Number of People

Chapter 2283: Guizijuan is in charge, wrist, means

  Chapter 2283 Guizijuan in charge, wrist, means

  If you recommend Ma Chengxun yourself, then you have to bear the responsibility of the recommendation. This is all to be entered in the file and archived, and it is also required to be submitted and indicated when the cabinet is deliberated.

   This is an unwritten rule within the imperial court.

  Only important ministers have the right to recommend. Officials below the third rank do not have much right to speak. For example, Yang Sichang, he can talk about the good performance of a certain military commander and what advantages he has, but he cannot make direct suggestions for a certain position.

   In a sense, the recommendation of the important ministers of Dazhou means sponsorship, and they have to bear the joint and several liability of the guarantee.

   This is also the internal practice of the various ministries of the imperial court.

  If Ma Chengxun performs poorly and loses troops and ground in this battle, then he, the chief soldier of the Xuanfu, may soon be adjusted.

   Maybe he will be idled, and it is also possible to be sent to Guyuan or Gansu to be a deputy commander.

   Similarly, Feng Ziying, the recommender, will also be implicated. The usual practice is that your right to speak will be greatly weakened in the next round of recommendation.

  If Ma Chengxun performs well and makes great contributions, Feng Ziying's right to speak will also increase accordingly, and Zhang Huaichang, Sun Chengzong, and the cabinet ministers will naturally pay more attention to it.

  So while Ma Chengxun was still on his way from Shanxi to Xuanfu, Feng Ziying specially sent someone to write to him. On the one hand, he introduced the general situation of Xuanfu Town, and on the other hand, he also put forward some suggestions of his own.

  Of course it’s just a suggestion, and it’s the general’s responsibility to make a decision on the spot, but Feng Ziying doesn’t think that Ma Chengxun will ignore his own opinion.

Seeing Feng Ziying's categorical words, Yang Sichang hesitated for a moment: "Ziying, I'm worried that Ma Chengxun may not be able to control the group of people in Xuanfu Town when he first goes there. The spirit of the town is gone, the sources of soldiers in the rebuilt Xuanfu town are too mixed, the combat effectiveness is not very good, but they have developed the habit of arrogant soldiers,..."

  When there were only two people around, Yang Sichang and Feng Ziying's family still matched each other with words. Feng Ziying could feel that Yang Sichang was really worried about problems in Xuanfu Town, so he stood still: "Wen Wei, what good advice do you have?"

   "How about asking the Shangsanqin Army and the Beijing Camp to deploy troops to reinforce the Xuanfu?" Yang Sichang glanced at Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying laughed, this guy, it turned out that was his idea.

Earlier, I proposed that the Ministry of War should strengthen its control over the army in the capital city. This won the unanimous approval of Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong, including Yang Sichang. It is in the interests of civil servants that the family has control over the army in the capital city.

   "Weakness, far water can't quench near thirst." Feng Ziying looked at Yang Sichang and said with a smile: "And is the fighting power of the Beijing camp and the upper three relatives trustworthy?"

"Whether it is worthy of trust or not, you will only know on the battlefield. The Beijing Camp was rebuilt two years ago, so there is no change? If it is still like the old Beijing Camp before, then what is the point of this Beijing Camp staying in the capital? Isn’t it a waste of the court’s money?”

  Of course Yang Sichang knew that Feng Ziying understood his intentions, so he didn't care.

"There are also the three relatives of the army. The investigation by the captain of the Iron Net Mountain Qiu Yulong pointed out that they all have various problems of dereliction of duty. Such a large army, the treatment is better than the frontier army, but even the emperor's Security can't be maintained, so what's the use of keeping such a pro-army? Survival of the fittest, we can't make an exception."

"Wen Ruo, you have rushed the Beijing camp and the Shangsan Qin army onto the battlefield. If you don't do it well, it will be self-defeating. It's not good for Ma Chengxun to use it, and it's not good to not use it. If you don't pay attention, you will put yourself in a trap." Feng Ziying laughed out loud.

"That's not right. Real gold is not afraid of fire. The Beijing camp and the three relatives pushed it up and tried it, and let them understand that the danger of soldiers and wars is not just lip service." Yang Sichang's attitude was firm: "As for Ma Chengxun There, send him a letter to explain the situation, let him decide how to use this reinforcement force, the worst thing is to let the Beijing camp and the upper three relatives guard an 'insignificant' fortress, right? With the vitality of the Hal people, it is still possible to delay the advance of the enemy army, right?"

Feng Ziying couldn't help stretching out her hand and shaking her head again and again: "Wen Ruo, you can't spread this word, otherwise the people in the Beijing camp and the Shangsanqin Army will hate you to death, especially the Shangsanqin Army, who has been pampered for so many years, and their family members are all there. There may not be tens of thousands of people in the city, once your words reach his ears, they will be hated too much."

"Ziying, the three relatives of the army are now in a state of panic. The investigation report on the assassination of Emperor Tiewangshan Qiuxie submitted to the imperial court by Captain Long Jin has long been on the desk, so we can't just leave it at that. Right?" Yang Sichang also frowned, "We have to deal with these people after all, and offending them is inevitable."

   "Okay, I see, this is not your proposal, nor the proposal of the Ministry of War, but the proposal of Nanjing and the clan, um, and the proposal of Jian Guo, which is the most appropriate." Feng Ziying said calmly.

"Ah?" Yang Sichang understood after being taken aback, and he also secretly praised him, this guy was too old and vicious, so he put this hat on Prince Yizhong, the clan and even his family in an understatement. On the head of Prince Gong, the gang of the Shang Sanqin Army may immediately hate Prince Gong and Concubine Mei to the bone.

  Seeing that Yang Sichang understood immediately, Feng Ziying smiled and waved his hands, "Okay, I know about this, Lord Shangshu and brother Zhisheng should agree with the proposal of Prince Yizhong, the clan and Prince Gong."

  Although he was delayed for a while by Yang Sichang to talk, but when he returned to the mansion, he was still upright. This is the leisure of clocking in at work, even in the Ministry of War, that's all.

When I went to the mansion, I went to the long room first, and teased Tongniang for a while. The little girl already spoke in a decent way, and the voice of calling her daddy was very clear. She could even recite a few Tang poems, which made Feng Ziying feel that there are girls like this. What can I ask for.

   Then he went to Erfang Yingchun and looked at his son, but the son seemed to be very sleepy, even if the father came over, he would not give face and fell asleep.

  He came out of the shower after meeting Siqi, his clothes were thin, and the pair of murder weapons dangling on his chest were really deceptive, making Feng Ziying play tricks with his hands, but it's a pity that he didn't dare to kill with a knife and a gun for three hundred rounds.

   I will sleep in the third room at night, and today I will take over Zicuckoo. This is something that Daiyu has talked about countless times. If it continues, not only Daiyu will not agree, but Zicuckoo will be sad.

   Looking at Siqi's resentful gaze, Feng Ziying was also moved with emotion.

  There are too many women by my side, and the main house and wives can still be guaranteed, but the concubines have actually gradually separated.

  As for the maids, to put it bluntly, you have no right to compete for favor and love. It all depends on your mood and time.

  Like ten days in ten days, one forty-seven, two-five-eight, three-six-nine, three rooms are shared, and only on the tenth can I have free leisure, but it is so easy to relax on this day, how much thought do I have to touch women?

  Lie in the study by yourself, read a book, and sleep soundly, isn't it good?

  It has been more than a month since I came back to Beijing, and I have rested in which room and which room, and I can count each room, and I know it well.

Feng Ziying did the math, the long room Shen Yixiu stayed in the room for seven nights, the second sister You stayed for three nights, Qingwen picked up a leak, one night, and the rest could only be at noon, Yunshang even had only two We made out for a lunch break at noon.

  The second room is even more difficult.

  Six nights rested in Baochai's house, and only two nights in Baoqin's house. After all, she had been with him in Shaanxi for more than a year, and she rested in Yingchun house for four nights.

  Three bedrooms are better, after all Miaoyu and Xiuyan are pregnant, each have one night, and the other nine nights are spent in Daiyu's room.

  In addition to going to Tianjin by myself, and occasionally delaying at the office of the Ministry of War, the days are even tighter.

But in addition to these wives and concubines, there are still girls who have been taken over by him, Qingwen and Yunshang from the long room, Siqi and Xiangling from the second room, and Ping'er and Jin Chuan'er, even if they can't be in bed at night. , Then you can’t just ignore it, people’s hearts are fleshy, and they also talk about emotions. These women are also living people with passion and desire. If they are cold and unfamiliar for a long time, there will definitely be problems.

  Like Jin Chuaner and Siqi, who have been away for more than a year, they have long been hopeless, can they not find an opportunity to appease them? There are also Xiangling and Yunshang, honesty is honesty, and they can't bully honest people.

Looking for a ten night, Feng Ziying put her arms around Ping'er and fell asleep. At least for a period of time after that, Ping'er was in good spirits, full of emotions, always smiling and happy when meeting everyone, this is the love between men and women. Love, or the effect after emotional exchange.

  When you are in love, it means that you have a place and weight in your heart, and you have her in your heart, so naturally you feel different, and your mental state is also different.

Feng Ziying also knew that this kind of situation would not last long. Besides, she was good at keeping in good health, but she couldn't stand the sudden attack of so many women. She might be able to persist in her twenties and thirties. It's not close to female **** to cultivate one's nature in meditation, but at least it needs to be restrained a lot.

  Feng Ziying was a little apprehensive about being as fierce as a wolf like a chess player. Although he also coveted that incomparably plump body, but thinking of the consequences and his own responsibility in the night, he had to retreat.

  Yingchun also saw Feng Ziying's embarrassment, and took the initiative to smooth things over: "Okay, playing chess, I have something tonight,..."

   "My servant knows that Zicuckoo is going to take over the house." Siqi's words were full of sourness, "Master, you need to keep your spirits and cultivate new fields. The old land like this servant is not afraid of going barren,..."

Both Feng Ziying and Yingchun laughed at Siqi's tiger-wolf words, and Yingchun, who was flushed with embarrassment, even slapped Siqi once in a while, "Sao hoof, what are you talking about? There is no measure at all." Now, I’m not afraid that others will hear the joke!”

  (end of this chapter)

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