Number of People

Chapter 2298: Guizi scroll iron cavalry with prominent swords and guns (4)

  Chapter 2298 Guizi Scroll Iron Cavalry Highlights Swords and Guns (4)

  No matter how the Liaodong Army protects the armor, the sharp arrow shooting still brings considerable damage to this side, and it is inevitable to pay a considerable price in a dense formation.

   Of course, the price is not without reward. With the eagle mouth gun bracket already established, the heavy fire gun was the first to fire and make a sound.

  Among the series of roaring sounds, the Jianzhou Qingqi, who were passing by like a comb, had not yet rushed to the front of the Liaodong Army's infantry, but only approached the flanks, and encountered this wave of attacks.

  Amidst bursts of gunshots, the cavalrymen fell like dead leaves in the wind and rain.

However, this round of blows is still acceptable to Jianzhou Qingqi. With continuous shooting of bows and arrows, the formation of soldiers of the Liaodong Army on the opposite side is still collapsing and missing, but every time one falls, there will be substitute soldiers to fill it up immediately. affect the integrity of the formation.

   And when the Jianzhou Qingqi infantry formation was frontal, the test of Jianzhou Qingqi had just begun.

  The gunfire soldiers had already been waiting in full force, and the slow but rhythmic advance came to an abrupt end. The soldiers quickly raised the gunfire, with the muzzle pointing forward.

Amidst the shrill whistle, the soldiers who had already formed conditioned reflexes aimed and fired in unison, then retracted their guns and retreated, cleaned up, and reloaded, while the comrades behind them took a step forward from the side, continued to hold their guns, shoot, The same number of ways to retreat, clean up, reload, and the comrades behind follow up again to fill the position, hold the gun, shoot, and repeat.

   I have to say that Jianzhou Qingqi performed quite well.

When they realized that the formation on the opposite side continuously erupted with fire, smoke, and loud noises, and then the dense projectiles hit, like a hailstorm sweeping across, dozens of riders fell to the ground instantly after being hit by bullets. This kind of huge damage was unacceptable, they quickly started Adjust the formation, spread out, become loose and irregular.

  However, this adjustment still cannot stop the huge blow brought by the serial burst.

There is only an invisible gap between the formation of the Liaodong Army and the Northern Front Army. The entire horizontal formation has a total of 500 steps. To run all the way through these 500 steps is enough for these Jianzhou cavalry to go through several rounds. The baptism of the bullet storm is like walking through the gate of **** with the palace of **** closed.

It's not that Eyidu's subordinates have never encountered Liaodong firecrackers, but to be honest, they have basically encountered the earliest and old-fashioned three-eyed firecrackers before. In that kind of battle, the big bow of the Jianzhou army is slightly recurved. Basically, it was an overwhelming victory, whether it was proficiency, shooting efficiency or even combat morale, it firmly suppressed the Liaodong Army.

Even in the past two years, they also encountered Liaodong firecrackers after changing their costumes, but they faced small groups of firecrackers, either in close encounters or sneak attacks, and basically did not encounter them. I have been to such a large-scale battle, so I didn't really feel the transformative damage brought by the three-stage shooting of the firecrackers.

  But this time they encountered a completely different blow.

The dense formation, the huge size, the hierarchical arrangement of heavy firecrackers and ordinary firecrackers, the skilled and efficient operation brought about by long-term training, and the long front, all these are enough to maximize the power of the three-stage burst firecrackers extreme.

However, the self-produced firecrackers produced by the Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex after the improvement have greatly improved the quality and yield of the firecrackers, and the probability of bombing or misfiring has been greatly reduced in the firecrackers, which makes the firecrackers in dense formations The attack power is even more prominent.

  The first to suffer this blow was Eyidu's Jianzhou Qingqi.

Although they quickly passed the infantry formations of the Liaodong Army and the Northern Front Army, and kept drawing their bows, they were all the best Jurchen hunters in Jianzhou, and they did cause a lot of damage to the Liaodong Army and the Northern Front Army, but In the face of this kind of firecracker phalanx armed with hot weapons, the damage caused by intensive bursts of fire far exceeded the losses that Jianzhou Qingqi could bear.

  When nearly a thousand Jianzhou Qingqi passed by like a gust of wind and reached the end of the infantry formation on the Liaodong North Line, more than 70% of the cavalry had already fallen off their horses on the way to this round of hell.

Whether they were hit and fell off their horses, or fell to the ground because the horses were frightened and injured, all in all, this wave of attacks brought about five or six hundred light cavalry losses to Eyi, while the Liaodong Army and the Northern Front Army only paid Less than two hundred casualties.

  The forehead sitting on the horseback still maintained an upright spine, but the slightly trembling body revealed the shock and confusion in his heart.

  When did the Liaodong Army and the Jizhen Army have such a firecracker army? Why is it completely different from the original Fire Gun Army?

Such a lethal firecracker army has completely overturned E, who has always admired riding and shooting, and has full confidence in the combat power of his own Eight Banners armored elites. How is the performance.

   But he quickly regained his confidence.

  Jianzhou Qingqi are basically light armored. Many people even do not wear armor for the sake of flexibility in manipulating horses and shooting arrows on horseback. It is acceptable to suffer huge losses when encountering this kind of firecracker shooting.

  But their own armored infantry are all heavily armored, and their vital parts are covered with iron leaves for protection. These firecrackers should hardly pose a threat to their lives, which made E Yidu feel more at ease.

   But even so, such a huge loss still made Eren feel heartbroken.

   These are the most elite riders in the Eight Banners of Jianzhou. It takes a lot of hard work to develop such an elite team, and the loss is so heavy inadvertently.

  Two rounds of light cavalry passed by, and the confrontation between archers and musketeers cost both sides a huge price, but the Jianzhou Army was in pain, while the Liaodong Army and the Northern Front Army were acceptable.

After all, the training time and cost-effectiveness ratio of a firecracker and a light cavalry archer are not the same. It takes more than ten years for a light cavalry archer to mature, while a firecracker, as long as the firecracker is in place, can be basically formed after half a year of hard training. After fighting a few battles, you are basically a qualified or even an excellent gunner.

The cavalry and infantry formations of the Liaodong Army are slightly farther apart. They hang far from the far ends of the two wings, and there is a huge gap between them and the infantry camp. After Jianzhou Qingqi was hit by the firecrackers in bursts, he no longer dared to easily step into the gap that seemed to be the entry point, and hesitated for a while before flying past.

  They would rather confront the cavalry of the Liaodong Army head-on than step into an unknown and dangerous situation easily. The gunmen of the Han people taught them a hard lesson, and it made them remember deeply.

  The forehead also looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart throbbed a little.

It seems wise for Qingqi not to rush into the gap between the enemy's cavalry and infantry, but in fact it also means that their own light cavalry has been shattered by the enemy's firecrackers, so that they dare not easily Try, this kind of blow to the state of mind is particularly fatal, which means that they will be at a psychological disadvantage in the future confrontation with the firecrackers.

He must bring this round back, otherwise the psychological blow to the entire Jianzhou army will be fatal. You must know that in the past, the Liaodong army had an advantage over the Jianzhou army only in the battle of defending the city. The state army has always been in an absolute advantage, but today, this result has been overturned.

   So he has to reverse it.

   To get back, you can only rely on heavy cavalry and armored infantry, but the key is armored infantry.

Heavy armored cavalry can be used as a breakthrough point, but they can't play a decisive role. The spearmen of the Liaodong Army have amazing combat effectiveness. They can withstand the impact of heavy cavalry. Spear infantry will fall apart.

Pressing his hands forward, the flag bearers on both sides noticed the movement of the coach, and a series of orders were passed on. Soon, a group of heavy cavalry began to line up and clamor, while the armored infantry began to talk about tidying up their armor. , knives, and shields in a decisive battle posture, like a pack of wolves ready to hunt showing their minions.

   Zhao Liaojiao and You Shilu on the opposite side also noticed the movement of the Jianzhou Army.

They all know E Yidu very well, he is brave and tenacious, and has a tenacious will to fight, but his shortcomings are also obvious, that is, he is not good at changing his thinking, and prefers to use traditional formations to fight. Sometimes he finds it difficult to deal with such enemies. But once he is allowed to lose his temper, the opponent will persist to the end regardless of casualties. In other words, he is ignorant of current affairs. Compared with Fei Yingdong, He Heli and others, he lacks some flexibility.

Now that the opponent is urging the army to move forward, it means that the opponent said that the decisive battle should be placed on the infantry. Of course, if it were me, I would do the same to bring out my best advantages, and the heavy cavalry is just icing on the cake Just break through the chaotic wedge.

  It's exactly what I want, and both Zhao Ratejiao and You Shilu said in their hearts at the same time.

   The frontal effect of this battle is to consume the opponent's strength, and use this kind of battle without much fancy to hold the opponent back. In other words, this is a confrontation consumption in terms of will, firepower and numbers.

  Whoever can stand it can have the last laugh, but even if the opponent thinks that this battlefield will be the last laugh, as long as Cao Wenzhao and Mao Wenlong can break through from the two wings, they can still return with a smile on their faces.

  Once the huge Jianzhou armored infantry moved, the whole field seemed to be agitated, just like a huge herd of bison on the East African grasslands began to move, surging from point to surface, from surface to the whole.

Zhao Liaojiao and You Shilu began to issue a series of orders, the formation of the entire Chinese army began to adjust, and the tiger squatting guns began to array, but this array was in the center of the infantry phalanx, which could only be found from the opposite side of Eyidu The other party seems to be adjusting in the central area, but they can't see clearly what the other party is doing.

  For Er Yidu, no matter how the opponent makes adjustments, it is ultimately up to the soldiers on both sides to decide the outcome.

  (end of this chapter)

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