Number of People

Chapter 2278: What is the intention of entrusting his wife and presenting his son in the Guizi scro

  Chapter 2278 What is the intention of entrusting his wife and presenting his son?

   Suzai was shocked.

Horqin Sanbeile, Ming An, Mang Gusi, Hong Guoer, Ming An and Mang Gusi all intend to marry Jianzhou Jurchen. The grasslands of Eastern Mongolia are no longer a secret. The Chahar people know it, the Neikha people know it, the Haixi Jurchen know it, and the Horqin people themselves don’t need to say it.

  Now this guy actually wants the Nekhka people to take the two girls captive and send them to the capital. Isn’t this going to make the Nekhka people completely turn against the Horqin people and the Jianzhou Jurchen?

  Especially if the Jianzhou Jurchens were humiliated like this, they would really have to fight the Nekhka people forever.

"What, are you scared again? So Zai, do you think there is still room for you and the Jianzhou Jurchen to live in harmony?" Feng Ziying sneered, "Jianzhou Jurchen wiped out the Yehe tribe and became one with the Horqin people. To whom? Dazhou and Jianzhou Jurchen are definitely at odds, but do you think Jianzhou Jurchen can eat Dazhou with one bite? If he can’t, who will he choose? Chahar people, or Neikalkha people? "

   Suzai was speechless.

   Zai Sai analyzed the situation with them in the tribe.

  The confrontation between the Jianzhou Jurchen and the Great Zhou will be a ten-year long-term war. No one can solve the other in the short term, so the Jianzhou Jurchen can only continue to annex the surrounding forces to strengthen itself.

  The savage Jurchens were almost annexed by the Jianzhou Jurchens, and the Haixi Jurchens were left with only the Yehe tribe lingering. It seems that as long as Liaodong Town relaxes, the Yehe tribe will definitely be eaten by the Jianzhou Jurchens, so who else?

  The Horqin people took the initiative to surrender, and the Outer Khalkhas went further to the northwest. Then only the Chahar and Inner Khalkhas were left nearby. Who would Nurhachi do?

  The Chahar people are the leader of the left wing, and they are far stronger than the Nekhka people. Even the Jianzhou Jurchen will not easily provoke the Chahar people, so only the Nekhka people are left.

   Unless the Nekalka people follow the example of the Horqin people and take the initiative to surrender, otherwise, the blade must point to the five parts of the Nekalka.

   This situation has been deduced countless times by the Khalkhas themselves.

  As long as the Inner Kharkhas do not submit to Nurhaci like the Horqin people, Jianzhou Jurchen will definitely continue to use troops against the Inner Kharkhas until they swallow the Nekhakhas.

   What is more critical is that there are five tribes in Nekhka, and not all of them are as united as the Hongji tribe.

  As long as there are one or two TV series that fall to Jianzhou Jurchen under the pressure of Jianzhou Jurchen soldiers, or Nurhaci's bribes, then the outcome of the Neikha people is self-evident.

  Zai Zai’s face changes, cloudy and sunny, he understands the reason, and Zai Sai has already told him, but it is still difficult and painful to make a decision.

  Once you want to attack the Horqin people, it is equivalent to declaring war on the Jianzhou Jurchen, and if you want to humiliate the Jianzhou Jurchen in this way, then it is really irreconcilable.

   This person said it very easily. Whether the Northern Front Legion went to Shenyang, or whether Cao Wenzhao’s department wanted to help Yehe’s department, they were all talkative. Will it be implemented in the end?

Feng Ziying also seemed to see Zuzai's inner torment, and said indifferently: "Zaizai, whether what I said is true or not, you just need to send someone to look at the mouth of the Sancha River when you go back to know whether the Northern Front Army has gone to Shenyang. I’m not going to hide it from you, we were transported across the sea by boat, Cao Wenzhao’s department assisted Yehe’s department, you can also see it, but you should attack the Horqin people early, and you can’t let the Horqin people send women to Jianzhou Jurchen Go, let Ming'an, Manggus and Hong Guoer understand before that, if the Chahar people can't be the masters of Eastern Mongolia, the Nekhalka people can!"

   Suozai was convinced, and in fact Zaixai told him the purpose of this trip and asked for a reward.

The people of Neikarka must take action against Horqin, and they must resolutely strangle the Horqin people so that they cannot become the wings of the Jianzhou Jurchen. On this point, the five ministries of Neikhakha have reached a consensus. For this reason, they and Jianzhou Jurchen will not hesitate to turn her face.

  Of course, in order to deal with this situation, the Nekalka people must obtain the support of Da Zhou.

   How to support it can be in many ways.

  Zai Sai didn't expect Da Zhou to dispatch a large army to help the Neikha people.

Inner Kalkha people are not too afraid of Jianzhou Jurchen on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia. The battles between nomadic tribes come and go. I am happy to see that it has come true, and the fighting style of warfare is more suitable for the Nekhka people.

What Zaisai was afraid of was that the Jianzhou Jurchen had controlled the Haixi Jurchen and the Horqin people, and completely blocked the access to all kinds of materials from the west of Liaoning in the southeast direction of the Nekarka people, while the Chahar people in the south were not reliable. And the transportation cost is much higher, so he wants to strangle the Horqin people at all costs.

Hearing Suo Zai's intention, Feng Ziying pondered for a while and replied: "What Zai Sai wants, Dazhou will give, but the court has to consider the specific things. It is also difficult for the court now, but I can promise that the court will do what it can. However, it still depends on the performance of the five parts of Nekalka. Even the Nekalka people themselves, I hope Zaisai can make a distinction. Those who stay behind to reap the benefits must be distinguished from each other, whether it is killing one to warn others, or rewarding the good and punishing the bad, the rules that should be established must be established!"

  No matter how difficult it is in Dazhou, we must support the Nekhka people in this regard.

  This kind of support will ensure that the Jianzhou Jurchen will not be able to attack Liaodong with all their strength for a long time.

  As long as the Yehe tribe is still there, as long as the Horqin people are not completely reduced to the vassals of the Jianzhou Jurchen, the right flank of the Jianzhou Jurchen will always face uncertain threats.

In the next step, Feng Ziying will put pressure on North Korea through Pidao. He will also draw a front on the left flank of the Jianzhou Jurchen. The initiative was slowly regained.

  Sent away the slaughter, Feng Ziying asked him to stay in Beijing for two days. Tomorrow he will report the situation to the Ministry of War and the cabinet, and put forward his own opinions.

  The invasion of the Chahar people is also imminent, and we must send a letter to You Shigong in Jizhen as soon as possible to ask him to strengthen his defenses. Although Jizhen has already made preparations, it still needs to be reminded.


   Difficult to pull out her body from the entanglement of limbs, Feng Ziying almost bit her lips to choke her inner demons, and did not score three goals.

  Looking at the lazy and beautiful hibiscus jade dimple, and the delicate and charming **** and fragrant shoulders, under the red candlelight, the jade body lay horizontally, how could another person stand it, Feng Ziying sighed deep in her heart.

  Thousands of reds and glamorous first spring This is really not a bragging, whether it is appearance, body, or the graceful style, it is enough to make people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

Moth eyebrows and teeth, the ax that cuts down on sex, sincerity does not deceive me, Feng Ziying said silently, and then pushed Yuanchun back into the brocade quilt, "Don't get up, let Baoqin wait for me to dress, it's still early Severe wind and cold, don't let your body get cold,..."

  Yuan Chun clung to Feng Ziying's arm, and said with great resentment: "Then when will we meet again? I know you are busy, and I can't come out at any time..."

  Feng Ziying sighed, how could he refuse under such circumstances?

"Next month, you can find a time to come out and stay for a few days, let Baoqin tell me in advance, but the Shangsanqin army will definitely be punished, and the palace ban will be stricter..." Feng Ziying hesitated, "When the time comes Let's see the situation again."

  Yuan Chun was full of trust in Feng Ziying, nodded and said softly: "Then I'll wait for your news, Baoqin can come out often, no one cares about her, what do you have to ask her to bring back."

   Seeing the woman's eyes full of longing, Feng Ziying could only lower her head and kiss the delicate red lips: "I know, by the way, it's a good day to come out,..."

Yuan Chun rolled her eyes coquettishly, "Understood, what a coincidence, you should take Baoqin away, she is already twenty-two, Yuanyang and Heping have followed you, Baoqin and Yuanyang grew up together , there is no reason for her to be with me forever, but I let her never even be a real woman,..."

   It has to be like this, otherwise Yuan Chun is really going to get pregnant. Before everything is ready, I really don't know how to deal with it. It is too risky to take risks.

Feng Ziying didn't object to holding the piano, and even in this situation, he didn't need to be pretentious with Yuan Chun: "You also need to be careful when holding the piano. A woman with a broken body is still a little different from a virgin. She has the same identity as you. It's different, you still have the status of a noble concubine, she is a servant, if someone in the palace finds out that she is broken, there will be disasters."

Yuan Chun is very interested in sex. Like Wang Xifeng, I don't know if it's because of the long absence. While enjoying it, I'm also a little short of breath. This Chongxuan Temple is about to support his waist.

"Qiu Shi'an's attitude is much better now. He is in charge of Fengzao Palace, and he would not come to ask questions in normal times. In the past two days, Mei Yuexi seems to have come here twice, which makes me a little puzzled. , even Dai Quan came and asked a few words, but he didn't say anything." Yuan Chun said smoothly.

"Mei Yuexi and Dai Quan?" Feng Ziying vaguely realized something. It seemed that they knew about the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing. Tan took a look, "I see, don't worry about it for the time being, keep the original state, and I still can't see which way the wind is blowing."

   Coming out of Chongxuan Temple, Feng Ziying supported her waist and leaned on the carriage pillow, feeling a little tired, and fell asleep all the way to the office of the Ministry of War.

  Feng Ziying woke up when the carriage stopped at the gate of the public house.

   It's okay, I didn't miss the time, otherwise I would be teased by Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong again.

  (end of this chapter)

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