   Hearing that it would take another three years, Li Wan's expression darkened.

Three years later, Jia Lan will be seventeen years old. Although she is still young, Jia Lan is not as good as Feng Ziying, so she may not be able to make a leap in one step. If she performs well, she may be able to make two leaps in one step. Wait another three years to see if you can do it. Crossed the Jinshi Pass.

   Even in the smoothest situation, you have to go after the 23rd or 4th. If there is a slight delay in the middle, it is normal to be admitted to the Jinshi after the 27th, 8th, or even 30th.

  But when Feng Ziying said that Enke was still possible, she was delighted again: "Ziying, Enke, is it possible?"

"It's very possible that once the new emperor succeeds to the throne, amnesty and Enke are all normal. As long as Lang Geer doesn't be lazy and continues to study hard in the academy, he may not be able to pass the Enke exam. For a Juren, even if he can't pass the Jinshi test, he might be able to pass the next subject, and if he can pass the Jinshi exam before the age of twenty, that is extremely rare."

Feng Ziying's words brought Li Wan back to life, but thinking of the current traitorous identities of Jia's and Li's families, she was very worried, "Ziying, the current situation of Jia's and Li's families is not good for Lan Geer. How much influence? It won't let Lang Geer even Enke can't do it?"

"It definitely has an impact, but Enke is basically connected with the amnesty. No matter how I try to get Lange the right to amnesty, Enke will have no problem then." Feng Ziying gave Li Wan a bite A reassurance.

  Li Wan still trusts Feng Ziying's promise, at least in her memory, everything that Feng Ziying promised, no matter who she is to, has been fully fulfilled.

Feeling a bit chilly, Li Wan shuddered, Feng Ziying quickly wrapped her cloak tightly, Li Wan winked like silk, and whispered: "Okay, I have to get dressed, although there is no one here, but Yuanyang and the others are still there." Over there, if you stay for a long time, they will definitely become suspicious, so you should go back earlier."

  Feng Ziying held back her hand and went in again, raging for a while, making Li Wan panting again, almost letting Feng Ziying fall again.

   Also considering that Shen Yixiu was waiting tonight, Feng Ziying really didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, no matter what, she had to save some spare energy, and the public food had to be kept with her main wife.

Carefully fastened the bust for Li Wan and made some more intimacy, Feng Ziying got up now, and Li Wan dressed Feng Ziying like a wife again, seeing that Feng Ziying's long gown was wrinkled a lot, she was a little flustered, "How is this?" good?"

   "What's the best, Yuanyang and the others still want to ask me about how the clothes are wrinkled?" Feng Ziying said nonchalantly.

   "But they must be thinking in their hearts, if the concubine meets them in the future, how should I face them?" Li Wan couldn't help punching Feng Ziying.

"You can even face Baochai and Daiyu calmly, so why are you afraid of Yuanyang and them?" Feng Ziying was rather amused, "You have already said that Yuanyang and them are my personal maids, even if you know some secrets, you will keep your mouth shut Yes, you don't have to act timidly, face them frankly, and they won't doubt it."

  Li Wan was speechless.

  When they were together with Baochai and Daiyu, Li Wan actually paid attention to it. She felt that Baochai and Daiyu seemed to have some doubts about Wang Xifeng, but they never doubted herself.

  But today's situation will definitely make Yuanyang Ping'er and Jin Chuan'er suspicious, but they could use Lang Geer's affairs to cover up before, but Feng Ziying's clothes are disheveled, how can this be explained?

"Okay, don't think about it anymore, they can think whatever they want, or the same sentence, they are my people, no matter what, they will give some face, you just pretend that nothing happened That's it." Feng Ziying lovingly inserted the golden step at the temples for Li Wan, and arranged the pleated horse-face skirt for her, "Let's go, I will come to you when I have time."

Seeing Li Wan and Feng Ziying coming out of Qiushuangzhai chatting and laughing happily, the couple at the gate felt that Uncle Feng and Sister-in-law Zhu had talked for a while, and Yuanyang also noticed Li Wan Her complexion was a little flushed, a little more indescribably fresh and gorgeous, which didn't match her plain soap, all in all, she always looked a little different.

  A widow dressed like this at this time, gives people the feeling that she is a bit stealing.

Fortunately, Feng Ziying didn't give the girls too many chances to think wildly. As soon as they came out, they directly greeted the girls to get on the carriage and leave. The girls didn't have time to think, followed Feng Ziying into the car, said hello to Li Wan, and hurried away. left.

I didn't talk all the way, got off the car at Feng's mansion, Yuanyang inadvertently touched the hem of Feng Ziying's robe hanging down, it felt a little slippery, and when I touched it again, I felt a big greasy ball, but before she could react, Feng Ziying had already jumped out of the car I went, and waited until she came down before placing it firmly in front of the tip of her nose. There was a very strange smell, an indescribable feeling.

   Seeing Yuanyang put his hand in front of the tip of his nose and sniffing something puzzled, Ping'er came over curiously, "What's the matter, Yuanyang?"

"It's nothing, I don't know why my body got wet, and I don't know what it is..." Yuanyang raised her hand and put it in front of Ping'er's nose. Pushing away his hand, "Ah!"

   Yuanyang was puzzled and asked blankly, "What's wrong?"

Seeing Ping'er's appearance, Jin Chuan'er didn't know what happened. He took Yuanyang's hand and put it in front of his nose for a sniff. He couldn't believe it. Then he touched it again, and it was very slippery. After thinking about it again, he immediately understood. Coming over, it was also Xiafei's cheeks, stomping her feet in resentment, and quickly wiped it with her own silk towel, "Yuanyang, you little hoof, where did you get this dirty thing, you are not ashamed if you have no land?"

  Yuanyang looked blank, "Why are you not ashamed? This is stained on my body, how do I know what it is?"

  Pinger and Jin Chuaner are both people who have been here. After getting married with Feng Ziying, they usually help Feng Ziying clean up. The sweat towel wiped the dirt and then cleaned it. Naturally, they are no strangers to this.

   Although Yuanyang is the chief maid in the mansion, she has seen a lot and heard about it, but she has never seen it with her own eyes and touched it with her own hands. Naturally, she doesn't know what it is.

Seeing that both Ping'er and Jin Chuan'er knew what it was, Yuanyang became even more curious, twisted Ping'er's hand and insisted on asking, but Ping'er refused to say anything, Yuanyang grabbed Jin Chuan'er, Jin Chuan'er must make it clear, but Jin Chuan'er couldn't help it, so she had to whisper in her ear, and Yuanyang was so shocked that she wiped it quickly, and then the three girls hurriedly washed their hands, using soap several times before giving up.

   "Where did you get this dirty thing?" Yuanyang looked at the two daughters angrily and asked, "Why did it get stuck on the lapel?"

  Ping'er and Jin Chuan'er exchanged glances, then shook their heads: "Yuanyang, you shouldn't ask the bottom line about these things, it's too troublesome."

  Yuanyang glanced at the second daughter and snorted, "Could it be Grandma Zhu..."

  Ping'er and Jin Chuan'er were silent, and after a while of silence, Jin Chuan'er reluctantly said: "Not necessarily, Grandma Zhu has been a widow for many years, and she has never heard of any gossip..."

"It's fine if you're an ordinary person, but how many people can resist you when you meet Uncle Feng?" Yuanyang sighed softly, "Who made our master so charming that even the third and fourth girls are willing to give it to him?" How many people in this capital city are looking forward to my master being a concubine. Grandma Zhu worked so hard to raise Lan Geer, and it was not easy. When I met my master, it was my destiny to have such a fate. Let's just know it. , don't go outside and chew your tongue, it will not affect Grandma Zhu's reputation."

   I didn't expect Yuanyang to see this kind of thing so clearly. Ping'er and Jin Chuan'er both looked at each other with admiration, "Yuanyang, you can think about this kind of thing so clearly, it's no wonder the master values ​​you so much..."

"Okay, Ping'er, you may understand better than me. It's enough to be worthy of your heart and people for the rest of your life. You are a great hero. You can't treat him with ordinary rules. We all know how to deal with the world, isn't there another sentence? To make a big deal regardless of the trivial, what are these things to him?" Yuanyang said leisurely: "In my opinion, this is not the best of Grandma Zhu. Is it the best result? Is it best for Grandma Zhu to stay a widow for the rest of her life and get a chastity memorial archway? She still has many decades left in her life."

Ping'er felt more and more that her best friend was different from the original one, grabbed Yuanyang's arm, and looked into it: "Yuanyang, tell me, what have you experienced at home over the past year, and you have become so open-minded? Jin Chuan'er, do you know?"

   "I don't know, but Yuanyang and the old lady walk around frequently, and the second master Bao eats fast to nourish his nature. Maybe Yuanyang has been affected..." Jin Chuan'er hesitated.

Ping'er also heard that Baoyu has now found a temple where he eats vegetables and cultivates nature, so he almost loses his will, which makes Jia Mu and Wang's family very anxious. Now that he has become a monk, the whole family is looking forward to Feng Ziying's coming back to knock on Baoyu and let him give up the idea of ​​becoming a monk and continue the incense for Jia's family.

"It has nothing to do with the Jia family. I just think that the Rongning Jia family will fall as soon as they say it. Although there were some omens before, they still feel that they are still far away. Who would have thought that when the wind and rain came, they would fall to the ground with a bang, and I would also I talked to my grandfather about my own feelings, but my grandfather saw it more clearly than anyone else. Although it is a bit extreme to say that the rich are no more than three generations old, it doesn’t matter whether it’s everyone or a country, including one person. If you don't, you will retire, and the Feng family is no exception." Yuanyang sighed: "My master is so accurate, so I think that my master is a real hero, and he will definitely be different in the future."

  (end of this chapter)

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