Number of People

Chapter 2276: Guizi Juan is deeply affectionate, an unexpected excuse

  Chapter 2276 Guizi Juan is deeply affectionate, an accidental excuse

  Hu Tianhudi fell in love with each other and then fell into a deep sleep.

  The hearty love also satisfied the two of them. Feng Ziying got what she wanted, and Yuanchun was a long drought and it rained. Once this golden wind and jade dew meet, it will naturally win but there are countless people in the world.

   It was not until Baoqin called softly outside the house that Feng Ziying and Yuan Chun were awakened from their deep sleep.

   Hearing that it was Baoqin instead of Kang Biao, Feng Ziying didn't care. If there was any accident, it must be Kang Biao who came in directly instead of Baoqin.

   Rubbing her sleepy eyes, Feng Ziying asked, "What's wrong?"

  Seeing that the empress did not answer, but it was Feng Ziying who was asking, Baoqin hesitated and said: "I think it's already the end of the day, sir, do you want to eat here?"

  Looking at Yuan Chun who was sticking to her body with an expectant face, Feng Ziying sighed in her heart, and he was also reluctant to leave. This body is too attractive, but is it okay not to walk?

  What is the concept of not returning this night? I should rest in Baochai’s house tonight. Besides, Baochai is magnanimous, but how to explain this kind of non-returning all night for no reason?

   You can’t say that you are busy with military affairs and you have to stay in the office of the Ministry of War, right?

  Lies too much, let people know the truth, although Baochai will not tell it, but it hurts the relationship of husband and wife too much, Feng Ziying is not willing to do that.

   But Yuan Chun's burning eyes with anticipation made it hard for him to refuse, gritted his teeth and snorted, Feng Ziying replied: "Well, let's eat here, we'll talk about it in the evening."

   Hearing Feng Ziying say we'll talk about it in the evening, Yuan Chun couldn't suppress the joy in his eyebrows. Although he only talked about it, there was no doubt that he was going to stay overnight. Yuan Chun hoped that Feng Ziying could spend the night here safely with her.

But for Feng Ziying, this challenge is too great, let’s not talk about Baochai’s explanation, just this group of guards have to stay here, the risk of exposure is doubled, and if people in Chongxuan Temple know that they are staying here overnight , then it basically proved that I had an affair with Yuan Chun, and the imperial concubine. What is the nature of this?

No matter how long you linger to meet in the daytime, you can still explain it. Even if it is known that there is a connection with the palace, it is tacit. The censors of the procuratorate all know it, and basically they don't go into it, but if there is an affair, it's another matter.

   Get up and eat.

  Chongxuanguan is a Taoist vegetarian, but alcohol is not forbidden.

  Feng Ziying and Yuan Chun also had a few drinks, the atmosphere was excellent and the relationship was strong.

  However, Feng Ziying still told Yuan Chun about the situation, and she had to go back to the mansion first, and then come over quietly at night, otherwise people from Chongxuan Temple would see the truth, and rumors would arise.

Yuan Chun also knew that if Feng Ziying wanted to stay here and was discovered by others, it would be a disaster. It would be extremely detrimental to both herself and Feng Ziying. Even if she wanted Feng Ziying to stay, she still had to consider these worries, so she just nodded. He spoke, but the tenderness and burning warmth in those eyes almost melted Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying returned to the mansion also feeling restless, not knowing how to explain to Baochai.

  I was pondering in the study, when I heard Yinger bring red dates and white fungus soup for her, she met Baoxiang outside the door, talking for a while.

  Yinger came in first and served white fungus soup, the temperature was just right, Feng Ziying drank it in one gulp, Yinger blushed and said: "Grandma said she is not feeling well today, why don't you please go to Miss Qin to have a rest..."

  Feng Ziying felt relieved and settled down. She glanced at Yinger who was full of shyness, and guessed that Baochai didn't say so, and probably wanted this girl to sleep tonight.

Baochai also told herself a few times before that Yinger is not young, and if she drags on, she will become an old girl, and as a personal servant, Baochai will never tolerate this girl being married to a boy in the house or being sent out to marry Yes, the secrets in the boudoir are known by others, so what's the matter?

That being the case, it was the right intention to take Ying'er away earlier. It didn't make sense that Qingwen took over the house, and Ping'er opened her face, but only Ying'er was excluded, as well as the Zijuan beside Daiyu's body. Woolen cloth?

   These are all compared with each other, and a slight difference will cause discord in the backyard.

Feng Ziying also knew that this was unavoidable. Qingwen had already taken over the house, and Shen Yixiu also made it clear that as long as Qingwen gave birth to a son and a half daughter, she would be raised as a concubine. Maybe she was pregnant and gave birth to a concubine, but even Yinger, who was next to Baochai, refused to take over the house.

The same is true for Zijuan next to Daiyu. Although she didn't show her face to accept the house, Daiyu has already expressed that Zijuan is like her sister, and even Miaoyu may not be able to compare with the relationship between the two. Feelings, they must be sisters, and if they don't accept the house, how can Daiyu agree?

   There are also mandarin ducks, so needless to say, I have already agreed.

   These three women are inevitable, sooner or later.

   "Didn't your grandma tell you to sleep with you tonight? Why did she say that she went to have a rest at Baoqin's?" Feng Ziying lied to her.

   "Ah?!" Ying'er opened her mouth wide in surprise, why did Grandpa know what grandma said to herself, and only herself and grandma were present at that time, could it be that grandma had made up her mind a long time ago, and also told Grandpa?

Seeing Yinger's expression, Feng Ziying knew that she had guessed right. Baochai really wanted to let Yinger come to sleep with her tonight. But the other side agreed to Yuan Chun, so it can't be like this, so he said softly: "Your grandma has already talked about you, so why don't you tell me first that you want to be with me?"

Yinger's face was flushed with embarrassment, her whole body trembled slightly, she lowered her head, and after a long while said quietly: "This servant has long belonged to the girl, and she is determined to be with the girl for the rest of her life. Father's man."

  Although everyone knows that this is an inevitable result, no matter who Feng Ziying is, he still has to ask again. If someone really has a crush or has other thoughts, then he will never force it.

Just like playing chess back then, he remembered that in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", Siqi had an affair with her cousin Pan You'an, but when he fell in love with Yingchun and wanted to accept Yingchun, he also tested Siqi to see if there was something wrong with Siqi. But Siqi is more enthusiastic than Yingchun, and even gave himself his innocent body early, which is enough to explain everything.

   Later, Feng Ziying asked about her cousin on the sidelines, and Siqi didn't pay attention to it. He only said that her cousin was doing odd jobs in the house and had regular contacts, but it could be heard that there was no such thing as a childhood sweetheart.

  Feng Ziying reckoned that the affair between Pan Youan and Siqi mentioned in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" should have happened later, but now that Siqi has already been taken down by him, naturally there is nothing else to say.

  In any case, this most basic respect, Feng Ziying, as a modern person who traveled through time, still has to be given to those who will become members of her harem in the future.

   Now Yinger is also like this, so Feng Ziying naturally has nothing to say.

"Since you are willing, then the Lord will not treat you badly. Today is too hasty. I will talk to your grandma tomorrow, and I have to choose a suitable day. Don't be too wronged." .” Feng Ziying said with a smile.

  Yinger's heart was both sweet and chaotic, and whispered: "I dare not,..."

"Okay, I will decide this matter for you, and you don't have to think about it today, I will make my own arrangements at that time." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "You go down first, I still have some things to deal with. "

  While speaking, Baoxiang came in. Feng Ziying was a little surprised. This Baoxiang was so sensible, and he came in at the right time to help him out?

   "Master, there are people coming from the north." Baoxiang lowered his voice, "He came from the grassland."

  Feng Ziying was even more surprised, this Baoxiang actually did such a trick? Return the old man? The letter to Bu Shitu was sent only a few days ago, even if it was Fei, it was impossible for Bu Shitu to reply so soon, right?

   It's not Bu Shitu, who else can be on the grassland, it can't be Fengzhou Bailian, right?

  Just thinking it was funny, this Baoxiang didn't choose a good rhetoric, but it was enough to fool Baochai and Yinger, if it was Shen Yixiu, I'm afraid it would be difficult to fool them.

  Yinger heard that it was military affairs, and hurried out with her head down. Feng Ziying leaned back on the chair with a smile, and said unhurriedly, "Where is the special envoy from the grassland? You kid, you are quite good at pretending..."

   Baoxiang was puzzled, and opened his eyes wide, "Master, it's the real prairie, the envoy from Neikalkha, Mr. Wu is with him, let the younger one come to report."

   "Huh?!" Feng Ziying was taken aback, is it really the grassland? Didn't Baoxiang act according to the occasion? "Nekalka? Where is Zai Sai?"

   "I don't know the specifics, but Mr. Wu is accompanying, see if he wants to come in?" Baoxiang asked.

  Feng Ziying shook her head, "Go tell Yaoqing, take someone to the office of the Ministry of War, and I will go to the Ministry of War immediately."

  He went to Baochai with a solemn expression, told him that it was someone from the grassland, and he had to rush back to the Ministry of War to deal with it immediately. Baochai naturally understood, so Feng Ziying rushed all the way to the Ministry of War.

   Sure enough, it was the envoy from Neikarka, Zai Sai's cousin, Zai Zai.

Feng Ziying's memory is very good. Zai Sai was brought by Zai Sai to make peace with her. At that time, Zai Sai brought two people, one was Bilingtu and the other was Su Zai. They were both Zai Sai's cousins. Is the slaughter of the hardcore, he was very impressed.

"The slaughter? Is it really you?" Feng Ziying laughed, walked over and hugged him very affectionately, "It's still the same, I haven't seen it for a few years, and it has hardly changed. Well, the beard is darker, just you Came here alone? Are Zai Sai and Pilchin Rabbit healthy?"

  Bi Lingtu is the third elder brother of Zai, the second eldest in Nuantu's lineage is Bi Lingtu, the fourth uncle Hongda and him, the sixth eldest, are Zai Sai's diehards.

  Seeing that the other party is still very friendly and close, Suzai immediately felt relieved.

  (end of this chapter)

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