Number of People

Chapter 2289: Die-hard fan of Guizi Scroll, Tie Jiahuan

  Chapter 2289 Die-hard fan of Guizi Scroll, Tie Jiahuan

  After being happy, Shen Yixiu leaned in Feng Ziying's arms and said leisurely: "I have a feeling, I should be able to conceive today."

   "Hey, Wan Jun can still have such a premonition?" Feng Ziying smiled, "So accurate?"

   "Well, my intuition is very sensitive, but I rarely feel this way, so this time my intuition is particularly strong." Shen Yixiu replied affirmatively.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised, Shen Yixiu seldom spoke in this tone, unless he was really sure, he glanced at Shen Yixiu and said, "That's great, when I come back, Wan Jun should have a big belly."

Shen Yixiu was also fascinated leisurely, with a face full of anticipation: "I hope this time I can give Tongniang a younger brother. Seeing the second and third bedrooms bloom and bear fruit, the concubine is also under a lot of pressure. Forget it, Third Sister accompanied you to Shaanxi for more than a year, and both Xiuyan and Miaoyu were able to conceive, so why couldn’t she, and my husband treated her poorly?"

"What's the matter, you go ask, as long as you go out, you don't leave my side for a moment, you know my temperament, I can't leave women, as long as I go out, I'm basically the third sister. "Feng Ziying shook her head, "But it's true that the third sister is not that enthusiastic about intercourse, she likes to live with the situation,..."

Shen Yixiu glared at her husband. No one would say that about her own concubine's room, but Third Sister You has such a temperament. As soon as Feng Ziying returns home, she basically quits the sleeping schedule, but it gives Shen Yixiu and Second Sister You more time. .

"The matter of the fourth girl, when Xianggong returns from Liaodong, maybe it should be put on the agenda, and she will be sixteen after the new year." Shen Yixiu had already mentioned the matter of Xichun to Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying did not refuse, It is also impossible to refuse.

Feng Ziying thought for a while, "It's better to wait a little earlier. It seems more appropriate to wait until the year after next. Besides, the issue of her identity has not yet been resolved. Jia Jing was listed as one of the major criminals in the puppet court. I think he is the pocketbook of Prince Yizhong, and I value him very much."

   "What if Prince Yizhong has reached an agreement with the imperial court?" Shen Yixiu asked, "Could it be that those major criminals are not pardoned?"

Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, then shook her head, "That's not necessarily true. If Prince Yizhong really sits on the throne, even if the court previously listed these people as unpardonable criminals, he will definitely pardon them, but the cabinet may not agree. , there must be a tug-of-war in the middle, for example, some compromises may be reached in the end, such as exempting his relatives and children from the crime, or exempting him from the crime but depriving himself and his family and children of the qualifications to become officials,..."

  Shen Yixiu was taken aback, "Deprived of the qualification to become an official, wouldn't it mean that he would never have the opportunity to be an official? This is too serious for a family."

   "That's only limited to one or two generations. After three generations, people generally don't care too much about it." Feng Ziying smiled, "I can't just ignore punishment, wouldn't that encourage rebellion in the future?"

   "This can't be considered a rebellion, at most it is a dispute within the Tian family..." Shen Yixiu argued.

"Using this method, the court must define it as rebellion, otherwise the court cabinet will lose its legitimacy. If you want to fight for the throne, you cannot set up another court. This is what annoys the cabinet the most, so this **** lawsuit still has to be fought. "Feng Ziying patted Shen Yixiu's naked buttocks as a gesture.

  Shen Yixiu rolled her husband's eyes, but turned over knowingly.

   Once again, the clouds gather and the rain dissipates.

  The topic continues.

"The identity of the fourth girl can also be resolved. Prince Yizhong will definitely pardon Jia Jing. At worst, the fourth girl will be reduced to a commoner. Then it will be logical to enter our mansion to be your concubine." Shen Yixiu After a pause, "The third sister is not up to the mark, the second sister is useless, the long house is still a little thinner, and the fourth girl comes in, I can be regarded as a helper."

   "Fourth sister has such a temperament, I'm afraid you might as well count on Qingwen." Feng Ziying shook her head.

  Shen Yixiu thought about it for a while, Xichun had such a cold temper, it was really difficult for her to ask her to take over the mundane affairs, so she suddenly thought: "Why don't you let the mandarin ducks into my room?"

"Wan Jun, you think that one comes out and one comes out. What does Qingwen think? No matter how good the relationship is, when encountering this kind of thing, there will definitely be suspicions. Growth, if you give birth to a child, maybe you can grind it down."

Feng Ziying's words calmed Shen Yixiu down, and she also realized that she was a little abrupt, and she didn't consider the feelings of her most confidant maid, so she nodded: "Well, Mr. Xianggong is more considerate, so I can only hope that Qingwen's temperament will be stable in the future Some."

   "If you really think that Qingwen needs an assistant to help, there are so many maids in the house, you can choose one. Yuanyang and Qingwen grew up together, no matter how good the relationship is, it is really not suitable,..."

  Shen Yixiu nodded to show that he understood that Yuanyang and Qingwen had a very good relationship, but Yuanyang came to replace Qingwen, so where would he put himself, the most loyal maid? If it is placed under Qingwen, Yuanyang may not want to, and Qingwen also feels awkward, so it is best not to be together.

   "He also said that he would move to Sanjue Street a few years ago. Now that Xianggong left, he lost his backbone. I'm afraid this matter can only be delayed until Xianggong returns." Shen Yixiu sighed.

"No need, it's getting cramped here. It's better to move there earlier. According to our original discussion, we can move there years ago. I also told my mother and the others. Don't wait until I come back. Maybe when I come back , Miaoyu and Xiuyan are both born, so it will be too crowded." Feng Ziying held Shen Yixiu's hand, "There is a lady in the room, so I am at ease outside."

Shen Yixiu counted the days, and it was true. It only took more than three months for Xianggong to go, and Miaoyu and Xiuyan would give birth, and this trip to Liaodong was no closer than going to Shaanxi, and it was also by sea. Miaoyu and Xiuyan were there It is also more convenient to produce on the side.

   "Since my husband said so, I will discuss it with my sisters Baochai and Daiyu before reporting to Mrs. Ming." Shen Yixiu agreed.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that she had only returned to the capital for a few days, and she would go on an expedition again, and although the trip to Liaodong would not take as long as Shaanxi, three or four months would not be enough.

After this battle, Liaodong Town has to be well-arranged. Zhao Lijiao is not considered to be the absolute direct line of his father, but he has a good relationship with him, especially because of the relationship in the capital city, so it is still a good idea. It's better to win over.

   After the wives, concubines and maidservants left with tears in their eyes, Feng Ziying embarked on the journey again.

  Still the old rules, Third Sister You is the guard and bedroom attendant, and Jia Huan, the only one who surprised Feng Ziying, insists on following him to Liaodong.

According to him, he has almost all the books, but now he has to wait until two years before he can take the autumn exam. Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles, so he simply followed Feng Ziying to Liaodong to have a look, and also learned from Feng Ziying's side. something.

  Jia Huan's ambition made Tanchun surprised, happy and worried.

  Plopped into Feng Ziying's arms with tears in his eyes, and asked Feng Ziying whether Jia Huan's trip was dangerous for a long time and whether it would affect Feng Ziying's official duties. In the end, Tanchun gritted his teeth and agreed to Jia Huan to go to Liaodong with Feng Ziying.

  Baoxiang Ruixiang also had to follow, Wu Yaoqing and Li Guibao had a large number of guards, chartered a boat, and went straight from Tongzhou to Tianjinwei.

   Rest in Tianjinwei for a day or two, and then set sail for Niuzhuang according to the weather conditions.

Jia Huan also knew for a long time that his sister was going to be Feng Ziying's concubine. From the bottom of his heart, he felt that his sister's concubine for Brother Feng was a high priority. Of course, he felt the same way about women like Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu marrying Feng Ziying. High climbing.

Perhaps it was the few years of studying in Qingtan Academy, which suddenly made Jia Huan from extremely low self-esteem to extraordinarily proud. Jia Huan now feels that the Jia family, including those who are related to the Jia family, are so vulgar Unbearable, Brother Feng is such a hero, how can he see this bunch of vulgar fans?

Xue Baochai, Xue Baoqin, the daughter of the imperial merchant, is a high-ranking concubine for Brother Feng, and Lin Daiyu's parents are unbearable to be Brother Feng's wife. The second sister, the third sister, and the blood of a Hu girl are enough to be a maid. Jia Yingchun and even her own sister and Jia Xichun Not to mention that they are all from concubines, and Jia’s family is all shabby and settled. Being a concubine to Brother Feng is like flattery. That Xingxiuyan came from a small family, and Miaoyu is the daughter of an official prostitute, and she pretends to be a half-monk. It's purely to attract people's attention, to seduce Brother Feng into a trap.

  Perhaps Jia Huan could feel that Shen Yixiu was the only one who matched Brother Feng. After all, Shen’s family was a scholarly family in the past dynasties, and his father was also a member of the imperial court.

  Before going to Tianjin Wei, Jia Huan had heard rumors that Brother Feng had an affair with Sister-in-law Zhu and Sister-in-law Lian, and he was very opposed to this.

   It's not that he is opposed to this kind of thing, but that he feels that having an affair with such a widow and a divorced woman would be an insult to Brother Feng's identity.

  What kind of woman does Brother Feng want, why can't you find it in the capital?

  There are so many ladies from famous families who rush to enter Feng's residence but fail. Why does Brother Feng bother with these women?

  Of course Jia Huan also knew that he couldn’t comment on such private matters as Brother Feng, even if it was inappropriate to talk sideways, so he could only keep it in his heart, but he hated Wang Xifeng and Li Wan even more.

  Of course Feng Ziying didn't know that Jia Huan still had so many thoughts in his heart, but he didn't care about Jia Huan's thoughts.

If Jia Huan followed him, he would not be able to hide many secrets, and he would find out sooner or later, and he also felt that Jia Huan had a fanatical admiration for him. care.

   None of this is a big deal.

  When you arrive in Tianjin, you will inevitably have to go to Wang Xifeng and Busia Mara. After walking for several months, you have to say hello.

   In addition, Xue Biao has to wait to meet.

   After doing so many things, Xue Biao also watched eagerly, waiting for the court to give an explanation.

  But Feng Ziying knew that it would not be so fast. With the efficiency of the court, at least he had to wait until he came back.

  (end of this chapter)

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