Number of People

Chapter 2300: Guizi scroll iron cavalry with prominent swords and guns (6)

  Chapter 2300 Guizi Scroll Iron Cavalry Highlights Swords and Guns (6)

  The eyes of both foreheads are also breathing fire, the front of the chest rises and falls sharply, the slightly pale face is flushed, and then gradually turns blue, the teeth are clenched, and the fists are almost crushed into powder!

  He knew that hundreds of heavy armored cavalry did not have the ability to completely tear up and destroy the Dazhou infantry phalanx, but they were heavy armored cavalry after all, and it cost a lot of money to train each cavalry.

  These riders are not only good riders who are good at riding and archery, but also selected excellent riders who are brave, courageous, strong and strong.

  Heavy weapons such as hammers, maces, lances, and spears in their hands are destructive to ordinary infantry.

  Especially when people and horses are all wearing iron leaf chain mail, it is basically difficult for ordinary arrows or spears to do too much damage unless they hit a vital point or a gap.

  Once this group of heavy armored cavalry charges up, it can really be said that it will fill the mountains and flat the seas, invincible.

  In his view, even if it is impossible to break through the entire Great Zhou infantry phalanx, it is completely possible to choose a corner to destroy it, force its camp to chaos, and cause greater passiveness.

But E also never expected that the eight hundred iron cavalry would perish in such a way, and they couldn't even run to the front of the opponent's camp and confront the infantry phalanx, so they were called by the opponent's firecrackers way wrecked.

  What kind of firecracker is this that is so powerful?

  The forehead is also confused with a bit of fear.

   Previously, the light cavalry's plundering and killing was hugely damaged by the opponent's firecrackers. He can accept it.

   After all, light cavalry are all cloth armor, which is light and convenient, and it is difficult to bear the attack of firecrackers, which is also expected.

But the heavy armored cavalry is different. They are all iron leaf chain mail, which almost covers the entire neck, chest, abdomen, shoulders, arms and thighs. Armor is added to the chest, abdomen and even the upper part of the horse's legs, which is to exert its power to charge and avoid losing combat power due to accidental injuries.

  But unexpectedly, he still encountered such a head-on blow, which almost knocked him dizzy.

   What kind of powerful firecracker is this? !

  It is not that he has never seen firecrackers before. As the coach, he also pays special attention to the evolution of this type of weapon.

  Whether it was the three-eyed firecracker originally passed down from Dazhou, or the arquebus passed from the Japanese via the Koreans, he had seen them all, and even practiced them himself.

The three-eyed firecracker is not worth mentioning. It can't be compared with my own Erlang's bow and arrow. The operation is cumbersome, the power is small, the quality is poor, it is easy to explode, and it is greatly affected by external weather factors. It can be said that it is pure tasteless, the only advantage. It just doesn't require much training to get started, but it's really unbearable.

The matchlock guns from Japan are different. It can be said that there has been a qualitative improvement. He knows all about the range, power, accuracy, and shooting time. It should be said that the shooting accuracy is not as good as that of bows and arrows, but the range and power are comparable to those of his own son Lang's bows and arrows. They are rivals, but the shooting efficiency is still far from the frequency of shooting arrows of the Erlangs. The Erlangs shoot three or five arrows, and these firecrackers may not be able to shoot a single shot, which also makes E Yi look down on them.

  Of course, everyone also understands that Dazhou is different from Jianzhou Jurchen. They have no shortage of soldiers. As long as there are enough firecrackers, they can easily train thousands of firecrackers to compete with the Jianzhou army.

However, E Yidu is not afraid of the training mode of the Great Zhou army. In his opinion, as long as he can flexibly integrate light cavalry, heavy cavalry and armored infantry, he can smash and destroy the infantry formations of the Great Zhou army. Not difficult.

  But today's practice made him stare, unbelievable.

  The light cavalry lost a lot, and the heavy cavalry was wiped out, and they were wiped out by the opponent's firecrackers without touching the enemy's infantry. Why did their firecrackers become so powerful? Can even pierce the iron leaf armor?

Perhaps the only thing that can bring him some comfort is that the charge of the heavy cavalry enables the armored infantry of one's own side to take advantage of this opportunity to rush forward quickly. In front of the infantry formation, hand-to-hand combat was launched, and this was what his armored infantry was best at.

  Erow also took a deep breath to calm down his emotions.

  He knows that he needs to stabilize his mind now, not to be confused by this sudden blow, so that it may affect the judgment needed to make subsequent changes.

Although his side suffered a huge loss in front, it was not enough to affect the changes in the entire battle situation. His side still had the advantage. He firmly believed that as long as his armored infantry steadily charged in front of the opponent, it would be enough to sweep away all those who dared to stand in front of them. enemy.

Lifting his momentum, he waved his hand violently, and his forehead roared angrily: "Beat the drum, speed up, I want to completely smash everything that dares to stand in front of us, let the Han people see the bravery of our Jianzhou warriors, they are not cowards like them unrivaled!"

  The sound of the drums became heavier and faster, spreading around the earth with a strong urging and restless rhythm.

The armored infantry walking briskly formed seven or eight shock formations, each of which had five or six hundred people. From the beginning of the flat and straight advance, the gap was gradually widened due to the speed and step movements, forming uneven formations. Uneven arrows, but this does not affect that they still roughly maintain a slightly undulating battle line.

  When this front advances to the defensive front of the Dazhou army infantry, that is the time to see the outcome.

  Accompanied by bursts of short copper whistles, the entire long row, but actually two large infantry phalanxes, began to change formation.

The armored infantry running in front walked steadily, their eyes were blazing, and their breathing was already a little short, but it would take another 30 breaths to rush to the opponent, ruthlessly thrust the spear in his hand into the opponent's chest, and completely killed all those in front of him. The cowardly Han people use their blood to wash the leather boots under their feet, and use their heads to show off their bravery!

  They also saw that the Han soldiers on the opposite side were changing formation, but they found it even more ridiculous.

   Isn't it too late to change formation at this time?

  Is it useful?

  In addition to creating chaos and panic for themselves, it is worthless to come to change at this time, and it can even be said to be self-defeating.

  Are you going to attack with archers or musketeers?

  It's too late, and it doesn't make much sense!

Tuluha, who was in the lead, couldn't help laughing ferociously, while raising the huge wooden shield in his left hand for protection, observing the front from the gap in the wooden shield, and subconsciously danced twice with the mace in his right hand, he wanted to get rid of it immediately. The panic-stricken Han Chinese holding spears were completely smashed to pieces!

  In fact, the spear-wielding Han soldiers that Tuluha thought were not panicked, but moved out of the gap in an orderly manner according to the sound of the copper whistle.

In front of the gunfire soldiers must be the cover formed by spearmen and sword shield soldiers. This is the blocking front for heavy cavalry and armored infantry, or they are a shield, which must firmly protect the fire gun soldiers behind them. , to provide them with ample time to strike.

But now even the firecrackers are out of the way, and more than a dozen small horn-shaped gaps are revealed in the sound of copper whistles. In each gap, there are more than a dozen tigers crouching and staring ahead like crouching tigers. The muzzle of the gun is slightly tilted forward, with a somewhat gloomy aura in the deep, just wanting to choose someone to devour.

  Tuluha was a little dazed. Although his pace remained the same, his intuition told him that the sudden gap did not seem to be a good sign.

  What's that thing lying like a creeping beast? There are two Han soldiers behind them, what are they doing here?

   Carriage crossbow? It's not like, how can there be such a small crossbow? And how useful is this crossbow in such a large-scale battle between the two armies?

  And what is that Han soldier standing on the side holding a small red flag going to do?

   Before Tuluha and the others could react, the soldier holding the small red flag violently waved the red flag downward, as if roaring something.

  Tuluha only saw the body of the lying more than a dozen "beasts" tremble, and a burst of orange-red flames accompanied by smoke suddenly spewed out of their mouths, followed by a loud noise.

   At a loss, Tuluha, who hadn’t realized it yet, found that there seemed to be something missing beside him. When he turned his head to one side, he was horrified to find that Delepu on his right side was slowly falling backwards.

Half of his forehead was missing suddenly, even the helmet was gone, his whole face showed a strange and treacherous sunken shape, the white brain was mixed with red blood, so glaring that he didn't know he had already killed him. Tuluha, who had seen so many Han Chinese heads and corpses, had the urge to vomit in a trance.

And the skull dregs sprayed on his shoulders, and even some blood or brain matter splashed on his face and beard. Tuluha wiped his face subconsciously, the faint blood The air seemed to be spreading out, and penetrated into his nostrils, bringing an indescribably ferocious and desolate breath, which made him a little sick.

   Before Tuluha could react, he felt something grabbed his left foot. What was it?

  He lowered his head, only to find Suo Litu on his left helplessly and slowly falling to the ground, with a fist-sized hole in the wooden shield wrapped in iron in his hand.

   Looking again, Suo Litu's shield-holding palm was gone, only a **** wrist was left, with jagged bones, and it was horrible.

And his abdomen also seemed to be gurgling blood, no, it was the intestines that came out from the gap in the leather armor of the abdomen, and the bright red blood foam overflowed, dripping all over the entire thigh and calf, tearing the leather boots under his feet. It seems to have condensed into one body with the mud, soaking out a strange purple-red color.

  (end of this chapter)

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