Number of People

Chapter 2296: Guizi scroll iron cavalry with prominent swords and guns (2)

  Chapter 2296 Guizi Scroll Iron Cavalry Highlights Swords and Guns (2)

   A group of people have been dormant outside Jiefan Village for more than an hour.

  Jiefanzhai is considered a small cottage, which is nothing if placed on the border of Shaanxi, but it is passable in the territory of the Liaodong Jurchens.

  There are two gates in the village, one in front and the other in the back. The front gate is facing east. The Hun River and Suzi River converge about three miles in front of the gate, all the way to the east and finally meet the Liao River near Dongchangbao, all the way south into the sea.

The flat land facing the front door did not turn into a swamp until near the river bank, and the back door was not inferior to the front door in terms of scale, because less than a mile ahead was a birch forest, and then a hilly land. It's a little more complicated.

Mao Chenglu himself lay in ambush on the hill thirty feet away from the back gate of the village. The binoculars in his hands were almost unbearable from the cold. He crouched here for three consecutive hours to observe. But people in the village can go to the fire and drink hot water and liquor after changing posts, but outside, they can only rely on liquor to keep out the cold.

   Next to it is the subordinate who is responsible for recording, carefully according to Mao Chenglu's narration, the number of people at each sentry post, and the change of shift, and the personnel activities in the stockade have been observed.

"There is a Jurchen archer on the second watchtower near the back door on the front left, and three people on the first watchtower,... In addition, there is a small team of about seven or eight people at the gate of the village, but they do not guard the gate, and It was staying in a wooden house about three feet away from the gate,..."

   "About 30 steps away from the front side of the gate, there is a long row of houses. No one has been seen coming in and out, and the snow and ice in the gully in front of it has never been cleaned. It should be uninhabited, and it may be the area where soldiers used to live..."

  Mao Chenglu could no longer hold the binoculars with his hands, so he handed it over to his subordinates. The other party was obviously quite professional, holding up the binoculars and observing every place with full concentration, while the soldiers next to him checked and recounted one by one according to the descriptions of the other party.

   This kind of work has to be done three times to confirm the accuracy. A slight negligence may lead to the failure of the entire task.

"..., pay attention to the big house near the middle and back. After observation and calculation during this period, the number of people is about 20. If we estimate a little more, then there should be about 30 people here, basically coming in and out. None of them wore armor or helmets. If we combine the people in the wooden house under the front sentry building, then we can basically judge that the total number of troops here is about 50 people,..."

"The fifty jade men were divided into three groups and stationed at the back door in turn. Among them, there were four checkpoints at the front door, but in fact there were only two watchtowers and one secret sentry. There are about four people. That is to say, there are about fifteen sentinels on combat readiness, half of them are on duty, the other half are on standby, and the remaining thirty or so should be on rest."

  Mao Chenglu didn't need to look at the record book, but he could reflect the defense situation of the entire Jiefanzhai in his mind. Now he has to solve the problem and get rid of more than 50 Jianzhou soldiers without alarming outsiders.

   It should be the best time to strike at night, but the risk of accidents is also greater, and the time is not allowed, so Mao Chenglu is not going to wait until night, but plans to choose when the Jianzhou soldiers in Tianjiang Hei'er's village are eating.

  Looking slowly over the wooden fences of the entire Jiefanzhai, Mao Chenglu counted how many people should be arranged to sneak in from where, and silently calculated the time limit.

These are the most basic things to be a scout. The personal soldiers are not as capable as these, but they are strong in combat and have a firm will to fight. Once the scouts sneak in to deal with the sentries, the personal soldiers must follow up quickly and deal with them with lightning speed. fighting.

"Look at the time, I think it's almost there." Mao Chenglu breathed a sigh of relief, and looked back at the observation post on another post, "After going back, compare the records with the other side to see if they are consistent. If there is no big difference, Then it’s almost ready to go.”

"The key point is the two archers on the sentry tower. They should be Jianzhou Jurchen archers. If you look at it, they are both typical big bows. The more people who use this kind of bow in the Jianzhou Army There are more and more of them, all of which use beef tendon or deer tendon on the back, and cattle and sheep horns on the face, and the bow is slightly turned out, which is bigger and less labor-intensive than our bows,..."

Jianzhou Jurchen made some improvements to the big bow with a slightly recurved bow, which is more sophisticated and requires longer and heavier arrows. The shooting power is also greatly increased, so for the side that wants to sneak attack, once it is attacked The two bow and arrow posts discovered that the short distance of a hundred steps would become a **** to buy people's lives.

   It was Mao Chenglu's subordinate who spoke, and he was also a master of bows.

   "Then you mean..." Mao Chenglu asked.

"Look for a few people to lurk there first, until you get to the fence. I don't know if Dalang can see it. There is a low hillside **** outside the fence in the east. It's not a big deal in normal times, but it's going to work in this snowy day." , taking advantage of the terrain and snow, we can lie in ambush there and wait for our raiding troops to come in from the rear. There is nothing wrong with it, and two people can cooperate to solve it to ensure the result.”

  Mao Chenglu thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, you can take Zhang Jianlu, He San, and Mao Qing. The archery skills of the three of them are not bad, and they should be able to guarantee the completion of the task."

  The guards also nodded in agreement. Obviously, everyone has practiced archery before, and they all agree with each other that they are truly capable.


  The sky gradually darkened, and Mao Chenglu's eyes kept on a few white shadows that were barely visible.

Whenever the sentinels on the sentry tower turned their gazes to the other side, or joked with each other, these shadows, which were almost indistinguishable from Bai Xue, would move forward quickly, but once the soldiers on the sentry tower turned their eyes, these shadows would move forward quickly. It will crouch still, and it is difficult to find that the soldiers in white sheep's clothing are sneaking.

   He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until these shadows finally got under the fence.

  However, this is still the first wave. It is far from enough to enter and control the relevant sentry positions. Two groups of people are needed to sneak past. This is a test of people's will and patience.

  Finally, when the second group of people sneaked past safely, Mao Chenglu heaved a sigh of relief. The third group was arranged for a safer arrangement, but now these two groups of people are enough to control the Jianzhou soldiers in the hut inside the door.

Seeing two figures lightly flipping into the fence, followed by two more, and the third group of people here also began to sneak past, Mao Chenglu clenched his fists, waiting for the last group of people to be in place, immediately It's time to attack.

At this moment, a soldier on the sentry post suddenly turned around, as if he was going to say hello to the people below, and was attracted by the white figure whose eyes moved immediately, and subconsciously felt for the bow in the bow bag, while raising his head. call.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, the two colleagues who had been staring at me without even daring to blink got up, and they had already set their arrows on the strings, and they stood up, ignoring the fact that their whole bodies were exposed to another sentry position, "Boom boom!" Two crisp strings sounded.

  Two archers on the post fell down at the same time, one directly crawled on the railing of the post, and the other sat on the floor of the post, fell softly and struggled twice before gradually losing energy.

  Mao Chenglu didn't have time to think about it, and suddenly got into a leaping charge posture from a prostrate state, and shouted: "Go!"

   All came out from everywhere, only rushing towards the gate of Jiefanzhai.

Mao Chenglu also knows that the plan does not change quickly. No matter how well you think, there will always be unexpected accidents, so he has already prepared a plan, and he will make a decisive decision and let everyone follow the established contingency plan. Attack.

  The entire Jiefan Village immediately fell into panic and shock.

When the gate was opened, the Jianzhou army rushed out from the hut, but they were immediately attacked by many archers ambushing outside the fence, and two or three people fell on the spot, and the remaining few The person quickly rolled and hid on the spot, looking for an opportunity to fight back.

  But at this moment, the gate was open, and the bodyguards had already rushed towards them. Before they could organize an effective counterattack, the two teams collided with each other.

A few archers who climbed in from the fence kept their eyes on the door of the row of big houses. Amidst the shouts, as soon as the door opened, two Jianzhou soldiers who had just rushed out fell to the ground amidst the sound of bowstrings. rise.

At this time, several leather shields quickly formed a huge shield array, rushed out from the gate, and the arrows hit the shield surface with crackling noises. As soon as they left the gate, the shield array quickly split, and each of them looked for a hiding place, waiting for an opportunity counterattack.

  For the archers, the most important thing is to attack, obstruct, and hold back the main force in the village to prevent them from escaping.

  But the Jurchens are not vegetarians. Once they find that the situation is not good, they will quickly divide into several pieces, wait for the opportunity to put up a counterattack posture, and even rush at the crossbowman at the cost of shooting.

In addition, the Jurchen archers leaned on the corner of the wall and began to reflect. In just a few breaths, three soldiers of Mao Chenglu's personal army were shot and killed, and one was even blocked by an arrow through the gap in the shield. The mastery of archery.

  However, under the absolute superiority of troops, the resistance of the Jurchens did not last as long as yours. In just two minutes, the whole battle has come to an end.

  Only one Jurchen soldier escaped from the village, but his end could only end at the hands of the guards who were ambushing on the main road.

   "A total of fifty-six Jurchens, except for nine who were seriously injured, all of them were beheaded." The subordinate panted and reported.

   "Kill it." Mao Chenglu was expressionless, "Immediately clear the situation in the village and send a signal to the army so that they can come."

  (end of this chapter)

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