Number of People

Chapter 2285: The guizi scroll opens the thrush, and enjoys it,

  Chapter 2285 The guizi scroll opens the thrush, and enjoys it,

"Ah? Sister-in-law Zhu's younger sister is really here?" Feng Ziying was taken aback. He just described the scenes in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" by himself. How could it really fit the scene? ?

"Well, I just came here yesterday, and sister-in-law Zhu brought the two younger sisters here today, saying that she was getting to know each other better, but looking at the beauties who came out of the two paintings, they are indeed girls from a scholarly family. Generally speaking, concubines are absolutely incomparable." Xiu Yansu was humble, but to be able to get such a comparison from her also shows that Li Wan's two younger sisters are really good.

   "I remember that sister-in-law Zhu doesn't have a sister, right? I never mentioned it before." Feng Ziying subconsciously said.

Xing Xiuyan was a little surprised, why did the master know so much about the situation of sister-in-law Zhu's family? She had heard the gossip from the outside world, so she didn't pay much attention to it. While thinking about it, Feng Ziying said again: "His father, Li Shouzhong, is the Minister of Rites of the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty. , and Li Shouzhong wrote every announcement issued by the Puppet Dynasty, and the princes in the court and China were deeply impressed by him,..."

   "Huh?" Xing Xiuyan didn't know this, and was taken aback, "Then sister-in-law Zhu...?"

   "She married her husband and joined the Jia family. It's not a big problem, but if Li Shouzhong has no accidents, he will definitely be executed by Ling Chi in the future, but you don't want to talk about this topic with Sister-in-law Zhu." Feng Ziying sighed.

Xing Xiuyan was a little shocked, and her train of thought was disrupted. She had already forgotten her thoughts about whether her father had some affair with Li Wan, and hurriedly said, "They are the two cousins ​​of sister-in-law Zhu. She is the daughter of his widowed aunt, her age is about the same as my concubine's, and she hasn't married yet,..."

   "You are about the same age as you, why haven't you asked anyone yet?" Feng Ziying pondered and said, "If my guess is correct, I'm afraid that Li Shouzhong sensed that the situation in Nanjing was not good, and let these two nieces and daughters come out to avoid disaster."

Xing Xiuyan thought for a while before nodding as if she had realized something: "My husband's words make some sense. I saw that sister-in-law Zhu brought the second daughter over with a forced smile, and her eyes were full of gloom. The worry in the room is lingering, I heard that Grandpa is probably busy with court affairs today, and he is not here, so he is also a little disappointed. Grandma asked them to eat, but they also declined,..."

  Seeing Feng Ziying concentrating on deep thinking, Xiuyan whispered again: "Master, could it be that the arrival of the second daughter will bring trouble to the family?"

  Feng Ziying smiled wryly, but it would not bring trouble to the Feng family, but to bring trouble to herself.

Before negotiating with Nanjing, the imperial court internally listed the top ten unpardonable imperial criminals. Niu Jizong, Sun Shaozu, Wang Ziteng, Jia Jing, Zhen Yingjia, and Li Shouzhong were all on the list. On the contrary, Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, Gu Tianjun, etc. The celebrities and scholars in the south of the Yangtze River are not among them.

There are also good reasons. Needless to say, Niu Jizong, Sun Shaozu, and Wang Ziteng are war criminals who gave birth to wars and caused great harm to the people's livelihood. Jia Jingben was under confinement and monitoring by the imperial court. It is disregarding the laws of nature and turning black and white, and the people are very angry.

  As for Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, and Gu Tianjun's subordinates, it is a dispute between the generals, and those who are listed as unpardonable criminals have other reasons.

Of course it’s far-fetched, isn’t it? There’s no reason why high-ranking officials like the puppet ministers don’t deal with it, but they want to use other people as knives. There are so many reasons to say? There are two official characters, and I have the final say on the top and bottom.

"It has nothing to do with our family." Feng Ziying shook her head, "It's just that here in Beijing, Jia's family is now a family of sinners, how can we protect them? Sister-in-law Zhu came to the door, how can we refuse?" outside the door?"

   It is true that there is no way to refuse the door, otherwise Miss Wan would not be able to spare herself on the bed, no, on the stone.

The problem is that several articles written by Li Shouzhong are too vicious, scolding Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, Qi Yongtai, and Li Sancai. Calls to scold Cao Cao, Cao Cao is magnanimous, but the times have changed, and the princes in the court may not be so magnanimous.

   "Isn't that difficult to do?" Xing Xiuyan also found it difficult.

"Let's take one step at a time. Li Shouzhong deserves to die, but after all, he is only a literati. Besides, the two daughters are only his nieces. They both fled to the capital. They can be regarded as drawing a line with Li Shouzhong, right? Look at the reason Can you exonerate the two of them?" Feng Ziying thought for a while before asking.

   Xing Xiuyan was also delighted, "I still have a way, and it's an idea after thinking about it, so that sister-in-law Zhu can also explain it to her."

Feng Ziying looked at Xing Xiuyan's joyful appearance, and she also liked it in her heart. It would be better if there were more women around her who were kind-hearted like Xing Xiuyan, even if they had nothing to do with each other, they were willing to be kind to others. In his arms, the hug was a little tighter, but the other hand had already penetrated into the skirt of his clothes, holding the plump body that had swollen a lot.

Xing Xiuyan's face turned hot, and he subconsciously glanced outside the door, feeling that there was a protruding thing on the buttocks sitting on Xianggong's lap that became more and more obvious, and said: "Master, I am still pregnant, besides, you Aren't you going to take over Zijuan tonight?"

Reluctantly fiddled with Xiuyan's breasts, and then let his hand return to Xiuyan's smooth and swollen belly, "It's been seven months now, it's okay to have proper **** now, but wait another ten and a half months, It's not suitable, but as you said, today is a good day for Zicuckoo, and I have to save some energy, but with your appearance, it seems that it is difficult for the master to consume much, um,..."

  Xiuyan was ashamed, but she was looking forward to it in her heart.

Since she was pregnant, she rarely had intercourse. After she came back, her belly got bigger and her appearance changed a lot. Even Xiuyan herself was a little unconfident about her appearance. Fortunately, my husband was very happy every time he came, and he was kind and caring. Xiuyan Just feel at ease.

  This kind of whispering between beds is not enough for outsiders.

  Xiu Yan rustled and took off her underwear, panting slowly sounded,...

When Feng Ziying left, Xiuyan's eyebrows were full of affection. Although the love time was short, Ailang's carefulness and thoughtfulness made her very satisfied. To be able to have such a man who knows and expresses his ideas but also respects and loves himself is so rewarding. Satisfied for a lifetime.

  Feng Ziying, who can't enjoy himself to the fullest, is also very satisfied. Of course, he dare not be presumptuous on Xing Xiuyan. If he moves too much, it will definitely affect him, so he can only stop it.

  Fortunately, I still have important responsibilities tonight, but I am afraid that I will not be able to enjoy myself to the fullest.

  Seeing Feng Ziying striding forward, Zijuan used to greet her, but now she has become a snow geese.

   "The Lord is here."

   "Where's your grandma?" Feng Ziying saw that Zijuan hadn't come out, so she knew that this girl must have already prepared, and didn't care, it was still early.

"Grandma is talking to sister Zijuan in the house." Xueyan and the girls all had smiles on their faces. Zijuan's acquisition of the house meant that she won the competition with the second room. You must know the people around Miss Bao. But Ying'er hasn't accepted the house yet.

  Looking at Xueyan's innocent and childish smile, Feng Ziying couldn't help pinching her snow-like cheeks.

To say that she has been with Daiyu the longest, she is considered to be from the real Lin family, or this Xueyan, but this girl is too young, she was only five or six years old when she came with Daiyu, she is not sensible, far less caring and knowledgeable than Zijuan, So Zijuan gradually replaced Xueyan as Daiyu's most intimate and loyal maid, but this did not mean that Xueyan was alienated from Daiyu.

  As the only "reliance" left to Daiyu by the Lin family, Xueyan is another kind of spiritual sustenance to Daiyu. In addition to her young age, Daiyu has always regarded her as her younger sister.

But this girl is going to be sixteen this year, but this girl is innocent and innocent, and she has a hot fight with those thirteen or fourteen-year-old girls in the mansion, even when she meets the Tuguan and Ouguan who are about the same age as her. But the little girl who is not as good as her is also very close.

  That's all for nothing, but this girl's figure has also developed slowly in the past two years, especially the front chest has begun to take shape, just like a child with big breasts.

   "Huh?!" Xueyan was startled, subconsciously covered her cheeks, stared at Feng Ziying, her face turned red, "Master...?"

   Seeing Xueyan's frightened appearance, Feng Ziying also found it very interesting. This girl will also have to take over the house, but it's just for a while.

  Daiyu also said a long time ago that Zijuan and Xueyan are the ones she can't leave for the rest of her life. The implication is self-evident, and Feng Ziying can understand it.

   "Why, your girl didn't tell you, so sooner or later you will have to suffer this?" Feng Ziying felt that this girl's shy appearance was like some bad episodes, and she couldn't bear to do it, but she was very tempting.

Xueyan, whose face was flushed more and more red, faltered, her head was lowered, and her embroidered shoes were also stomping on the ground. Her eyes were panicked, and she dared not answer. Obviously Daiyu had mentioned it to her, but maybe she never thought of it. It was mentioned face to face by Feng Ziying.

  Looking at the other party's situation, Feng Ziying understood that the little girl had heard about it, but she still felt that she hadn't finalized it. She was at a loss when she was suddenly "surprised" by herself.

   "Okay, we'll talk about this later, but doesn't it happen to my daughter's family sooner or later?" Feng Ziying smiled, "After Zijuan passed, shouldn't it be your turn?"

   After finishing speaking, Feng Ziying went straight into the house without waiting for Xueyan to recover.

  Daiyu had heard Feng Ziying's voice outside, and came out to meet her, followed by Zijuan, who had lowered her head and changed into a pink dress.

"Master is back?" Daiyu smiled, and then squinted at Zijuan next to her, "This girl was still there wiping her tears just now, so I said you still want to leave me? Sisters, wouldn't it be better not to be separated for a lifetime?"

Feng Ziying looked at the more joyful and pretty Zijuan, and secretly praised Zijuan in her heart. Zijuan may not be as beautiful as Qingwen, Xiangling and Jin Chuaner, but she is still a first-class beauty. The sweet and pure face makes people feel a little bit of trust at first glance, and her actual performance is also the same.

  (end of this chapter)

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