Number of People

Chapter 2277: The Kui-character scroll orders Khalkha, dare not obey

  Chapter 2277 Guizi Juan orders Khalkha, dare not follow

  On the way Zai Sai came, he heard that Feng Ziying had been appointed as the right servant of the Great Zhou Military Department. What the right servant of the Military Department did, even the grassland tribes knew very well.

This is a key position that decides the foreign wars of the Great Zhou Dynasty. That is to say, in just a few years, this guy who is still the magistrate of Yongping Prefecture has already made a fortune, and he has been promoted to a high position that can decide foreign wars, not just relying on his father's power.

   You must know that in Dazhou, the status of civil servants is much higher than that of military generals, which is completely different from the grassland.

   "Thank you for your concern, sir, they are all well." Suzai quickly replied.

   "Where is Mang Guda? Didn't you have a fight with Zai Sai?" Feng Ziying asked again with a smile.

Suo Zai was taken aback, smiled awkwardly, but felt a chill in his heart, he knew exactly what was wrong with his elder brother and Zai Sai, this one really cared enough about the five departments of Nekhka, "No, no. "

   "Sit down." Feng Ziying raised her hand to signal, "You came here suddenly in such a hurry, something must have happened, right? What's going on?"

  The head of the slaughter looked serious, "There is indeed an important situation that needs to be reported to the adults. This is why my brother urgently urged me to make this trip. I am afraid that the letter will not explain clearly, and he is worried about sending other people."

  Feng Ziying became serious. He could guess that Zai Sai sent Zai Zai to make a special trip. Either Liaodong Jianzhou Jurchen, or Lindan Batur from Chahar made a big move.

"Jianzhou Jurchen has already persuaded the Horqin Department to send troops. At present, the Horqin Department has been mobilized and is preparing to cooperate with Jianzhou Jurchen to fight. The target should be Liaodong." So Zai first gave Feng Ziying bad news, "Ye Hebu is very dangerous. Busia Mara has not been in Liaodong. We have informed Buyangu and Jintaiji. They are also very nervous, but they have no good countermeasures against the Jianzhou Jurchen. When the Horqin people join in, the Yehe tribe will be even more dangerous."

Feng Ziying frowned. Because of her pregnancy and childbirth, Busia Mara went to Tianjin Wei from the capital, so she lost contact with Ye Hebu. Although Delgler and the others could still get in touch with Busia Mara, But Delgler, who learned that Busia Mara was pregnant, also knew that Busia Mara was helpless at this time. At that time, he had not returned from Shaanxi, so he probably didn't talk too much to Busia Mara, and he didn't say much. It doesn't make much sense, it's just confusing.

   "Only the Jianzhou Jurchen side is fine. The Yehe tribe is very dangerous, but they can still go south to take shelter in Liaodong Town, but Zaisai is worried that Liaodong may not be able to handle it,..."

   "Can't bear Zai Sai and just watch like this, watching the danger slowly spread to him?" Feng Ziying asked back.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Once the Yehe tribe is annihilated and annexed, the Jianzhou Jurchen will form an arc-shaped encirclement circle for Liaodong Town in Liaodong. It will also pose a huge threat to the Neikha people in the northwest, especially Neika. On the south side of the Erka people, there is Horqin, a gangster who wants to follow the Jianzhou Jurchen.

"Not only that, but the Chahar tribes are also mobilizing for war. Lindanbatur seems to be cooperating with Nurhachi's attack on Da Zhou, and Lindanbatur has also invited Zai Sai. I hope that we Neikha people will also send troops together. , Zai Sai ignored it, neither agreed nor refused,..." Suo Zai finished the situation in one breath.

"When did it happen?" Feng Ziying actually expected that Lindan Batur would not let it go. The last invasion gained a false name, but did not make much real profit. He received a lot of complaints from the various tribes of the Chahar people, thinking that it was a waste of money and people, but he couldn't get what he wanted from Da Zhou.

Lin Dan Batur was originally a person with high spirits, arrogance, great ambitions, and lack of talent. How could he swallow this breath? He had been looking for an opportunity to get revenge and come back. It's been a week, how can he be a descendant as a vanguard?

"In mid-September, Lindanbatur sent a letter to Zaisai, but Zaisai ignored it. After half a month's rest, Lindanbatur sent someone to tell him that Zaisai responded, but he only said that according to the Considering the actual situation in the tribe, we did not say death, and then Jianzhou Jurchen also came to make peace through Horqin, and hoped that we would send troops together,..."

  The Chinese spoken by Zai is not very fluent, but it is enough to express the meaning, but the accent is a bit awkward.

"At the beginning of October, we got news that all the tribes of the Chahar people had mobilized intensively, and some elite tribes began to go south to gather. We also made a show, but Zai Sai did not plan to go south with Lindan Batur. We Look east."

  Zai Zai's last sentence expressed Zai Sai's thoughts.

The people of Neikalka will not be enemies with Da Zhou, this is Feng Ziying's prediction, Zai Sai's wisdom will not fail to see that whether it is the Chahar people or the Jianzhou Jurchen who bit the fat from Da Zhou's body Meat, which strengthens itself, is harmful to Nekhka people.

The Chahar people are declining day by day, and the Jianzhou Jurchens are bruised and swollen in front of Da Zhou. That is in the best interests of the five Nekhakka tribes. It is the loss of strength, and the second is not in the interests of the Nekhka people.

Similarly, the Horqin people relying on the Jianzhou Jurchen to grow stronger is even more intolerable to the Nekhka people. This Jianzhou Jurchen black thug is a traitor of the Mongols. If this hand is not cut off, sooner or later the Mongolian grassland will be touched by the Jianzhou Jurchen.

"Hehe, Zaisai finally understands and is aware of the danger of the Horqin people?" Feng Ziying laughed, her tone was a little more ferocious, "Ming'an, Manggus, Hong Guoer and Nurhachi have been flirting with each other for a long time, right?" I heard that Ming An still wants to betroth his daughter to Nurhachi? Manggus wants to betroth his daughter to Huang Taiji? You just watch the Horqin people fall to the Jianzhou Jurchen step by step without doing anything. If this is the case, Zaisai will disappoint me He is so afraid of Nurhachi because I support him so much in vain?..."

Frightened by Feng Ziying's aura, Suzai said subconsciously: "Zai Sai also has difficulties. Yehe's tribe may be difficult to resist this time. Once Yehe's tribe is annexed by Jianzhou Jurchen, we will face Jianzhou directly. The Jurchens are gone, and Liaodong Town doesn’t seem to pose much threat to Jianzhou Jurchen. Nurhachi is getting more and more rampant now, which has a lot to do with your incompetence in Liaodong Town. Of course we don’t want to see Jianzhou Jurchen swell , and will not tolerate the rebellion of the Horqin people, but the strength of our five Inner Kalkha is limited, especially Lindan Batur has reached an agreement with Nurhaci, what should we do?"

Lindan Batur is still the nominal co-lord of the Mongols, especially among the left-wing tribes of Mongolia. Now his influence cannot be challenged by Zaisai. The strength has grown rapidly, but compared with the Chahar people, it is still slightly insufficient, and the strength of the Jianzhou Jurchen is not comparable to that of the five departments of Neikhaerka. Sai still had to compromise.

   But other things are fine, but the Horqin tribe turned to Jianzhou Jurchen, that is to touch Zai Sai's reverse scale.

The biggest weakness of the Mongolian tribes in the Eastern Mongolian Grassland is the Horqin tribe, which is the throat gateway for Liaodong to enter the Eastern Mongolian Grassland. He said that once the Horqin people and the Jianzhou Jurchen merged into one, it would be difficult for the Chahar people, but they had already tasted the sweetness, and the five divisions of Neikalkha, who could not leave this passage for a while, would not have a good life.

  Zai Sai couldn’t tolerate being held in the neck by the Jianzhou Jurchens, even if he had to turn against the Jianzhou Jurchens for this, but he was also afraid of facing the Jianzhou Jurchens’ revenge alone, so he sent the Zai to ask for help.

"What should I do? If the people of Nekhka are quite a vassal of the Jianzhou Jurchen, or are directly annexed by the Jianzhou Jurchen like the Haixi Jurchen, then pretend not to know, and it may take three to five years before the Jianzhou Jurchen will treat you Let’s do it, you can eat and drink and enjoy it for a few years.” Feng Ziying said coldly: “If Zai Sai doesn’t want to live a life of groveling and scolding in front of the Jianzhou Jurchen, then he has to deal with the Horqin people decisively. Rebellion, we must not allow Jianzhou Jurchen to open a hole in the Eastern Mongolian grassland!"

The slaughter was completely overwhelmed by Feng Ziying's aura, so he could only bow his head and plead guilty: "My lord, it's not that we don't want to, but the situation of the Yehe tribe can't resist the Jianzhou Jurchen's attack at all. Once the Yehe tribe is defeated, the Jianzhou Jurchen will fight with you." There is no obstacle between the Horqin people, we will directly face the Horqin people and the Jianzhou Jurchen teaming up, our current strength is not enough to deal with it."

   "I don't understand. Is Zai Sai timid to fight against the Jianzhou Jurchen, or is the Neikalkha really lacking in strength?" Feng Ziying squinted at Zai.

  Suzai swore: "My lord, you understand Zaisai's temperament. We Neikalkha people are by no means cowardly, but Zaisai must consider the survival of the entire five tribes."

"Okay, then let me tell you, sir, that the Northern Front Legion deployed by the imperial court in western Liaoning has already set off for Shenyang, and Liaodong Town needs to be adjusted. I will let Cao Wenzhao lead some troops westward to Ye He's tribe to help Ye He's tribe resist Jianzhou Jurchen attack, I just want one thing, I will never allow Horqin people and Jianzhou Jurchen alliance, Mingan and Manggus want to marry their daughter to Nurhachi and Huang Taiji and his son, then you will take their two The daughter was taken away, and it was not easy to deal with, so I gave it to Dazhou and the capital! I said that I, Feng Xiuzhuan, wanted to see it. It is said that she is the most beautiful woman on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia after Busia Mala. Is the woman of the Flower of Horqin comparable to Busia Mara!"

  (end of this chapter)

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