Number of People

Chapter 2284: The fairyland in the dream of the Guizi scroll is full of joy

  Chapter 2284 Guizi Juan Dream of fairyland, happy and harmonious

  Siqi didn't care, just these three were present, and among the three of them, what hadn't been seen or done?

"The girl is too thin-faced. Your son gave birth to the master, so what's there to be ashamed of?" Siqi puffed out his **** carelessly, then patted his own plump buttocks, and said disapprovingly: "This servant is a girl. I have already given my body to the master. Didn’t the master like these places on the servants’ bodies the most before, did they never stop every time they tossed? What else is there to say? Besides, the slaves didn’t say anything, Zi Juan is not young anymore, I should have accepted her a long time ago and gave her a reassurance..."

Feng Ziying didn't expect Siqi to say such a thing, so she simply dismissed it: "Daiyu told me about this a few times, and Zijuan is also in her twenties, and she is an old girl outside, like you guys What should I do if she is a girl who is close to her and can't be released or matched with the boy in the house? I have to think about it."

"That master is very busy. There are quite a few maids in our house, and many of them have confiscated their houses. The Yinger who is next to Miss Bao hasn't been combed yet, right?" Siqi said with sharp teeth. There is an elder officer next to Second Grandma Qin, and the servants see that Second Grandma Qin has also been carefully crafted, thinking how much she can make the master look up to, a humble little actor from a humble background, but still pretending to be a wealthy family Miss's high-cold appearance, isn't that intentional to seduce the master? Do you really think that she and Miss Lin will be able to be the same if they have a few similarities?"

  Yingchun frowned when she heard this, and peeked at Feng Ziying's face, but Feng Ziying didn't think it was disobedient.

  Baoqin is not very popular in the mansion, and it seems that Erfangli is no exception.

  As for Lingguan, he would not believe that Baoqin had no intention of competing with Daiyu.

   "Okay, just take care of yourself, and take care of other people's business?" Feng Ziying taught Siqi a sentence, "People are born with what they look like, so don't let others destroy their looks?"

  Siqi pouted his lips in dissatisfaction, "If the master wants to say that, the servant has nothing to say, but if the master goes to the mansion to let it go, who doesn't know what's going on inside?"

  Feng Ziying glared at Siqi fiercely. This little hoof is stubborn and refuses to forgive others. It is enough to know some things well. Do you really think you are stupid?

  Rubbing Siqi's **** a few times made Siqi wink like silk, Feng Ziying gritted her teeth and left, then went to Sanfang's side, first to Miaoyu's side.

  Miaoyu's stomach has already swelled up like blowing air, even with her big chest, she looks like Wang Xifeng. It's not as good as Siqi, but it's not much worse.

  Seeing Feng Ziying coming, Miaoyu was also very happy.

Ever since she was pregnant, Miaoyu's mood has changed a lot. She no longer has the alienated and indifferent attitude of the past. She cherishes her good life now, and her attitude towards Feng Ziying is getting closer and closer. Every time Feng Ziying She will be happy when she comes here, even Feng Ziying can sense this, and Feng Ziying is very surprised.

In the past, her attitude towards herself was lukewarm, but only after consummating her marriage did she seem to begin to taste what it's like to be a woman. After several times of friendship, Feng Ziying finally subdued this woman, and gradually matured her. I understand what kind of life it is to be a woman, and I also understand the meaning of family and happiness.

Now that she is pregnant, it is a further step forward. Miaoyu's attention is turned to the child in her womb, but she also hopes that Feng Ziying can come to her often, even if she can't sleep and have fun, but she can sit here for a while and talk, That's good too.

Until Feng Ziying left, he could feel Miaoyu's reluctance. This situation made him feel very interesting. A woman who used to be extremely resistant to him turned out to be completely different after marriage. This situation is really too strange .

  Xiuyan was the same, very happy with Feng Ziying's arrival, talked for a long time next to Feng Ziying, and incidentally talked about the renovation of the Sanjue Street garden there.

   "Why, you went to see it too?" Feng Ziying also wanted to know what the women in the room thought about this matter, "How is the renovation going?"

"It's so beautiful that I can't believe that I can go back again. Lu Xueguang, where I used to live, invited a craftsman to redesign and layout, and made some small adjustments. The style of the hut remains the same, but But it's even more exquisite, and I like it very much." Xiuyan paused, "I heard from grandma that the building of the provincial house will be used, and everyone has one, and I think it's a bit too luxurious."

"It's not a luxury, but the family-speaking villa spent so much money to build it. Is it demolished now? It can't be demolished. It will not be popular for a long time, but it will be destroyed faster. That's why I decided to renovate it and use it again." Feng Ziying explained: "Xiuyan, you should also think about it. This is also a long-term plan. You still have a few months to give birth. After the child is born, you will have to add maids and nurses. Your original Can Lu Xueguang still live there? It’s the same in Miaoyu’s side. Quicui Nunnery is small and narrow, and the environment is too cold. It's just as cold, can you still live there if you have a child? What about the others?"

"In addition, I will come to your place to rest in the future. Of course it doesn't matter if the child is young. If it is a few years old, it is too early to live alone without mother, but it is still so old to stay with you, so it is most suitable to have a separate house. Already..."

Feng Ziying's words also made Xiuyan nod repeatedly. She just thought that living in Lu Xueguang was enough for her, but she didn't expect that once she had a child, it would involve a series of manpower additions such as wet nurses, little maids, etc. Lu Xueguang would definitely It's not enough.

  Now both sides are used at the same time, and you can choose a suitable place to stay at any time, especially if the husband is coming to stay, and when the child is a little older, he must not be by his side, which is too inconvenient.

   "What Xianggong said is that the concubine is a bit careless." Xing Xiuyan said softly.

   "Well, what do you sisters think about moving there?" Feng Ziying asked again.

Xing Xiuyan should be the one with the best relationship among the three families. She is not a direct wife, so she doesn't need to worry too much about her status. The eldest maids, Er and Qingwen, are also on good terms, so they are considered the most popular aunts in the house.

  From her, Feng Ziying can often find out more about the backyard affairs that she usually doesn't have so much energy to ask about.

Xing Xiuyan didn't understand why Feng Ziying asked this question. After thinking about it for a while, she hesitated and said: "There should be nothing in the long room. Miss Bao and Miss Qin are very happy to do that. Miss Bao still misses Hengwuyuan very much. Ms. Qin might think that the Hongxiang Garden is a bit smaller, but if it is reserved as another house, it must be very suitable. If it is not possible, there are still a few rooms in the Rose Garden, and there are even Peony Garden and Yuyin Hall in front, so there are many houses. , just a little loose,..."

  Feng Ziying knew that Baoqin was a bit picky, but if she lived in the Xingqin's villa, they were all two or three-story buildings with many rooms.

   "Where are Daiyu and Miaoyu?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"Miss Lin is not very willing to live in the Xingqin Villa anymore, she still prefers to live in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, but I also told her what my husband and I said, saying that the Xiaoxiang Pavilion is too shady and cool, so you can stay for a while in summer, but winter, spring and autumn are still the hosts. A house is better, it is easier to keep warm, and if you have children, the Xiaoxiang Pavilion is too cold, so it is even more inappropriate, after two rounds of persuasion, Miss Lin didn't say anything."

  Xiuyan smiled and said: "As for Sister Miaoyu, she doesn't care, she will live wherever the husband arranges for her to live, and now she doesn't seem to care as much about the affairs of the Changcui nunnery, after all, she has a child."

   "Where are the third and fourth girls?" Feng Ziying asked suddenly.

   "Huh?" Xiuyan was taken aback for a moment and then laughed, "Msanggong still asked, I thought how long my husband could endure."

Feng Ziying smiled and took Xiuyan into her arms, gently rubbing Xiuyan's protruding belly, "I often have a dream, dreaming that when I first went to Jia's house, I was with the sisters in the Grand View Garden and even Rongguo Mansion. The happy scene together, girl Yun, second younger sister, third girl, fourth girl, Baochai, Daiyu, and you and Baoqin, Miaoyu keeps a cold face at any time, and doesn't welcome me to her Changcui nunnery, There are also the second sister-in-law of Lian and the eldest sister-in-law of Zhu, the second sister-in-law of Lian is known as Feng Spicy, Feng Popi, the old lady is still having fun with you, everyone sings poems and paints, drinks alcohol according to the order, it is simply a paradise on earth, I miss it very much,..."

Xing Xiuyan was surprised, "Xianggong dreamed of this scene? But it hasn't been long since Miss Qin and my concubine entered the mansion. The husband didn't come to the mansion very often, right? I don't remember so many people together, it was Chinese New Year , or the Mid-Autumn Festival? Why doesn’t the concubine have the slightest impression.”

"It's just my master's dream that mixed reality and illusion. In the dream, you have a poetry club in the city, and the second sister-in-law Lian contributes money to buy supplies for you. Xiangling likes to write poems, so she joined in, sister-in-law Zhu." One person, Jia Lan didn't know where he went, so he was also pulled in. It seems that there are two younger sisters of sister-in-law Zhu, who are from Nanjing.

  Feng Ziying's eyes were a little more strange, and he looked fascinated.

Xing Xiuyan was also greatly shocked: "Master's dream is so detailed and detailed, who even dreamed of who, how could they party, drink and compose poems? The two younger sisters of sister-in-law Zhu just arrived this afternoon and brought us here for a meeting , They are all stunning beauties, even Miss Bao and Miss Lin are deeply moved."

  (end of this chapter)

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