Number of People

Chapter 2290: The Guizi Juan took Dong Ge to Liaodong

  Chapter 2290 Guizi Juan and Dong Ge to Liaodong

   "I have to go!" Busia Mara's words were full of determination.

  The body that got out of the brocade quilt suddenly propped up, regardless of the exposed carcass, the pair of suet jade **** that were enough to overwhelm the chess player trembled, the nephrite jade was fragrant, and the red berries were in full bloom, attracting people's eyes.

   "Busia Mara, I understand your feelings, but it is useless and meaningless for you to go now." Feng Ziying also knew that it would be difficult to convince the other party, but he had to tell him the purpose of going to Liaodong.

  Afterwards, I will let Busia Mara know that I deliberately kept it from her. I am afraid that I will never be able to climb into Busia Mara's bed for the rest of my life.

"I know what you want to say, it's nothing more than the fact that the bravery of a common man is useless in a war of tens of thousands of people between the two armies, but I am a woman from the Yehe tribe, and my uncles are fighting desperately on the battlefield, how can I lie on the bed Nurturing the child with peace of mind?" Busia Mara spoke forcefully, "Ziying, you don't need to stop me, even if you don't let me go on the same boat with you, I will find a way to go there by myself."

Feng Ziying was really at a loss, and surrendered with a wry smile: "Okay, okay, okay, let you go, let you go, but it doesn't make any sense if you go, the war on Yehe's side has come to an end, now Liaodong The focus of the battle has shifted to Tieling Guard, and Nurhachi wants to wipe out the Juniper tribe, and even play a siege to help wipe out the vital forces of Liaodong Town as much as possible, but we will never allow him to do so."

"I know that the Yehe tribe is saved now, and Zaisai has ruthlessly dealt with Horqin's men, so the rear flanks of the Yehe tribe will have no future troubles. If the Jianzhou Jurchen wants to swallow the Yehe tribe, they must knock off a few of them. Prepare your teeth." When Busia Mara heard Feng Ziying's agreement, she smiled seductively, leaned over her body rarely, rubbed her body, her eyes rolled, her plump lips parted slightly, and she said in a low voice: "I know you have taken great pains to get your underwear out of the way." The Khalkhas say move, and let you have your wish come true later,..."

  Feng Ziying lifted the brocade quilt, and smacked that fat buttock hard, with a crisp sound that filled the room, "You want to squeeze me dry, how can I face Sister Feng at night?"

  After Busia Mara gave birth to a child, her figure became even more impressive. Her chest and buttocks grew around her, but her waist did not change much, it was still tight and firm.

  Busia Mara blushed and giggled, "You also know the reason why two fists can't defeat four hands, right? You really think you can beat King Kong,..."

  Feng Ziying was speechless, and could only savagely hit the opponent's chest. Busia Mara achieved her goal and was in a happy mood, so she let Feng Ziying do it.

   "What about that child?" Feng Ziying asked after a long time before the two hugged each other again.

"How can a child on the prairie be so precious? Isn't Sister Feng here? I will leave it to her. I am very relieved." Busia Mara said carelessly: "Isn't it just a matter of a few months, and I will follow you when the time comes." Coming back is..."

Speaking of this, Busia Mara was touched again, "I never went back after this trip, but now I am a mother. After I go back, I still don't know how to get along with my uncle, brother, and Delger. They said so."

   "Didn't you say that Delgler and the others knew about it a long time ago? Then your uncle and elder brother must know about it too." Feng Ziying didn't take it seriously.

"Delgler just guessed it, and he may not say it clearly when he goes back." Speaking of herself, Busia Mara is no longer as straightforward as before, "Although my uncle and brother have no hope for my marriage, I am afraid they will I don’t want me to be together with you so vaguely, and I have a child, the pearl on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia is now a Han woman, what do you make the people on the grasslands think?”

"What do you think? They can think whatever they like." Feng Ziying didn't care, "Your reputation as a bright pearl has been replaced by two flowers on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia. After another two years, no one will remember you. So you don't have to worry about anything."

   "You mean Jiji, the daughter of Horqin Ming'an, and Zhezhe, the daughter of Manggus?" Busia Mara was no stranger to the situation on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia, and asked in surprise.

   "Eh? You know Busia Mara too?" Feng Ziying was a little curious.

  In terms of age, Busia Mara is much older than the two sisters of Horqin. Those two girls are only thirteen or fourteen years old, and Busia Mara is almost twenty years older than them.

"Yes, I saw it when I went to Horqin, but Jiji and Zhezhe were still young at the time, only seven or eight years old, and they looked like beauties. I heard that the Horqin tribe wanted to marry Jianzhou Jurchen. Ming An and Manggus are soft bones,..."

  Bushiya Mara thought of something as soon as she spoke, and Feng Ziying knew that the other party must have thought of the situation of their Ye He tribe.

   Didn’t Busia Mara’s aunt, Meng Gu Zhezhe, marry Nurhachi in this way?

  Nurhachi even wanted to take Busia Mara into the house with a three-bed bed, so that his aunt and nephew would marry together.

"Horqin's thoughts can only be shattered now. In fact, Lin Dan Batur doesn't want Horqin to become a vassal of Jianzhou Jurchen. After all, you are also from the Mongolian lineage. Why don't you listen to me and want to attach Jianzhou Jurchen? So inside Although the timing of the Khalkha attack on Horqin seems inappropriate, Lindan Batur definitely has no objection in his heart."

  Feng Ziying's change of subject eased Busia Mara's embarrassment a little, "Are you going to meet Zai Sai this time?"

   "Well, we definitely need to meet." Feng Ziying didn't hide anything, "You can't make people work hard and ignore them. I still want to see Horqin's two flowers."

  Busia Mara was a little surprised. Feng Ziying is lustful, but she is not the kind of person whose lower body controls the upper body. Could it be that she is still interested in these two flowers of Horqin?

   "Just kidding, I have to see Zai Sai. The two flowers of Horqin are only thirteen or fourteen years old. I'm not impatient enough to kill these underage girls." Feng Ziying said casually.

   "But don't you guys get married at the age of fourteen?" Busia Mara curled her lips in disdain, "It's not reliable to lie."

"Hehe, you can say whatever you want." Feng Ziying didn't care, "Your Yehe tribe is stable, and the situation in the west will be stable. I am going this time to solve the problem in Shenyang. If Nurhachi wants to be in Tieling Wei gnawed at me, and I wanted to take this opportunity to tap his teeth, it depends on whether his teeth are good or my hammer is good."

   "Ziying, don't underestimate Nurhachi, this guy is getting older and more cunning now." Busia Mara reminded.

  Suddenly there seemed to be some sound, and Busia Mara jumped out of bed, walked naked to the place where the clothes were put aside, and began to dress: "The child is awake, I am going to breastfeed."

Feng Ziying was amazed by Busia Mara's keenness, looking at this body that is full of bumps and plumpness, the two peaks confront each other, the snowy hills are powdery, and the full buttocks are full of a strange combination of strength and flesh beauty.

   "The child is so young, what should you do if you want to go?"

   "There is a wet nurse, not to mention weaning is almost ready, at least when I come back." Busia Mara said casually while dressing: "Children on the grassland, there are so many particulars."

  Naturally, the overnight stay belongs to Wang Xifeng.

  Endless lingering words, endless love, thousands of words still turned into a heart-to-heart battle, with infinite joy.

   On the second day, Feng Ziying and Xue Biao went straight to the sea by boat and went east to Niuzhuang.

   Liaodong is already covered with snow.

  When Feng Ziying arrived at the mouth of Sancha River in Niuzhuang, it was almost frozen.

  But generally speaking, the Sancha River estuary is not frozen for a long time, generally speaking, it is more than ten days, and rarely more than twenty days, roughly before the end of the year.

  Now this place is not called Niuzhuang. You have to go up nearly a hundred miles along the mouth of the Sancha River to reach Niuzhuang Station. Next to Niuzhuang Station is the fortress at the bottom of the Liaohe River - Dongchang Fort.

  Feng Ziying met Mao Wenlong who had already arrived in Haizhouwei.

  Mao Wenlong has a tall and strong figure, with a head like a rock, and a leopard head with ring eyes. At first glance, he looks like an old soldier, especially a pair of thick hands with thick calluses. It can be seen that he is a titan who has worked hard in the army for a long time.

  Feng Ziying and Mao Wenlong have only met once, this time is the second time, but Mao Wenlong's intimacy is like an old friend of decades.

   "I have seen adults in a humble position. The adults spared no expense to go to Liaodong to take command. It is admirable."

  Mao Wenlong's flattering words flooded Feng Ziying with emotion.

  In history, it is not that Mao Wenlong is arrogant and arrogant. In Feng Ziying's view, this also depends on the person. His attitude towards those who fall in love with him, or those who appreciate him, may not be so with others.

  So there are many doubts about Yuan Chonghuan beheading Mao Wenlong, but Feng Ziying thinks that there is one thing that is definitely true, that is, there are still some problems with Mao Wenlong's character.

"Okay, Zhennan, don't say those silly things between the two of us. I don't want to come to Liaodong. I just returned to Beijing from Shaanxi. Wouldn't it be good to sleep on the hot kang with my wife and concubines? Mr. Keshi Zhilu, loyalty to the emperor, this is also the basic principle of life, so I have to come."

  Feng Ziying waved her hand, motioning for a seat.

"This time you are recruited to the north because of the situation. You probably know that the Juniper tribe has been besieged by the Tieling Guards for some time. If it continues, the situation will change. The imperial court cannot tolerate this situation. In addition, Liaodong Township There are also some internal problems, constant conflicts, and the imperial court is very dissatisfied with this, but the enemy is now, and now is not the time to discuss this issue, everything needs to be subordinated to the overall situation, and obey the breaking of the obstacles between Yilusuo and Fanhesuo , let the Jianzhou Jurchen conspiracy fail, so Zhennan, you have to work hard in this battle. In addition, I also recruited Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong to return to Shenyang. It can be said that this battle has gathered the entire Liaodong Town. All the elite, if I can't win again, I will have no face to reply to the cabinet princes!"

  (end of this chapter)

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