Number of People

Chapter 2303: Guizi Juan became famous in the first battle

  Chapter 2303 Guizi Scroll Becomes Famous in World War One

  Accompanied by the slow retreat of the Jianzhou Army, Feng Ziying walked down the high platform excitedly but also somewhat relieved.

   At the same time, the cavalry chase on the other side also came to an end.

   Neither the Liaodong cavalry nor the Jianzhou Qingqi were able to completely defeat and defeat their opponents. As a result of the entanglement, they both paid a huge price, but it was still the result of leaving the battlefield on their own.

   Zhao Lijiao and You Shilu were elated, and it could even be said that they were very excited.

   This is the first time that in such a large-scale field battle, the Zhou army ended with the victory of the infantry field battle.

Although the Great Zhou army also paid a heavy price in this battle, except that the entire spear formation and sword and shield formation used to set up the defense line were almost wiped out, even the losses of the firecrackers were more than 100,000. Thousands, but none of this is important, no matter how much the price is paid, it is worth it, because this is the first time that Da Zhou has won a complete victory in a field battle with tens of thousands of people.

  In the past, there were victories in the battles between Liaodong and Jianzhou Jurchen, but it was difficult to explain the problem either by fighting more and fighting less, using geographical terrain, or small-scale elite duels.

But this time is different, both of them dispatched more than 10,000 horses, and it is clear that the chariots and horses are going to defeat their own side in a single battle. The number of troops on their own side is still far greater than that of the opponent, and both of them are equally clear, but Yidu also joined the battle without hesitation, which shows that Eyidu was full of confidence in the victory of this battle before the battle, but the result was beyond his expectation.

The Great Zhou Army did not take advantage of the victory to pursue. First, the huge losses and the long-term attrition battle made their side exhausted. Second, the 5,000 cavalry led by Mang Gurtai sent by Fei Yingdong were still staring at the far right. There are cavalry and infantry to deal with.

  In this case, a truce between the two sides should be an acceptable result.

   But for the Great Zhou side, such a battle, which was actually roughly equal in terms of the number of battle losses, was a complete victory in a strategic sense.

It had a huge impact on Dazhou, Liaodong and even Jizhen, which were deeply threatened by the Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongols. It is very important, and the tactical use also fully reflects the huge advantages brought by the combination of tiger squatting cannon, heavy firecrackers and ordinary firecrackers plus spears, knives and shields, which is enough to defeat Jianzhou Jurchen of the same size.

From then on, both the Liaodong Army and the Jizhen Army can arrange troops according to this model, especially when facing large-scale battles, they will not be panicked and panic all day long, and even completely give up the consideration of large-scale field battles , They can finally think about how to better defeat and injure the enemy in field battles.

"..., in this battle, Liaodong Town and the Northern Front Army had a total of more than 780 cavalry casualties, more than 5,400 casualties in the spear team and sword and shield team, more than 1,700 casualties in the firecrackers, and more than 1,700 casualties in the heavy artillery. The gunmen suffered more than 220 casualties,..."

Even if Feng Ziying was mentally prepared, she couldn't help taking a breath. Although the description of this battle was casualties, there was no doubt that there were more casualties than casualties. Minor injuries would basically not be reported. Injuries are only reported when they lose their combat effectiveness, and many of them will find it difficult to return to the battlefield even after recovering from their injuries.

   "..., but compared to our victory, Master Supervisor, I think all this is worth it..."

   Zhao Ledjiao did not feel sad and suffering because of the huge loss, on the contrary, he was extremely excited and proud.

Feng Ziying looked at the excited face of the other party, and You Shilu beside him was also full of smug pride. He suddenly realized that the Jianzhou Jurchens had put too much pressure on Liaodong and even Ji Town over the years. As for them, they all forgot the taste of victory.

  Jianzhou Jurchen wiped out several Haixi Jurchens. Although Liaodong Town tried its best to stop it, it was still useless. Breaking through Fushun Pass, although Li Yongfang's rebellion, also caused Liaodong Town's morale to be severely damaged.

   And now they have taken Anle Prefecture in one fell swoop, opening the entire east and west walls, besieging more than 10,000 people in the Juniper Department, and it is still difficult to escape. If it continues, the entire army may even be wiped out.

In the past few years, there have been dozens of fierce battles between the two sides. It can be said that almost every battle has been defeated, especially in field battles. You Shilu and the others don't feel much suffering.

Now that all of this is over, the curse has finally been completely broken. The two armies fought openly and aboveboard, without any tricks. It was just a competition of strategy, tactics and strength. The Zhou army finally won the battle openly, and Win cleanly!

"In this battle, according to statistics, the cavalry casualties of the Jianzhou Army exceeded 1,900, including more than 700 heavy cavalry, more than 1,100 light cavalry, and more than 4,600 armored infantry casualties. More than 400 people were captured, and more than 1,200 Jianzhou crossbowmen were killed or injured,..."

Feng Ziying calculated silently. From the perspective of the number of losses alone, the Great Zhou Army lost about 8,200 people, while the Jianzhou Army lost more than 7,600 people. The Great Zhou Army is still more, but the difference is not the same. It is too big, and more importantly, the lost spears, swords, shields and firecrackers of the Zhou army can be quickly replenished from other border towns, but it may not be so simple for Jianzhou Jurchen.

According to the information obtained from the staff department, the pedestrian department, the Mongols and even Shanxi merchants, the entire Jianzhou Eight Banners maintains about 34,000 elites who can go to battle at any time. In addition, under emergency mobilization, they can still mobilize people with considerable combat effectiveness There were 32,000 soldiers, and the source here included not only the Eight Banners of Manchuria, but also the so-called Four Banners of the Han Army and the Second Banner of Mongolia.

  Among them, the main source of the Four Banners of the Han Army was Li Yongfang’s department, including soldiers originally recruited from the escaped Han Chinese after the occupation of the Six Forts of Kuandian, and some of the strong recruits from the Han Chinese who were captured in Fushun Pass in the First World War.

The second banner of Mongolia is mainly from some scattered Mongolians on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia, including a considerable number of horse thieves and bandits, as well as some small tribes who cannot stand the exploitation of Lindan Batur, Chahar people, and Khalkha people. There are people from China, Horqin, and even some Tumote and Ordos people.

  If Nurhachi ordered the mobilization of the whole clan, the Staff Party Division estimated that Jianzhou Jurchen could probably mobilize another 20,000 people to fight, but the combat effectiveness of this part of the soldiers would drop a lot, and might not be much better than the guards in the mainland of Dazhou.

   That is to say, Jianzhou Jurchen can mobilize less than 90,000 troops at best, and there are probably more than 60,000 to less than 70,000 people who really have strong combat effectiveness.

In this battle, the Great Zhou Army wiped out nearly 16% of the entire elite Jianzhou Army, and this time the total strength of the Yudu Department was only about 16,000, and the battle losses were close to 160%. half.

  Feng Ziying can even affirm that no matter what the final result of this battle is, Eyidu will have a sad life after returning, even if he is Nurhachi's most trusted confidant, no exception.

"Master Superintendent, the general can even say that after this battle, whether it's Er Yidu or Fei Yingdong, I'm afraid they will have to think about how to deal with our offensive in the next battle." Zhao led the teaching with interest Gao Gao, "This time they are on the offensive, but in the next battle, maybe it will be our turn to launch the offensive."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but look at Zhao Ratejiao's attitude with admiration. He just finished the battle. Is this guy so capable now? Have you forgotten the time when you were so nervous that you couldn't sleep at night before this battle?

That's right, the Jianzhou women were really defeated in this battle. Their losses were huge, and they couldn't use up almost the same battle losses as the Great Zhou army, but the amount of the next battle will also be the same. Underestimating the enemy or laying out tactics rigidly and conservatively.

  If you become arrogant at this time, thinking that with firearms, you will be invincible and invincible, then defeating the battle is inevitable.

"Master Zhao, I'm not as optimistic as you are." Feng Ziying said flatly: "The Eyidu Department suffered a huge loss, but this was when our firearms tactics caught them by surprise, but in the next battle, do you think they will lose a lot of money?" Won’t we learn our lesson? Eastern Feiying is not damaged at all, and its cavalry is still strong. If they make full use of cavalry harassment tactics, our firearms troops can still achieve such good results?”

"Also, the archers of the Jianzhou Army did not play a sufficient role in this battle. I believe that both E Yidu and Fei Yingdong are aware of this. Although our firearms are more advanced, convenient and easy to use, the Jurchens are not compatible with life. Their inherent safari skills allow their archer advantage to offset a considerable part of our firearms power, you must pay attention to this."

Feng Ziying's tone became more serious, and her eyes became a little more dignified, "Don't think that we will be able to settle the country in this battle. Nurhachi was able to bring the Jianzhou Jurchen together under such a harsh environment. If we hadn't persuaded the Nekhka people in time, once the Horqin people completely fell to them and the Yehe tribe was annihilated and annexed by them, even if we won this battle, it would be quite dangerous. "

Feng Ziying's calm calmed down both Zhao Lijiao and You Shilu. They are both veterans. They were just disturbed by the joy brought by the big victory before. Now they are taught by Feng Ziying, and they immediately understand come over.

   "My lord has taught you the lesson, and Meng Lang is the last general." Zhao led the teacher to stand up and admit his mistake.

"Understandable, but the opponent we have to face cannot be defeated overnight. I am not even sure whether we can really save the Juniper Department." Feng Ziying said leisurely: "We just opened a good one. It's just the head."

  (end of this chapter)

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