Number of People

Chapter 2295: Kui-shaped scroll iron cavalry with prominent swords and guns (1)

  Chapter 2295 Guizi Scroll Iron Cavalry Highlights Swords and Guns (1)

   While Feng Ziying was reprimanding He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, Mao Wenlong led the troops to trek through the ice and snow outside the side wall.

   Rao is Mao Wenlong, who claims that the nearly ten thousand elites under his command are trained by himself, and they have been through battle for a long time.

  After quietly sneaking out of Fushun Pass, the army could no longer be helped.

  Relying on Feng Ziying's warrant before, he could still get relief and supplies from various forts in Liaodong Town all the way, but when he arrived at Fushun City, it was actually the last stop.

After Fushun Pass was breached, the entire section of the side wall had been reduced to ruins. Because it was within the sphere of influence of the Jianzhou Jurchen, Fushun Pass was easily besieged, so the Liaodong Army, which was in a defensive posture, simply deployed at Fushun Pass Hundreds of people were used as the fulcrum of the police post, and Fushun City was built as the focus of defense instead of deploying heavy troops.

  The Hun River in winter has already been frozen and covered with snow, and there are almost no geographical signs that can be used for reference. We can only rely on a few guides brought from southern Liaoning and two local guides recruited heavily from Fushun Pass to lead the way.

The guides who came from southern Liaoning were all sergeant soldiers of Mao Wenlong’s army, but they were all from the Fushunguan area. They grew up here, and they are no strangers to the situation outside the border wall. Their father and brother also died at the hands of Jianzhou Jurchen. Therefore, they have no objection to coming thousands of miles away to fight Jianzhou Jurchen.

   Not to mention the guides recruited by Fushunguan. After fighting with Jianzhou Jurchen for so many years, both the army and the civilians have become sworn enemies. Being able to help Mao Wenlong sneak attack on the back road of Jianzhou Jurchen is naturally full of enthusiasm.

"Please look, general, this is the Hun River. If you go further, you will find the confluence of the Suzi River and the Hun River. Jiefan Village and Gule Village are both at the confluence of the Hun River and Suzi River. The distance between the two villages is only about ten miles. , and then go east along the Suzi River, ten miles away, is Maldun Village, which is less than a hundred miles away from Hetuala."

  The two Local Guides are uncles and nephews.

The young nephew is only in his early twenties. Even in such a cold weather, this guy is wrapped in a bearskin jacket, and he walks vigorously. Although his body is bloated, he walks nimbly and nimbly. Much faster than Mao Wenlong's soldiers.

   "Well, is there a state-building army in Mardunzhai?" Mao Wenlong looked far into the distance, under the white snow, there were occasionally dark mottled woods and bare mountains mixed in, which looked extremely uncoordinated.

   "There used to be seven or eight hundred people stationed there, but they should be gone by now. The Jianzhou Jurchens have all been dispatched. It is estimated that only Hetuala has the garrison."

  The older uncle shook his head, a deep arrow wound pierced his cheek, making the entire right half of his face look a little hideous and asymmetrical.

   "There is no Jianzhou army in Fanzhai and Gulezhai in that world?" Chen Jisheng was overjoyed when he heard that, and asked quickly.

"Not necessarily. Jiefan Village and Gule Village are too close to us. I remember that we came to see last month and saw that there was still smoke in Gule Village, but we didn't dare to get too close. Jiefan Village It should be about the same, there are estimated to be garrisons, but certainly not many, that is, about 30 to 50 people, they are used by Jianzhou to spy on and guard our side, similar to our use in Fushun Pass."

The uncle and nephew are surnamed Song, and they can be regarded as a scouting family of the Liaodong Army. They are very familiar with the geographical terrain along the line from Yahu Pass to Guangshun Pass. , is still too far away.

   "Oh? Did you come here last month?" Chen Liangce also cheered up, "So how many people are there in the Jianzhou Army stationed in Jiefan Village and Gule Village?"

"The largest number was about 300 to 500 people, and the largest number in Gule Village was nearly 1,000 people, but that is rare. The Jianzhou Army is different from ours. Except for a small number of standing troops, other large Most of them were recruited temporarily, and after a period of training, they formed an army. However, these Jurchens usually live by grazing and hunting, and a few also plant some land. Basically, they have training every year, so they are not bad when they are called temporarily. .”

  The elder Song Hong replied.

  Mao Wenlong has not said much. Chen Jisheng and Chen Liangce are his two most trusted deputies. They are both guerrilla fighters and are very skilled in military affairs.

"Old Song, we are going to cross the Hun River and plan to take a rest at Jiefan Village, so we must take down Jiefan Village and Gule Village. What do you think we should do?" Chen Jisheng asked: "The Maldun Village Do we need to do something?"

Song Hong's cheeks twitched, and he pondered deeply, "If you want to cross the river, you will inevitably disturb the scouts in Jiefan Village and Gule Village. If you don't solve the garrison at these two places, it will definitely not work, but now Daishan's army is stationed in Sancha Erbao, so the importance of this side has declined, and the security is definitely not as strict as before. It is very easy to take it down. You can ignore it at Maldun Village, and just set up one or two hidden posts along the line. If you come to contact, go ahead. Beheading and detaining, anyway, we won't stay in Jiefan Village for long."

   It is an established strategy to take a break at Jiefan Village. This journey of hundreds of miles, in the ice and snow, if there is no chance to rest and recuperate, the soldiers will not be able to bear it. They can only choose Jiefan Village and Gule Village.

  Then the next step is the long-distance raid of more than 150 miles from Jiefanzhai to Fu'an Fort.

  Taking Fu'an Fort was like putting a nail in the back of the Jianzhou Army on the front line of Panhe River.

In this way, not only can the Juniper Department in the Tieling Acropolis be supported, but it is also equivalent to going around to the right behind the Daishan Department stationed in Huabaochong and Sanchaerbao. Shanbu came to a front and back attack.

  Of course, this is just an ideal idea. Whether it can be achieved is still hard to say.

"Well, Gule Village and Jiefan Village need to be taken together, Cheng Lu, I will leave this matter to you, how about it?" Mao Wenlong fixed his eyes on the young man beside him, this is his adopted son Mao Chenglu, It is also the most important young generation. They are only twenty years old, but they have followed him in the army for more than ten years. They followed him when he was eight years old. Now his own soldiers and scouts are entrusted to him to lead.

   "Father, don't worry, just leave this matter to Cheng Lu." Mao Chenglu is also calm, facing such a task that may be a great achievement or a trap, he is not at all timid, but he is not at all arrogant.

"Well, you have always been experienced in doing things. You should understand the importance of taking down Jiefan Village and Gule Village this time, and you must do it well." Mao Wenlong nodded. He was still very reassuring about his adopted son, and he looked like a general. But he was quick-witted and resolute, "Old Song, you and your nephew will have to work hard here. After this incident, I will definitely report to Lord Superintendent Ming. No one can erase the credit for this."

Old Song grinned and didn't say anything, but Xiao Song was inexplicably excited, "I heard that Governor Feng is famous all over the capital, and his father is the former Governor Feng. This son will follow his father's career, and he will definitely bring down Jurchen elder brother. At that time, can your lord recommend someone to serve as a personal soldier beside Governor Xiao Feng?"

Mao Wenlong was taken aback, and laughed loudly, "You're an interesting kid, and you speak a little bit of culture. Have you been studying for a few years? You don't want to be promoted and get rich, but you actually want to be a military governor next to Xiao Feng. That's okay, Liaodong Town In the wild, how can you compare with Governor Xiaofeng? Well, I will allow you. As long as you make great achievements this time and survive, I will put aside my old face and send you to Governor Xiaofeng. !"

Xiao Song smiled a little shyly, "I read a few words with the accountant in the army, and I know that the capital city is a good place for us to wait on the first day of the new year. If we have never been there in this life, it is hard to rest in peace even if we die there. ..."

"Hehe, boy, your knowledge is very shallow. Of course, the capital city is not bad, but how do you know about the luxury in the south of the Yangtze River? Suzhou and Hangzhou are better than heaven, riding a crane to Yangzhou, Jinling Jiajiangnan, that's too much Come on, boy, as long as you dare to fight for your life, there will be plenty of glory and wealth waiting for you in the future, this battle is the battle for Xiao Feng's fame, you should fight hard!" Mao Wenlong looked back at his brothers, said in a deep voice He said: "Even this kid understands this truth. If you are still timid, then you will only be a life of drinking ice and lying in the snow and working hard for the rest of your life. Wealth is in the sky, it depends on whether you dare to fight!"

   Mao Wenlong's sonorous and fierce words mobilized everyone's hearts.

Now the big guys have no retreat except Fushun Pass. There is only one way to go to Hei, take Jiefan Village and Gule Village, cross the Hun River in one go, take Fu'an Fort, and let the Jianzhou Army come from behind. Only by cutting the backbone of the Jianzhou Army completely with a sharp knife can he avoid the same fate as the Juniper Department.

   "Mao Chenglu, what are you waiting for? I'll give you one day, counting from now on, and the personal battalion and scout battalion are all at your disposal. At this time tomorrow, I want to see the army enter Jiefan Village and Gule Village!"

   "Obey!" Mao Chenglu and Chen Shengying said: "Father, don't worry, please hear the good news about your son tomorrow."

Soon the army began to adjust the marching queue, and Mao Chenglu quickly pulled out the scout battalion, and asked Uncle Song Hong to introduce the whole situation to the scout battalion, so as to roughly know the basic layout and possible existence of the entire Jiefan Village and Gule Village. A potential danger point, and quickly formulated a plan to capture the second village.

  The most important thing here is to avoid news leaks. There are not many soldiers stationed in Erzhai, so taking them down is not a problem. Cutting them off from the outside world so that the army can get a day or two to rest is the most important thing.

  Mao Chenglu is also a decisive person. Once the arrangements are made, he immediately leads the scout team to set off first, and then orders a part of the pro-barracks to follow, and the rest of the pro-barracks will cut off the possibility of slipping through the net from the outside.

  (end of this chapter)

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