Number of People

Chapter 2288: Guizi Scroll Xiaofeng Supervisor, apply to play

  Chapter 2288 Guizi Scroll Xiaofeng Supervisor, apply to play

  Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong received these two bad news as soon as they arrived, and the two of them obviously had to distinguish the seriousness from the seriousness more clearly than Yuan Huazhong.

The Chahar people broke through the side wall and entered North Zhili. Although Feng Ziying was a little worried, she was not afraid. The front line Chi Castle was also sandwiched between the Longmen Institute and the Longmen Weicheng. Ma Chengxun was also a veteran. Facing this You should know how to deal with the situation.

According to Feng Ziying's meaning, if you don't consider the hearts of the people in the capital city, you can even calmly let the Chahar people go deeper, let them go deep along the Longmen River to the line from Badaling to Juyongguan, and then launch a counterattack to cut off their backs and divide them into sections. Suppress.

  Of course, Feng Ziying estimated that Ma Chengxun would not dare, and neither would the Ministry of War. It would have too much impact on the capital.

   But at least it can be released to the area of ​​Yanqing Prefecture, and then it will be hit head-on.

  Baanzhou is not a big problem here.

Fu Shi was able to lead the guards to behead his leader. Although he benefited from his previous reminder, it also shows that Fu Shi also took his words to heart, and he did a lot of secret investigations later, otherwise it would be impossible to do it all at once. off.

  Fu Shi is not a military general who has won the three armies, but a civil servant. It is not easy to be able to do this.

   On the contrary, it was the Jianzhou Jurchen mentioned last by Yuan Huazhong who used Xiyi cannons to bombard the Tieling Acropolis, which is quite worrying.

   This shows that the opponent seems to be aware that the reinforcements of the Great Zhou Northern Front Army have put their intention of encircling the reinforcements in crisis, and if they fail to do so, they will be self-defeating.

   That's why I want to concentrate on seeing if I can make a breakthrough on Tielingwei's side.

However, it is estimated that Jianzhou Jurchen is still in a stage of hesitation. It is not an easy task to conquer the fortified city of Tieling Acropolis, and the losses paid will not be small. Nurhachi also needs to mobilize all forces. With the weakening of the troops on the front line of the Panhe Institute, Liaodong Town is on the verge of hearing it.

   Now Dazhou has to go all out, that is, to break the line between Yilu Station and Fanhe Station, break its trap, and let it steal chickens without losing money.

"Ziying's words are correct. Xuanfu's side is not a big problem, and Ma Chengxun can deal with it. However, the situation in Liaodong is complicated, especially breaking through the defense lines of Yilu and Fanhe and bringing Juniper out. , If you are not careful, you will fall short..." Sun Chengzong saw the problem very accurately, "The key is that Cao Wenzhao, He Renlong and Mao Wenlong are not under the command of Zhao Ledjiao and You Shilu. The Ministry of War will go to the people to lead and command."

When Sun Chengzong said this, Zhang Huaichang also glanced at Feng Ziying apologetically. He has only been back for more than a month, and he is going to Liaodong again. Not interesting enough.

   "Ziying, your opinion..."

"I want to say that I am the only one responsible for this important task. That would make me too arrogant, but Brother Zhisheng still needs to assist Duke Huaichang to take over the overall situation. Well, I am the only one in the Ministry of War. Of course, I am obliged. Tomorrow I will set off and take the Dagu sea road to Niuzhuang, this road is still under our control, and we will arrive in Shenyang as soon as possible."

  Feng Ziying accepted the job calmly, which also comforted Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong.

If it is said that before Feng Ziying went to Shaanxi, everyone just thought that Feng Ziying, who had a long history of family education, had a way of military affairs, but after the suppression of the chaos in Shaanxi, Feng Ziying has become one of the few people who know soldiers in the imperial court. It is Xiong Tingbi and Yuan Keli who are faintly ranked next.

This time he went, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong were both from his father's old department, Zhao Lediao also had some friendship with Feng Ziying, and Mao Wenlong was "discovered" by Feng Ziying and nominated by himself. Sun Chengzong can't compare.

  The weather is not as good as the location, the location is not as good as the people, and the hearts of the people are moving. If Feng Ziying can unite these several films together, then there is still a good chance of winning this battle.

"You don't have to be so hasty, wait a day or two..." Zhang Huaichang smiled wryly and shook his head before he finished speaking: "Forget it, I really dare not let you slow down, tomorrow is tomorrow, Ziying , I’ve worked hard for you this time, and I’m going to the ice and snow in Liaodong, this battle is not easy, so you have to be careful too,…”

"Don't worry, my lords, I still know the dangers of the war. Fortunately, the soldiers will use their lives. I still have confidence in this battle." If the law is over, Feng Ziying is full of confidence.

Seeing Feng Ziying's words were so firm, Zhang Huaichang felt relieved and nodded again and again: "Okay, I'll go to Wenyuan Pavilion and talk to you gentlemen, you are also representing the imperial court to unify the command. I want to give you the status of a supervisor,..."

  Zhang Huaichang's words shocked both Sun Chengzong and Feng Ziying.

  The position of a supervisor is not simple. Although it is just a temporary position like the governor, it has much more power, even surpassing the governor.

   This is to confer Shang Fang's sword, especially on the battlefield, even a first-level official of the general army can kill first and then play. In a sense, in a certain situation, his power is second only to the emperor.

  Master Xiao Feng? Such an appellation came to Feng Ziying's mind.

  It seems that my title in the capital will quickly change from Xiaofeng Xiuzhuan to Xiaofeng Supervisor.

  In his impression, Sun Chuanting and Yuan Chonghuan seemed to be the supervisors in the late Ming Dynasty. Sun Chuanting beheaded He Renlong, and Yuan Chonghuan beheaded Mao Wenlong.

   Isn't this a coincidence? He Renlong and Mao Wenlong, the two dragons, were both in this battle. He Renlong was his father's capable general, and he also had a good relationship with him, but Mao Wenlong was a general who had just joined him. Killing the generals and standing up the prestige?

   When it really reached the point where he would be able to stand up to the generals, Feng Ziying reckoned that the situation would be out of hand, and he was not willing to go to that point.

  These brave generals are going to fight for themselves, and they have a lot of ways to hold them firmly in their hands. Where there is no need to kill them, it is what they should do on the battlefield to charge for themselves.

   "My lord, is this..." Even if Feng Ziying wanted the title of the little Inspector Feng, she had to decline.

"Ziying doesn't have to be modest. This is a public matter, not a private matter. Winning this battle and reversing the current unfavorable situation in Liaodong is the most important thing. I will also make it clear to the Central Plains Committee and the cabinet officials that this battle cannot be tolerated." There is a mistake!" Zhang Huaichang said firmly.

   Having talked about this, Feng Ziying naturally stopped talking.

   Zhang Huaichang left, Feng Ziying also said goodbye to Sun Chengzong, and went straight home.

  I only have half a day to go back to clean up, and I have to send someone to Dagu immediately to let Xue Biao prepare a fast boat for him, so that he can go north as soon as possible when he arrives in Tianjin.

   This time, Feng's residence immediately became agitated as if poking a hornet's nest.

"Mr. Xianggong is going to Liaodong, why is he in such a hurry? You have only been back for a long time, and why are you traveling so far? Isn't this imperial court not treating people as human?" This time even Shen Yixiu, who had always been indifferent, was a little angry. Such a thing, it is too immoral for the court to do so.

  Although Baochai's tone was calm, his words were full of complaints: "Did Xianggong take the initiative to invite Yingying, or did Master Shangshu entrust him with a heavy responsibility?"

  Daiyu also had worry and resentment in her eyes, she just pursed her lips and remained silent.

Feng Ziying also knew that she was a bit outraged by the public, so she quickly bowed and bowed: "This matter has nothing to do with others, it is all done by my husband alone, it is really an emergency, it can be said that it is really difficult to handle it with someone else,... "

Feng Ziying briefly introduced the internal situation, especially the urgent military situation, and the grievances and grievances of her own side are deeply intertwined. It can be said that now either her father will go, or she can only go by herself, so as to suppress this group of military leaders Can live.

  Even my father may not be more suitable for me. After all, my father is a martial artist, and he cannot get Shangfang's sword, let alone confer the position of supervisor. I am a civil servant, so I have such an honor.

   Explain the situation clearly, and the girls stopped talking.

  The husband is an important minister, a hero, and an irreplaceable minister of pillars. In such a situation, if you blindly care about personal feelings, then your measurement will be too narrow.

  The three women all understand the situation and take the overall situation into consideration. Knowing this situation, if their husbands don’t go, who will? Who can go? Is going to turn the tide?

  Once it fails, it will shake the foundation of the country.

   After a long time, Shen Yixiu said quietly: "Since Mr. Xiang said so, I and my sisters naturally have nothing to say. I can only wish Mr. Xiang a successful start and success!"

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Just for your blessings, if I can't behead thousands of Jurchens, then I'll be sorry for your expectations of my husband."

  It is a foregone conclusion, and the women will naturally stop entangled, but this parting may take another few months, and it is inevitable that there will be feelings of parting and want to confide in Ziying.

   Now that there are more women, it will be a little troublesome. Thinking that there is another one on the bed who has been injured too badly, Feng Ziying feels really sorry for her, and she really wants to leave when she lifts her pants, and she will leave for a few months.

Sleeping in Baochai's room at noon, it is inevitable to be affectionate and lingering. Looking at Baochai's body that is as creamy and fine as frost jade, Feng Ziying thought that it would be a few months before he left. Pregnant, it's almost done.

   After getting married, they still cuddle up and talk softly, and Feng Ziying also needs to be comforted and make some promises.

In the afternoon, Feng Ziying also said goodbye in the girls' rooms. While bearing countless grievances, Feng Ziying felt more and more the burden on her shoulders. The Feng family has to rely on themselves in the future. Dad is doing fine now. In ten or twenty years, that burden will be entirely on myself.

  Based on this point alone, Feng Ziying felt that this trip to Liaodong had to be carefully planned. It was not enough to just win this battle, but also to have a greater harvest.

  (end of this chapter)

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