Number of People

Chapter 2299: Guizi scroll iron cavalry with prominent swords and guns (5)

  Chapter 2299 Guizi Scroll Iron Cavalry Highlights Swords and Guns (5)

  Feng Ziying stood on the balcony in the distance and quietly observed the confrontation between the two armies.

  He has no interest in stealing the limelight of the general before the battle.

  For him, as long as Zhao Shijiao and You Shilu can firmly withstand the impact of E Yidu, even if the price is higher, it is acceptable.

  Anyway, the purpose of this frontal battlefield is to consume, consume, and consume again. There is no other way but to carry it hard.

  The armored infantry of the Jianzhou Army has strong combat effectiveness and firm will, which has always been a nightmare for the Liaodong Army in field battles.

  In every previous battle, as long as the Jianzhou Army cavalry was thrown and attacked in the field, the Liaodong Army could basically withstand it. But once the Jianzhou armored infantry came up, the balance of battle quickly tilted in the direction of the Jianzhou Army.

The armored infantry in Jianzhou are fearless, have strict discipline, and have strict rewards and punishments. They have formed a set of good regulations, and the winning mentality they have cultivated for a long time gives them an overwhelming psychological advantage when facing the Liaodong Army. When the formation is charging, it is full of fighting spirit, extremely fierce and wild, and it will have the upper hand in a fight.

Although the Liaodong Army has many brave men, and there are also a few brave and good fighters, but this kind of established duel is always inferior to the opponent in general. After a long-term battle, this kind of mentality is at a disadvantage. It should not be underestimated either, as the Liaodong Army seemed to subconsciously accept the result that they could not defeat the Jianzhou Army in the field battle.

   Now is the time for Haosheng to change this situation.

   From the era of cold weapons to the era of hot weapons, there will be a process, and there may even be repetitions, which is very normal.

Like the Liaodong army equipped with three-eyed firearms in the early stage, they were still beaten to pieces in front of the Jianzhou army. Feng Ziying also did not understand that the three-eyed firearms, which are obviously obsolete firearms, have neither good tactics nor quality. How could the lack of things be equipped on a large scale by the Liaodong Army.

The Ministry of War has never seriously practiced and concluded whether it is suitable for use in combat with the Jurchens, and began to promote it on a large scale. As a result, after repeated defeats, the border towns gradually abandoned firearms, thinking that firearms are unusable. This kind of extreme The way of firearms has never been able to really become popular in the towns of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But all of this has changed since I came to this world. Only I understand the direction of change in this era. Firearms replacing cold weapons is the rolling wheel of history, and no one can stop it. Roll in a direction that is beneficial to Da Zhou, and let yourself be the leader in this era by the way.

Now my father's Northwest Army has already begun to continuously equip firecrackers, and the proportion of heavy-duty firecrackers and self-generated firecrackers is also steadily increasing. Although the ratio is still very low due to cost and production capacity, it has been steadily increasing with.

  As long as you persist and supplement it with reasonable tactics, the power of firearms will eventually replace all cold weapons.

  Edu also observed the changes in the military town of Da Zhou.

He also knew that the Great Zhou Army had already equipped a heavy-duty firecracker, which had a farther range than ordinary firecrackers. The earliest round of shooting had caused considerable damage to the light cavalry, but the Liaodong Army had not much equipment. There are not many, and two people are needed to operate, so Edu is not too worried.

  Once entering the melee state, Eyi firmly believed that his sons and daughters could easily tear up the infantry phalanx of the Great Zhou Army.

The sluggish performance of the Dazhou infantry in field battles has not been two or three years. Even in the most powerful Li Chengliang era, Jianzhou Jurchen was not afraid of anyone in terms of infantry confrontation alone. Had to back down.

  For such a large-scale battle, Eyi knew very well that the final outcome would be determined by the confrontation of infantry, the harassment of cavalry, and the attack of archers, it was difficult to determine the final result.

  Even if the opponent has enough gunners equipped, so what?

Our own armored infantry at a certain distance is enough to withstand the losses caused by the enemy's firecrackers, but once our own infantry approaches and enters hand-to-hand combat, the violent fighting power of our sons will make the Liaodong army understand that they are invincible the true meaning of

The leather drums were firmly beaten, and the rumbling drums aroused the incomparable confidence and courage of the Jianzhou warriors. The steps forward were more resolute, the formation was denser, the leather shields and wooden shields were raised, and the swords and spears in their hands were held more stably. , like a surging tide, slowly and unstoppably rolled towards the phalanx of the Great Zhou Army.

   In contrast, the infantry phalanx of the Great Zhou Army is still constantly adjusting, and it seems to be a little flustered.

   After all, it was the first time for such a large-scale battle, especially the battle with the Jianzhou Jurchen, whether it was Zhao Ledjiao or You Shilu.

   E Yidu's subordinates are also the most elite fighters in the Eight Banners of Jianzhou. The previous people did not cause much substantial damage to him. This wave is his trump card.

  Dozens of tiger squatting guns were arranged in an orderly manner in the center of the infantry formation, and artillery arrays were placed one after another in the huge square formation.

   This is also a big confidence for the Zhou army to dare to fight.

  The production process of the tiger squat cannon has no problem for the Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex, and the Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex has also made many improvements to the production process of the Tiger Squat Cannon.

  Whether it is the quality of the gun bore, the range of the artillery, or the improvement of the quality of gunpowder, there have been several rounds of improvements, which have been greatly improved.

  In addition, there is a more accurate estimation method for the shooting angle and range of the artillery. It does not require the gunners to have too much knowledge. After many practice operations, they can get a calculation that is not bad.

According to Feng Ziying's appointment as the right servant of the Ministry of War, this right servant of the Ministry of War does not refer to returning to Beijing to serve as the right servant of the Ministry of War, but refers to Feng Ziying's suggestion to the Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex when he went to Shaanxi and served as the right servant of the Ministry of War. The Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex is in Start to consciously improve the production ability of artillery.

  This ability has continued to grow over the past year, so the number of artillery provided to the border towns has also continued to increase.

   There are mainly three kinds of artillery, one is large artillery, which is mainly used for defending the city, but Feng Ziying doesn't think much of it, and thinks it is not very useful.

The second category is the long-barreled artillery, which is mainly used by the Navy. The Denglai Navy has begun to equip the newly developed naval warships with this kind of long-barreled artillery with a stronger bore wall and a longer range. Based on the experience of Yi, it is equipped on the sideboard on a large scale.

The third category is the infantry artillery for close combat such as the tiger crouching cannon. Feng Ziying values ​​this type of weapon the most. He believes that this type of weapon is relatively easy to carry and easy to set up, whether it is fighting against the Jianzhou Jurchen or the Mongols. A weapon that is easy to operate will be a winner or loser on the battlefield, especially when facing a large-scale infantry battle with the enemy, it will be more effective in killing and killing.

  Especially when this kind of tiger crouching guns are assembled into artillery formations on a large scale, it is enough to make the opponent's infantry perform a nightmare performance.

  Today is the best time to teach Jianzhou Jurchen good students a lesson.

  But before the end of this battle, both Zhao Liaojiao and You Shilu were still uneasy.

The Jianzhou Jurchen armored infantry has always been the biggest fear in their minds. Once they charge recklessly, can the tiger crouching artillery attack cause huge damage, can it stop the enemy's charge momentum, and can the gunfire army resist the opponent's attack? Impact, this is still an unknown.

Although they have tested the killing effect of the tiger squatting cannon at a distance of hundreds of steps many times before, and although their firecrackers have also experienced many small-scale engagements, such a large-scale battle is still the first. Second-rate.

   This was a battle of nearly 20,000 elite Jianzhou troops. Both Zhao Ledjiao and You Shilu felt that it was enough to be written in the annals of Liaodong War History.

  Eu Yidu didn't think about it. When he saw the infantry phalanx marching forward with indestructible steps, he felt that he would win this battle.

The cavalry of the Great Zhou Army were still chasing and fighting with their light cavalry in the distance, and did not attack their infantry phalanx from the flanks. They even failed to interfere with the heavy cavalry, although there were only a few heavy cavalry Baiqi does not have decisive power, but their early breakthrough is enough to open a gap for the armored infantry behind them, accelerating the collapse of the enemy infantry phalanx.

  Noticing the formation of the Jianzhou Army's heavy armored cavalry, and began to speed up, Zhao Liaojiao and You Shilu ordered the hawk-beaked gunmen in their camp to start aiming almost at the same time.

To deal with this kind of heavy cavalry, the tiger squatting cannon is a bit overkill, and because of its rapid movement, the effect of the tiger squatting cannon is not good, and ordinary firecrackers also have an impact on its killing effect at a slightly longer distance, but if you let it go If it is approaching, once it breaks through the distance, it will pose a great threat to the infantry phalanx.

But for the eagle-billed gunners, this is the best target to attack. The ultra-long range and relatively accurate accuracy, coupled with the mass shooting of hundreds of firecrackers, allows them to launch multiple attacks with ease. round blow.

   It can be said that the charge launched by the Jianzhou heavy armored cavalry was over before it was even halfway through.

  A hundred steps away from the infantry phalanx of Dazhou, the bursts of hawk-beaked gunmen from the left and right sides announced the failure of their intentions.

Explosions continued, smoke rose, and as far as the eye could see, people shouted and wailed, and the heavy armored cavalry kept falling to the ground while running. Even if the soldiers were not hit, the heavy armored horse rolled Falling to the ground is enough to crush them with broken legs and half-dead.

It came whistling like a cloud of dark clouds, but it was irradiated by the sun in the middle, and was continuously diluted and penetrated. Gradually, the further it went, the thinner and shattered it became, and finally it turned into bloodstains and fell on the mixture of white snow and snow. The muddy ground of the black soil finally became a touch of scarlet in the black water of the Baishan Mountain.

  (end of this chapter)

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